rico urban dictionary

Possibly derived from the "MC" often used after many black nicknames. Many variations exist, including "Nig", "Nigel", "Niggy", "Niggly", etc. Heard often in reference to folks from southern Ohio who moved from Kentucky or West Virginia. They refuse to assimilate into American culture and are causing a large problem, especially in Florida. From the reflection you see when looking at a spoon. WebThree Sisters. Yiddish word used mainly by Orthodox Jews to describe non-Jewish women or a Jewish woman who doesn't observe all Jewish precepts. wet-backs. Spanish slang for without color, or flavorless with no substance. Agent Orange was a defoliant used in Vietnam. Based off the hotel heiress who represents every negative stereotype about WASP women. Shortening of Jigaboo used in pop culture today. The Snowbirds are a group of Canadian airforce pilots who display their flying at air shows. Hindi/Punjabi slang meaning "our guy," and referring to a male of their own race. Many Mexicans who have illegaly entered the country take cleaning jobs. Khao means white. Van Dyk/Dijk/Dyke is also a very distinctive Dutch last name. is literally pronounced "Chesky". Represents the angle of their eyes (45 degrees). Those who worked on the suez canal project would wear a uniform which had Working On Government (project) on it. Coined by Blacks during slavery to refer to other Blacks who were hanged from trees. Pronounced "pif - ka." Refers to Hispanics who would work berry fields in California, specifically illegal immigrants, as their employer didn't have to pay them as much. Used to describe the overcrowded vehicles of migrant workers. A black person who acts white. Increasingly being used by the media to denote KKK members who sometimes display the Confederate Battle Flag. North-East-based, on the irritating "guffaw" stereotypical laugh of the English hunting and fishing set, Refers to any English person born within ten miles of the sea but primarily people from Plymouth, John Bull as symbol of England. Refers to whites who try to be Asian. Because they are known to have a lot of beans in their diet and are also hired many times to pick beans for (sometimes less than) minimum wage. Sometimes shortened too boon. Plays on the stereotype that blacks cannot swim, and will "sink like a rock." Redneck term. Many Asians eat bugs such as Locusts and Grasshoppers. Possibly from Irish Gaelic "pogue mo thoin", meaning "kiss my arse". The light color blacks in South Louisiana, mainly around New Orleans (Creoles), skin is the color of a brown paper bag. A fish monger is a Shakespearean term for pimp, and there are many coi at Chinese restaurants, Keye Luke's protege (the young Caine) from the TV series, Kung Fu. Apparently the British use "dago" to describe Spaniards as opposed to Italians. There's an ocean of difference between the way people speak English in the US vs. the UK. Greeks use this word for Turks as many of them they usually don't take a bath for days. By the 1890s it was being applied to Italians--almost certainly because they tend to have darker skin than Anglo-Saxons/Germans. Was used as a nickname for unstable, mead-swilling Lithuanians. ", Black Brazilians. Also works on Pacific Islanders or anyone in the volcanic circle. Common Hispanic food is bean burritos and the coloring of the beans is similar to the coloring of their skin. Slang used primarily by the British. Here's what's included: SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. White women who date Black men. Probably related to and/or another version of Pom. Many people in the southern U.S. supported the confederacy in the Civil War, and still display their support with confederate flags. The term pug chulo (cute daddy in Caribbean Spanish) refers to an affectionate term for a male. Used to refer to black women who have a great deal of children. * Hector Elizondo, actor (Pretty Woman, The Princess Diaries, Love in the times of cholera) For scottish or irish children - Mc (or Mac) for scottish/irish, nugget to represent that they are children. Black people were whipped while they were slaves. ', Spanish/Chinese mix. The jews wandered the desert for 40 years after crossing the red sea to get out of egypt, before reaching the holy-land. Reference to when blacks were counted as half a human for voting purposes. Name of Black Pimp in Melvin Van Peebles movie who kills white police and gets away with it, common aspiration of black ghetto youths. Stands for "With Out Papers." It is an often stereotype that most people who collect unemployment are black. While the bar code was not invented(or at least patended) until after the war, this is a slur in common, although incorrect, usage. A term used for an Epygtian young male in America. But the phrase has other meanings as well. Or as it's sometimes known: Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta. The refugees come from Panama, Paraguay, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico. Really Stupid Derogative Bullshit. (See Schiendler's List), When a Jewish person gets a meal on a plane, it's from the kosher menu and a special meal not offered to regular passengers. Czech Males. Originally an Aboriginal name for themselves as a people; used by others, however, it is considered derogatory. living, located, or taking place in a city: urban rooftop gardening. 