It was 36 pages with no dialogue and followed the journey of a kilo of cocaine from the plant all the way to the nightclub in Canada. So this sounds like incredibly damning testimony. The pin is the most tangible sign of membership in a famously exclusive community: an eagle perched on a horizontal three-pronged trident, clutching a flintlock pistol, with an upright anchor nestled in the mix. His testimony also deviated in other significant ways from what he had told investigators before trial; the Navy has indicated it is considering charging him with perjury. In "Running With the Devil," Nic's surprisingly subdued, but Fishburne more than takes up the slack with a trippy performance that matches anything Cage has delivered lately. "It's not this quick fix that we throw a switch and it just occurs. To be a good leader, be a good follower. One active-duty SEAL officer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on behalf of the Navy, said that most SEALs he knows were not concerning themselves with the drama around Chief Gallagher, and did not feel as if their own pin was worth less now that the chief had been allowed to retain his. The only one surviving is this teenage fighter. But then all of that changed. Military prosecutors informed Adm. Bolivar that the evidence from the 2012 case has degraded to the point where they believe obtaining convictions is no longer likely, said Navy Region Southwest spokesman Brian ORourke in a prepared statement emailed to Navy Times. I think that's why I'm doing okay in Hollywood. Have they proved reliable in the past? ", "The last one is spiritual leadership," he added. Who is going to prevail in this culture, the guys who want to do anything that they feel is necessary to get the job done, or the guys who want accountability and want the rule of law? SEAL Team teaches you how to learn really fast. Watch WrestleMania and other WWE Premium Live Events on Flow. Those words became a way of life for the soldier-turned-author I think that they thought that they would see Chief Gallagher through the most sympathetic eyes. From the beginning, the Navy portrayed the murder case in particular as a simple one with eyewitnesses to the crime and a culprit whose text messages appeared to admit guilt. Three is emotional leadership -- choosing positivityover negativity. "In military jargon, it's an ambush. I got Frankie Faison, who has done a few big movies, like "Silence of the Lambs." The email included a message to the lead prosecutor in the case, Cmdr. Join Facebook to connect with Jason Hogan and others you may know. "Now having worked with thousands of wounded warriors, I saw a common thread. They were not read aloud in court, but one Marine attached to the SEAL platoon testified about part of what they said. This is The Daily.. And he texts back, thanks, I cant wait to bury this in somebodys skull. Expand Autoplay. During the tournament, the team became a symbol of a broader fight for gender equality after the players sued their employer, the U.S. Soccer Federation, citing inferior wages and working conditions compared with the U.S. mens team. Their star witness was a medic named Corey Scott. JC: That's a great point and I purposely did that. They said, "Hey, you look pretty good on camera. ", FORGING AND RE-FORGING OF A NAVY SEAL LEADER, Redman at the Combat Support Hospital in Baghdad on Sept 13, 2007 -- after emergency surgery, following the firefight that almost took his life. You can't do a movie for a hundred grand." New SEALs are pinned at the end of an arduous yearlong training pipeline that has changed slightly in response to the global war on terror. But his wife, his children, his brother, his parents were there to hear this testimony. I cant imagine how panicked the prosecution is in this moment. The Marine Corps is eliminating the scout sniper program as part of the service's big Force Design 2030 overhaul. Bravo! The wounds I received I got in a job I love, doing it for people I love, supporting the freedom of a country I deeply love. People try to silo you in Hollywood: "Well, you were in the military. "If you recognize you have a problem, what are the things you can bring to bear to be able to deal with it? At the heart of the scandal was a warrantless surveillance program featuring Czaplak that was cooked up with Naval Criminal Investigative Service agents to track emails sent by defense attorneys and Navy Times, allegedly to uncover leaks after questions emerged that military officials were hiding evidence that could clear Gallagher. At one point, the classified rules of engagement that guided SEALs on who they could kill in Iraq were delivered in a locked black bag by an armed guard. Market data provided by Factset. How do you get from being a SEAL to a career in Hollywood? Regulations state that a commanding officer only needs to lose faith and confidence in the service members ability to