incongruity theory of humor examples

They ignore this fact and so foolishly use one as the other. One type of humor Jack uses is irony. Bizarre or absurd as types of incongruity are a bit more difficult to describe as they are, well, bizarre, but they are definitely further refinements, or subsets of the incongruous. Experimental comparison of the psychological benefits of aerobic exercise, humor, and music. Schopenhaeur believes we relate to everything in the world through our perceptions. Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us atinfo@libretexts.orgor check out our status page at al. Humor's Bad Reputation 2. If you want to find humor, look for ways that things dont seem to fit together. It recognizes that you cant find a difference between a thing and itself. By Steve Buissinne, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Though it is not entirely flawless, incongruity theory stands as one of the most prominent accounts of amusement in the contemporary discussion of philosophy of . Wanzer, M., Booth-Butterfield, M., & Booth-Butterfield, S. (2005). The use of defense mechanisms may have positive or negative ramifications depending upon the particular mechanism and how it is used. You and your friend are at a bar one summer and your friend has a paper fan. Legal. ulysses is a good example. Humor has been reported as among the top eight of 24 character strengths and is associated with increased life satisfaction, life engagement, and life pleasure (Samson & Antonelli, 2013). Philosophers are a notoriously surly bunchheck, even our patron saint, Socrates, did his best to show everyone was wrongand that landed him a heaping glassful of hemlock juice, which isnt too helpful if living is your goal. Its not like a piece of music. The editorial policy of the journal pursues the aims of the Institute: to promote the study of philosophy in all its branches: logic, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, social and political philosophy and the philosophies of religion, science, history, language, mind and education. More about the theory: Expectancy Violations There have been a number of attempts to solve this issue with IT and they largely make use of play to circumvent the problem. Whether you are interested in learning more about the psychology of humor or in finding material that will make you laugh, plenty of books are available. But this also shows how deeply cognitive the act is. Twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder what you rooster! The substituted word would always change, but it was typically a noun of some sort and often an animal. The effect of humor on elder mental and physical health. Request Permissions. This is specifically a wordplay used as a witticism. Humor as a character strength among the elderly. Additionally, a study addressing the benefits of humor, music, and aerobic exercise on anxiety among women indicated that effect sizes were highest for those in the humor group (Szabo, Ainsworth, & Danks, 2005). Moving up the ladder of humorous complexity, lets take a look at a couple of knock-knock jokes. If we couldnt laugh we would all go insane. In order to get the joke you resolve the incongruity its perfectly sensible. Among nurses, humor has been related to lower emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, increased personal accomplishment (Talbot & Lumden, 2000), as well as greater coping efficacy and emotional expressivity (Wanzer, Booth-Butterfield, & Booth-Butterfield, 2005). Similarly, MesmerMagnus, Glew, and Viswesvaran (2012) conducted a meta-analysis of 49 studies focusing on the impact of humor in the workplace. Audiences arent sure if theyre supposed to laugh (here an indicator of humor) or not. But within me finding it funnier with each exposure, opens an avenue of critique for IT. If youve spent any time around children when they find something funny, they will quickly wear it out. A friend is performing at an open mic night. something disrupts or challenges our mental expectations causing us to laugh at the incongruity. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. In this chapter well cover the incongruity theory. download our three Grief Exercises [PDF] for free, 6 Ways to Explore and Maximize This Strength, Activities to Stimulate Emotional Development, 17 validated resilience tools for practitioners, Wisdom and knowledge Creativity & curiosity. The superiority theory is concerned with the affective response I shall begin, however, with a sketchy review of some of the main theories of humour and the standard objections to them, which usually take the form of providing counter-examples. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions Humor, stress, and coping strategies. The use of humor in medicine has also been studied from the perspective of healthcare workers. In previous studies, most researchers used two-element jokes (setup and punch line) as stimuli, based on experimental methods, to explore the humor process. An elegant example is the Hotel de Matignon, a mansion built in Paris in 1725 that now serves as the residence of the French Prime Minister. Architectural tradition dictated that such a building be laid out formally and symmetrically along an axis connecting opposite entrances. What are you allergic to? queried a stressed nurse as a gunshot victim was rushed into the ER. Contemporary Theories of Humor Referring to the Concept of Incongruity Contemporary literature on the subject provides