astral connection with divine partner

If you see or sense a cord attached to you from another, or a cord going out from you to something or someone else, you can imagine yourself cutting the cords and allowing the energy to return where it belongs. As he sat by her, he helped her to cut the cords from all the prayers people had sent her way, people who had meant well, but had not understood the impact or consequences of what they were doing. Most of us living in the modern world are subject to lower astral interference. By pressing submit you understand and agree with disclaimer of Terms of use agreement and privacy policy. If youre feeling anxiety about the situation wondering what you did wrong or why they are so distant. While sex-related energies may be a tough topic for you to contemplate or associate to a sacred mission, its part of your sacred twin flame destiny. It is also possible to consciously create a cord to another person but this is in the domain of black magic. Learn how your comment data is processed. The activation of this energy, also known as Holy Spirit, Chi, or Prana, initiates the process of spiritual growth by unifying our body, mind, and soul. Astral projection, in its essence, consists of the conscious exit of the spirit from a physical body. And it can be overwhelming that they actually run from their soulmate (not the person) the energy of the connection. When its based on your souls being so divinely connected, twin flame sex is divine in nature just as the souls are divine in nature. Starsign is immediately succeeded by Terror's Tide . There is a reason that all of this happened. These relationships are equal to each other. Sexual energy is the primal and creative energy of the universe, it opens our heart to love, and enable us to experience deep meditative states and mystical bliss. The energies exchanged during this type of interaction transcend a twin flames desire to express such behavior or energies and is an instinctive and almost automated part of your interaction with your twin flame. Its a true gift and blessing to be with your Twin flame? So while its all about you and your partner and your relationship, its also all about your destiny as twin flames and your spiritual mission. Its not a selfish act but you need to really embrace the love in your heart. Your awakened eyes will be the eyes of the Holy Spirit. Connecting from loving detachment does not encumber us nor does it try to pull energy from another. Intent: The most important part of astral travel is to have a clear and positive intent from the start.The more positive your attitude and the stronger your intent, the less likely you are to suffer from any of the dangers above. Often these cords are between the bellies but can be in other areas like the heart or solar plexus, etc. It only takes one of the people to clear the cord and it will be cleared from the other. We feel the energetic vibrations and we know when something or someone has connected with us in some way. Twin flames: Connecting at the wrong time? Some find it hard to reconcile these aspects since there are many religious beliefs that make the sexual experience something of a sinful or shameful act. 4. You might find some comfort in knowing that your twin flame is going through the same thing. Despite whatever is happening in both of your lives. Well talk more about that later on. You will be notified with updates, offers and free readings. *All information provided on this website are for entertainment purposes only. How Divine Intervention Saved My Life. Companion Soulmates are different from Twin flames, but they are still part of the Soulmates Collective. The intense attraction and constant sexy energy exchange is going to push each twin flame closer to their counterpart, thereby accelerating the 3D closeness. FREEDOM By establishing their rightful connection to their own true Source of Power a person lives in freedom and allows others to live in freedom, sharing only that which is of true benefit for all! Truth Social Then they are not available or ready, just yet because of their own emotional issues. For some reason whenever I astral project I can't control my astral body. s.src="//"; The energy vibration with your divine partner is extreme and very difficult to disconnect. Not everyone youre connected to is meant to be a life partner. Time is needed in this world for Ascension out of Time, into Eternity; either Eternity in the Void of Darkness, disencumbered by Evil or in the paradisiacal Eternity of Heaven, disencumbered by the Darkness in general, filled with the Holy Spirit of Divine Light which contains the qualities of Unconditional Love. Marriage Between Soul Mates. . Sometimes, this may be the only connection, or at least the initial connection you have with someone. That includes all friends, exs, and people who you have not seen in years. Its a natural part of the twin flame spiritual connection which keeps the twins together even when they havent yet made 3D contact as part of a human experience or when they are in separation. Many will meet more than one in a lifetime and some may not meet the same soul connections. The twin flames runner chaser connection does come to an end and they both can come to our divine union. But that doesnt mean that there wont be sexual energy exchange going on between your base chakras in the form of harmonizing frequencies. There is a lot of confusion about that and about if the Bible somehow is not in alignment with the Twin Flame connection, or even that the Bible or the Twin Flame connection is Evil, governed by the Devil. Depending on the point of the journey where theyre at with their separation phase, we can talk about a few instances of twin flame sexual energies and their effect on each twin flame. Many soulmates will experience obstacles and issues. The more information you can provide, the better. CUTTING THE CORDS When we feel unclear, tired, irritated, upset or drained an important healing tool to use is to sit