perform his duties as a SEAL to initiate the process of pulling his pin. They say write what you know, but I've been in over a hundred countries. This week, Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher was in danger of losing his. Claim: Social media post requests prayers for the families of 30 U.S. military personnel killed when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan. He just seemed stable after that. Today: The trial of Navy SEAL chief Edward Gallagher offered rare insight into a culture that is, by design, difficult to penetrate. I took it to a couple of big production companies and they said, "We love this idea, but you gotta make it more commercial." I ruptured four discs in my back. They deliberated for a little more than eight hours before reaching a verdict. JB: What gave you your perspective on the drug trade? The lieutenant will be the only defendant remaining and the only specification will be tied to those messages. Today, in shackles, Navy SEAL Chief Edward Gallagher walked into court. And what his men say is Chief Gallagher came up, and without really any explanation, stabbed the teenager in the neck several times and killed him. And . I went through the Master Training program and was an instructor. At the beginning of the movie, Nic's character is hosting a pizza party for a youth soccer team and he's the guy moving cocaine through the western United States. We were sitting and talking about these characters and which actor was potentially going to play which character. The commander would then make a judgment about the sailors fitness to perform in related occupations, or recommend that he be separated from the Navy entirely. Then I took it to Patriot Pictures and they said, "Wow, we want to make this movie." According to testimony, Chief Gallaghers platoon built a rooftop bar at their compound and had empty beer cans rolling around in their trucks; a lieutenant made a video montage for the platoon, set to music, of enemy corpses from the deployment; a number of SEALs and Marines besides Chief Gallagher took photos with the dead ISIS fighter; and one SEAL mistook a car loaded with women and children in Mosul for ISIS fighters and flew a hand-launched explosive drone, known as a Switchblade, into the vehicle, killing them all. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. As a father, former Navy SEAL and author of a new novel centered around global terrorism and a seemingly invincible special operations commando, Carr lives a life that is almost as compelling as the likes of Jason Bourne and Jack Reacher. At 32, Jason Hogan already has been exposed to more danger than most people face during "Running With the Devil" is opening today in select theaters around the country and is also available On Demand and to purchase or rent from iTunes, Vudu, Amazon or your favorite online video source. It was a skydiving thing. And the prosecution starts getting flustered. All rights reserved. Hogans family has organized a GoFundMe campaign to help cover medical bills and the cost of physical therapy. A million percent. Regarding one section of the crowded city of 660,000 along the Tigris River, the Marine testified that for SEAL snipers, everything on the other side of the river was good to go, was cleared hot, were good targets.. And that day I talked to a few SEALs in the platoon. You can only make military movies.". a new normal. Well, I did and it got distributed and it did its run on pay-per-view and it won 19 awards worldwide. Cabell didn't give anyone a name in the movie. I was in bootcamp when the Navy SEALs movie came out, so before that, I don't think too many people knew very much about [the SEALs]. Then it just devolved to that. Czaplak had served as the lead prosecutor in a similar war crimes case against Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward Eddie Gallagher, who was accused of stabbing to death a wounded Islamic State prisoner of war during a SEAL Team 7 deployment to Iraq in 2017, among other charges. Whats their motivation for telling us? Jason Hogan is hopeful he'll get out of a hospital in months, not years. So lets say that Chief Gallagher killed a verified, designated ISIS combatant. She also let stand charges related to what officials contend are offensive text messages shared by Webb with the other SEALs. And that's how it evolved. If you walk into a production office and you want them to give you $8 million to film a movie, they're not gonna let you do it if they don't think you're responsible enough to handle that. I wont do it again where you guys can see it. You've got to execute.". In a prepared statement released Tuesday evening, Navy spokesman Cmdr. "So, I went home on the computer and I went to a make-your-own-T-shirt website and made a shirt with an American flag on the back, and I called it 'Wounded Wear.' JB: You've got a loaded cast. Jason Redman, who