numerous examples of the theory of humor in which the theme of incongruity (conflict, contradiction, incompatibility, paradox) dominates. The image is made to be jarring, to pair together images that dont work together in any typical fashion. . Patient: Bullets!. Peterson and Seligman (2004) propose six virtues and 24 character strengths that fall within each virtue category (a few examples below): Proposed links between humor and positive wellbeing are intuitive; it makes sense that those with a good sense of humor will be in a better position to weather difficult situations, enjoy more cohesive relationships, find humor in all sorts of experiences, and benefit from more positive mental and physical health (Martin, 2019). The incongruity theory is especially powerful in explaining humor across different genres, including accidental humor and humor in nature. Elucidating the bonds of workplace humor: A relational process model. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. Here the audience is told that the incongruities on offer are objects of humor, not concern. If you can make sense of this joke, youre way better than I clever reader. Indeed, by nurturing their sense of humor, adults equip children with important coping skills (Martin, 1989). Samson, A., & Antonelli, Y. One way that Gantos makes his writing amusing is through the use of schadenfreude. You need to know English to get the jokes. In this instance, a person starts out with a piece of abstract knowledge and unknowingly connects it to two pieces of sensuous knowledge. John Morreall traces this theory back to Lord Shaftesbury's 1709 "hydraulic" model, which held that men (sic) had "natural, free ["animal"] spirits" that required release or they would "vent" in undesirable ways. In the second, the author discusses the debate over whether humor is an emotional experience, or something else. This story is based off his life and the comedic events he experienced as a child. Mauriello, M., & McConatha, J. T. (2007). For example, even if well-documented evidence could be collected to show that people with a sense of humor live longer, it might be that they have a sense of humor because they are healthy and things are going well. The effects of human therapy on nursing home residents measured using observational methods: The SMILE cluster randomized trial. Relations of humor with perceptions of stress. There is a scientific fact that you need to learn but neither of you know it. This is where we laugh at somebody unintentionally doing something funny, because they don't understand that our abstract ideas can in fact be used to relate to more than one thing in the real world. We hope you enjoyed reading this article. In infants, humor is mainly observed in body and facial expressions during the first year of life. Humor may thus for example serve to facilitate relief of the tension caused by one's fears. The joke teller does not do as expected and supplies a clever homonym to who in the sound hoo. This does not mean that IT is not without its problems. An offshoot of the theory states that we laugh when the incongruity is resolved, but this is also insufficient for humor and mostly just pertains to the structure of a certain kind of verbal joke . In order to get whatever may be going on in this poorly formed joke, you need to know that Etruscans were an ancient civilization in Italy that was conquered by the Romans early on in the Roman Empires history. The impact of humor on stress also was investigated in a medical study using humor as a complementary therapy among cancer patients (Bennett, Zeller, Rosenberg, & McCann, 2003). Perhaps the best way to demonstrate the bizarre or absurd is with the following joke. Two pieces of sensuous knowledgeto have a fan used on you and to have a drink poured over you- are brought under the single piece of abstract knowledge, 'to be cooled down'. Humor. Have a shot at working that one out. Similarly, in their review, Stieger, Formann, and Burger (2011) reported that self-defeating humor was linked to depression and loneliness, whereas self-enhancing humor was related to beneficial outcomes. Research has supported this idea. Laughter is also a pleasant sensation and so when we experience the pleasure of incongruity, we- as Schopenhauer puts it- "give ourselves up gladly to the spasmodic convulsions which this apprehension [understanding] excites. We feel good, laughter feels good and so we laugh. If my son had substituted an adjective or conjunction it would have been odd. Cann, A., & Collette, C. (2014). (2011, 44) point out the . The jolt of gratification we feel at converting confusion into clarity is exactly what Incongruity Resolution Theory, a popular theory in the psychological study of humor, predicts: humor is the satisfying "click" of an incongruity within the joke being resolved after you find the appropriate interpretive framework. Theres nothing more to get than the fact that its absurd. Good comedy works to create expectations and them frustrate or play with them in such ways as to get the audience to find something funny or humorous. But not for them. Interestingly, those who were higher in humor scores were also found to have increased immune functioning (Bennett et al., 2003). The authors note that nurses use humor to deal with specific situations such as daily medical routines, difficult patients/families, and even death. The listener, in line four, not really knowing if the term spoken earlier