lucius finds harry crying fanfiction

I mean for fucks sakes he went to the DoM, with the Weasley children, Hermione and Luna no less, to rescue Lucius. Happy that everything had run so smoothly, it was possible it became too sure, for suddenly, the cloak it was wearing slipped down and uncovered its face. Oh, please I've got to do a wee" Another little jet of piss shot from his cock just as he finally freed it from his pyjamas. His hips arched up off the bed. Work Search: Through this she learns secrets Dumbledore never intended for her to know and she vows to be anything but what they expect of her. However, when a play date with Draco comes along, those secrets threaten to spill. A contract between Lucius Malfoy and James Potter leads Draco to claim Harry, before his Father can. linkffn(5402315), More Important Things -- accident. Then he turned his attention to his genitals. Seems like somebody should have invented something for exactly this fetish by now; they have everything else. The knots in his stomach did not allow food. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, People these days don't know what actually bad movies are like. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. After the Triwizard Tournament, Hazel Potter goes through an early inheritance brought on by now being considered an adult through the tournament. Look, sure, pee on whoever you like in the privacy of your own home, but this is NOT the sort of thing you bring into hotel rooms. Lucius was pissing, but that doesn't seem to be Harry's thing, does it? "I like to watch you, Harry. Sirius Black NEVER knew Remus would blame him.or blame Harry more. Now, lets continue with this. He had eyes so cold they seemed to freeze everything they looked upon. ", Harry nodded to the redhead. **. What did he do? asked Mrs. Brown suddenly. It wasn't enough and he arched against him, fighting the spasms in his bladder. Elizabeth mus najt sv msto, a vyhrt vlku proti falenmu pnovy svtla. he murmured into the nape of Harry's neck. 19 Stories. Harry groaned, it was only a trickle, but he was still pissing. A muggle man who appears to be no older than Lucius himself. Doubt it. It wouldn't last. Btw, have already read The Unforgiving Minute. When Harry is facing the basilisk and Tom Riddle down at the Chamber of Secrets, Snape shows up for the rescue. "Nothing came out that time, but I don't think I can last much longer though, not without relieving some of the pressure." He felt it jerk, just as it did when he was aroused, which he was. "Summer trousers" are actually an acceptable phrase for "light pants worn in warm weather," right? The school filled with people, even more so than usual. Meeting a shinobi wasn't in her plans. A man w All credit goes to the TERF bitch that is J.K Rowling I own nothing but the storyline and plot and all that He squeezed his cock through the thin fabric of his trousers. Piss in the shower or the sink, go behind a tree in the park or do it up against a wall. He heard himself say it and saying it made him want to go even more. "Want to touch it, want to hold itbut I can't stopI can't stop weeing.". He watched his piss pour out of the slit in his jerking cock, knowing that he was helpless to prevent it and that knowledge excited him even more. Maybe he is just what Lucius needs. Then he would be free and he and his mother could leave the Malfoy name behind. Proudfoot works with Harry . That something made its way through the small creatures, wary not to bump into anything. "Mine to keep, mine to command, do you know what I would do?". "That's nice". So I contend to you thart Harry Potter is not talking like a baby right now as part of his sexual fan tasies, but that HARRY POTTER IS AN IDIOT. Draco watched as Crabbe and Goyle threw pancakes, toast, jelly and surprisingly some fruit on their plates, all in one big gross mess. The mix of lavender and billowing steam from the rising bath invaded her senses. His face was, as always, set in a scowl. But for all the fucking nonsense we've read, there's not been a hunt of such a fetish. Lucius' hand was moved with his and over his, kneading his cock, putting pressure on it to help him keep from pissing. Snape! I wonder if Harry's thoughts began, but he stopped himself. Absently, Lucius notes how intriguing it is that there is no sign of recognition on this muggle's face. I peed in the toilet. Wouldnt sit well with the board, I guess. "Can't stop it, can't hold itI'm weeing. Sixteen year old Severus Snape has an amazing life. He kissed Harry's stomach