[citation needed], Trapp died of lung cancer on 30 May 1947 in Stowe, Vermont. Georg was born in Zadar (now in Croatia), which at that time was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Platinum Author (Credit: Imagno/Getty Images), Sisi, however, dismissed all this attention. In reality, Maria treated the Captain quite coldly and asked him to get on with his wedding so that she could leave. And of course, no Baroness Schraeder evening gown would be complete without a tiara! Maria's physician advised that she seek a different lifestyle, and it just so happened that the Reverend Mother had received a request from a certain naval officer for an in-home tutor for his sickly daughter. However, the health of the Count, who was not yet 40, was so bad that he lost the ability to speak after surgery due to laryngeal cancer. As Georg was unaware of the reason for this sudden coldness, he did his best to resolve the situation, but to no avail. Maria and Georg married in 1927, 11 years before the family left Austria, not right before the Nazi takeover of Austria. She was persuaded by the arguments of the court of Vienna which encouraged the Crown Prince to marry young in order to quickly ensure descendants. Generously, Emperor Franz Joseph I showered the young mother and her family with gifts. The photo was taken while the siblings were aboard a private yacht off the coast of Mallorca. Secondly, Maria herself was not in love with the Captain and anticipated her return to her former life. [3] In 1902, he passed the final officer's examination, and was commissioned a Fregattenleutnant (frigate lieutenant, equivalent to sub-lieutenant) in May 1903. I saw the tears trickling down the faces of the men., The empress was fascinated with new innovations in the treatment of the insane, and even toyed with the idea of opening her own psychiatric hospital. VIENNA, Dec. 10. [9], After living for a short time in Merion, Pennsylvania, where their youngest child, Johannes, was born, the family settled in Stowe, Vermont, in 1941. They were allowed to play, they didnt wear uniforms, and their idea of outdoor activity wasnt limited to marching. In the musical, the character of Baroness Schraeder acts as Marias rival for Captain von Trapps affections. [18], While her older sister Louise married in 1875 a wealthy cousin of their father, Prince Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Austrian officer and friend of Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria,[19] Stphanie continued her studies and willingly took care of her younger sister Clmentine because Louise's departure left a void at the Palace of Laeken.[20]. As the New York Times noted, Stphanie "invented a new chafing dish and spirit lamp combined, and [took] out patents in England, France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium". [13] However, the level of education of the princesses was not very high: "The programs lacked scope. After meeting the 15-year-old Princess Stphanie, he wrote to his mother that "[he had] found what [he] sought", noting that she was "pretty, good, [and] clever". Stalked by the press, adored by the common man and bedeviled by depression and a severe eating disorder, Sisis royal career also brings to mind Princess Diana, whose life ended similarly tragically a century later. [88], In July 1944, Stphanie drew up her will. I want always to be on the move, she wrote, according to Hamann. As guardian of his 5-year-old granddaughter Elisabeth Marie, the Emperor demanded that Stephanie remain with her child. On 10 April, Stphanie, who was not yet seven, contracted typhus, to the dismay of her parents, who feared that a second child of theirs would die. "Sayn-Wittgenstein". This brought Austria under the direct control of the Nazi Party to whom Captain von Trapp was opposed. Theyre curious, her lady-in-waiting Marie Festetics wrote of Sisis response to the fawning masses. When he lost most of his wealth in the Great Depression, the family turned to singing as a way of earning a livelihood. Shocked by the admission which had apparently come from the Captain himself, Maria resolved to return to the abbey so that she would be in no danger of encouraging his affections. However, in May, Stphanie (suffering from heart disease) and her husband left their residence to take refuge in the Pannonhalma Archabbey, protected by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Leopold nourished the hope of having a second son and therefore resumed sexual relations with the Queen; but, after a miscarriage in March 1871,[8] another daughter was born on 30 July 1872: Clmentine, the last child of the royal couple. Obsessed with her figure, Sisi lived on a strict diet and fanatical exercise routine that would likely be interpreted as symptoms of anorexia today. If she could have only seen then all the service she would offer in her life, Im sure she would have been thrilled! However this measure did not apply to Stphanie nor her daughter, who were excluded from the House of Habsburg following their marriages. The bank failed, wiping out most of the family's substantial fortune.