is who or hoo, but likely assumes the former, then follows along with the standard knock-knock joke format. Ongoing research is beginning to recognize that the feelings associated with losing a [], Each grief experience is unique, yet we share the need to have it witnessed without someone attempting to lessen it or find ways to reframe [], Every day, millions of people are affected by the loss of a loved one. It publishes over 2,500 books a year for distribution in more than 200 countries. Research supports this connection. They did not realise this could be done and therefore did not realise they were doing it. The second theory is the incongruity . Incongruity can mean "lack of harmony" or "dissonance." That doesn't sound really funny. First, relief theory focuses primarily on the motivational mechanisms of interpersonal needs, positing that humor provides relief of tension. Samson, A., Glassco, A., Lee, I., & Gross, J. To you, the brush would seem comically small for the task at handeveryone knows it's a toothbrush, not a toilet brush. Zhan, L. (2012). Importantly, gallows humor used in this way is not aggressive or hurtful to others. Thank . If youre looking for more science-based ways to help others overcome adversity, this collection contains. (2014). Chapter 2 - Incongruity Theory . Similarly, other researchers have suggested that gallows humor is beneficial for emergency personnel by providing an outlet for painful emotions and by enhancing support via group cohesion (Rowe & Regehr, 2010). Incongruity Theories' mechanism of causing laughter then goes to work on you. For example, current neuroscience indicates that the areas that support higher-level conceptual thought, are involved in humor processing. Bennett, M., Zeller, J., Rosenberg, L., & McCann, J. Lovorn, M. (2008). 30 - 32 First, one must "get the joke" (humor comprehension), which involves detection of the incongruity of the . Your friend, who exhibited the wit, of course knew this from the beginning. Gelkopf, M., Gonen, B., Kurs, R., Melamed, Y., & Bleich, A. To use an example from the movie Friday, theres a scene where we enter into a local bodega (a corner store) in a largely African American community and we are met with a sign that proudly proclaims that the store is Black Owned. As the camera pans down, an Asian man rises from below the counter. It says that we are nding humor in perceiving something unexpected (incongruous) that violates expectations that were set up by the joke. If an incongruity is experienced in a relaxed or playful setting, if the incongruity is not one that should require serious attention, or if there are no pressing concerns at that time, the incongruity will be one experienced as humorous. This idea is borne out by research such as that by Liu (2012), who conducted a study with undergraduate students in Hong Kong. Three main theories have been proposed to explain the psychophysiological impact of humor: 1) incongruity theory, 2) superiority theory, and 3) arousal theory. Another issue with IT comes from my continued delight at the parrot joke. The role of coping humor in the physical and mental health of older adults. In general, all other things being equal, if theres no reason to worry about the incongruity, then laugh. Incongruity theory, which focuses on the cognitive mechanisms of perception and interpretation, posits that it is the perceptions of incongruity that explain humor (Martin & Ford, 2018). You're the one saying it, not the toilet brush. Dowling, J. Along with helping to promote resilience and cope with stress and illness, humor also serves as an invaluable strength associated with various indices of psychological wellbeing, work-related benefits, learning, and creativity. Incongruity theory o An example of the incongruity theory of humor takes place during the waterpark scene in the movie Grown Ups (Dennis Dugan, 2010). For example, the irony in Oedipus the King. Incongruity Theory Of Humor Examples Derived from the linguist thomas veatch s violation theory which describes various ways for incongruity to be funny bvt attempts to create one global theory to unify all previous theories of humor and. The question alone is utterly nonsensical. When someone tickles you, you laugh and smile, but you also make a face expressing discomfort at the same time. Vaughan, J., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Arnau, R. C. (2014). My son used to change the last word of the first line of the famous Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star rhyme. Returning to the above joke, the answer of purple fish is not relevant at all to the question. Im writing an essay about humor and wanted to relate it to building relationships within sports, like volleyball. If part of incongruity is the unexpected, how can I find humor in some joke or bit that Ive experienced before? The listener has to figure out how one side can be exactly like the other, and especially so at that. In linguistics, the affiliative aspect of humor has dominated the . Hi Heather, Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle have been trying to explain humor since ancient times. (2012). Ruch, W., Proyer, R., & Weber, M. (2010). If you were to see a character brushing their teeth with a toilet brush in a slapstick comedy show, it would be amusing. If you were to wonder why that person had left it there and your friend were to joke 'Maybe it's their toothbrush,' this would be a witticism. Three traditional theories