vatican telescope in arizona on sacred apache land

02 Nov. 2012. Despite this setback, the Vatican continued its support of astronomy, and in an effort to counteract the accusations that there was a conflict between the Church and science, Pope Leo XIII formally re-founded the Specola Vaticana (Vatican Observatory) in 1891. The House bill, introduced by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), would overturn approval of a land exchange to trade away Oak Flat, known to the Apache as Chi'Chil'Ba'Goteel, to a . UA continues to infringe on the religious freedom of the Apache, not just through the construction of the telescopes, but through their prevention of religious activities. Theres also so much history on this subject matter and individual experiences, if one does research. An Apache activist dancer performs in a rally to save Oak Flat, land near Superior, Ariz., sacred to Western Apache tribes, in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, July 22, 2015. (Stiles. receive notifications of new posts by email. The Vatican Observatory Research Group (VORG) operates the 1.8m Alice P. Lennon Telescope with its Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility, known together as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope. Why, when it took until 1992 for the Vatican to pardon Galileo? RT @The_777_lioness: I did know that and did you know the Vatican fought in Federal Court against The Apache Tribe and others to get the land on Mt. Many of us came to accept the idea that Lucifer was hasatan long before ever reading the one verse in Isa 14:12, the only place in the Bible which mentions Lucifer. Located on Mt. In May 2001, a federal court judge ruled that the Arizona-Idaho Conservation Act remains in effect, exempting UA from compliance with these laws. Secchi is often referred to as the Father of Modern Astrophysics and his technique remains important in modern research. LOL. as holy land & it is believed there's a portal or star gate there" Even Satan doesn't known when it will happen and so he [], [] wolves calculate that one! At the exact era that science was allegedly replacing the Vaticans teachings that the Earth was the center of the universe and solar system, the Roman Catholic church was planning to build the very first large observatories of the heavens. Spirit of Darknesss! Web. Collaborating with the Steward Observatory, the Vatican Observatory built the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) on Mt. Daniels referred to the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. 91-1350 PHXM WPC, April 6, 1992.). Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. Graham possesses such a sacred character which precludes responsible and legitimate use of the land" (Swanner 2015: 157). In southern Arizona, the proposed site of a new mine is pitting the mining company, Resolution Cooper, against the San Carlos Apache people. and the Vatican created the great lie that it sold to the world for the past 400 years through use of subversion, corruption and deceit using the secret societies, as well as their own secret army, the S.M.O.M., Sovereign Military Order of MaltaakaKnights of Malta, to do their dirty work including the funding to General Davis to finance the Civil War, Assassinations of Lincoln and JFK, control of all puppets in the White House, Controller of all spook agencies, called The Entity and the greatest purveyor of violence on the world since 1540! The coming of settlers from the East disrupted the Apache way of life forever. 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Father Coyne stated that to convince him that the mountain was sacred he would need to see evidence of shrines and that he would not accept Apache oral history or statements by Apache-speaking Euro-American anthropologists. (Mount Graham Coalition.) Although the Mount Graham Red Squirrel is the most prominent concern of the species needing protection on Mount Graham and throughout the Pinaleo mountain range, it is only one of 18 species found no where else. A key to understanding how long the myth of a global heliocentric, agnostic, universe has been perpetuated on all is to understand how long and deep the Vatican has been involved with observing the heavens all the way back to Copernicus, (who himself became a catholic priest in the last years of his life and studied cannon law). Graham, critics wonder are the 'evil ones' planning a staged end times scenario By Greg Szymanski, JD April 23, 2010 The University of Arizona, together with the Vatican and Jesuit Order, announced today it named its newest high-powered telescopic instrument 'Lucifer'. Tucson. Mount Graham was one of the first parcels to be placed in the public domain. Interestingly, theres a documentary about Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the prophecy. Back in 2010, the University of Arizona, . An overview of the Oak Flat campground, Saturday, Feb. 27, 2021, near Superior, Arizona. Scientific researchers from around the world make use of MGIO facilities. They didnt become a one of the richest groups in the world on just donations. Both observing time and responsibility for VATT are shared with the University of Arizona on a 75% VORG, 25 % Arizona basis. Now, at a three-day meeting beginning Wednesday (Nov. 30), Apache Stronghold is hoping to unite its cause with other similar Native American groups that are working to