retired from the Navy after 21 years following gunshots to the arm and face, has been vocal on the issue. Navy SEAL Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher with his wife, Andrea Gallagher, at Naval Base San Diego on Tuesday. He also founded a clothing line called "Wounded Wear" for soldiers who suffered amputations or facial disfigurement. That's kind of the truth of how it is. WebThe Navy SEALs Fund is Honored to have Retired Navy SEAL Jason Cabell on our team as an Ambassador for the Navy SEALS Fund Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield. On the front, it said, 'Stop staring. Retired Navy SEAL Jason Cabell is launching his Hollywood career as a writer/director with "Running With the Devil," a star-filled action picture that offers insight These actors read dozens of scripts a week. The reporter and at least one editor know the identity of the source. This is not actually a murder case. As recently as the early 2000s, SEAL candidates had to also complete a six-month probationary period on an operational team. Chief Gallagher has a great reputation. Most sailors who lose the right to wear the SEAL insignia do so because of poor performance. So the court-martial is convened at Naval Base San Diego. They were driving around convertibles and it looked pretty cool, so I went down and talked to them. I started cutting out negative people in my life. I think that's my emerging style. You've managed to make this film and you're moving on to another, a hurdle that seems even harder to clear. Thats right. It feels like I've been given a second chance," Redman told Fox News. I am incredibly tough and will make a full recovery. The prosecution thinks theyve got a great case. And what the defense says is they decided they didnt like him over small things, that he was too hard on them, that he was taking them on missions they thought were too dangerous. And there was nothing they could do. He did not testify. In the parlance of his tribe, the chief was going to get his bird pulled by the SEALs top leader, Rear Adm. Collin Green. Legal Statement. They sent it to Nic Cage and they called me the next day and I flew to Vegas to meet with Nic. Hogan, a highly decorated Navy SEAL who completed two deployments to Iraq, was injured June 26 while working security at a bar and restaurant owned by Dianna and JC: Well, I was in SEAL Team. FormerNavy SEAL and Army RangerJason Redman's motto is "Lead always and overcome all." And you have him sending pictures to other SEALs, saying, look at what I just did. At that time, this marked deadliest moment in the war in Afghanistan. This is the true story of the drug trade. The medic says that he killed the captive. And to show the SEALs readiness to fight, the pistols hammer is cocked back, ready to fire. Now, was I wrong a few weeks ago to somehow give the impression to people that I was praising those men who I successfully opposed time and again? So, I went and signed up and I went home and my roommate said, "Hey, the SEALs do a lot of things in the water and you don't really know how to swim." Just doing training with skydiving and the shooting and ship boarding and all the demolition, it's a grinder, you know? I call them the X," he said. Dude was a good guy and a good student. Who do you think you are? I dont think those wounds would have killed him. There is an active battle going on. The medic said, no. In court, some said they had started carrying weapons for self-defense. And the defenses theory is that because of these small slights, a group of SEALs in the platoon decided, were going to get rid of Chief Gallagher. Have an open mind. Are we giving them rules of engagement? You do a lot of writing in the military when you become more senior, as you know, and you write a lot of reports. Specifically, he shot down a young girl in a flowered hijab. Matthew Axelson Member of SEAL Delivery Team One, killed in action during Operation Red Wings. Hes a hero in the eyes of every American who followed this case.. In a courtroom at Naval Base San Diego, close to the harbor where hulking destroyers and missile cruisers dock, a jury of five Marines, a member of the SEALs and a Navy officer, nearly all with combat experience, spent two weeks hearing testimony in the trial, including unvarnished accounts of one platoon in the Navys celebrated elite commando force. But a single tweet on Thursday morning from President Trump has likely stayed Admiral Greens hand. But he could still face administrative punishment from the Navy, including an other-than-honorable discharge. The apology came during a speech to a mostly black audience in South Carolina after weeks of criticism from fellow Democrats that Biden seemed to be condoning racist views. I had a couple knee surgeries. I had watched "All is Lost" with Robert Redford and "Cast Away" with Tom Hanks, so I wanted a minimum-dialogue movie. There is no proof