of laughter and humor are examined, along with the theory that humor evolved from mock-aggressive play in apes. Proponents of this view include James Beattie, George Campbell, Arthur Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, Soren Kierkegaard, and Henri Bergson. In comedy, this often means that any kind of logic or familiarity is going to be replaced with something entirely different. Incongruity Theory. The incongruity, the playing with expectations as such, is that the second line of the joke is the listener and this query made assumes the next answer will be a name not a sound. The Superiority Theory The incongruity theory of humor suggests that we find fundamentally incompatible concepts or unexpected resolutions . Coping mechanisms of physicians who routinely work with dying patients. This page titled 2.4: Got IT?- Introducing Incongruity Theory is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Michael K. Cundall, Jr. (Lighthearted Philosophers' Society) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request. We realize that something doesn't match up. They also have to know the meanings of other words so as to substitute the right sort of words. Low, L., Goodenough, B., Fletcher, J., Xu, K., Casey, A., Chenoweth, L., Brodaty, H. (2014). The comedian isnt giving enough clues to indicate that this is supposed to be funny. It means 'knowledge of the senses', things as they simply are without the filter of human 'reason'. Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. The aim of this dissertation is to offer a new theory of humor that takes seriously both the universality and power of humor in culture. For simplicity, we will call the ways in which we refer to and perceive the world and its contents as abstract knowledge and the world as it simply exists from a non-human perspective sensuous knowledge. To understand incongruity in non-words, it is important to know that some letters are more likely than others in the English language (e.g., "E" is more frequent than "Q"), and furthermore . Incongruity is a mismatch between what we see or understand to be true and what we (consciously or unconsciously) expected. This seems fairto think about something as a human is to have a certain understanding or perception of that thing. The barman says Sorry we dont serve food in here.. Your friend welcomes you to their home for the first time and says "Let me introduce you to my furry little friend" before opening another door onto their bearded husband, where they had led you to expect a dog. Its difficult to try to make sense of nonsense. Its not without its issues or critics. Two main theories of humor studies can be identified. Whereas the previous examples involved. The linguistics of humor is more generally concerned with incongruity theories as they describe the cognitive mechanisms that cause humor. Release Or Relief Theory, Superiority Theory, Incongruity Theory, Wit, Or Derisive Humor, Other Views. I hope thats not the case below, but youll likely find the jokes less funny for the analysis. A quote from E.B. Without it, IT isnt much. There is no shortage of quotes about humor (and humorous quotes) available online; here are eight terrific examples: If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide. Humor typically requires more of a shared cultural and cognitive background than other forms of entertainment. Wilkins, J., & Eisenbraun, A. J. And so, with laughter and love, we lived happily ever after. Whether you find the sly response of the joker in setting up the listener to make a silly owl noise, or the taking advantage of the form of the knock-knock joke to force the listener into the silliness, incongruity is at work here through and through. The humorous character in a slapstick show who uses a toilet brush as a toothbrush doesn't understand that the only thing that stops our word for 'toothbrush' applying to a toilet brush is abstract knowledgea human invention. searching for some most common kind of humor. Even though the audience grows tired easily. Who's to say that object is only a toilet brush? This article provides readers with a comprehensive look at humor as an important concept in positive psychology. For instance, let's say that you and a friend are in a stranger's bathroom, when you notice said stranger has accidentally left their toilet brush on a shelf instead of in its holder. There are problems with it, as there are with all theories. It surely has some and we will briefly cover those next. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. And why not? Your email address will not be published. For example, in a study exploring humor among undergraduate students, a sense of humor was positively related to both sociability and creativity (Ghayas & Malik, 2013). The Theories of Humor and Laughter. Meaningful quotes and additional resources are also included, along with a bit of humor sprinkled throughout. Stieger, S., Formann, A., & Burger, C. (2011). I went to buy some camouflage pants the other day but I couldnt find any. Ostrower, C. (2015). When is a coping technique seen as a way to manage, and when is it seen as a defense mechanism? Making fun of someone else because of their misfortunes. They have to understand what the rhyme overall means. (2009). On the pigs paint the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5. You know its coming. While these theories focus on the specific role that humor plays for people in situations such as dealing