[9]. His eldest son, Rupert, was invited to take up a position among the doctors of the Third Reich which was also refused. Here she displayed surprisingly down-to-earth behavior for a royal: holding hands with the dying, and speaking to patients about their needs. Maria and Georg's children Rosmarie - Born 1929. Among their closest acquaintances figured, from 1944, their chaplain, Geza Karsai, Germanist, university professor and monk of the Pannonhalma Archabbey. In 1853, their marriage had been arranged for exclusively political reasons by both King Leopold I and the Habsburgs without consulting the groom and bride, whose interests were almost entirely opposed: the Duke of Brabant was little interested by family life and was passionate about political and economic issues in the kingdom which he was to reign over, while Marie Henriette was a young woman versed in religion with other interests limited to horseback riding, dogs and music. Sisi, on the other hand, was so nervous during the courtship that she was unable to eat. So he approached Sisi as she walked along a dock to board a ship, attacking her with a small triangular file. In 1912, Louise and Stphanie, who had now become her ally, were defended by Henri Jaspar and Paul-mile Janson, and Louise persevered in her legal actions. Your mother and I are all in favor of this marriage. From there, their opportunities grew. Austria was under economic pressure from a hostile Germany, and Austrian banks were in a precarious position. The constant butt of taunts, her presence disturbs and irritates to excess. With Hungary not yet undergoing many hardships, Stphanie set up a makeshift dispensary in the Rusovce house, while Elemr accepted a management position in the Austrian Red Cross which took him to Romania and Serbia. The apparent suicide of the Crown Prince deeply affected Stphanie and constituted, in the words of Irmgard Schiel, "the greatest catastrophe that can affect a woman in her married life". In order to toughen us up, the windows of our bedroom, summer and winter, remained open: we rarely heated". Set in 1930s Salzburg, the film tells the story of Maria, would-be nun and nature lover, sent by her Reverend Mother to work as a governess for the seven children of a stern, widowed sea captain, the Baron Georg von Trapp, winning their hearts through the songs she teaches them to sing. In order to test us, the housekeeper often made unexpected entries. When the von Trapps moved to Salzburg they hadnt gone through the red tape of repatriation, a technicality which protected them from any Nazi retaliation after the Anschluss. The family as a whole devised their signals but it was a game limited to themselves and was never extended to summoning the staff. However, Austria-Hungary's defeat in World War I also led to the Empire's collapse. [64], Stphanie did not dare to forewarn her father of her marriage plans. Empress Elisabeth of Austria, 1857. A mischievous free spirit, Maria sang at inopportune times during the course of her day and wasnt sure if shed fit into life at the nunnery. -- It was announced tonight that Prince Bernhard of Saxe-Meiningen, the German aristocrat who was recently sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment for conducting Nazi propaganda in . We have chosen you to be Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary. [72] Stphanie and her sisters discovered that their father had left as main beneficiary of his will his chief mistress, the French prostitute Caroline Lacroix, as well as the Royal Trust,. And thus Maria embarked on her journey into the von Trapp household. I have even assembled a video on how to fit this Sound of Music dress which is referenced in the sewing instructions. 1881: Allegory of the union of Rudolf and Stphanie by Sophia and Maria Grlich. The revelation of the Captains affections didnt quite invoke the romantic scenes of the musical where Maria flees to the abbey and is told to confront her problems (through song obviously). Stphanie received a negative response from Leopold II: "My father answered me in the severest and harshest terms that he refused me his consent. Her melancholy and distaste for public life was treated as a childish indulgence by her distracted husband and his mother, the formidable Archduchess Sophie. When she felt the first effects herself, doctors mentioned peritonitis. [55] However, these adaptations often altered the portrayal of the Captain. From there, they traveled to Norway to begin the trip back to the United States in September 1939, just after World War II broke out. Captain von Trapp himself played several instruments and hired various music teachers for his children, many of whom lived at the villa at different points. On leaving Austria, the Trapps traveled by train to Italy (not over the mountains by foot to Switzerland as is depicted in The Sound of Music). The twenty-one year old Maria was a school teacher at Nonnberg Abbey in Salzburg. [77] Four weeks later, war broke out. On April 25, 1854, a shy and melancholy bride married into a major European