and flicked his tongue across his contacting bladder. AU. Harry dropped down next to her. YOU'RE RUINING IT FOR ME. Until then, please enjoy your breakfasts.". Expelliarmus pissiarmus or something? He could not make himself snap back at his father he knew the repercussions if he did. Despite Rons initial unhappiness, he seemed rather glad now. Site: [][140220078885072:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 57 | Words: 287,429 | Reviews: 4,363 | Favs: 5,430 | Follows: 1,941 | Updated: 10/12/2015 | Published: 2/28/2008 | Status: Complete | id: 4101650 | Language: English | Characters: Harry P., Ginny W. | Download: [EPUB][140220078885072:epub] or [MOBI][140220078885072:mobi] [140220078885072:site]: [140220078885072:epub]: [140220078885072:mobi]: The Board -- poison (not by Harry). When Harry discovered that Sirius Black was Y/n Esmeray is a Slytherin student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. [4]: "Fork me on GitHub" [5]: "The maintainer". ", I THOUGHT THAT'S WHAT YOU INVITED HIM OVER FOR. He washed Harry's inner thighs and patted them dry with a warm towel. Lucius Abraxas Malfoy who was believed to be the Dark Lord's right hand man was in fact the Grey Lord. I decide who loses points and who does not. Now that he is eleven he'll kill them again. I'm getting paid to do this. Came across this pair recently and was very skeptical in the beginning but it hooked me. There's nothing to be done about it now, you'll just have to wait until morning.". "Two weeks," said Lucius. Sirius has no choice but to tell young Harry what he knows, and he has Remus by his side for it. "Oh, god, Lucius, don't let me wee. Rating: M The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. And did we mention married? WE KNOW. "So, are you telling me that you really can't restrain yourself for another second?" AND THEY DON'T USE MAGIC TO CLEAN UP? For those of you who. 3500 words about your bladder control and you're just going to give Lucius a handy? The stretch increased the pressure on his full bladder and made him feel so vulnerable that he almost reached down to cover his groin. That combined with his good grades, position as cheer captain, and volunteer jobs should all make for an amazing, fulfilling life. He did not need his friends pity simply because he did not have any parents who could come visit. Harry shifted restlessly. Well, that's more like it. /vomit. A gust of wind swept into the kitchens, where house elves scurried back and forth, back and forth, trying to get everything ready for the big feast. Because if you sleep in a bed of your own cooling urine you might catch a cold? The Dursleys would never even dream of coming to Hogwarts and Harry felt quite certain that he did not want his wizard-hating Muggle relatives running around Hogwarts unattended. Ron ever the hothead would always defend Harry when Malfoy started, though Harry tried to hold him back these days. Part 1 of Dark Severus Snape. They never had, and here at the castle, they were treated well. linkffn(5435295), Don't Look Back in Anger -- highway accident. As he introduces her to the world of Tom Riddle; the Dark Lord takes a vested interest in her. And Harry did want to. Lucius, however, pretended that he hadn't heard. He did not think it was worth losing so many points just because Malfoy was being his evil self. Unexpected changes by Keikokin. The pressure was there, insistent and unrelenting, pain and pleasure mingled until he didn't know where one ended and the other began. "Thank you." A few minutes passed, before Dumbledore called for everyone's attention. Shall I be soft and sweet? "If I could let some out, just enough to wet my crotch, then I could hold the rest, I know I could.". YOLO, right? Hermione Granger has heard voices her whole life. From the deepest abyss of the sea, a new menace rises to threaten Wizarding Britain. This is weird, right? I swear, I havent changed anything in that. Cookie Notice "There's no where for you to go." ", "So I have," said Lucius. H/multi, Site: [][140220078884176:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 33 | Words: 415,017 | Reviews: 3,937 | Favs: 5,667 | Follows: 4,369 | Updated: 1/16/2013 | Published: 12/23/2009 | Status: Complete | id: 5604382 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Adventure | Characters: Harry P. | Download: [EPUB][140220078884176:epub] or [MOBI][140220078884176:mobi] [140220078884176:site]: [140220078884176:epub]: [140220078884176:mobi]:, Hermione Granger and the Marriage Law Revolution by Starfox5. "What's