Would recommend this story for whenever you want to just have fun. She isn't Dream yet, but she's got a lot of the responsibilities. BobtheNORMALguy said: 7. Her final speech at the end before leaving was also rather rude. It just boggles my mind that people tend to be gatekeepy on a worm fanfiction. But can she handle what she discovers on her way to freedom? But Taylor's voice isn't the only thing that changes about Taylor. You must log in or register to reply here. Throwing a snowball at Lily White on the first day of spring will send her from joyous to foaming at the mouth in no time flat. not sure how graphic it is as Im not the best writer, not sure of the tags but the main character grows extra limbs and said limbs can morph shapes, Original Lu Bngh/Original Shn Qngqi. She suddenly feels sweaty all through her body and falls for his body. This is also flat out implied in Chapter 49. Then she'd tell me to dream of someplace bright and kind, and it would all be better in the morning. Unlike them I don't need powers to change the world. Sixteen chapters later, Most of Gensokyo's powerhouses join together near the beginning of the story to take down, The Kirin have access to a way of killing youkai and faeries and. From my sister?". Other than Yuyuko, Satori and her own Shikigami, almost all of the groups Yukari collaborates with have either one or both sides thinking ill of each other at best, or at worst actually betraying each other. Just words on a page. All around him was the debris of the warehouse that had fallen on top of them. 4. Weird. Cookie Notice Eyes Wide Shut 1. To end this post, I would just like to encourage people to be mindful of the fact that though a fic might not fit in what you see as a Worm fanfiction, it likely fits into another persons view. 8. "In the stories, the girl gets saved from the evil villain by the hero, and they lived happily ever after. And Satori's mostly cooperating for personally pragmatic reasons, to give her and her pets an exemption from being drafted for a task she thinks is worse, but is partly there to keep an eye on the least trustworthy combatant, hunted down and offered it as an alternative to prison, then agreed willingly just because she wants to fight, who then proceeds to turn the tables and show that Yukari's dictatorial attitude is what has prevented a peaceful solution and why. Found on SpaceBattles and on FF.net. She outright states that there are those worse than herself out there. I shouldn't officer?" It can use both, but it doesn't have to. See notes for rules). Medicine Melancholy too actually, by Chapter 51. Suddenly she has the idea to go for a walk to calm herself and goes out of the house. She later gets a whole shipment of upgraded variants off of Nitori. You guys are awesome, and I hope you got some decent recommendations out of this. 39, this is the only hope for Kanako and Nitori. The story zigzags between somber characterization and comedic misunderstandings, giving it a somewhat unique tone among Worm fanfic, and the prison setting makes for some interesting story developments. Colin Wallis does a lot for his city, and he'll reluctantly put up with any number of mundane annoyances, if it's measurably beneficial to the heroes under his command. Duty and Dissociation 5.1 Meta-discussion about Wildbow fanfic in general. Even removed from powers, Contessa feels familiar: efficient, in control, passionate about saving the world, a mastermind. In theory the armored van was built to withstand attacks from capes, in practice things could and did go wrong in cape fights and Brockton Bay was home to such heavy hitters as Kaiser, Purity, Oni Lee, and Lung, any one of whom might be able to get inside the van if they really wanted to. And no, I'm probably not going to explain what meta-physically happened during the "trigger". Gregor Samsa is the protagonist from the short novella The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Fanfic/The Metamorphosis Project; Fanfic/The Minkiad; Fanfic/The Miraculous World Of Caline Bustier; Fanfic/The Monster Of Yuuei; Fanfic/The Moth And The Mariposa; Fanfic/The Mouse In The Walls; Fanfic/The Mystery Twins Investigate A Kamen Rider Story; Fanfic/The Myth Of Link And Zelda Breath Of The Wild; Fanfic/The Norse Hero Fenrir; Fanfic . Taylor with Nights powerset wants to do good, but gaining powers has changed her mind in various ways, and thus her interpretation of good can be a little different than the norm. I was thinking clearly, for one, and nothing was really happening. My earlier comment about thinking clearly might not have been true after all, as I was certainly handling this whole thing far more easily than I really should be. I find myself agreeing with a lot of the comments on my post, but the some of them feel like they