royal house. She was born Princess Maria Filippa Johanna Elisabeth Fernanda Yvonne zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn at Koblenz on July 23, 1980. The time shift both makes him older and distances him from his WWI years. This gave rise to fears for her life before she suddenly recovered. Her heart had been irreparably pierced long before her murder, however. In order to be able to marry Stphanie, he converted to Catholicism. One thing I always found interesting was the 11 year time shift, and I wonder if it had anything to do with the Captains World War 1 stint in the Austrian navy, where he was torpedoing Allied ships with U-boats. [] I calmly enter death which alone can save my good reputation. Elisabeth Marie, Princess Otto of Windisch-Graetz, Count Elemr Lnyay de Nagy-Lnya et Vsros-Namny, Archduke Stephen of Austria, titular Palatine of Hungary), Princess Clotilde of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Princess Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily, "Baptme de la princesse Stphanie Clotilde Louise Hermine Marie Charlotte", King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa, "De opvoeding van Belgische prinsen en prinsessen in de negentiende eeuw", "De Louise van de Louizalaan: het onwaarschijnlijke verhaal van een Belgische prinses", "COUNTESS LONYAY INVENTOR. Martina - Born 1921. Stphanie was the third child of the Duke (future King Leopold II) and Duchess of Brabant (born Archduchess Marie Henriette of Austria), an unhappy and mismatched couple. The von Trapps traveled to Italy, not Switzerland. (Credit: DeAgostini/Getty Images). If youd like to join me for more fun and games in picking apart history, and other behind the scene tangents, you can support me via my Patreon. See Photos. In August, Leopold, suffering from dropsy, was brought back to Laeken. [85] The work appeared in a French version in 1937 in Brussels under the title: Je devais tre impratrice (I Had To Be Empress),[86] and the same year was finally authorized to be published in Austria under the original title. [8] As part of their required education, all naval cadets were taught to play a musical instrument; Georg von Trapp selected the violin. The Emperor reluctantly gave his authorization, but Stphanie lost her rank and her imperial titles by remarrying, while her daughter Elisabeth Marie remained in Vienna in her grandfather's guardianship. [11] He also captured the Greek steamer Cefalonia off Durazzo on 29 August 1915. However, regardless of how the story played out, the Captain did not return home and whisk Maria off her feet. This tenderness was expressed especially in their correspondence because it was difficult to travel to Rusovce. As Agathe von Trapp described in her autobiography, the house was large enough that his voice wouldnt carry, and the walls thick enough that he couldnt be heard if the child in question was on a different floor. Georg von Trapp had died almost twenty years before the musical was released and as such never saw Christopher Plummers stern portrayal of his character. Firstly, the Captain felt obligated to continue his courtship with Princess Yvonne, the real life "Baroness Schrader" who was a distant cousin of his deceased wife. In 1998, Princess Alexandra married Count Jefferson von Pfeil und Klein-Ellguth, a member of the ancient House of Pfeil und Klein-Ellguth, and the couple had two children, Count Richard and Countess Alexandra, residing in Paris and later at Schloss Heidesheim until announcing their divorce in 2017. When the King entered the dining room, the princesses would rise and bow before kissing his hand which he then put on their head, without a word. Though both Rudolf and Vetsera left behind notes, the circumstances surrounding their deaths remained a mystery; rumors of a double murder persisted. The family had a contract with an American booking agent when they left Austria. We had to dress and comb our hair on our own. [Map 3], On 3 September 1922, Agathe von Trapp died of scarlet fever contracted from her daughter Agathe. The following 183 pages are in this category, out of 183 total. And thus began their engagement! Princess Stphanie Clotilde Louise Herminie Marie Charlotte of Belgium (21 May 1864 23 August 1945) was a Belgian princess who became Crown Princess of Austria through marriage to Crown Prince Rudolf, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They leave under the cover of darkness but gasp! As Maria's stay with the family continued, the children and the Captain became attached to her and did not relish the thought of the day when she would return to the Abbey. In 1935, after issues relating to the Wall Street Crash and the resulting economic dips across Europe, Captain von Trapp was informed that the bank in which he had invested his substantial wealth had folded. Although I was only four and a half years old, I still vividly remember this deliciously beautiful and tender child, his resignation during his short illness, and the poignant pain of my mother, when he exhaled in her arms". Zadar became part of Italy in 1920, and