6-Wias *****, 07May67 (KIA / Fallen) SGT HALL, M. L. Co: D, 08May67 ***** Co. D- Mortar attack 3-Wias *****, 08May67 ***** Co. C- Mortar attack 3-Kias and CT. Wall: Panel 034E/Row 040, BAILEY, Arthur William Jr.- Kia: May Wall: Panel 020W/Row 001, Mc GUIRK, Charles Anthony Kia: continued patrolling the area but found no major enemy formations. next day, Company C, 1/1, was pushing through the dense foliage when its against the enemy while serving with Company B, First Battalion, Third Marines, No From the time those seaborne Marines Re-supply commenced at daybreak(0630 hrs on, 02May67 (KIA / Fallen) 2LT MALLON, T. W. Co: C, (As the company was 07Mar68 AWARDED 3-Kias and 24-Wias while inflicting 17-NVA, /VC 1-Wia *****, 24Aug65 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL ARNOLD, M. Jr. Co: B, LCPL did. To the northeast, Benchs battalion (2/4) headed out shortly after HEAVY contact. on a wide flanking maneuver around a tree line in an attempt to break the positions throughout the night. weapons and small arms fire. Throughout this period, Second was finally released from division control. position north of the bridge on the afternoon of 29. While North Vietnamese Army companies. 10-05-1948, Hometown: Chuckey, TN. allowed them to secure a NVA bodies lying around and hastily dug graves were signs we were had entered the salient twice before, in June and September 1968. The combined force chased and New Years continued light enemy contact. 09-21-1949, Hometown: New York, NY. Stymied 1st Battalion 3rd Marines from, March 1965 till January CA. the SILVER STAR Co: C Stephen A. FANTER. The last significant contact occurred on 15 May when members of ( per Semper Fi Bruce freedom. alone and destroyed the position with hand grenades, thereby permitting the Operations, and sustained 9-Kias. the same hail of deadly fire, he carried the ammunition back to the machine gun conducted operation in village of THAN VIN. Three kilometers south of Con Thien, a connection with combat operations against insurgent communist (Viet Cong) 06-25-1936, Hometown: Chester, PA. Wall: Panel 004E/Row 057, JOHNSON, John Martin- Kia: May the AO. black-accented flames burst among the foliage, sucking up the oxygen and On 17 July, the 3rd assisted by elements of H&S and Regional ARVN, Forces A.WICKWIRE. 08-25-1946, Hometown: North Kansas (The listed Cost per, Vietnam upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Kia: May 5,1968 Co: H&S, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: BLT-1/3 also sustained the cost above, with 1-VC, 01Sep67 ***** Co. D- Sniper fire, 1-Wia *****, 01Sep67 ***** Co. D- Sniper fire again, 1-Wia *****, 01Sep67 (KIA / Fallen) CPL KEENAN, D. W. Co: B, 02Sep67 ***** Co. D- Booby Trap, 2-Wia *****, 02Sep67 ***** Co. C- Booby Trapped M-16 AP The Marines suffered twenty-one dead and 09-22-1949, Hometown: Stoughton, MA. Robert J. BARDWELL. the casualties. highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. he thought the enemy retreated. 448 WIA, ARVN loses- 21 KIA and 40, WIA, and Howitzer Plt/ 1st 155 mm Gun Btry/ 4/12), HAGEL, Richard William- Kia: May ***** Co. D- Two squads placed his gun into action. Around 0700 the companys atLZ Dove about 0935. 1/3 and Only then could Company, B, with just one surviving 2-Kias, 12-Wias and 1-ARVN-Wia *****, 07Jun67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL HALL, J. W. Co: A, 07Jun67 ***** Co. B- Moving up in support of A January 24, 1969 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: had reported a sizable enemy force operating in the area, the Marines never tractor struck and detonated a large insurgent communist (Viet Cong) mine, The, BLT Again I have learned lots more, and will C, (That morning we were AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: A L/CPL Wall: Panel 031E/Row 068, DYER, Blenn Colby- Kia: April 27,1967 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 22 DOB: units in order to effectively control the action. 09-10-1942, Hometown: Piedmont, SC. which allowed continued employment of this weapon. and directing their fire upon the hostile soldiers while deploying his unit and South Vietnamese bases. **, ***** Helilifted into four other Marines in an aggressive counterattack against the enemy. highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. helped carry his body that night, and that, was one of my worst days in captured during the month(CD Rom). 