36. Russians in WWII called Germans Fritzes, a common German name in those days (short for Friedrich). * Pedro Pietri, poet, playwright, co-founder (Nuyorican Poets Cafe) Common steel-toed boots are black in color and have large, bulky toes - referencing the size of black's lips. Cecere is Puerto Rican slang for cool. Reference to the clothing worn by Austrian troops during the Hungarian war for independence . Refers to Colonel Sanders. This is because it was taken from another language: English. Sunnyside up has a white inside and yellow outside. (i.e. Similar negativity connotations as "nigger". Derived from the word "monkey." Were referred to as "G.I. Used by some Italian-Americans to refer to new Italian immigrants because of how fast they are able to speak the old language. It is also one of the most widely used, being used not only on the island of Puerto Rico, but also all throughout the US! Derived from Sicilian immigrants who paid in Italian currency, Guineas. Mostly used on TV or for musical purposes. The ones that aren't would most likely take offense. Both are "full of shit.". Blacks who suck up to white people. Refers to the mesh-backed caps they wear. Big Black Cocks. Perception that blacks appear sweaty and greasy. Used neutrally and disparagingly. As you can probably imagine, broki has no literal meaning. A mispronunciation of the capitol city of The United Arab Emarites, which is Abu-Dhabi. Used in the film "The Royal Tenenbaum's", Dark African Americans who act better than White people. Female Filipinos, or Asians in general. The actor who did the voice was also Black. See: Wet-Back. Frech slur during WWI; common German consonant combination that is unpleasent sounding to French speakers. Used when talking about a third(black) person you don't know. Redneck kids who play in the ditches/streets. Pine being a whiter colored wood than most. The Spanish word yes, in its simplest form, is a powerful word that sounds similar to the English phrase yes in its most powerful form. Term used by Indians in the late 1800's to describe white settlers. Sounds like a monkeys name or implies stupidty. Malaysians, Singaporeans and some Australians like to call Indonesians "Indon". Cygan is becoming unacceptable in the Polish language. I do not know if Korrozia Metalla (Corrosion of Metal) were the first to use this slang or how it came about, but it seemed very widly understood among Russian youth. A word used by militant Muslims in reference to purging the world of infidels. A caucasian, black, and asian person. It's a slur because only the rich Indians would come to western countries years ago, a flood of patels. stupid proud ricans! Many Aboriginals are on welfare and spend much time waiting in a dole queue. From a sexual harassment claim in Puerto Rico describing an exchange of text messages. A black guy who acts white. Made popular in the play "A Raisin in the Sun." Its nice to know that regardless of what language you speak, you will never escape liars. Swedes cherish this thick bulbous edible yellow root; used as food and animal feed, which is even called the Swede or Swedish turnip. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2023. Puerto Rico used to have a proud and vibrant political culture now mired in corruption and a dead end obsession with the stale-mated status debate. US$55/person. Aboriginal tribe name. Could also refer to the Gar, a fish similar to the piranha, found in streams in the Southern US and eating by many Southern Blacks. Commonly used by American minority groups (blacks, hispanics, asians) to refer to white people. Or could also reference white trash who have lots of children. Although Puerto Rico is a part of the US, it hasnt seen this become as popular, instead, it has seen another phrase: janguear become quite popular! Dirty white trailor trash people normally resemble the population of Memphis, TN. I belive it has to do with 6 letters in the word nigger. Similar to "landscraper.". Muslim Women. Eskimo orginated from southern Indian tribes describing the northern Inuit, whom they were constantly fighting. When you were being taught Spanish, you were likely taught that dinero was the Spanish word for money. Swedes call Finns for "finne", which means pimple in Swedish. - It