Georg was thus an Italian citizen, and his wife and children as well. In hunting and sinking Gambetta, Trapp achieved a notable success as commander of the first-ever underwater nighttime (and only the second) submarine attack on a vessel in the Adriatic. The new Emperor Charles I led the funeral procession, which included representatives of the Allied Powers, all German princes, and the members of the House of Habsburg. And when she finally exits the Captains life, we all breathe a huge sigh of relief! The Edelweiss Patterns new release for the "Baroness Schraeder Party Gown"! During the winter of 18781879, on her way to London, Empress Elisabeth of Austria (known as "Sissi"), mother of Crown Prince Rudolf, stopped at the court of Brussels, where the 14-year-old Stphanie was introduced to her. [22], Stphanie had heard of Rudolf for the first time at the end of a literature class given by her housekeeper Fanny Brossel. Hofmobiliendepot, Vienna. But as matters moved along between the Princess and Captain von Trapp, he realized that he loved Maria and not the Viennese countess. Contrary to general thought, the von Trapp children knew much of music, and the Captain is reported to have said that his children often did nothing but sing all day long. In 1879 he had moved to Prague Castle and assumed command of an infantry regiment, a post he liked very much. Submitted On January 13, 2011. [8][27][bettersourceneeded] They had three children: Rosmarie, born on 8 February 1929,[28] Eleonore (called Lorli), born 14 May 1931, and Johannes, born 17 January 1939 in Pennsylvania. [92], At her birth, as the daughter of King Leopold II, Stphanie was titled Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Duchess in Saxony, with the predicate of Royal Highness, according to the titles of her house, and bears the unofficial title of Princess of Belgium, which will be officially regularized by Royal Decree dated 14 March 1891.[93]. It was initially thought Vetsera poisoned Rudolf before killing herself, though it was later determined that Rudolf shot both of them in a murder-suicide pact, a conclusion that only deepened Sisis sadness. Once in Italy, they contacted the agent and requested fare to America,[28] first traveling to London, before sailing to the United States for their first concert tour. Another of Sisis outlets was writing poetry, recounts Hamann, and she often vented her frustrations and regrets in excerpts such as this: Oh, had I but never left the pathThat would have led me to freedomOh, that on the broad avenuesOf vanity I had never strayedI have awakened in a dungeonWith chains on my hands. [55] Stphanie became a widow at the age of 24 when, on 30 January 1889, her husband was found dead in strange circumstances with his mistress Baroness Vetsera, both shot dead, at the Mayerling hunting lodge. However, it was the childrens relationship with their father that upset the family most when they attended the premiere of The Sound of Music. [1], Born at the Palace of Laeken on 21 May 1864, Stphanie received an emergency baptism on the day of her birth. Trapp declined a commission in the German Navy after the Anschluss and settled in the United States.[1]. The Trapp family evades them by performing at the Salzburg Folk Festival. So the day he had planned on proposing to Yvonne, he instead broke off their relationship with intentions of marrying Maria. [40], As in any dynastic marriage where the political interest of the two sovereign houses takes precedence, the existence of romantic feelings within the couple has never been proven, but the relationship of the young spouses was based, at the beginning, on respect and a mutual attachment. From 1874, Stphanie (who until then had a nanny, the Viennese Antoinette Polsterer) was placed under the direction of her sister Louise's governess, Mademoiselle Legrand. Their villa was the only one not to fly the flag of the Third Reich even after one had been provided for them by Nazi officials. Article Source: Georg Ludwig Ritter von Trapp (4 April 1880 - 30 May 1947) was an officer in the Austro-Hungarian Navy who later became the patriarch of the Trapp Family Singers.Trapp was the most successful Austro-Hungarian submarine commander of World War I, sinking 11 Allied merchant ships totaling 47,653 GRT and two Allied warships displacing a total of 12,641 tons. The family was musically inclined before Maria arrived, but she did teach them to sing madrigals. All Rights Reserved. A particularly stern letter from Maria to the Captain had him break things off with the Princess and return home. [3] Just over three months later, he sank the Italian submarine Nereide at 4223N 1616E / 42.383N 16.267E / 42.383; 16.267 on 5 August 1915, 250 metres (270yd) off Pelagosa (Palagrua) Island. First, they were invited to sing at the Salzburg Festival where they won first prize. [74], In January 1906, Stphanie and Elemr bought the Rusovce Mansion in Hungary (now in Slovakia) in order to establish permanent residence there. [58] Stephanie had to obey and obtained permission to stay for four months at Miramare Castle, near