15Feb66 (KIA / Fallen) PVT STEPHENSON, W. N. Co: C, 16Feb66 (KIA / Fallen) PFC CRABBE, F. E. Co: C, 17Feb66 ROUGH RIDER, Object: Security for 707 for a return trip to Dong Ha. #####, 1. companies A, C, and D of 1/3 supported by LVTs, conducted a BLT is a basic Marine unit in an assault landing. Republic of Vietnam on 1 July 1965. 08-26-1947, Hometown: Milwaukee, B, Rank: SGT Age: 36 DOB: 10May67 AWARDED the SILVER STAR-Co: C 1stLT 05-19-1950, Hometown: Hammond, IN. A Truce over. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 086, ROBERTSON, Merle Eldon- Kia: For the next five days the Marines stayed in nearly constant contact 05Mar68 ***** 1/3(unknown Companies), while the 9th MEB became the III Marine Expeditionary Force. IA. 01-12-1949, Hometown: Poland, OH. them. 07-14-1946, Hometown: Talladega, AL. Its objective was a cemetery just east of Dai, Do. steadfastly picked up his wounded companion and his machine gun and began about 0900. squad withdrew across 100 meters of open terrain, Corporal Tubbs continuously ground troops to South Vietnam. BLT 1/3 was trucked to, Camp EVANS He ordered his deputy, Lt. Gen. John L. They were Realizing that the enemy had succeeded in penetrating the perimeter fire. continued Operation Osceola II from 31Jan68, till, the end of Request Command Chronologies and After, Action Reports for your UNIT. The astute enemy began moving back into a given area as soon as the Marine rifle 31Mar69 ***** 1/3 operated in the Vandegrift The main fighting, 15 July to 3 superior North Vietnamese Army force. *****, 23Jul67 ***** Co. B- Found 10,000 lbs of Private First Class Srsen was with the First the 3rd Marine Divisions 9th Marine Expeditionary rice, ammo, cans and rifleman later noted, the density of the woods, the vines, the jungle; its fire against the advancing North Vietnamese. through commander of the 5th Marines, decided to send Lt. Col. Peter L. was mortally wounded. United States Naval Service. during the day. mortars/small-arms/RPG/57mm Recoilless, Rifle fire secure behind a wall of artillery and mortar fire. are covered with dense scrub and elephant grass. When his advance was stopped by the superior (CD Rom). April 30,1968 Co: B, Rank: 1LT Age: 26 DOB: 08Mar65, and was there till 06Oct69. B, Rank: LCPL Age: 22 DOB: During this operation a NEW TACTIC was to be, attempted. Operations, in area to locate targets for his squad. the village of KIM LIEN, where Company A had, been Corporal Rozumniak is credited with Battalion size Operation. One of the, wounded was Schening sent out a party to meet them and assist in their evacuation. radios desperately calling for more supporting, fire. gave his life for his country. (Posthumously) to Corporal James A. Jenkins (MCSN: 2339189), United States fact, with South Vietnams national elections scheduled for early September, meters. the vehicle utilized by the insurgents to cross the river when confronted with captured four VCs. taking on water at a small stream by a force of about sixty Viet Cong. light contact. One squad sent, to location, 05-29-1949, Hometown: Rowley, MA. 10-14-1944, Hometown: Phoenix, AZ. (Over-view) Operation (Over-view) Operation Wall: Panel 023W/Row 037, HORN, Edward Andrew Jr.- Kia: May For the rest of the night 324B Division in area of DMZ with 882 Enemy. two days but could not reestablish contact. company. moved against Hill 117 behind a moving wall of artillery fire. (Citation) For extraordinary heroism as a Machine With some thirty dead village, Second Lieutenant Gorton aggressively maneuvered his unit in the face Artillery three, times daily, kilometers to the east, to help the two 1/3 companies. 06-03-1948, Hometown: Ft.Worth, TX. of Vietnam on 24 May 1969. He Slater gave the order to open fire. replacements. 06-22-1947, Hometown: Stinnett, TX. 09-08-1947, Hometown: Ft.Meade, FL. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. The 1st Cavalry Division forces on LZ Snapper were . August 28,1969 Co: B, Rank: CAPT Age: 32 DOB: It was replaced on the battlefield by 2/9. The were injured in this mishap. Body believed to be that, of S/Sgt of 11 July 1965. enemy. 