disagree with me. Subverted, but still a reader punch. that one dude in the LBD thread comes to mind, might've been the inspiration for this post, lol. Quick Alfred, get my suitcase! You're welcome to agree or disagree as you want . Please consider turning it on! I stepped forward, towards the gates that I had only just noticed. Warfare! I woke up as a dungeon, now what? Subarashiki Kono Sekai | The World Ends With You (Video Games), Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl/Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Alt!Power Taylor, Militaristic!Taylor, KindaRuthlessButStillGood!Taylor. Sex! Thanks to everyone who sat through my ramblings. Reimu is a more classic exemple: she is definitely more jaded and cynical than Byakuren, and keeps a cold and harsh faade (. Interestingly enough, the "it" in question is not, Reisen's self-esteem was quite low to begin with, but after Mima's cruel. The world is so rich and realised that a person might see that Brockton Bay and every cape there in aren't needed to carry Worm. Beyond determining if an author is outright lying, there's not a lot of meaning to deciding on some criteria. No monsters or excitement at all, I thought as I finally reached the castle's main doors, flanked by two massive empty pedestals. The stars were noticeable, and though there was no sun or moon in the sky it seemed about as bright as late afternoon, when the shadows begin to really stretch. The character writing in this one is phenomenal, especially since there are a lot of original characters in the cast the inmates you meet are portrayed as people with nuances and flaws, rather than caricatures or walking powersets. When it finally appeared completely I gaped. That may or may not be hinting at something bigger down the line (Requests are allowed! adventure. Also fucking give me Mata Hari Lisa. This does mean that she can not have the full reality warping powers and still have any significant relation to the main plot (Scion, what Scion? Part 6 of Writing Requests Language: English By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Each of them is important part of what makes Worm the story that it is, but each of us place different weight into what these parts bring to the collective whole that what we believe to be the core of Worm will be different. 13. That hurt. Taylor is not the main character, and instead acts as a mentor to Midoriya. I didn't care. My feet echoed off the marble as I walked towards it, and if it weren't for the damaged nature of the room I might have felt regret at spilling the not-sand across the opalescent stone. If that criteria doesnt work, then perhaps we should think in broader strokes. 20. He is a hero by day, but by night, his powers give birth to a projection that lives out his dreams. 3. 14. . Then she turns and sees a man selling fruit. I screamed and shouted, fists smashing on the door of the locker. I feel comfortable putting it here anyway, because at 400k words and an update schedule on par with Worm itself, Trailblazer has attained a consistent level of quality that rarely ever happens. Even Mima quickly agrees to this. When Yukari is beaten within an inch of her life against Yuuka from spiritual poisoning, she can barely form coherent sentences until Mima helps her. Denik doesn't know. I could see more of it peeking over the horizon, spires and towers that made me thing of some sort of castle. 21. Just inject that shit directly into my veins. I don't know about that, I know a guy who lives in a dinghy that claims he can publish anything. stand back and let Yukari kill an innocent child, if she can choose to stop it. 74. Of course that won't happen. 41 with a Giga Drill Breaker. 29. But with some volatile secrets of her own, joining the heroes isn't on the cards - leaving her to forge her own path between heroism and villainy, walking a thin line down the middle. , . I stare at the girl that entered the classroom, a girl who I once knew changed right there before me. Waking up and finding out that the world has shrunk is an experience few will go through. It's a beautiful first day of spring in Gensokyo. My head soon followed it. He has no idea what Worm is and how to react to this new reality. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Minhos magic churns under the palms of his hands. Maybe this was some sort of vision quest, and I had to go there to meet my spirit animal or something before I could wake up. The girl's locker room at Winslow High School was an absolute nightmare of uncleanliness, an affront deep enough to encroach on the back of her mind even through the bathroom stall she had previously been hiding in. Ive enjoyed every chapter thats come out so far and I always look forward to it. This causes the target to be incapable of reforming its body. I suppose it was to be expected that I got the boring vision quest. This is a group for collecting MLP fics that crossover with the Worm fic series. Ultimately though, this is all very subjective. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A one-shot humoristic side-story titled Touhous in SPACE was done for the two-year anniversary and can be read here. What are some good Worm fanfiction stories where magic exists, particularly in addition to capes. Oh heeeey!!!! Putting weight on Taylor as the protagonist and the driver of events might mean that a person sees her as the most important element. As long as there's even a tenuous connection to Worm, we should just let authors call their fics whatever they want. It looked like it was late afternoon, the sun beginning to slip down the horizon, shadows spilling across entire streets, the moon hanging faintly overhead. Monster has excellent fight scenes and internal characterization, and its nice to see a story where openly discussing your plan DOESNT doom it for the sake of drama, but my favorite part is how it ties in with its companion piece, How I Met Your Monster. left kudos on this work. Please consider turning it on! Chapter Text. The Reaping is a Worm fanfic by Para_Docks in which Taylor triggers with a power reminiscent of Glaistig Uaine. The only Worm fanfic to horrify me as much as canon did. Read, *What's wrong with D'Vorah's looks? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. "Play her for a fool, steal her box, shoot her in the face, all these she could forgive. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (85), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (10), Original Female Character(s)/Original Female Character(s) (3), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (31), Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Todoroki Enji | Endeavor & Todoroki Natsuo, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Rei was in a rock and a hard place with deteriorating mental health, My Children Are Perfectly Fine (They Ain't), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Canon Divergence Earth 247 Was Never Erased, Bart Is An Important Character In This But Does Not Appear, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Posting here since Deviantart is being a butt, Die Verwandlung | The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka, : , - | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mxing Tngxi, after Night Fae Covenant Campaign - Chapter 9, - | Mdo Zsh - Mxing Tngxi, Jn Lng | Jn Rln/Ln Yun | Ln Szhu. As the hatchling feeds and grows it will gain the same colour as an adult earthworm. I put my hands on the gates and prepared to push, only to stumble as they swung open noiselessly. Tagged with non-con and dub-con because I think obvious reasons, but rest assured that Steve does not regret a single thing. If she ignores them they'll go away.The Doctor, Chakotay, Tuvok, and Tom aren't so sure. Well Traveled - Taylor is a Planeswalker. Everything is fine in this paradise, right? Does anyone know of any transmigration and reincarnation Taylor fics? I made a deal about a week ago, and I'm upholding it. Victoria wakes up in the aftermath of the Slaughterhouse Nine to Skitter standing over her, with some choices to make. I think that's just a factor of the audience this fandom attracts. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! Turns out that the ability to play god with the world is cold comfort when you still hate yourselfbut hey, at least shes entirely run out of fucks to give (outside of trolling the living hell out of assholes). Mostly it was because he found that a majority of them were annoyances that ate up attention that could be used elsewhere. General disclaimer for all things copyright. She's just trying to get Marisa arrested because Remilia was pressing charges. She even thought of pressing further charges with "murder". Having Eddie join the pack as a fellow beta was great, it made Steve feel less alone. Complete metamorphosis begins with the insect hatching from an egg into a soft worm-like shape called a larva. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Rin had a dream that she wrote down in an old diary that she didn't exist but she was supposed to, and when she brought it up to people they didn't care and just ignored her. Crack that isnt crack. This post will be me writing into a box on what is the criteria for a story to be a Worm Fanfiction. Instead of relegating the event to a footnote, Outcry relegates a lot of time to dread-filled buildup, and when the reveal finally happens it drastically changes the entire course of the story. It starts out as what is seemingly simple crack and then quickly becomes something more. What're they called? 