dates back (in print) to at least 1913. Origins unknown, thought to come from Philadelphia area. The island of Puerto Rico is famous for its many achievements in sports, despite being a small island, has had more World boxing champions than any other country. Short for Hispanic. Koona nurks tara. Cuern it comes from the word cuernos (horns) which is a symbol for infidelity. Condensed form of Yard Ape. Term refers primarily to white women who unlike women of other races have flat butts and no shape. Empty from the neck up. Combination of 'Spic' and 'Chink. Means American Born Confused Desi (pronounced day-see). Any mix of races. (This can be stretched to include inviting a black or minority friend over for dinner.). Some say it comes from Spanish "griego" (meaning Greek) which used to be used to refer to anything foreign. They are uncircumcised, the flap resembles the neck of a turkey, also known as the gobbler. Scientific name. The first whites seen in China were sailors. Puerto Rico used to have a proud and vibrant political culture now. Alternatively, you can simply nod or smile in appreciation. Derived from Gaelic stories of the Fianna, a mythical group of warriors. Refers to circumcision and consumerism (never pay retail). It can be applied to any Catholic, Irish or otherwise. Most likely originates with the Latin word "niger" which translates to "black". Military term for Icelandics, origin unknown, Stands for "Fresh off the Boat." Combination of Leprechaun and Coon for blacks of Irish descent. Almost exclusively used as a derogatory word for whites after the U.S. armed takeover of the Hawaiian Monarchy. are said to be randoms. Acronym for Mexican Orderly: Used in jails to refer to mexican trustees. Comes from the old adage you are what you eat. Answer; Pindunbderjip or Pinned under jeep. Originated because of the national currency and it's origin. From Mexi-Corn, from Southern California reference to Mexicans picking corn or other produce. Translates in Arabic to "Beloved". Chicken is Italian and Spanish, respectively. "Dumb Ass Nigger". Dominicans used this term for Blacks because they look like "Coco"nuts and it sounds really African. Their nomadic lives in the desert are similar to that of Arabs. Rosbif has been a reference used by the French for the British for hundreds of years - long before tourist holidays. See Cocoa Puff. A Tamil word used by the Indians to insult the Chinese. It is the sterotype that all the Mediterraneans and Aborigianals of Australia are bludgers. #2 would require it be spelled cane-eater, if you prefer. From farmers or country boys walking through the cow pastures. Because Arab women are clothed from head to toe, even their faces, and they look like bee keepers. So are the poor, crowded neighborhoods that Blacks are forced into. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Refers to Asian babies who would be wrapped in blankets. Derived from the Spanish word for South American (sudamericano). Considered offensive because it dates back to "Orientalism," when Asians were considered savages and Asian women were all seen as sexual objects. Combination form of Spic and Picaninny. Refers to Irish Roman Catholic immigrants living in such large U.K. cities as Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester. Refers to the fact that like the insect, they too have been migrating out of Mexico into Texas. Pronouced "milk," made due to misrepresentation of national holidays. If you were Puerto Rican, youd probably shout wepa! at that news! Common Jewish name. Perhaps the most famous way of saying friend in another language is Spanishs amigo. Rednecks use Stump Jumper or Tree Jumper against hillbillies lower than themselves, but they also use it to point out hillbillies that commit incest- jumping the family tree. Skin color. Red dot: married; Black dot: single. Puerto Rico is an econmic burden to the United States allowing the wild and crazy proud natives to freely wander into the united states (primarily florida) and ruin our lives. Could only be a slur if you say it the right way. Refers to the sound of the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect. ("American?" "Baas" being Afrikaans for boss. Sioux Indians. It came in response their use or Terrone for Southern Italians, Italian-Americans who act "overly Italian" with attitude and gold chains (i.e. Since then, paradoxically, the term was embraced and has become so popular as to transcend outside its indigenous sub-culture into mainstream. Over time, they began to refer to themselves as Boricua, meaning From Boriqun in Spanish, to remember their history. Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: @krisk, @HubSpot, and @mongodb. Specifically a derogatory term referring to the. Also a possible reference to the minoral aspect of the African race in the United States. The Visual Dictionary. Refers to Muslim religious headdress resembling that worn by the Star Wars characters, "Ewoks.". Used during the Revolutionary War, because of the Red coats the British army wore. This slur is used commonly by Pakistanis. We intend to remain in Porto Rico; we do not know what we shall do with the Philippines. Egyptians use pyramids for storage of the dead, umbrellas, and love making. Now pretty much synonymous with Russians/Communists. Janguear is the Puerto Rican pronunciation of the English phrase hang out. He said he uses the quiet time at night to ponder a move to Puerto Rico or maybe Hawaii. Derogatory term used by Germans due to the quick collapse of France during WWII. The Philippines is one of the biggest sources of mail-order brides. Reference to the mongoloid appearance of many Hawaiins and other Pacific islanders. ", Henry Ford used it, reference to circumcision. United Arab Emirates. Refers to the incessant e-laughter of Koreans. Kangaroo-fucker. Pasta Fazoul mixed with Rastafarian. Let's find out! Webnoun Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act: a U.S. law, enacted in 1970, allowing victims of organized crime to sue those responsible for punitive damages. Menstrual blood is used in Abo medicine. In Latin America, the term is commonly used to refer to a man who is physically attractive. ", Most noteworthy usage by Rev. esk, adjective. German for freeway. Hispanics who are frequently in the welfare line getting "government cheese.". Comes from a French expression. Originally meaning people whose ancestors came from different parts of Catalonia, and later Spanish-speaking people that migrated into Catalonia. Represents skinny white women with a tan. Not really a heinous threat, but sounds that way. Refrence to their love for spicy foods. I assume he was not given many years in prison. Stands for "Nigger Out of Gas". No idea why. The popular black basketball player recently embroiled in a rape trial. gangsta zone reggaeton malianteo rebuleo los gringos me lo maman bien cabrn. See: Wop. They mostly use this deodorant for days, If one (as a foreigner) listens closely to conversation between Turkish people, it sounds like "yurug" appear quite often, Literally "oily eye" referring to the dark eye color of Turkish people, can also be used for other nationalities. Naturally, I asked "You know, there's always someone claimng to be part Navaho, but they have no papers". Origins in Chicago (particularly Italians). Variation of "paddy." Supposedly dates from the 19th Century when the English government decided that all Welsh children should speak English in school. Originated from Cush. Accusing the Palestinians of primitive, barbarous behavior. A (young) black upwardly professional person. They got around this sort of the same way some vegetarians do, by eating fish (although technically this is not vegetarian, but "pescetarian"). Often believed that black people have longer arms than other races and therefore their knuckles would drag. The Taff is the name of the river that runs through Cardiff, the capital of Wales. Reference to the infamous Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Prairie nigger. Americans commonly called Native Americans by this name in the 1800s. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Turkmenistan! It is commonly used when referring to the poultry meat, as well as dishes made with it. Used as early as the battle of the Alamo in 1836. Reference to the 3/5ths Compromise, where the US Gov't decided that slaves (Blacks) only counted as 3/5ths of a person for population reasons. Pronounced "ko-goot", derogatory term Russians use to call Ukrainians. Most of them are dirty, as they dont bathe and therefore develop dandruff, hence the lamington look (a lamington is an Aussie cake - sponge cake with black/brown icing then rolled into dessicated coconut). Yellow Eyed Nigger. From Pinnochio's "father" Gepetto, who was Italian. Chinese eat cat, therefore roof rabbit killer. The Argentinians call Brazilians "macaquitos" (little monkeys) because they are more racially mixed. A brand of candied chocolate in England; Quite dull and worthless. Bourbon is also a dark alchoholic drink. Refers to how locals in Hawaii are big/fat/dumb. Black/White mix. Used by White police officers to describe Blacks who run out of gas and wait for the police to supply them some, which, supposedly, by law they have to do. Technically a term of affection but still sounds funny. On the other, its used to tell someone that theyre a d!ck and you hate them with every fiber of your body! A supposedly common name of British butlers. Lots of Polish last names end in czyk, pronounced "chuck.". It is used in Lithuania and Latvia. For the Muslims that invaded Europe during the Middle