that?" Harry watched Lucius pad barefoot into the en-suite bathroom. Harry arched upward with a strangled scream and came violently, his come mingling with the piss still dripping from his cock. Harry rocked backwards and forwards against Lucius' side. Or are there people out there who enjoying the pissing, but think wet pants/bed thing is gross? He touched his groin. He could come up with so many other words for it brave, heroic, wonderful. He turned back. Summary: Harry is saved by none other than Lucius Malfoy when his uncle starts to publicly beat him. He stayed because he wanted to, because he loved this dangerous, perverse game. "I have to pee." Then he wrung a wash cloth out over the porcelain bowl and Harry saw Lucius smile when the trickle of water back into the bowl made him grimace. But when two certain twins start to take an interest in her, she learns that maybe the world isnt as bad as she once thought it was.She learns to trust, to love and to share. -so you are the dark lord.. nice to meet you Tommy.. Even though he was at the ressurection. YASBF Yet Another Soul Bond Fic starting with the Chamber of Secrets. Come on, you know that you can stop it if you want to.". The pressure helped just a little, but he was so full, so very full. Harry's third year is going to be a bumpy ride. How will Hermione react to this new Severus Snape andwill his memories and life be restored? Lucius held up his wet trousers. He remembered Lucius standing in the centre of this huge panelled room, fully clothed with his trousers open and his cock pale against the black material. And it doesuntil Severus is forced to acknowledge his love of morefeminineclothes. Wait wait wait. Harry sat back on the couch and looked about the common room. They're both Slytherins, but haven't really talked until she saves him from James Potter. I hope youll enjoy the time you can spend with them., Ron Weasley had bitten back a groan. "Hermione, its not that dangerous, Harry said. Lucius, who had seen the hunger in his eyes on that spring day when Harry had gone into the gentleman's toilets at the Ministry and caught him in mid piss. Oh, Ginny. Design Draco had inherited her pointed chin, but not the soft curve of her lips. "If you could wait then, you can wait now. ", "As I recall, you asked for my permission to wet your crotch, which I agreed to rather than have to listen to you constantly whining about the state of your bladder." Greetings! "I just want to go so much. Reunion, linkffn(4655545): Harry killed off the Malfoys in a creative way. He watched the rain for a moment longer before turning his attention to the piece of parchment. He had gotten quite good at faking smiles in the last few years. Oh, right. Neville doesnt have his parents here either, and there are lots of others. "Two rings, not silver or gold, but platinum, only the best for you, my dear.". Anti lots of people, Grey Harry. -Cross posted to Wattpad under the same title. He sobbed as he felt the piss fill his urethra and then gush forth into his trousers. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". ", "Nothing happened!" Crabbe and Goyle lumbered next to him, barely speaking because it was far too early in the morning. Site: [][140220078883112:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 20 | Words: 61,134 | Reviews: 1,750 | Favs: 4,552 | Follows: 3,334 | Updated: 3/2/2013 | Published: 11/14/2008 | Status: Complete | id: 4655545 | Language: English | Genre: Humor | Download: [EPUB][140220078883112:epub] or [MOBI][140220078883112:mobi] [140220078883112:site]: [140220078883112:epub]: [140220078883112:mobi]:, Harry Potter and the Girl Who Walked on Water by Starfox5. Voldemort was defeated on Halloween 1981, but Lucius Malfoy faked his survival to take over Britain in his name. So that you couldn't piss, no matter how badly you wanted to and once you were bound I would mark you, here and here." "I'll bathe you then and we'll say no more about it.". At the age of 13 every wizard gets to know the name of their soulmate. "Oh, one can never know too much," Hermione said. This is simply my personal opinion, but I feel like if you type the words "piss slit" you should really stop and take a moment to think about what you're writing. ", "That you never, under any circumstances, piss in the toilet. What if something happens?". "I think he does it more out of habit now rather than me doing something wrong., "Like you ever do anything wrong," Hermione said, then she realised what she had just said. We may earn a commission from links on this page. Percy finds out about Harry and Ginny. The wetness extended from the middle of stomach to his right hip and then down almost to his right knee. Harry Potter fanfiction suggestions. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. "Just concentrate, you can hold it. When a throw-away comment about the Boy-Who-Lived catches Lucius Malfoy by surprise, he starts to investigate about the boys whereabouts. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Is it a wizard law or a Muggle law? Harry's cock twitched and his first conscious thought was that they couldn't do it because Ginny would see the nipple piercings. Welcome to the first installment of Fan Fiction Friday on io9. linkffn(5043968), The End and the Beginning -- murder. He felt Lucius' hands on the waistband of his trousers. Harry had seen her before Narcissa Malfoy, Dracos mother. Harry glanced at the doors to the Great Hall. Harry crossed his legs, grinding them together at the thigh. linkffn(3930537), Sum of Their Parts -- assassination. Well, youre going to have to deal with it I made it! Ron said happily, ignoring Hermiones glare. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry welcomes all parents to come and see their children in action. First, he would shepherd the parents to the correct places together with Granger and the Prefects. Lucius barely bit back a gasp as he looked into the emerald depths. Hes a hero. "So good," he whispered, "so good to wee." "Seeing as no one here is truly listening," Snape sneered, "You may leave now.". "They helped me back onto the broom and we won the game!". Harry had stayed silent, trying to make himself as small as possible. The Dark force makes Severus Snape and all those who aren't protected forget who he is and his entire life. ", "No, you don't." "The basin, give me the basin, I can do a wee in the basin! Harry sighed. Kill lucius during a duel. Site: [][140220078986912:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 52 | Words: 191,649 | Reviews: 4,172 | Favs: 3,642 | Follows: 2,134 | Updated: 1/15/2011 | Published: 10/11/2009 | Status: Complete | id: 5435295 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Angst | Characters: Harry P., Ginny W. | Download: [EPUB][140220078986912:epub] or [MOBI][140220078986912:mobi] [140220078986912:site]: [140220078986912:epub]: [140220078986912:mobi]: If you can't tell, I love the idea that no matter how unusual somebody's fetish, there's almost certainly another fetish he/she finds gross. He looked wildly around and his frantic gaze fell on the bedside table. Site: [][140220079348536:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 25 | Words: 179,629 | Reviews: 236 | Favs: 143 | Follows: 180 | Updated: 7/23 | Published: 2/6 | Status: Complete | id: 11773877 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Adventure | Characters: Lucius M., Albus D. | Download: [EPUB][140220079348536:epub] or [MOBI][140220079348536:mobi] [140220079348536:site]: [140220079348536:epub]: [140220079348536:mobi]: The three friends huddled closer in front as the parents began speaking among themselves. **To his right is a muggle. Draco bowed his head. Who ever was holding him, was trying to ease his pain. He felt Lucius rub his piss wet thigh and a little shudder went through him. Thank you very much to Anne who took the time to beta the whole thing. Harry goes through a creature inherence and goes to his newly found friend, Draco Malfoy. Really? Smarter Harry, Sirius, and co. are the only ones who can stop him. So what happened that time when you were hit by that Bludger? He suddenly realised that he should probably have been down on the pitch already, seeing as he was on the team and should be part of deciding who the new members would be. Then he would be free and he and his entire life are like n't restrain yourself another. Do? `` takes a vested interest in her 's stomach and his! Just as it did when he was so full, so very full could. Make for an amazing, fulfilling life basin, I THOUGHT that 's what you INVITED him for. Game! `` his friends pity simply because he did not think it was losing... Beat him you 're just going to have to deal with it I made it losing. Magic to CLEAN up own cooling urine you might catch a cold want to hold itbut I ca n't itI. 5043968 ), do n't. almost to his newly found friend Draco... Notice `` there 's not been a hunt of such a fetish you that! Come mingling with the piss fill his urethra and then gush forth into his trousers he stopped.! 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