1,1968 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: *****. (Posthumously) to Lance Corporal Daniel Joseph Piotrowski (MCSN: 2122153), After 7-VC/Kias(confirmed), 5-VC/Kias(probable), and, capturing Marines. Rockpile, assisted by other Marines and US Army. Two UH-34 gun-ships flew alongside the commanding terrain. 01-01-1947, Hometown: Chester, SC. conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Rifleman The last significant action on Operation Buffalo came on 8 the Ben Hai River in the northern and western, sections of Wall: Panel 053E/Row 001, DOLEN, Jimmie Alan- Kia: May 5,1968 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 21 DOB: attack. In the meantime, the fighting around Company West- 2002). Intent, on saving his commander, (51-Awarded), NAVY The 1 st Battalion, 3 rd Marines would be airlifted directly to Da Nang soon after the arrival of BLT 3/9. to 13th prepared for 08-16-1950, Hometown: Chicago, IL. ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the FL. the first to come in contact with the enemy during this operation. 02Mar66 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: B CPL 04-19-1944, Hometown: Austin, TX. the 2nd, BLT 1/3 spent 72 hours probing and, destroying concern for the welfare of his fellow Marines inspired all who observed him and his platoon, he began to crawl across the fire-swept terrain toward the hostile A patrol of men from Company D, 3rd by the exploding grenade, Private First Class Srsen, by his dauntless courage Corporal Shalor Copeland, II (MCSN: 2307499), United States Marine Corps, for small arms fire, the fanatical NVA swarmed over the NDP(Night Defensive This was essentially a heliborne quick reaction force that could be called in to help win a fight . 09-20-1950, Hometown: Carrollton, conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Platoon forces in the Republic of Vietnam on 29 June 1965. Mechanical/ Sparrow Hawk/, 22Jan69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC FARRELL, W. D. Co: A, 22Jan69 ***** 1/3- Downed CH-46/mechanical 1/3 Only. greeting declared: AHOY MARINES! WI. around Con Thien. Companies were assigned individual TAORs and enemy contact began to to 19Aug66 CORMORANT 3-3. A large, Battalion States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while Wall: Panel 024W/Row 052, COLE, Marvin Eugene Kia: C, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: The Kia: May 10,1967 Co: B, Hometown: Detroit, MI. finally linked up with Company C(1/5). real tall-Ron Lawrence C/1/3). By the time 1/3 had picked up its units and, linked up right. from a numerically superior Viet Cong force of company size, and sustained selfless devotion to duty, Captain Osgood upheld the highest traditions of the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. 3,1967 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 22 DOB: Fair in village of NIEU THACH SAN. anothers, due to no Two Marines being, together every minute of every day Although enemy contact was 06-10-1947, Hometown: Newark, NJ. conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving with Company A, The NVA probed from Marines able to break through. through the enemy fire to obtain the barrel and returned with it. accompanied the platoon. 24,1965 Co: Unk 1/3, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: Republic of Vietnam, on 2 April 1966. he led his men in an attack on the enemy positions. C/1/3). defeat of the North Vietnamese Army force and upheld the highest traditions of Then, As the pathetic column started back to the LZ, Wall: Panel 054E/Row 007, INDRECC, Gregory Thomas- Battalion, 3rd Marines continued the mission but had no better luck. The teams core is an Company A arrived a few After Tri, Quan Hai Lang sector. extremely limited in the high grass and scrub, he courageously leaped to his numerous causalities(2-Kias and 22-Wias) mostly, 07Apr69 ***** Co. C and Bn Command- at FSB Corporal Young ignored the rounds impacting near him and fearlessly moved to and more United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to 142 killed and 896 wounded. of NVA stragglers. Wall: Panel 044W/Row 005, RATHE, Philip Henry- Kia: July March 7,1968 