Ages. Navajo term which roughly translates to "silly white person", Term used by Asians when refering to westerners because of their larger noses. White New Zealanders. It was then shipped to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, and sold for 50 cents on the dollar. Mainly used by the "Nyoongar" Aboriginal people of south-west Australia. Originally used to describe soldiers, but now used for anyone Scottish. Often referred to Hispanics that drive Honda Civics. A person of hispanic lineage, hopefully Mexican, that is from Texas. From the novel "Zorba the Greek," by Nikos Kazantzakis. of Mexico. Puerto Rico hosts Consulates from 42 countries and is well represented in the ONU. Short for communist. Stupid Ass White. Used by Bavarians/Austrians to refer to North Germans (after a famous Prussian with the last name "Pieffke"). ", Romanian word for jew, dirty jew, or cheap jew, Jews are typically Zionist in political nature. Pioneered by the Black/Mexican hip-hop group "Delinquent Habits". Since Chinese always have haircuts that look like Moe from The 3 Stooges, A 'mook jonk' is a wooden dummy used in kung fu. Self-explanatory (and because they can't make a car). Term for unskilled Chinese workers, especially on U.S. railroads. Lithuanian Jews. They work in large hotels and "hold the door" to let white folks in. ", Refers to fortune cookies. Which are your favorite Brazilian slang words? Much like a wetback, when they cross the Rio Grande river their backs get soaked. Wepa could translate as a number of things. So much so that over 300 of them have negatively thumbed the previous entry. The tricked out, custom cars Hispanic gang members often drive. Pronounced "gi-nee." Read in National Lampoon. Used a lot during the Civil War. * Freddie Prinze Jr., actor Technically this should only apply to Koreans, but the Vietnam War made it most popular when applied towards the Vietnamese. Term used by whites for any person of mixed race or who marries a non-white.. Jamaican/Italian. (colloquial) No mires ahora, pero detrs de ti hay un papacito rico que te Comes from Glaswegians. Unknown origins, possibly "goo-goo," from the Tagalog language (a major language spoken in the Philippines). Tell me in the comments! Regionalism used in Latin America: all the countries in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Similar to "hillbilly" or simpleton. The whole "Wayans" family was on In Living Color. During the Second World War, many Cajun men served in the armed forces. Rednecks. Like in the movie Rocky, Rocky an Italian, was know as the Stallion. * Don Omar, reggaeton singer (Grammy Awards Winner) Argentines refer to the poorer Paraguayan immigrants who live in Argentina as "Paraguas." Stands for "Jewish-American Princess". Used mainly by Blacks to refer to the evil white man. "Politically correct" way to insult people based solely on race. Joselito: Carlito, ur the mejoritoist person ever, cuz ur puertorican! People moving to the Midwest built their homes out of thick sod, since no other building material was available. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970. Americanized Asians who try to act like whites. A high precent of coffee comes from Colombia, Originated from the movie "Scarface", where Colombians were refered to as frogmen because of their squashed-like faces. Italians are said to wholly enjoy pizza, as it is considered their national dish to the rest of the world. This Puerto Rican slang phrase has a number of different meanings. Considered a slur when used by non-Italians to describe an Italian male. Japanese term for Blacks or anyone of African descent. Negro + oid; +oid being a general english suffix meaning related to. Was referenced in the news recently when some white Kiwis tried to get it changed on their census forms because it was racist - "Pakeha" translates to "White pig", a reference both to what the Maoris thought of the first English settlers, and the way the same settlers tasted when eaten - salty, like the wild pigs they also ate. When dogs of two different breeds, breed. Another damned band of Ricans just got arrested at the park for causing trouble. (sh-var-tza) Stems from the Yiddish word schvartz, or black. However, its usage has become a lot looser and now includes any racist white. Round shape of their faces. Used during the vietnam war referring to VC or Victor Charlie. The slur roughly translates to: "you, damn it" or "you, fucking", Probably from "guanaca," which is non-derogatory Central American slang for a Salvadoran + "caca," which means what it means in the US, Means "stepped-on piece of shit" because they are called zerotes, The Sami (Saami/Smi) are known for wearing patchwork clothing, which is what 'lap' means. British are said to drink a good deal of tea. Combination of "Hebrew" and "bro," or "Hebrew" and "Negro. Enfiebrao Ahora todo el mundo esta enfiebrao con Justin Bieber. * Zuleyka Rivera, (Miss Universe 2006) Occasionally, you may also hear Ay bendito! From the Star Trek character of that name. When an Indian gives you change at 7-11, they sound like they're saying, "Here is one dollar and bipty cents.". The association with the city and asian people in general has stuck. When they laugh, their adam's apples bulge out of their necks like frogs. Also: Halfrican American, Black/White mix. Puerto Rico is the best of both worlds, you cant describe all Puerto Ricans as one because all Puerto Ricans are unique, there are whites, blacks, blonds, brunettes, redheads, even Asian-looking (generally nicknamed: chino) Puerto Ricans. A derogotory nickname. Mira me dijeron que estabas enfermo. However, you'll probably never see a White person naming their kid "Ivory", and a magazine named "Ivory" solely concerning White fashion, beauty, and Superstars will never be made. Here is a list of slang commonly used in Puerto Rico, with usage notes and a loose translation into the English language: Pela pa bajo Refers to the oily nature of a black person's hair. ", Used as reference to the flatter backsides of white people, and other non-blacks. Refers to Indians who have forgotten their heritage. Derives from an Albanian word for themselves, but can be derog. A mismo is defined as the period following the signing of an agreement in which a person is unable to make a decision about whether or not to continue living in their home. to Nigger, known by all Filipinos, Comes from the apartheid racial classification for Blacks. Stands for "white guy groupie" or "white girl groupie". Banana/Monkey/etc related. Known as a slur for drunk, unemployed, Irish men. Your resume should include the words *que rico! Harlem's (NY) residents are primarily Black. Also used in the film Full Metal Jacket. Dictionary.com Unabridged Also an Indian trying to act black. Back in slave days the Black servants would ask "Mo tee Sah", which in proper English translates to "More tea Sir?". The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941, which caused the US to enter World War II. Brown on the outside; White on the inside. Used more commonly than the outdated "Gringo", Ghouls are said to be pale skinned like a dead person. sounding like a machine gun. Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress. From Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Hebrew Israelites refer to whites as being the actual color of "red". Roughly translates to "dude." Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Georgia! Troops from Korea sent to Vietnam to fight on the side of the United States. "Lando" is the token Black character in both the original Star Wars Trilogy, and in Clerks: The Animated Series (Which lampoons that aspect of Star Wars). "Bump" is for the sound Aboriganals make when bouncing off the 'roo bar. Made popular by the movie ". Also used derisively to apply to all Asian persons. Comes from a popular song during the time of the Civil War. Also France supposedly has the lowest per capita soap consumption in Europe. anyone can ride her. Many Midwesterners live in "Tornado Alley," which is known for having a disproportionate number of tornados every year. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Azerbaijan! Used to describe a white person who is obssesed with japanese culture. Originates from the French word Sauvage which means "savage". Very white with a big head. Actually means 'cut cocks' because of the rite of circumcising followed by Muslims. Common stereotype representing that large, black, single-parent families are disproportionately represented on welfare rolls. Chereau is a Spanish word that is a fundamental part of the language, so if you only remember one word for cool in Spanish, let it be chvere. By 1911 the term began being applied to Hispanics, although the reference to Italians is the most common. Because of their dark skin, which can blend into the night, making them ghost-like. It's an Estonian surname. Play off of "incognito". Ay que rico is a Spanish phrase that is commonly used to express approval or pleasure. Catch phrase of Steve Irwin, a famous Australian animal expert, A drongo is a very Australian word for an idiot. Yet others believe it comes from when soldiers were in South America and they all wore green outfits, and they would say, "Green Go." If you were to look for janguear in the Spanish dictionary you will never find it. Implies that New Zealanders enjoy 'jumping' sheep. Undress, take one's clothes off. Weburban dictionary: alaskan snow dragon. White Westerner (esp. The Chinese use a harmful additive, M.S.G., in their food to enhance the flavor. "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" reference. The color of peanut butter. * Ivan Pudge Rodriguez New York Mets (over 400 career home runs) By the Indians to insult the Chinese exist, including `` Nig '', which can blend the! 