in meditation and using inner vision, scan ones body, both the front and the back. They are what God had envisioned for you. With awakenings they are aneye-opener to healing your past wounds to move forward. It's pissing me off. Track 5 recorded August 2012 and previously used only as a bonus item. 2. Since your soul carries within in the light codes of high-frequency unconditional love and you have the divine mission to anchor it into the 3D, one of your very active chakras is your base or red chakra. Even when we are looking for a romantic partner, or just friendship, family, any sort of companionship, connectedness or unity, this is exactly what we wish to recreate. To unlock it the player must have reached level 60, finished the Forgotten Nightmares questline and changed the difficulty to at least Hell III. As twin flames, your entire energy body is in fact connected to that of your twin flame. There are two types of sex in the Astral Plane: Sex with an entity from the Astral World Soul sex - You and your partner project and have sex in the Astral world The transfer of emotional energy becomes subconscious for the child as well as the mother and continues to operate for possibly a very long time. 5. Many times those people that we think are life partners, usually turn out negative or even toxic. TUNING IN AND ALLOWING In order to live healthfully, we need to have all of our own energy in our own space in our own bodies. It is a 50% chance that you will meet your Twin flame. Treating yourself with respect, neverbeing hard on yourself with negative words and not allowing anyone to ever bring you down. Twin Flames do. The separation will cause you to go through Dark Night of the Soul, which is like depression ten fold. Soulmate & Twin flames: Spiritual Awakening prior to Union. Twin flames are always connected through the twin flame energy cord. My husband got such a fright that he woke up . Asking yourself questions on why your twin flame entered your life? When this planet goes into retrograde, it gives an opportunity to review and reestablish in the areas of the planet that is ruling. It is that magnetic surge of energy that is pulling you both together. Out of that frustration and inability to understand might rise the healing your soul still needs. Its important right now to keep the peace when it comes to deep emotional conversations between lovers and loved ones. If theres something to be said, its best to wait after the retrograde post shadow phase. For better or worse, It can be negative or positive but they always reconnect no matter what. Soulmates come in many different types. You may ask why do I need all these different Soul connections?. Well ideally this would be the case but here on earth so many people have emotional issues that very often the cords can last well into adulthood. Only Divine Light can cause Ascension. This will give you strength to evolve and grow spiritually. So when two people have been in an emotional relationship for a time there is a good chance that the two people have a cord. Absolutely not. Also projects that may be sitting. Soul connections are significant and hard to come by. They have to love themselves in order to come into a divine union. We are wearing these physical bodies, they are only clothing our Spirits. One of the definitions in Buddhist terms of suffering is attachment. Instagram Showing you both that you both are not ready and that you need to work on yourselves. This means that we give our love freely, without any strings attached. Yes this is true. Though the twin flame journey is a spiritual type of connection at its core, it involves an intense aspect of sexuality between romantic blueprint twins. Nonetheless, it is the responsibility of each of the "twin flame" partners to do a deep self-inquiry on their own history, work to resolve emotional traumas, and "mind control issues". Im asked all the time abouthow to speed the process up tofind your true soulmate or how to tell if this is your twin flame?Or just find somebody that cant fill that empty feeling of loneliness. This cord is an astral-pranic thread that connects the astral body through the navel to the physical body. Many wise traditions consider the peak moment of sexual energy the death of the ego. View all posts by Soulmate Reader. The truth is that this type of sexual energy is part of the constant exchange of energy between twin flames, and it happens way before the twin flames make physical contact and experience physical intimacy. Known as the Devil, the Darkness, Evil, even Satan. It could be hard to understand or accept, and part of you being a runner also involves the fact that youre most likely having a hard time understanding and accepting your twin flame destiny, by and large. The sexual interaction is going to be so intense it might be jarring to your rational mind. The only part that the Devil plays in either the Bible, Jesus Christ, God, or the Twin Flame connection, is the retraction of Divine Light, and the distraction of counterfeit Light. This can go on for many months and sometimes years before they finally realize and stop running. When somebody experiences intimacy and reaches orgasm, we feel vulnerable, defenseless, carefree . What is the difference? Today, we discuss how the cosmic realm is full of wonders and what is the connection between these celestial bodies and zodiac signs? Its sacred in nature just as the souls are sacred in nature. He's not getting The 50 Best Spiritual Movies. Always wondering if my Soulmateor Twin flame? Its only a matter of time, dear heart. It is in what faculty that pain is experienced (however much) that determines the way that pain will be made manifest in your reality. An awakening can happen at any time. And if it hasnt happened yet, the Kundalini energy is going to roar to life with your first sexual contact with your twin flame. Twin Flames: How To Overcome The Struggle With The Divine Union? The Twin Flame connection is heavily influenced by how much the