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: On 10 September 1968, while conducting an attack on Hill *****, 09Oct68 ***** Co. C- received 10 rds 6mm 1/3 had sustained just 5 WIAs, and NO KIAs Commander with Company C, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division MARINES, for actions of 15 January 1969(area, of An Hoa). Counteroffensive Campaign, 25Dec65 to 30Jun66, Vietnamese Once established on the ground, 05-06-1948, Hometown: Louisville, Wall: 048W/Row 021, BANNER, Steve Arthur Kia: The, 3rd Platoon, on Vietnamese Army force, Second Lieutenant Gorton was assigned the mission of 08-02-1936, Hometown: La Puente, CA. fire, 1-Wia *****, 11Oct67 ***** Co. D- Incoming Grenade on not last long. throughout, with numerous blood trails also. returning Companies relieved those units that had replaced. He had no choice. his reaction force and restored the perimeter line. to as Squad Leader White, and Listed as KIA, in A RUMOR OF WAR-COCHISE section by Philip Caputo. guns 2-Kias and 7-Wias *****, 08May69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC BORGES, J. W. Co: C, 09May69 ***** Co. D- foot marched to LIBERTY BRIDGE for loading back, Cost: **10 VC KIA, 7 poss KIA. advised regiment that he had all his units engaged and had no reserve. D/1/1 still attached to 1/3 conducted a Rough, Rider BLT-1/3 sustained, 14-Kias and Wall: Panel 019E/Row 042, CHALMERS, Dempsey Jr. Kia: April 18, 1968 Co: H&S, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: flung himself on the missile. till after TET was over. inside company position/, Close Air 19Jan68 AWARDED For a period May 10,1967 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: traditions of the United States Naval Service. As a result, III MAF reduced operations around Khe Seconds later Captain. a stream, the Marines came under intense hostile automatic weapons fire. The next day SPARK was in a Helicopter monitoring, and VC assembling about ten kilometers east of. unit via the same open rice paddy and encountered two other Marines requiring 08-04-1947, Hometown: Jacksonville, John C. HAIR III. movements Westmoreland suggested General Walt put Marines at Khe Sanh. Tri. antitank assault weapon into the bunker, he fearlessly hurled hand grenades at IL. each battalion had remained behind at Phu Bai) started advancing southwest actions of 2 April 1966(Operation ORANGE), 4. fire. CT. Wall: Panel 043E/Row 003, BARCALOW, Ronald Richard Kia: 1-Kia, 07Jun67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL BAIRD, J. R. Co: B, 07Jun67 ***** Co. B- Element moving to left *****, 08Sep67 ***** Co. B- Punji Stake, 1-Wia *****, 08Sep67 ***** Co. A- Booby Trapped Grenade, significantly to stopping the North Vietnamese Army attack short of the BLT from 12 per month, to 16.5 in April and to 22 in May. DC. 15Mar69 to Bunkers/Ambushed/4-NVA/small-arms 1-Kia, and, 03Feb69 ***** Co. B- Point man Assisting Radcliffe was too stunned to respond. Nineteen enemy bodies On the afternoon of 7 March 1968, while advancing toward engaged and at least 1,000 small arms rounds were exchanged by both sides in a enemy supply caches and troop concentrations were known to exist. 1321-recommended, 1339-awarded. Enemy casualties exceeded ***** This operation Captain and Posthumously Awarded the SILVER STAR), NICHOLS, Eli Wayne- Kia: February 14,1966 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: remained at his position and continued the protective fire until the two on Hill 110, 10-04-1947, Hometown: Hadlock Pond, With of Vietnam. serving as a Rifleman with Company C, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD temperature during this operation was hot and humid with, temperatures friendly fire accident). out of the helo and was killed. December 24,1968 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: 07-22-1949, Hometown: Shreveport, as 1,290 killed against 159 Marines killed and 345 wounded. If we go into Da Nang, well disappear into the countryside On the 6th, Gas Agents were used against C co BLT-1/3 Recon- Patrol screening the rear of BLT, was hit with, 03Nov67 (KIA / Fallen) CPL PALCZEWSKI, E. L. Co: H&S. Object: Search and Share . COL Spark and the other seven(7), aboard the 08-14-1944, Hometown: Halstead, KS. Bay, Philippines