1 2 3. berserk worm worm au. As it fell I could swear that it was forming patterns, and I watched as sandy stars and faces flashed briefly before vanishing. Taylor gets her memory wiped a few years before canon and gets Gambits (from X-men) powerset. It's really TINO, and should be treated as crack rather than a serious story. Eyes Wide Shut 1.4 The kind of throne a professional basketball player might have. Who knew that a story that has Contessa accidentally baking sentient bread that trolls the Simurgh could also have some of the best self-introspection in any fanfic? A revenge murder, from the perspective of the childs anger. The celebrations are short lived however as Jenni realizes that something is very, very wrong. She'll be forced to follow some rules. For more information, please see our Double Cross - Taylor enters the Dresden universe during the Echidna battle. Genji was able to trick Yukari into not going after Reimu when she picked up the. I feel so alive, with your body beside me. 2. * and then insert humorous sarcasm. Their dispute in Maldraxxus has left both Acharin and Levaindil rattled. "I guess she's tired of hanging out with only me. This post will also be ignoring fics that were written with the intention of being an original story, but were latter branded with "Worm" to get more views. I remember the first couple of these from long, long ago on the ideas thread. I think it's a stupid debate to have in the first place. ), as she would be able to reply to aggression with unmaking, or something similarly overpowered. The characterization is harsh but real, and if nothing else, I always appreciate a fic that takes place past Leviathan. Hell, I'd even take the blanket. Yuuka pierces Flandre's heart with a wood stake. 18. Marisa is dead, and Reimu kicks Yukari out of the shrine. PE class had ended ten minutes ago, and all Taylor could think was, an hour isn't long enough for a free period. Reimu is gathering allies to achieve her objective, but these allies don't get along very well. DontFuckWithMe!Danny Hebert. While they request help from Reimu, the monster assumes the form of a darkened version of Rumia and begins making its way to the Bamboo Forest. A. Q. Press J to jump to the feed. I could. An AU, Taylor Hebert loses the capacity for speech after the locker incident. This is the fic that ended up convincing me that reading Worm fanfic could be a worthwhile time investment, and at least for me, it still hasnt been topped. This fic also has three prequels/Christmas Episodes, A Very Nineball Christmas, Over an Open Fire, and The Sorceress's Apprentice. I also saw shapes, shapes that reminded me of my bed back home, my dresser and my window. An extremely distrustful Taylor with the power to manipulate peoples mental word associations meets Tattletale, and the result is a clusterfuck. Byakuren knows that her ideals won't be quite achievable, not to mention how the rest of Gensokyo lives, yet, she doesn't renounce her ideals, living by them while accepting reality,however, she is one of the more polite examples. In literature, most things are subjective even if they feel objective. Stories about OCs in other cities, stories with characters that are extremely out of character, stories without powers. 32. since when does Yukari speak in such a grandiose fashion?! # 5. Also her range for current dreamers is currently small, only a couple blocks. Silent is the fastest updating Worm Fanfic currently known. Worm Story Search Stories Dark. Also has a very emotional scene that comes out of nowhere. Marisa vaporized Nyoron, after that already happened because of Yuuka. she asked herself. when Rin gets serious, Yuuka suddenly realizes that she's no longer the biggest fish in the pond. ", "What does she think she's doing?" 9. "Even the proudest, the most uncontrollable, the most erratic of creatures can be swayed by its power. Larvae have a very big appetite and can eat several times their own body weight every day. Her eyes met mine, greeting me with a smile as Saki always does. Just to fit in. He's somehow managed to stud himself. The Worm setting is mostly window dressing, but does a good job at showing how little the struggles of even more-than-mortal men matter in the face of incomprehensible horrors. As she would be able to reply here 's really TINO, they... Have a very Nineball Christmas, over an open Fire, and nothing was really happening most erratic worm fanfic metamorphosis can! A projection that lives out his dreams prequels/Christmas Episodes, a very emotional scene that comes out of this the. Part in conversations be able to reply here a mastermind very emotional that... A couple blocks the protagonist from the perspective of the childs anger very wrong Yukari speak in such a fashion! 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