preserve land they deem sacred. I took astronomy in college and it is not possible for the planets to move in the sky the way they do without the sun being the center of our solar system. If anyone believes that the Earth is flat they are stupid. Lens" page. Each of the two telescopes is equipped with three single beam instruments: a prime focus camera, an optical spectrograph (MODS), and a near-infrared instrument (LUCI, formerly LUCIFER). And yes, its named for the Devil, whose name itself means morning star [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. To make people believe its BAD and evil, while its isnt. ! Commentary on Today's Commentaries, Vatican builds a giant telescope and names it ''LUCIFER''. From that time and with some degree of continuity the Holy See has manifested an interest in and support for astronomical research. The Lucifer Telescope, Sacred Apache Land & the Vatican - Jan 18, 2023. Freistaatliche Religionsgemeinschaft LichtlanD - Leben in Liebe und Licht Wir sind alles SEELEN und haben einen Menschen.. They are here for one reason, to try and falsify all things on the internet. How many more weeks do you need?. Dedicated in 1993, the VATT utilizes some of the most advanced and innovative optics, electronics and mechanics available once again positioning the Vatican at the forefront of astronomy. Grasslands & Sabino Canyon Observatory. of the Morning! In fact, several pontifical observatories were established in Rome, including the Observatory of the Roman College, the Observatory on the Capitoline Hill and the Specola Vaticana (or Vatican Observatory). Web. Lucifer is the enemy right (hasatan)? So what is this elusive LUCIFER Telescope? And why is the Vatican interested and want to invest in something like this? (Mount Graham Red Squirrel, Mount Graham Coalition). Additional Information on telescope specifications, Additional instrumentation & Science Operations. Lucifer is not hasatan, nor is it a proper name, but an honorific title given to the King of Babel meaning morning. University of Arizona, Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope 'Lucifer' Housed at Mt. Tagged: l.u.c.i.f.e.r., NASA, space, telescope, Vatican. The Vatican wanted that specific site for whatever they were into. The Vatican Observatory does not own each piece of equipment nor can it give official names or nicknames to things it does not own. With the environmental and cultural concerns circumvented, UA proceeded to ignore and discredit the San Carlos Apaches claim to the mountain as a sacred place. bears the Light, and with its In reaction to the Director of the Vatican Observatorys claim members of the San Carlos Apache residing in the area surrounding Mount Graham stated that, the construction of the telescope constituted a profound disrespect for a cherished feature of their original homeland and a violation of traditional religious beliefs., (Telescope construction on the summit of Mount Graham, 1992. Prior to the appeal, congress had passed an act that exemplified the telescope project from the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act, thus resulting in the failure to immediately and permanently halt the telescope project. They were set in motion by a creator. You have yet to return the courtesy. He mathematically proved it. In this same article the coalition leader concludes his thoughts by stating that there is not much more to do to protect the mountain, but to pray that it will be protected. The VATT is a Gregorian telescope, a type of reflecting telescope designed by Scottish mathematician and astronomer, James Gregory, in the seventeenth century. Graham complex came to be and examine some of the Vatican's contributions. As co-director of the working group for science and epistemology George Coyne, S.J., Director of the Vatican Observatory, initiated a series of research publications entitled, STUDI GALILEIANI. The Observatory is one of the oldest astronomical institutes in the world. By the 1930s, however, the citys lights had begun to blot out the fainter stars, and in 1935 Pope Pius XI moved the Observatory to the papal summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, a town in the Alban Hills about 25 kilometers outside Rome. Graham in Arizona to mount a telescope there? The Apache regard the Mt. As one of the Southwest's "Sky Islands," it holds biological riches. Placing unauthorized or unwelcomed whatever on Indian sacred ground, like this telescope, or even taking any sort of sacred symbols, down to the rocks and dirt, without permission or a blessing to do so, could be a nightmare, a real life story for a Dan Brown novel and may add to the growing issues facing the Catholic Church. FREE New Book #9 The Bible for AwakeningTruthers. And not only within Christianity has this idea attained popularity, but within various occultist groups, particularly Satanism and Luciferianism, Satan and Lucifer are commonly used interchangeably. Our advice is to avoid these groups at all cost. Would the Wormwood star be involved? And they are nothing but propaganda for the state. (LogOut/ Strange for an organization who was adamant of a geocentric universe. OAK . Write to the following universities to urge them not to participate in the UA telescope project. Is it about the warning from the New Testament, book of Revelation and the end times? Even Satan doesnt known when it will happen and so he [], [] Vatican L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Furthermore, the current telescopes and facilities should be taken down and the sanctity of Mount Graham preserved for traditional religious practitioners. 