Fall bugs are coinciding with workers facing increasing pressure to be back in the office, says Caroline Walsh, vice president in the Gartner HR practice. Chicken soup helps. The reported symptoms of this new cold see the same head and body aches, general fatigue, scratchy throat, raspy cough and runny nose that we experience with COVID-19, but perhaps at a greater . I hope this was Covid-19 because I had it and I hope I got the antibody. It may mimic things like COVID but it can also have gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea and abdominal pain." It arrived just when life seemed good again. You will be very tired with this cold, it more like a flu. Deakin University chair of epidemiology Professor Catherine Bennett warned that the flu may also kill more people than Covid this year, due to 'less immunity against the flu now because we've skipped two flu seasons'. The uptick in RSV cases is a good proxy that "a lot of respiratory viruses are circulating now," says Dr. John Swartzberg, a clinical professor emeritus at UC Berkeley's School of Public Health. Then I got pink eye, which is another symptom. Who came up with these SUPER COLDS? Even if you test negative on the first day, Gounder recommends retesting on day two to be sure. I went to work one day after, and could have passed out there, with the slightest effort. Try to have one daily. As of May 12, 2022, the cause of this cluster of hepatitis cases is still . FLORIDA Though the number of new COVID-19 cases has dropped significantly in Florida since this summer's surge, which was largely driven by the emergence of the delta coronavirus variant,. I also meant to mention R211 instead of R212, oops. Please click here to update your account with a username and password. If you feel unwell, make sure you rest to have the energy to fight off the virus. I archived this thread if anyone wants to bookmark for posterity. The thought that people were suffering and confused by the unusual aspects of their illness combined with the fact that no declarations about Covid19 had yet been made is disconcerting to say the least. no, I've had it twice, and you will never forget it, just like the covid test, it's a long swab stuffed into a nostril, it's super quick though, like maybe five minutes wait. People who travel are exposed to all sorts of things. Sounds like COVID-19 (coronavirus) has been going around since mid December and just wasn't called that until recently. VIEW ALL PHOTOS. Well have to battle them in the next few months. It's all dry. I rarely have any appetite at all when I'm sick. You're body builds a tolerance to it and it becomes less effective the more you use it. There are many physical and mental benefits to fresh air, but it is often avoided while battling the common cold or flu, in fear of getting a chill in the colder months. To avoid putting others at risk and to help minimize the severity of any illness you might contract, you should stock up on at-home antigen tests for Covid-19, Gounder suggests. It's not the flu, because I was tested for it. My chest was raw and hurt from constant coughing. Which is why China knows exactly who is patient zero. Its done the opposite, Is it a cold, the flu or Covid-19? We were at pediatric urgent care at least twice. i had covid symptoms and a cold/fever that wrecked me for a few weeks in feb 2020. 5. Download Sorry r4, it is going around here and it takes longer to recover from than a normal cold. I am convinced it was the virus. Don't think this is the first wave - it's not. I wonder if steroids might help you. New and continuous cough - coughing a lot for more than an hour, or having three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours Fever - a temperature above 37.8C Change in smell or taste - either you cannot. These medications may hide the symptoms of COVID-19.Jan 5, 2022. Consuming these nourishing nutrients is one of the most natural ways to help you to get back on your feet faster after a bout of illness. If you take vitamin C regularly, your cold symptoms may disappear earlier. I was sick as a dog for 4 weeks with night sweats , no taste , no smell, and fatigue, I am not one of those asymptotic people. and human parainfluenza viruses, which cause typical cold and flu symptoms, are on the rise this summer. So far, it's lasted 2 weeks, but it's getting better. Colds, upper respiratory infections, and URIs are common terms we use to describe viral illnesses that cause nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, fever, and cough. R269 here. [quote]it's no longer easy to find generic or store brand 'plain' Guaifenesin. The benefits come from the gelatine, glucosamine and chondroitin contained within the tissues which are released into the broth and absorbed by our bodies. Especially since I had my flu shot back in September, and I still came down with this "whatever it is.". I also took 2000 milligrams of vitamin C in the winter. Weekly cases counts are less complete for the most current weeks, but there have been more RSV cases detected by PCR tests each week in October 2022 than any other week in at least the past two years. Covid 19 wasn't in America in December, we have other diseases here. It would be interesting if the Coronavirus was around earlier. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. The tests aren't the same. Mine started the Monday before Thanksgiving, and this past weekend I thought I was finally almost over it, but I still had congestion in my lungs and head I couldn't get rid of. I wasn't able to speak for a few days because every time I tried, I'd just break into a coughing fit. I had never recovered so quickly before. Several people in my immediate family including my partner seem to have had this, though it was during the period where there were no tests. And I did get a flu shot. My sister & I both slept & snuggled with her cat & were face to face with it. It is possible that COVID was never fully eradicated in those people who got sick, twice. The most common symptoms include congestion, headaches, coughing and a sore throat, most of which have no instant cure. . Everyone except R36, who posted that it does & then posted a jillion links to articles about chicken soup after she was told to stop posting her junk science. The first telltale sign might be a sore throat, and over time you'll likely develop other symptoms like coughing and a fever. Two-workers and my husband are in their third week. You can wash your hands 1000 times but if the virus is all over these filthy surfaces then it wont help. But because of spraying and DL, I was hyper-aware of the pandemic and stocked up. It's Not COVID, But an Especially Intense Cold Is Going Around People who don't have COVID-19 are reporting more severe upper respiratory illnesses than they usually experience, and doctors say several factors could be at play By Abbey Niezgoda Published December 7, 2021 Updated on December 7, 2021 at 9:03 pm NBC Universal, Inc. As borders reopen, so too comes an influx of influenza and other respiratory tract viruses, which have developed unseen over the last two years, and which we do not yet have immunity to. The moment I lie down I begin to cough frantically. No one in my office has ever called in sick. Nasal rinses can bring relief for both cold and allergies. Someone with flu usually has symptoms 1 to 4 days after being infected. R135 and r140 have said what I recently have been saying. No nasal drip. Outbreaks of the norovirus, which causes. Couldn't sleep during the worst of it. But we'll never know. Do go out to a corner store and get some snacks and treats and juice and gatorade if you don't have a friend to do it for you. R30 -- Because I am not a deplorable who thinks the Russians are just misunderstood and suddenly our friends ? He had pink eye and everything. I remember back then, maybe in January.2020, my neighbor never left her house for a month. Fortunately, strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 also prevent the spread of flu and cold. Take a saline nasal spray 3X a day and the cough syrup every 8 hours. I had a bad chest cold with phlegm that lasted for over 2 weeks. Attention Editors: Reprint our articles and illustrations in your own publication. Those folks definitely had it very early. I tested negative for flu and strep. Productivity-wise, you're unlikely to be performing at your best, and on morale, colleagues showing up sick "brings the whole team down," Nayyar adds. The results of this research (published in a 1978 article in CHEST) demonstrated that compared with hot water and cold water, hot chicken soup led to improved nasal mucus velocity [9]. My encounter with COVID started about the 2nd week of December 2019. What you should know. I had the cough sore throat for awhile, but at work on a Friday, it was bad. Tons of people are. Flu tests have been coming back at 25.16% positive in Travis County, according to Austin Public Health, and 8.87% of all visits to doctors were for flu-like illnesses, Austin Public Health reports . Interestingly, I think I passed it on to my brother, who got very sick around Christmas time. Then I got poison ivy and I felt much better again - because my dr gave me a steroid pack. First off, get your RAT test to see if its COVID, and then preferably do a telehealth call first to decide whether you then need a clinical exam as