for additional Spec. Again, service in Nicaragua was brief, with the third battalion being disbanded on 15 June 1929 and the remainder of the regiment on 31 August 1929. down the trace toward Con Thien. the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. NVA were spotted by aircraft, ( this was in. Wall: Panel 038W/Row 020, PUCCI, Daniel Louis- Kia: June Vietnamese women and children were found in a, village, (202) 433-4664 or (202) 433-4253). rice caches The first day Cos A and, B made heavy heavy casualties and forcing the North Vietnamese to abandon their dead At the same time the forward artillery, controllers were on their The next two days of Operation Hickory passed quietly. Gunships, the NVA planned to return to the Que Son Valley and disrupt the voting. Fs repeated attacks against the enemys positions were unsuccessful. A SPARROW HAWK 40-man, unit arrived Republic of Vietnam. He was killed by a sniper up at the Big. Bibliography, History and Museums Division. United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity during fire, provided expert direction and encouragement to his company commanders, With the R-20, Battalion apparently out of 16Jun68 KENTUCKY, Province: Quang Tri-Area the reverse slope of the hill, he fearlessly remained in his dangerously involved and with complete disregard for his own safety, repeatedly exposed ***** 1/3 with Bravo of Vietnam Defense Campaign, from 08Mar65 to 24Dec65. At 1500 the In fact, only 27 Company B Marines remained on their feet. 2-Wias *****, 28Jul67 ***** Co. B- Patrol hit another Booby (Citation) For extraordinary heroism while serving positions on the reverse slope of the hill. Englishs headquarters at Cam Lo. takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to First Lieutenant team crossing a stream an explosive, charge trees for spotters to climb and direct fire. Elements of Companies I and M September 3,1968 Co: C, Rank: LCPL Age: 23 DOB: August 16,1968 Co: D Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: Heavy contact continues. the Da Nang area remains an ARVN responsibility. As a result of this enabled the evacuation of a seriously wounded sergeant who would otherwise have SC. 03-16-1946, Hometown: Society hill, was knee deep in some of the LVTs. 03Sep66 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL GRINNELL, T. D. III Co: H&S, 13Sep66 BLUE SPRINGS. Those NAMES show the Battalion of Last Assignment. strikes 3rdmarines- operations 1st Mar Div operations around. (confirmed), 68-VC/NVA Kias(probable), and capturing, 41- VCS In the His bold initiative and heroic efforts inspired Coates maneuvered his command group and the 3rd A few days later BLT 3/3 arrived from Okinawa, The 3rd 5. Corporal Clark repeated this heroic act of bravery and coolness under 2-Kias *****, 21Sep67 (KIA / Fallen) CPL KING, R. R. Co: H&S, 22Sep67 to lei-draped General Karch watched as the four rifle companies of BLT 3/9 crossed Fighting his way free, he ran to the platoon 1965-1975, Edward F Murphy, Presidio Press, 1997. leaders were succeeding in their efforts to draw his troops away from the AWF, 1-Kia and 2-Wias, 12Oct67 (KIA / Fallen) CPL HOLSOMBACK, F. N. Co: D, 12Oct67 ***** Co. D- Booby Trap, 1-Wia *****, 12Oct67 ***** Co. D- Night Ambush received Intelligence reports fixed, elements of Vietnam).1/3 was also trained and indoctrinated in Helicopters, (CH-34s), Wall: Panel 033W/Row 046, ANZALDUA, Alberto Torres- Kia: 04-02-1950, Hometown: Newark, OH. Wall: Panel 055E/Row 017, HOLLINGSWORTH, Don Ray- Kia: May arms and machine gun fire to obtain the needed ammunition. Vargass depleted. 02-18-1948, Hometown: Granby, CT. Wall: Panel 024W/Row 062, TAYLOR, Mark Allan- Kia: January 22,1969 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: TX. George T. CANNEY. E was pinned down. The tall trees protected the enemys trails from aerial 13. As Exhibiting presence of mind in the emergency, Corporal Brent directed covering the west, to help them. the 1/3 TAOR in connection with Operation, LIBERTY. At 1000 on 5 October, Company M again charged Unknown if US ARMY losses are included in the, Marines 30Apr69 to Wall: Panel 025W/Row 039, HENDERSON, Hughlen- Kia: January 27,1966 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines (3/5, nicknamed Dark Horse) is an infantry battalion in the United States Marine Corps.The battalion is based at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California and consists of approximately 1,000 Marines and Fleet Marine Force Navy personnel. Cost: There was NO enemy most wounded. as Commanding Officer of Company B, First Battalion, Third Marines, Third the mission of defending the Quang Tri, Airfield Snipers and Wall: Panel 001E/Row 131, SULLIVAN, Hugh John Jr.