Trieste. Thats not to say it wouldnt have been a nail-biting experience. She was not allowed to leave the palace and remained subject to strict surveillance, so she took the opportunity to devote herself to drawing or painting. However, the King of Belgium refused to see his daughter marry a man of lower rank. Trapp hired Maria Augusta Kutschera to tutor one of his daughters and married Maria in 1927. [56] To Stphanie, Rudolf had left an undated letter: "Dear Stphanie, you are delivered from my fatal presence; be happy in your destiny. The writer stayed in Rusovce eleven times. To allow her to truly see if the convent is where she wishes to be, Mother Abbess sends her away to a nearby family that. Crown Princess of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia, Generations are numbered by descent from King. [12] Stphanie benefitted schooling by teachers who provided her with various courses: French, English, German, Dutch and Hungarian for languages, while mathematics lessons, horsemanship, history, history of art, religion, botany, and rhetoric were also taught. 12 Articles, By From her hands-on mother, Princess Ludovika, she developed a love of privacy and a fear of public dutiestraits that would not serve her well as empress. The Baroness is a fictional character but based on one Princess Yvonne. Pannonhalma Archabbey. Stphanie had a high idea of her rank and strove to fully assume the role conferred on her by her title, as the Empress had fled Vienna to travel frequently through Europe. Truly like an angel of mercy she went from bed to bed, lady-in-waiting Marie Festetics wrote of one such visit, as recorded in The Reluctant Empress. As daughter Maria said in a 2003 interview printed in. Princess Maria Petrovna Galitzine suddenly died a few days before turning 32, it has been confirmed. Alinari Archives/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images. While Stphanie and Clmentine accepted the proposal, Louise refused it and initiated, in December 1910, a first trial against the Belgian State and her two sisters. Rudolf, depressed and disappointed by politics, had multiple extramarital affairs, and contracted a venereal disease that he transmitted to his wife, rendering her unable to conceive again. The Austrian Emperor added 148,000 guilders to the initial dowry of 100,000 florins, plus an annual sum of 100,000 florins for the duration of the marriage. By the time the Third Reich annexed Austria, Maria had been with the Trapp family for ten years. By all accounts they were a very warm family and von Trapp maintained close relationships with his deceased wifes family so that his children would know them. [52], From the spring of 1887, painful scenes were repeated between the spouses. The family received permission to set up a chapel within the villa which in turn encouraged their choral singing. The Captain had a pension available to him in Italy which allowed the family to live comfortably while they determined their next moves before they travelled to America with the aid of their new concert manager. Gradually, they withdrew to their estate where they led a more secluded existence, punctuated by religious exercises. Though she was a caring and loving person, Maria wasn't always as sweet as the fictional Maria. The relationship between the Captain and the Princess took place over the course of several years, during which Georg had asked Yvonne to consider marriage on several occasions. Both Stphanie and Rudolf were sure it would be a boy; they even spoke of the future child by calling him "Wenceslaus" (Wacaw), a Czech first name reflecting the sympathies of the Crown Prince for the Slavic populations of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Perhaps the largest departure from history was that Maria took up her position in 1928, a decade before the setting of the musical. Kissing you with all my heart, your Rudolf who loves you". As such, they had to abandon their home, their clothes and most of their possessions as they boarded a train to Italy where they claimed to be going hiking. I hope to see you there! [85] In the book she published Rudolf's last letter to her, and proclaimed that (in her view) he and Baroness Vetsera had made a suicide pact. Surprisingly, the real life Baroness Schraeder character wasremarkably similar to the story we know and love from The Sound of Music. She suddenly recovered Viennese countess out most of his wealth in the German Navy after the and. Of education of the Captain did not apply to Stphanie nor her daughter Agathe as a of! Murder persisted rival for Captain von Trapps affections the King of Belgium refused to see his daughter marry man! To dress and comb our hair on our own Viennese countess lost most of the musical, the Captain,! A post he liked very much as daughter Maria said in a precarious position out princess yvonne austria housekeeper... Particularly stern letter from Maria to the Captain had him break things off the... To dress and comb our hair on our own winter, remained open: we rarely ''... 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