Generic language like Established are considered to be buzzwords because they're used so often. Word Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism With tens of thousands of archival and manuscript materials that document the history of African descendant literature and culture--correspondence, pamphlets, screenplays, newspaper clippings, photographs, sheet music, ephemera, including the Penumbra Theatre Company Archives--the Givens Collection is an . To establish a basis for; found or ground: To connect or set in position and prepare for use: (Electricity) To connect (an electric circuit) to a ground. 1 of 2. agile. Established. Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, there are some general reminders you will want to keep in mind to be sure to use it properly. How to Trademark a Logo: Everything You Need to Know, Master Online Trading With 3 Convenient Ways, 10 Heartfelt but Budget-Friendly Gift Ideas for Grandparents, How Eco-friendly Is The Metaverse? Synonyms of established established 1 of 2 adjective Definition of established 1 as in settled Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance settled steadfast stable set determinate changeless fixed unaltered unchanging unvarying constant invariable steady immutable unalterable unchangeable inalterable inflexible immovable unmovable hard-and-fast incommutable The word. Highly skilled or developed; accomplished: (Law) Applying to essential legal principles and rules of right; as, "substantive law". This resource is only available until Mar 03, 2023. Enter your email and we'll send it to you right away. Performed accretion and dilution analyses, conducted market research to gauge the viability and long term prospects of target's businesses. The synonyms and answers have been arranged depending on the number of characters so that they're easy to and has long been used for hundreds of years. The definition of inherent is an essential quality that is part of a person or thing. Business photo showcasing System and Structure of a Language Correct Proper Writing Rules written Tear Sticky note paper plain background Keyboard. If your goal is to impress an employer with how well-written your resume is, then using synonyms for established will help you achieve that goal. One thing to remember when you are looking to use. So if you do not use the period, some people may get confused and think that you are referring to a time zone on the East Coast of the United States. The definition of constitute means to set up or to have the pieces of something. (Dialectal, informal) Surgically rendered infertile (spayed, neutered or castrated), a. Contexts Adjective Traditionally, or generally, recognized and accepted Recognized for one's experience and history in a particular field Conclusively proven more Adjective Traditionally, or generally, recognized and accepted traditional accepted orthodox official settled dyed-in-the-wool inveterate One word you could use to replace established is settled. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. and . Accessed 2 Mar. Keep it Clean. Synonyms for Establish plant To place (an ostensible news item) in a newspaper, etc. This guide lays out styles and policies Twin Cities Geek follows for punctuation, formatting, spelling, inclusive language, and more in our articles and other communications. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Established. As you will have seen earlier, there are multiple ways to use the word established. THAT CAN BE A GOOD THING. (12), ESTABLISHED There will also be a 2. He merely wanted to establish his authority, so the others would follow his lead. The distinction between the two is clear (now). Firmly established, as by long conditioning; deep-seated: Functioning in an orderly way or according to a plan: The definition of equipped is well-supplied with necessary items. . Considerable cloudiness. Conceptual hand writing showing Grammar. Synonyms: corporation company noun Any business, without respect to incorporation. ['stblt'] brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established. Nglish: Translation of established for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of established for Arabic Speakers. Tom Gerencer, CPRW Career Expert Updated 02/09/2023 As seen in: Using synonyms will help you convey your experience in a more relevant way that is more likely to attract employers' attention.Conversely, synonyms make your resume more engaging and informative, which is very important when writing your resume. person will not be tolerated. that is degrading to another person. find. 19 12 originated Set up to endure 11 4 We'd love to hear eyewitness This LinkedIn checklist will double your network. 2 long established exp . The Arlington County Board this week adopted recommendations for establishing restorative justice practices in the county's schools, legal system and through community outreach programs, officials said in a statement. Web. ", Claim the free resource for career changers. So, in conclusion, there are other words for. Rooted: The company has been rooted in Seattle since the 1980s. adjective. DOI HARMS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS UNTIL THE END, DEEP DIVE: HOW THE FUTURE OF PUBLISHING IS TAKING SHAPE IN THE ONGOING CORONAVIRUS CRISIS ERA. Consider using synonyms like Authenticated, Fashioned, Recorded, Verified, Instituted or Confirmed. adjective. It shows that you have experience setting up and maintaining a business, project, or organization. That's why you should upload your resume to the free resume checker below. The definition of accomplish is to finish or complete something. definitions. It's working wonderfully. So here are some various examples: The written rules of the class were entrenched in the students. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Steady light rain in the morning. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. What is another word for established? (3), ESTABLISHED Just useful career tips sent in small nuggets so it's not overwhelming and easy to apply." Yes! One moose, two moose. Politico has set a goal of establishing operations reporting news coming out of all 50 state houses across the United States. To prove to be false, invalid, or in error; refute. When in doubt, use the full version of the word. The allure of the Northwest in the media: How things have changed (and how theyve stayed the same) in the last 30 years. Check which words to avoid on your resume and use that to land your dream job faster! introduced from another region and persisting without cultivation. For example, here is how est. And there is also an abbreviated form of the word too. adjective. We've interviewed 50+ hiring managers and recruiters and identified the 10 most important things they want to see on your resume. Words like "addressed" or "corresponded" can carry more weight than a generic "wrote" or "spoke." Action Verbs for Organizational Skills Instead of: organized, ordered, filed you to finish your To base or establish (a statement or action, for example): To order or decree by virtue of superior authority: To settle (oneself) securely or comfortably: (--- Now Rare) To reveal; disclose; expose, To order, decide, or appoint by decree or officially, To found or establish a colony or colonies in. Their market leading comprehensive product range means that they have gained an enviable global reputation synonyms with . This checklist will make your job search 10x easier. - John Berger 2. brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established. Yes, older linkedin users get fewer job offers but heres how you can buck the trend, How and when to put coursera certificates on a resume. created, prepared, set, formed, establishment, instituted, developed, determined, establish, fixed, defined, introduced, founded, well-established, identified, establishing, constituted, built, compiled, based, prescribed, implemented, creation, launched, provided, stipulated, produced, made, initiated, settled, installed, located, forged, 1 Synonym ; more ; 1 Broader . So it would not be surprising if you saw the abbreviated version of the word on building plaques or historical documents. had five recruiters pitching me jobs on LinkedIn. list of synonyms for your answer. from our Contexts Having been established for a long period of time Genuine, real or authentic Well-established Firm, strong, or substantial more Adjective Having been established for a long period of time entrenched fixed ingrained firm unshakable deep-rooted common accepted conventional adjective. Get a free bi-weekly coaching email from a $750/hour career coach. If you are confused or unsure about using different words for established or even the abbreviation itself, stick to the actual word and avoid any unnecessary confusion. Eugenics ( / judnks / yoo-JEN-iks; from Ancient Greek (e) 'good, well', and - (gens) 'come into being, growing') [1] [2] is a fringe set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. Synonyms:certain, consistent, demonstrable, demonstrated, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, infallible, logical, rational, reasonable, sagacious, sensible, sound, substantial, true, undeniable, unquestionable, wise, Antonyms:absurd, anomalous, chimerical, erroneous, false, foolish, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-judged, inconclusive, incorrect, infatuated, irrational, ludicrous, mistaken, monstrous, nonsensical, paradoxical, preposterous, ridiculous, senseless, stupid, unreasonable, wild, brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established, "the established social order"; "distrust the constituted authority"; "a team established as a member of a major league"; "enjoyed his prestige as an established writer"; "an established precedent"; "the established Church", Synonyms:conventional, effected, accomplished, naturalized, constituted, Antonyms:unrecognised, unrecognized, unorthodox, unestablished, unproven, unsettled, native, unproved, accomplished, effected, establishedadjective, "that smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact", Synonyms:realised, accomplished, complete, naturalized, constituted, conventional, realized, effected, completed, Antonyms:unrecognised, unsettled, native, unestablished, unproven, unorthodox, unrecognized, unproved, Synonyms:accomplished, conventional, naturalized, schematic, formal, effected, ceremonious, constituted, Antonyms:unrecognised, unorthodox, unproven, native, unproved, unsettled, unestablished, unrecognized, shown to be valid beyond a reasonable doubt, Antonyms:unestablished, unrecognised, unproved, unorthodox, unsettled, unrecognized, native, unproven, introduced from another region and persisting without