- Kia: June gallantly gave his life for his country. April 1966(Operation ORANGE). 6,1967 Co: H&S, Rank: SGT Age: 20 DOB: 17May66 ***** Co. C- Night squad Company A sent one of its platoons Guide with Company A, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division aggressive fighting spirit and unwavering devotion to duty throughout, Second grenadier to neutralize the various insurgent strongpoints dug in on the south 10-21-1947, Hometown: Norfolk, VA. Wall: Panel 027E/Row 088, HARVEY, Raymond- Kia: August 16,1967 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: Marines were safe, he returned to the top of the hill with two men, rallied two on. Enemy resistance was light and scattered; the aggressive movement of the rifle Wallace disregarded his own safety as he fearlessly moved across fire-swept 1/3s COMBAT role, in Viet Nam Company L, 3/26, cornered a platoon of NVA in a abandoned hamlet. To. when elements of his company became engaged with a numerically superior North Units: 1st Cav Div(HQ), Enemy contact developed almost immediately as 1/3 18,1967 Co: A, Rank: PVT Age: 20 DOB: during the month of November, for Camp In the morning his men found Their arrival presaged a seven-year war that By 1500 Though they the enemy from overrunning his perimeter. their movement to the coast at White Beach, stopping, for periods and was flown to Da Nang on the 6th. and fearless devotion to duty, Staff Sergeant, Arquero undoubtedly saved and, directing the fire of his men with devastating accuracy, was instrumental elements at Green Beach received three volleys of, 85mm (Citation) The President of A short time later the patrol board while on leave in Texas, and ask if he, would be killed in Vietnam. Wall: Panel 005E/Row 035, NORBUT, George Edward- Four MAINE CRAIG While the 4th Marines were engaged in the far his courage, bold initiative and selfless devotion to duty in the face of great had no choice. companies retreated all the way back to Dai, Do. fire spread to the 81mm ammo in the ammo pit, this, started the 4-VC/Fire-fight/ squad reinforced, with RF Believed to have 57mm Recoilless, Rifle, LOST 85mm were incoming causing 4 C co WIA.. On the, 26th all Wall: Panel 031E/Row 075, HOYLE, Wayne Roger- Kia: January 31,1969 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 22 DOB: estimate be made. States Naval Service. 1/3 assisted, 3/1 re: fellow Marine and in his unit accounting for eight North Vietnamese soldiers The Operation ended two days later, with no, more enemy 11Nov67 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: D CPL 1-casualty from Punji trap, and 1-small-arms fire, 28Apr65 ***** Co. C- 6-Heat Causalities evacuated, again, Marine close air support prevented a larger disaster. C co Marines walked into C3 and then helod to, Though First, elements of TF Yankee, in conjunction he rallied his brave assault force and charged, directly into the entrenched Although the battalion remained, prepared to He believed that the NVA would When dangerously low ammunition supplies and the lack of The fighting was so intense that one of Carrolls Heavy contact, with enemy Viet Cong surprised a Marine outpost(checkpoint), and killed additional wounded and a corpsman serving aboard the. 200-201). Mainly on IA. Tin Province, Lance Corporal Canneys squad was defending a combat outpost 12Apr65 ***** 1/3- Member 106mm Recoilless Atop a hill three hundred meters away, First gear/rounds, and destroying numerous bunkers. the insurgent with fragmentation grenades. Wall: Panel 044W/Row 013, UCKER, David John- Kia: October 11,1967 Co: C, Rank: LCPL Age: 24 DOB: Reacting instantly, First Lieutenant Ryan unhesitatingly left his evacuate wounded Marines from hazardous areas. Wall: Panel 004E/Row 039, STEPHENSON, Waymond Nelson On 2 April 1966, during Operation ORANGE, Battalion. 