divine partners understand the functions and importance of the heart chakra. If you have a question you can submit the form below, Permission to be added to Newsletter and contact list (no obligation). Light that is not Divine is Light that exists in the dream world, the 4th Dimension, and the dream, the 3rd Dimension. In this way, our energy gets attached to that object and as it flows away from our own being where it is needed we lose energy. Though to be fair, going through the separation and major spike of the sex-related vibe is incredibly frustrating at the time, and it may seem less sweet and more like torture right then. It may manifest in some very intense forms, and depending on where exactly along the journey you are it might be tougher or easier to navigate. And you'll start to notice this change within yourself. Free or royalty-free photos and images. Where the runner may be afraid and not ready to stand up for themselves. In this case clearing the cord can do wonders. The person you dream about would feel incredibly familiar to you in the dream, even if you dont actually know their face. That way of thinking is common these days because blockages have been being cleared in the Twin Flame Collective Consciousness related to ideas that are not True they are mixed with illusion. Friends, workmates, enemies can all have cords. When we go through a spiritual awakeningwe will start to understand everything that was unclear. c shaped side table wood. But they are here to help us grow and evolve spiritually. But how does this sexual energy exchange happen and why? Mainly you have to learn to love yourself first, unconditionally.Being brave and strong enough to risk loving someone with your heart and soul, but knowing that your heart can be shattered. Twin flames need to understand that theres work that needs to be done on themselves in order to feel complete. Innovation ASTRAL offers innovative product designs, created using extensive industry know-how coupled with the latest technology to assure world-class quality. LOVING DETACHMENT Any time we are attached to something we have lessened our ability to move freely without encumbrance. They can be family, friends, and even romantic relationships. Divine connections are scriptural and necessary to fulfilling your prophetic destiny. Do you have a question? someone to help you to clear more darkness. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; Everyones situation is unique and not everybodys going to be going to the same type of challenge. Embracing these feelings allows the connection that exists between twin flames to strengthen. Through it, theres a constant exchange of energy that can be mental, emotional, and sex-related within the romantic blueprint. You must first be ready prior to divine union.How long does it take? Death Of Fear Of Death part 1 2. You can have sparks and melty gooey gross feelings while still being comfortable enough to cohabitate and function together, and that is much more magical than the alternative (jitters aren't sexy). Twin Flame Divine Union occurs when the Sacred Marriage to God is completed by both Twin Flames. Though you both may not know what to do next. The runner feels just as much pain as the chaser but tries to ignore it.They dont know how to express what they feel so they just run from it but its never permanent. It may become almost alarmingly intense, potentially triggering your Kundalini awakening, if you havent experienced it yet. Sometimes there is not that extreme energy you would feel with Twin flames. This does not mean that we disconnect from life or others. The Astral Connection. This work is about removing all lower astral junk such as 'dark' cords to other people, places or situations, etheric implants, group thought-forms (such as anger or hatred). Physical Pains & Their Metaphysical Meanings. Thank you for your support!! This is the time they both become stayers. The definition for Astral sex is having sexual intercourse in the Astral Plane during Astral Projection. But this is only one step along the way, difficult as it may be. Reviews of Psychic Readings & Testimonials from Clients. Twin flames always have past life issuesto resolve before coming into Union. Meditation. The energy cord acts as a bit of an energetic elastic cord, keeping twin flames connected and constantly gravitating around each other. A twin flame is the other half of your soul, so there is only one. This is an evolved and empowering relationship where you experience true soul connection with your beloved. This is why it is never a good idea to search and seek for your Twin flame or any ideal divine counterpart that suits you. All information provided on this website are for entertainment purposes only. Just as Jesus Christ has a Judas, so does God the Father of Jesus Christ and all of the Children of God. You give your consent to be added to our mailing list. Bitchute This time it will be in the sign of Libra. Through the experience may seem odd, it has a healing effect on your energy body and on that of your twin flame. That you understand and you agree with disclaimer of Terms of agreement and privacy policy you agree to the privacy policy and terms of use. Though these things are illusions, that does not take away the reality of them. She had come to him to ask him to help her get free. Astral Connection EP (2016 expanded edition) by Astral Connection Astral Introduction 00:00 / 01:37 Digital Album Streaming + Download Free Download about Tracks 1-4 recorded December 2012 to January 2013. Here they will have deeply spiritual conversations and experiences with their twin. As long as you stay connected with God, you will not reconnect with God's unconsciousness, and will remain in a state of Divinity, the 5D state of being at one with the Holy Spirit, causing you to naturally (without effort) embody your Highest Self. Your high vibe slowly becomes the worlds high vibe. Remember this! One male or female may have one or more than one twin souls. The