cultivation, Synonyms:conventional, effected, accomplished, naturalized, constituted, naturalised, Antonyms:unrecognized, native, unproven, unrecognised, unproved, unorthodox, unestablished, unsettled, created, prepared, set, formed, establishment, instituted, developed, determined, establish, fixed, defined, introduced, founded, well-established, identified, establishing, constituted, built, compiled, based, prescribed, implemented, creation, launched, provided, stipulated, produced, made, initiated, settled, installed, located, forged, specified, laid, generated, formulated, enshrined, Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private, and public virtue is the only foundation of republics. It also allows you to describe exactly how much you've accomplished. . To endow is defined as to provide a quality, a talent, an asset or funding. or anything. That cannot be doubted, questioned, or disputed; absolutely true; certain. See lists of good resume words (action verbs, power words, adjectives, and synonyms) to use instead of worn-out buzzwords like: team player, leadership, responsible for, communication, and lots more. Parts of speech. A helpful word in your resume is the action verb 'established'. Get 5x more interviews with this checklist. When it comes to using the abbreviated form of the word established, there are some general reminders you will want to keep in mind to be sure to use it properly. Even though . Synonyms: corporation company noun An entity that manufactures or sells products (also known as goods), or provides services as a commercial venture. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Want another word for Established to use on your resume? Install is defined as to formally place someone in an office or position, or to put something in position or set it up. This checklist was critical through my career change. Is it establised . 17 8 rooted (Australia, New Zealand, slang) Broken, damaged, non- functional. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions 2. And we want to explain this by focusing on the word established. Thank you for the LinkedIn checklist! Road To Sustainability. A corporation. Of a problem, that continues over an extended period of time. Hiring managers are unnecessarily picky when it comes to resumes, and it's hard to know what they want to see. Get the weekly email that will show you how to accelerate your career, grow your network and turn your career into a rocketship. When it comes to mixing up words, it is essential to understand the difference between when you should use a synonym and when you should use the abbreviated form of the word. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Please disable your ad blocker, whitelist our site, or consider donating to support The Daily. Please make sure you have typed your email address correctly so we can send you the checklist. - Elisabeth C. Turn your LinkedIn profile into an opportunity magnet. . In 5 minutes a week. Start is defined as to begin, set out to appear or to move suddenly. established adjective (ACCEPTED) accepted or respected because of having existed for a long period of time: There are established procedures for dealing with emergencies. However, don't overuse the word 'established.' To confuse is to make someone bewildered or unable to understand, or to mistake one thing for something else. To show (oneself) to be capable, dependable, etc. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. The organization was est. Synonyms for Established set up In a position to function; ready. To provide evidence for, or suggest the truth of. most commonly used in association with dates of significance. Title: Senior Document Controller The COMPANY Our client is a well established Global manufacturer of turbines and generators to a myriad of industries including Marine, Petrochemical, Waste to Energy, Hospitals, Education, Offshore Oil & Gas, Power Generation, etc. To secure is to firmly attach something, to take action to make an area safe or to obtain something that you have been seeking. So here are some various examples: You can also use abbreviations for the word. To place (an ostensible news item) in a newspaper, etc. antonyms. 37 10 incorporated Formed into or organized and maintained as a legal corporation. 50+ years in business, . site. Be Nice. 17 10 lay the foundation One moose, two moose. Show is defined as to bring into view, teach, or display. Be Truthful. To prove that something, such as a document, is what it purports to be, especially so that the item can be admitted into evidence at a trial or hearing. Established definition, founded, built, or brought into existence:The organization is getting ready to announce the first recipient of a newly established award recognizing outstanding service to the community. You can expand on it if you want to; say get a driver's license in another state, or establish an address. (4), ESTABLISHED The company made its mission to save the ocean permanent in 2006. Learn a new word every day. The English language is something we have all learned throughout our time in school. in 1954 by Henry Fords brother. You can say Innovated, Conceived or Authenticated instead of Established. Search for a clue, word or if you have missing letters use a, 'ESTABLISHED' is a 11 letter And we 'll send it to you right away the full version of the class were entrenched the! 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