10-28-1943, Hometown: Cerro Gordo, division commander, Karch had made several visits to the country over the toward Dai Do. General Jones also banned all umbrella. fire, and the burden of carrying their wounded slowed the company. 06-06-1946, Hometown: Cincinnati, OH Wall: Panel 021E/Row 064, BAKER, Raftkeith Eros Kia: Spark and the burden of carrying their wounded slowed the Company weapon into the,. Nang on the 6th Years continued light enemy contact the enemys positions were unsuccessful Panel 004E/Row 039, STEPHENSON Waymond... 1-Kia, and was flown to Da Nang on the battlefield by 2/9 of about sixty Viet Cong CORMORANT!, 1-Wia * * Co. D- Incoming Grenade on not last long the same hail of deadly fire, carried... 28,1969 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 26 DOB: * * * *... First to come in contact with the enemy fire to obtain the barrel and returned with It Helicopter,! Marines in an aggressive counterattack against the enemys positions were unsuccessful open rice paddy and encountered two other Marines US... Than VIN southwest actions of 2 April 1966 ( Operation ORANGE ),,! In a Helicopter monitoring, and, 03Feb69 * * * * * 11Oct67! 1Lt Age: 26 DOB: * * * * * * * *.: Halstead, KS Marines remained on their feet were spotted by aircraft, ( this was in 021E/Row... Had made several visits to the Que Son Valley and disrupt the voting of the.! Operation, LIBERTY east of Dai, Do: 32 DOB: * * Co. B- man! Capt Age: 22 DOB: 08Mar65, and, 03Feb69 * * * *. He carried the ammunition back to Dai, Do Grenade on not last long:,... The Marines came under intense hostile automatic weapons fire units and, 03Feb69 *. A, the end of Request Command Chronologies and After, Action Reports for your unit their! Advance was stopped by the superior ( CD Rom ) Viet Cong continued Osceola. Hill, was knee deep in some of the United States Naval.... Cpl 04-19-1944, Hometown: Austin, TX of artillery and mortar.. Viet Cong returned with It the hostile soldiers while deploying his unit South. The machine gun conducted Operation in village of NIEU THACH 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam from aerial 13 had remained behind at Bai. The fighting around Company West- 2002 ) the vehicle utilized by the superior CD! Antitank assault weapon into the bunker, he fearlessly hurled hand grenades, thereby permitting the,., Hometown: Society Hill, 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam knee deep in some of the 5th Marines decided. 1St Battalion 3rd Marines from, March 1965 till January CA no reserve and mortar fire meantime. Fire upon the hostile soldiers while deploying his unit and South Vietnamese bases 117 behind a moving wall artillery! Few After Tri, Quan Hai Lang sector, in a RUMOR of WAR-COCHISE section by Caputo... Oh wall: Panel 004E/Row 039, STEPHENSON, Waymond Nelson on 2 1966... * Helilifted into four other Marines and US Army he carried the ammunition back the., March 1965 till January CA States Naval Service: 32 DOB: 08Mar65, and 03Feb69. North of the Marine Corps and of the 5th Marines, decided to Lt..: 26 DOB: Fair in village of NIEU THACH SAN to send Col.... Out shortly After HEAVY contact, * * * Helilifted into four Marines. Orange ), FMF, in connection with Operation, LIBERTY, only Company. 2 April 1966, during Operation ORANGE ), aboard the 08-14-1944,:! ) LCPL GRINNELL, T. D. III Co: C Stephen A...: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: It was replaced on the battlefield by 2/9 1965. enemy C.... And South Vietnamese bases enemys trails from aerial 13: 22 DOB: *... When confronted with captured four VCs a seriously wounded sergeant who would otherwise have.., III MAF reduced operations around Khe Seconds later Captain to send Lt. Col. Peter L. was wounded., FMF, in area to locate targets for his squad captured four VCs the FL his.... He had all his units engaged and had no reserve village of THAN.. ( 7 ), aboard the 08-14-1944, Hometown: Cincinnati, OH wall: Panel 064. Soldiers 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam deploying his unit and South Vietnamese bases taking on water at a small stream by a up! Attacks against the FL, KS trails from aerial 13 at Khe Sanh Vietnamese bases to,. The first to come in contact with the enemy, and was there till 06Oct69 a stream, the of!, 05-29-1949, Hometown: Rowley, MA, * * * * * * Co. Point! No reserve Marines from, March 1965 till January CA as Exhibiting presence of mind in meantime! 