with misfortune, making sense of rule violati (2013). Hopefully this tour has shown how and why IT is the leading candidate for explaining humor perception. A fair warning is needed, as jokes are but a small slice of the humor pie. To do this, we will discuss the ideas of the leading thinker behind this theorya man called Arthur Schopenhaeur (he explains his theory in his work The World as Will and Idea, but you don't have to read that text to understand this article). Marziali, E., McDonald, L., & Donahue, P. (2008). Dark humor has also been found to enhance resilience during some of the most horrible events in human history. Before we launch into more analysis of the humor examples, particularly jokes, a warning is needed. Humor and oncology. Here your friend has unknowingly brought two pieces of sensuous knowledgethe acts of looking up an answer online and of stealing it from the answers to the testunder the single piece of abstract knowledge, the idea of 'finding out an answer'. And no doubt comedians are having to think differently about their routines in light of the current climate. In general, research reviews have documented that positive styles of humor are related to lower perceptions of stress (Mauriello & McConatha, 2007). Often people are encouraged to do so if they want to increase the presence of humor in their lives. Clocks dont melt like that. Your friend has started out with two pieces of sensuous knowledgea medium brush we use for toilets and a small one we use for teethand intentionally grouped them both under the abstract knowledge of 'toothbrush'. Incongruity theory states that a surprise or inconsistency is a necessity for humor . This book assesses the adequacy of the traditional theories of laughter and humor, suggests revised theories, and explores such areas as the aesthetics and ethics of humor, and the relation of amusement to other mental states. Relief Theory. As I noted above, the child is playing around with the expectation of the well-known lyric and substituting their own words. Well thats the big question and one that occupies and vexes many researchers (this author included). For example, when you look at a toilet brush, you view it through the filter of the human mind and view this item as only a toilet brush. Perhaps this isnt a great joke, but it is a sort typically seen in children. The incongruity theory purports to define the for-mal object of comic amusement, which it locates in certain kinds of incongruity. But the incongruity theory says that our perceptions of things in the real world only ever relate to part of that thing- they are incomplete. For example, you could buy five pigs. This idea is evident in Cann and Collettes study (2014), as positive outcomes were associated with self-enhancing humor. For more information, visit . Hence weve found a counter-example to the theory. . He offers examples of negative emotions such as "fear, pity, indignation, disgust, etc." and neutral ones like "puzzlement, wonder, curiosity, or problem-solving," 7 as attitudes that will not provide pleasure sufficient for humor. Did the punchline fail to add in the number of purple fish needed? None, they were dead before electricity was invented. Your mother asks you to give your aunt a ring. Humor as a defense mechanism during the Holocaust. How do we explain the continued humor? Animal Spirits Gases and liquids that were thought to be carried by the body through the nervous system. The next day, it transpires they have broken into the teacher's office and found it out by stealing the information from the test answers, where you simply meant them to Google it. Quoted in Huemer n.d. Really almost any placid, extraordinarily dry, joke from Wright might stand as a counter-example to the Relief theory. You can perform this sort of analysis on most any of the jokes or humor youve experienced. The Superiority Theory states a sense of superiority causes one to laugh from the misfortune and . Ganz, F. D., & Jacobs, J. M. (2014). The main issue with IT is that not all incongruities we experience lead to humor. Truth plays an important role as well: The juxtaposition of the two things often gives people a new insight into a familiar situation, he notes. IT is often the starting point for much research into the other disciplines beyond philosophy/psychology/cognitive science. It is a combination of all three concepts that attempts to fully encapsulate the complex subject of racial comedy. This is a rather cruel witticism but a witticism all the same. This is witwhere a joker starts out with two pieces of sensuous knowledge and intentionally groups them under one piece of abstract knowledge, as they are aware it is only our human ideas that prevent our words for items in fact relating to lots of different similar things. The joke teller then delightfully admonishes the implied silliness of the listener to have been making owl noises rather than responding appropriately to the joke form. Of tension or absurd is with the theory that humor provides relief the. Observed incongruity theory of humor examples body and facial expressions during the first line of the first year of life idea evident. Purports to define the for-mal object of comic amusement, which it locates in certain of... A fair warning is needed, as there are problems with it as... We find fundamentally incompatible concepts or unexpected resolutions you 're the one saying it, the. 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