feelings of love and sharing are often enough to build a cord. That is why true Love is called unconditional. Commonly called the runner and chaser. This can be due to different issues in their lives, like being separated by distance or to discover their divine purpose. Twin Flames are mentioned in the Bible many times, you just have to read it with your awakened eyes to see. Soulmate Connections will help release deep insecurities and fear-based energies. Truth About Divine Counterparts: Soulmates & Twin flames, disclaimer of Terms of user agreement and privacy policy. A wonderful healer from London once told the story of how a young 21 year old woman, who was much beloved by her parents, was in a coma, dying of cancer. and the Privacy Policy. I keep telling him telepathically I'm not in the mood. Your souls shine the brightest the closer you are, the more intimate. Follow us HERE! You can always opt out any anytime and your information will be deleted from our database. Of course this is subconscious and the mother is not really meaning to do this. Possibly the biggest misconception of the Twin Flame Journey as written in modern times is this: Twin Flame Union (and/or the Twin Flame Connection) is dark in some way. That is counterfeit Light, stolen from Gods Light by Gods Alter-Ego, the Devil. People from all around responded to their plea, and the young woman lingered on. God is All of those and what was created, and to put simply, God is All, except for the Darkness. You will meet more than one in your lifetime to lead you towards your divine partner. That is the merging process the process of you and your Twin Flame finding God together, navigating the darkness and the trials until you reach the Heavenly Light at the top of the tunnels Ladder. You're very comfortable around one another - but not in the lazy, dull way. This experience, after much practice, is manageable, and the individual is taken to the spiritual plane as soon as he or she is relaxed to the point of falling asleep. Many times a separation will take place without warning. You are connected at a soul level. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; I don't want the connection. Sure, you can find a kind of peace in the void of nothingness that comes from detaching from everything, submerging yourself in the pure, absolute state of Darkness that is in a state of rest, even unattached to Darknesss quality of Evil but can you reunite with your Twin Flame in the Void? That doesnt stop the energies from harmonizing though, chakra to chakra yep, base chakra to base chakra. The best thing to do isnot stress and be hard on yourself. And this can go on for years. Once this Highest, most Holy Self fills up every space in your body and being (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual), the being and body that was once imperfect will be in a state of Divine Illumination, forever changed into a version that is embodying the qualities of God, instead of the qualities of Gods Shadow; Gods unconsciousness. Twitter. But these connections are going to be a healing connection for the collective and Gaia, by and large, since the nature of your relationship is ultimately divine. Create a SoundCloud account It could be in your best interest to develop your spiritual abilities by giving or getting a psychic reading. This depends on you. Keep in mind that twin flame sex is an experience in the physical, but more so an experience in the spiritual realm. magnetism that twin flames feel around each other, How Do You Know Someone Is Your Twin Flame? Each one helps us to grow and learn more about ourselves. Once you find God you will find your Twin Flame, and then your Twin Flame will find God through you, and you will find God through your Twin Flame. The Divine Soulmate Connection is truly an amazing experience to have. We do not place conditions or expectations on it. Gab Its a bit of a stronger incentive to take that step forward and begin your twin flame relationship. when breath becomes air age rating . You can have sex while astral with a corporeal being, or sex while astral with another astral playmate. Five to ten percent of the world's population has And when you make contact, even if not yet in the 3D, its going to trigger a massive exchange of sexual energy and awakening, if you havent experienced it yet at that point. Astral dominions, sometimes simply called dominions or more archaically the Outer Planes, were distinct planes connected by the Astral Sea which were inhabited and maintained often, but not always, by one or more gods. Here is a mystery: If you die of old age, that pain will happen gradually instead of a sudden, all at once release of darkness (causing pain). We love not from neediness, insecurity, ego enhancement to prove anything or to gain anything. This causes them to run, because of fear. Lower Astral Interference. Considering all the challenging and frustrating aspects of this journey, experiencing this type of sweet torment here and there is one of the less harsh things to go through, I like to say. If you take a few moments to tell me about your journey so far, I'll send you a free twin flame reading to help guide you onward towards union. About Astral Connection Album. You mayhave tried moving on finding another but always finding yourself back with them sooner or later. They are brought to us to help us grow and evolve inside ourselves. YouTube Light that is not from 5D is any Light that does harm to yourself or others, Light that is from the Darkness. It simply Loves. You may find your body acting up a bit: you might shiver, experience shudders, intense arousal, even spontaneous climaxes when around your twin flame. Anxiety about the situation wondering what you did wrong or why they are to... Always finding yourself back with them sooner or later and why that all of the to... Free readings by how much the divine Union effect on your energy body is in fact connected is... 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