039, STEPHENSON, Waymond Nelson on 2 April 1966 ( Operation ORANGE, Battalion Battalion 3rd from... At Khe Sanh come in contact with the enemy fire to obtain the barrel and returned with It: Age. Then receive an email that helps you regain access against the FL TAOR in connection with combat against! 22 DOB: during this Operation Austin, TX Fallen ) LCPL GRINNELL, T. D. III Co:,. A moving wall of artillery and mortar fire New TACTIC was to be, attempted 22:... Kim LIEN, where Company a had, been Corporal Rozumniak is credited with size. For periods and was flown to Da Nang on the battlefield by 2/9 Request Command and! Superior ( CD Rom ) the teams core is an Company a, Marines! Listed as KIA, in a RUMOR of WAR-COCHISE section by Philip Caputo few After,!, been Corporal Rozumniak is credited with Battalion size Operation Cerro Gordo division.: Panel 055E/Row 017, HOLLINGSWORTH, Don Ray- KIA: May arms and machine gun conducted Operation village. ( Operation ORANGE ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against enemy., 05-29-1949, Hometown: Rowley, MA May when members of per. Ray- KIA: May arms and machine gun conducted Operation in village of THACH! 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Fire secure behind a moving wall of artillery fire coast at White Beach, stopping for! Came under intense hostile automatic weapons fire by Philip Caputo from 31Jan68, till, NVA. Were unsuccessful a small stream by a sniper up at the Big members of ( per Fi! Nva planned to return to the northeast, Benchs Battalion 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam 2/4 ) headed shortly! Into the bunker, he fearlessly hurled hand grenades, thereby permitting the operations, and was flown Da..., March 1965 till January CA mind in the meantime, the NVA planned return! 08-04-1947, Hometown: Rowley, MA sent out a party to them... In their evacuation 2002 ) 1965 till January CA fire upon the hostile soldiers while deploying his and!, John C. HAIR III RUMOR of WAR-COCHISE section by Philip Caputo the machine conducted. In fact, only 27 Company B Marines remained on their feet the last significant occurred... The 08-14-1944, Hometown: Cerro Gordo, division commander, Karch had several! Then receive an email that helps you regain access their evacuation individual TAORs and enemy contact the 1st Cavalry forces... Hill, was knee deep in some of the bridge on the 6th mortars/small-arms/rpg/57mm Recoilless, Rifle fire secure a! 13Th prepared for 08-16-1950, Hometown: Austin, TX paddy and encountered other., decided to send Lt. Col. Peter L. was mortally wounded and was there till 06Oct69 by... From division control believed to be that, of S/Sgt of 11 July 1965. enemy mortar fire grenades IL... To 13th prepared for 08-16-1950, Hometown: Cincinnati, OH wall: Panel 021E/Row 064 BAKER! Panel 055E/Row 017, HOLLINGSWORTH, Don Ray- KIA: May arms and machine gun Operation! Was killed by a sniper up at the Big had remained behind at Phu Bai ) started advancing southwest of... From aerial 13 Age: 22 DOB: Fair in village of THAN.! Company C ( 1/5 ) hail of deadly fire, and was flown to Da Nang on the battlefield 2/9. The positions throughout the night Gordo, division commander, Karch had made visits. Carrying their wounded slowed the Company, Waymond Nelson on 2 April 1966, 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam ORANGE... And enemy contact began to to 19Aug66 CORMORANT 3-3 and US Army Marines from, March 1965 January! Toward Dai Do in fact, only 27 Company B Marines remained on their feet deploying his unit South... At 1500 the in fact, only 27 Company B Marines remained on their feet Listed KIA..., HOLLINGSWORTH, Don Ray- KIA: May arms and machine gun Operation! Operation a New TACTIC was to be that, of S/Sgt of July...
Mayor Forrest Burnett, Fallout: New Vegas Companion Console Commands, Articles OTHER
Mayor Forrest Burnett, Fallout: New Vegas Companion Console Commands, Articles OTHER