they ever happened, period.. The defense described the accusers as disgruntled conspirators who plotted in a group text chat they called the sewing circle. The chiefs lawyers said the men were bitter because their chief was stealing snacks from them, needlessly exposing them to fire and then calling them cowards when they questioned his tactics. Are we empowering them the way we need to to go defeat our enemies? But truly and sadly, if you think about the drug trade, it's these decentralized ratlines, which is why you can go anywhere in the world or the country and get any drug you want. And then perhaps most striking is a teenage ISIS captive came in to their base, and they were treating him for wounds he had gotten in a battle. I have to say that so on rules of engagement, Im not going to speak on rules of engagement or anything that overseas. Redman speaking at a national entrepreneurship Empire summit hosted by the Fitness franchise Fit Body Boot Camp in San Diego this past August. To make a new insignia for SEALs, the Navy simply added the eagle to the frogmens insignia. Im sorry for any of the pain or misconception I may have caused anybody. "We're basically slapping a Band-Aid on a sucking chest wound. And so I think they thought that that helped their case to the extent that if there wasnt a murder here, there was at least a stabbing. Great leaders are humble. Right after I wrote "Smoke Filled Lungs," I wrote the beginnings of "Running With the Devil." And so everybody in the courtroom was shocked. His missions around the world sent him jumping out of planes, and diving into the depths of murky waters in There is no physical proof this ever happened, no date, no day, no photos, no video, Mr. Mukasey told the jury. Or do you think that this jury of Gallaghers military peers would have been so sympathetic to him anyway that it would have been a verdict like it was? If you are coming into this room with sorrow or to feel sorry for my wounds, go elsewhere. Dave, have you spoken to any of the SEALs who made the decision to testify against their commander since the verdict? [Navy wants to eject Chief Edward Gallagher from SEALs after Trump cleared him.]. Two of his current books: "TheCase for a Creator" by Lee Strobel and "1984" by George Orwell. The others that they have they leave on ice, because theyre afraid of what will happen. But then two SEALs testify that Chief Gallagher, for no clear reason, for reasons that even when pressed on the stand, they couldnt offer any insight into, Chief Gallagher pulls out this custom knife and stabs the fighter repeatedly in the neck. You've been a SEAL and you've written and directed your own movie, one with a lot of movie stars in it. If I recall correctly Goggins stated on a podcast that he requested 7 times to go to Ranger school and he kept getting denied. Those words became a way of life for the soldier-turned-authorafter he battled back from 37 surgeries and years of recoveryto become one of America's most inspirational figures. And the prosecutor sat down from his examination, clearly perplexed about what was happening. Theyve lost their star witness. People who have been watching Nic Cage over the last decade or so have gotten accustomed to his incredibly experimental, daring performances. Legal Statement. Those are all questions that as they go into deliberations, they get to answer, with none of us in the room to see what happened. So this is a guy who had served almost 20 years in the Marines and the Navy SEALs and had eight deployments and a chest full of commendations for heroic actions. They have seen friends change their testimony or others back out. Five-year-old Beau Wise's big brothers were more "It doesn't happen overnight," he said. Although authorities conceded that most of the abuse stemmed from Afghan Local Police militiamen beating villagers with clubs and car antennas, one detainee allegedly died after a round of brutal questioning, and investigators believed the SEALs couldve done more to prevent the maltreatment. Cheered by supporters who called him a hero, but accused by the military of being a war criminal. In the military, the jury is not allowed to speak afterwards. These threats were threats to their careers as SEALs, threats to their safety. Redman's second pillar: "The Pentagon of Peak Performance," in which he seeks to fulfill five elements of leadership, physical, spiritual and emotional in nature. And they start to tell the story of this chaotic battle, where the SEALs are on the edge of the city sort of directing things, helping the Iraqi partner forces fight ISIS. Watch every Premium Live Event and enjoy some of your favorite WWE content on Shahid. "E stands for evaluating your assets," Redman continued. Have they proved reliable in the past? It is a ritual that has been repeated at many funerals of Navy SEALs and dramatized in Hollywood movies: SEALs approach a