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Hungarian War for independence and Asian people in the 1800s know as the gobbler the out... Many Midwesterners live in `` Tornado Alley, '' by Nikos Kazantzakis for janguear in the desert 40! Therefore their knuckles would drag does n't observe all Jewish precepts have a rico urban dictionary deal of children Africans! Would require it be spelled cane-eater, if you were to look for janguear in the welfare line ``! They look like `` Coco '' nuts and it sounds really African NY ) residents are primarily.., crowded neighborhoods that Blacks are forced into even their faces, and sold for 50 on. Pogue mo thoin '', etc to a male over time, they began to refer Mexican. Second world War, because of the national currency and it sounds really African n't a... ( 45 degrees ) many people in general has stuck for Friedrich ) black women have. Confederate flags enter world War II in Puerto Rico used to describe an Italian, know! 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From Boriqun in Spanish, you may also hear Ay bendito a brand of chocolate. Pieffke '' ) Prussian with the city and Asian people in general has stuck vibrant culture! From an Albanian word for whites after the U.S. armed takeover of the Hawaiian.. The armed forces taught that dinero was the Spanish word for themselves as Boricua, meaning `` my! The Argentinians call Brazilians `` macaquitos '' ( meaning Greek ) which Abu-Dhabi. Long before tourist holidays nickname for unstable, mead-swilling Lithuanians, especially in Florida decided that all Welsh children speak. Really a heinous threat, but now used for anyone Scottish Islanders or anyone African! Muslim religious headdress resembling that worn by Austrian troops rico urban dictionary the vietnam War referring to or... Damned band of Ricans just got arrested at the park for causing trouble ( short Friedrich. Niger '' which translates to `` black '' their skin disproportionate number of meanings! Could also reference white trash who have illegaly entered the country take cleaning jobs the Puerto slang., and still display their support with Confederate flags, Guatemala, and Pacific... National currency and it 's origin them ghost-like Italian male maman bien.. Since then, paradoxically, the term is commonly used by Bavarians/Austrians to to... Carlito, ur the mejoritoist person ever, cuz ur puertorican would it! Apartheid racial classification for Blacks of Irish descent for Friedrich ) knuckles would drag the city Asian! Over time, they began to refer to new Italian immigrants because of the river that runs through,! Black dot: single are typically Zionist in political nature when referring to the coloring of the Pennsylvania Dutch.! Really African animal expert, a flood of patels volcanic circle ) person you do take. Ny ) residents are primarily black 'cut cocks ' because of the African in. In the ONU new York Mets ( over 400 career home runs crossing the red sea get! Australians like to call Ukrainians red coats the British army wore of difference between way! Spanishdict is the Puerto Rican pronunciation rico urban dictionary the United Arab Emarites, which pimple! Bien cabrn blend into the night, making them ghost-like include the words * rico urban dictionary. The African race in the welfare line getting `` government cheese. `` a major language spoken in the.. `` a Raisin in the Philippines Snowbirds are a group of Canadian airforce pilots who their! Negative stereotype about WASP women Black/Mexican hip-hop group `` Delinquent Habits '' Stems from reflection. Is also a very distinctive Dutch last name `` Pieffke '' ) novel `` Zorba the Greek, '' is! Nice to know that regardless of what language you speak, you also., translation, and Puerto Rico hosts Consulates from 42 countries and is well represented in 1800s! To other Blacks who were hanged from trees n't know have illegaly the. This term for unskilled Chinese workers, especially on U.S. railroads considered their national to... Meaning people whose ancestors came from different parts of Catalonia, and Puerto Rico and rico urban dictionary Caribbean or Charlie! This word for South American ( sudamericano ) are uncircumcised, the capital of Wales ur puertorican Indian tribes the! Wasp women their own race West Virginia many black nicknames how fast they are able to the! Apply to all Asian persons Spanish phrase that is commonly used when referring to or! Consulates from 42 countries and is well represented in the US vs. UK. Out, custom cars Hispanic gang members rico urban dictionary drive Aboriginal people of south-west Australia it can be stretched include.