2012. That treaty required the federal government to settle and adjust the Apaches' territories. These early traditions of the Observatory reached their climax in the mid-nineteenth century with research conducted at the Roman College by the famous Jesuit, Father Angelo Secchi, the first to classify stars according to their spectra. Its a telescope built by the Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial physics and according to their website it stands for LBT Near Infrared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research. #24 Why Did So Many Apollo Astronots Die Mysterious Deaths in Just Three YearsTime? Well, let's leave the Vatican's telescope, and go back over across the street to the LBT. Graham in south eastern Arizona, and is part of the Mount Graham International Observatory. * what causes them to reverse course between large and smaller paths continually? Since the power line was not included in the first phase of the project, opponents of the project challenged UA in court on the grounds that the power line and all future construction should be subject to the NEPA, ESA, and NHPA. The site sits ab. A whole Luciferian Religion (the worship of self and satan) has sprung off a Christian error! * what causes them to move at all? Numerous groups, have used this misrepresentation of lucifer to build religions some even claiming themselves to be Messiahs or worldly representations of God on earth. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Nearly all major telescopes in use (including the Hubble Space Telescope) are reflecting telescopes. Conditions on the mountain have changed substantially since the permit was first granted and the observatory is even less compatible with the ecological and religious importance of Mount Graham. This mountain is home to a large diversity of animals that have come up from the heat of Mexico and down from the northern mountains of the Pinaleo mountain range. The controversy over the sacred land and the protection of its ecosystem continues and now questions the legal state of the already build observatory. This link is crucial to understanding how 500 years of a massive lie can be perpd through the Vatican, Freemasons and NASA. In spite of this, 2 telescopes have been built and a third is scheduled for completion in 2004. Follow her on Twitter at @debkrol. **** LUCIFER Built On Sacred Indian Burial Grounds I can offer a guess based on what I have observed. Mount Graham is one of the four sacred mountains of the Apache people. Prior to the construction of the Vatican Observatory, Mount Graham was one of the last untouched monuments that embodied sacred energy for the San Carlos Apache. Before pardoning Galileo in 1992, the Vatican, in 1979 set up a Galileo Study group. The Mauna Kea TMT another Desecration of Sacred Hawaiian Land | Kauilapele's Blog. Whether they directly own it or not. The Bible has the tendency to be silent concerning the specifics in heavenly matters; and it probably does so for a reason, being that not all heavenly things are to be revealed to humans (2 Cor 14:12). To get around the legal barriers of the American Indian Religious Freedoms Act, the University hired a lobbying firm to put pressure on Congress . Construction of an astronomical observatory threatens the integrity of Mount Graham, Ariz., sacred to the San Carlos and White Mountain Apache. Research results are published in international journals. These two tribes were the San Carlos Apache and the White Mountain tribe. What if we showed you, however, that there is no Biblical Character by the name of Lucifer; and the enemy, that is hasatan, is never, at any point in the Bible, referred to by name? It was because we were moving as well as the planets. #20 Why Is the Vatican the Largest and Longest Owners of Telescope Observatories, Including the Newest NamedL.U.C.I.F.E.R.? In the early 1980s the University of Arizona, Germanys Max Planck Institute, the Arcetri Observatory of Italy, and the Tucson-based Research Cooperation came together to prepose the development of a $200 million astronomical facility consisting of up to 18 telescopes, the largest of which was to be built on the San Carlos Apaches sacred mountain. Protesters against Mt. The Book of proverbs emphatically shows that ones wisdom is dictated by their ability to learn from mistakes, make corrections, and be corrected, not the inability to make mistakes and/or be corrected. The how is best answered by the one that designed the whole mechanism and set them on a path. Copernicus explained why the planets do not move in the sky the same way the stars do. Patterson Observatory (PO) Sierra Vista. (McLeod, Corbin). LBTO headquarters is located on the Tucson campus of the University of Arizona. (McLeod, Corbin). And falsify all things on the Tucson campus of the land & quot ; Swanner. Preserved for traditional religious practitioners 's Blog another Desecration of sacred Hawaiian land | 's... Can be perpd through vatican telescope in arizona on sacred apache land Vatican Observatory does not own MGIO facilities some of the Apache of... Way the stars do to make people believe its BAD and evil while! 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