gravesite one by one, remove the Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. The dead take their comrades SEAL pins with them to the grave. Are you suggesting that the defense and Gallagher may have known that this was going to happen, that this was somehow coordinated? WebJason Hogan is on Facebook. ", He added, "I like trying to motivate and inspire other wounded warriorsout of that hard, dark time. Can we corroborate the information? Eddie, whats your message, briefly, to future Navy SEALs, guys who would wear that trident, who would go do the things youve done? To be honest with you, it's like playing football or baseball. You get beat up. His ability to give hope to others was the driving force behind his miraculous recovery,and it has continued to fuel his actions to this day. So, I hosted a couple of pilots that never got picked up. Yeah. Well, what is more telling is not how it looks in the courtroom because I think they did a very good job of holding things together but outside of the courtroom, there are people on their witness list who they have scheduled to call and now they realize they cant trust, because if this medic says this, who knows what the other guys are going to say? The defense painted the accusers as scared and entitled millennials who could not meet their chiefs high expectations, and fabricated war-crimes allegations to take him down. And that was really a conscious effort by the defense. And the rules of engagement are there. "Everybody in life has these hard moments, these sticking points. And I wonder what Gallaghers reaction was. Then they have the eyewitness testimony of two Navy SEALs who say they witnessed the chief stab this ISIS prisoner who was about 15 years old in the neck. "R stands for, you've got to recognize the reality," he said. Recipient of the Navy Cross. He left and essentially went back to life as a SEAL. SEALs from the platoon also accused him of firing from a sniper post at unarmed civilians who posed no threat, including an old man and a schoolgirl. Prine came to Navy Times after stints at the San Diego Union-Tribune and Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. The malicious and slanderous lies emanate from two people that we know. Gallaghers bird is not going anywhere at the moment. The movie runs a tight 100 minutes and Cabell is content to let the action speak for itself when it can. Theyre disappointed. Theyll have a very hard road ahead if they choose to stay in the SEALs. Bravo 1/1B; Max Thieriot as Special Warfare Operator Second Class Clay Spenser a.k.a. It would have killed you.' Market data provided by Factset. Then you have even more SEALs who, later that day, witnessed a meeting in which most of this detachment of the platoon confronted their chief and said, what you did was wrong. How much of this comes down to the medic and to what he claimed happened? They sedated him. But the military repeatedly stumbled in investigating and prosecuting the chief. He's real big in Australia. And he then drives two or three miles back, away from the fight, to their outpost to see this fighter. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. My answer is so what? But, people who stayed active and avoidedself-medicating would have a better chance of climbing out of the pitand avoiding the ambush of negativity that ultimately could drag them down. Why don't you take some acting classes? When the first SEAL teams were created in the early 1960s, they drew sailors from the Navys Underwater Demolition Teams the frogmen of World War II renown. So according to this jury, he is guilty only of posing for a photo with a dead man who, according to this verdict, it would seem, the medic killed, not Gallagher. The combat veteran said he's had to sharpen his focus to deal with depression and self-doubt, buthis system has better prepared him to face "the demon" within. Then I will push that about 20 percent further through sheer mental tenacity. And on his latest deployment to Iraq, he was turned in by his own men. So, the script kept growing and growing and I got it to that 120 pages. SEALs pounded their pins into the coffin of Special Warfare Operator 3rd Class Denis Miranda during his funeral in 2010. Rather, Chief Gallagher, a SEAL who was court-martialed this summer for his actions in Iraq and cleared of all but one charge, was likely going to lose the right to wear one at all. It is show business, and a lot of people just want to be creative. May 30, 2021, 9:26 AM. I dont think so. "Facial injuries are the worst because as humans, we speak to each other by looking at each other's faces," Redman said. Push that about 20 percent further through sheer mental tenacity that time, marked. Sewing circle people who have been watching Nic Cage and they said ``... That they have they leave on ice, because theyre afraid of what they,... 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