well, Dr Hespe told 7NEWS.com.au. R79, In Vegas and was so sick last year I couldn't swallow any liquid for over a week. Know of someone who has developed a serious chest infection from it - was initially fobbed off with antibiotics which didn't work. I wouldnt take r109s word on anything considering where hes been spending his time. And luckily I got the last dose of over 65 vaccine they had in stock. COVID-19 symptoms can take longer than flu symptoms to develop, she explains. Now, of course it sounds like the symptoms of covid-19, but we only had a few flu deaths reported in my state, and I don't know if they had the same symptoms as me. A virus either kills you or runs its course in its own due time, unless a dr gives you an antiviral drug like Tamiflu to shorten the duration. Her car was parked and not driven. Did you get the encephalitis with this virus that killed my friend's mother? The CDC also tracks flu vaccine data in special populations: 3. Epidemiological analysis of a hospital outbreak in Hong Kong revealed that blood group O was associated with a low risk of infection. Finally at close to 100%. I described mine from the end of November. Can't believe I'm the first to say it. I feel sorry for your friend's mother. Someone with flu usually has symptoms 1 to 4 days after being infected. A dry cough may also occur, and recovery is usually within. Maybe you will be fine, but do you really want to risk it when you can wait? She remembers her boss once saying: Take one day to yourself. You might remember getting caught in its crosshairs first, one person shows up with a cough and the sniffles, swearing it all sounds worse than it feels. The cough lasted 6 weeks and finally went away, I did NOT have a runny nose or anything nasal. RSV cases are also increasing nationally, although there are regional differences in the circulation of these viruses, Romero said. Flu cases usually start to increase around October and peak between December and February. He lost 5 lbs so he actually thanked me for it. Dr Ward said: By taking care of yourself, keeping well hydrated, taking paracetamol to keep your temperature down and resting, you will help yourself recover from a cold or illness.. Researchers in China have released a study (as yet not peer reviewed) that suggests those with blood type A are more susceptible to and likely to die from the virus that someone with blood type O. R179 I thought it was supposed to be type B? Nothing works. Ive had pneumonia since March and am on my third round of antibiotics, now. I had the oddest flu/cold thing about a month ago. Hot, soapy showers. Like flu and COVID-19, colds are also caused by viruses and can be passed to others. Yes that's how my friends mom died of this thing. R181 Exactly. It's literally non-stop coughing for a week (so far). Does anybody feel like you're getting better, then the next day, you feel sick again? Lane MC, Gordon JL, Jiang C, Leitner WW, Pickett TE, Stemmy E, Bozick BA, Deckhut-Augustine A, Embry AC, Post DJ. Are the original symptoms the same for the Delta variant? Nothing more need be said. So this virus was going around for a while. Europeans tend to believe in letting fevers run their course, when not dangerously high. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda). Rinsing your nose and sinuses can help with congestion. I wonder if it was here sooner and many flu deaths were really from covid 19 because lets face it, nobody was testing for covid 19. I'm pretty sure I had it. Exhausting. Feeling better does not equal cured. Illustrator: Alan Defibaugh. Cough Culprits: Whats the Difference Between Bronchitis and Pneumonia? Stop telling people to do stupid things. I was one of the posters who had a lingering cold last fall. Do you feel that you really didn't get over the first one and went back to work too soon and maybe that's why it rebounded at xmas? No supplements will help. THAT SAID, this cold lasts more like 3 to 4 weeks when my average in the past was 4 to 5 days. Upper respiratory infection symptoms are also symptoms of influenza and COVID, so there is an overlap of symptoms like a Venn diagram which make diagnosing the illness difficult without a GP analysis. I swear I caught something from my sisters cat whom Id been babysitting; the cat was sneezing quite a bit when she was first brought over. is lying unless proven. One distinguishing symptom for allergies. Vaccine. Blow your brains out if you have any. Within weeks, like clockwork, the bug jumps from desk to desk until half of the team is down for the count. that would be better without the dramatic music and the intercutting between kid and mother's testimony. Oscar Cainer tells all. There's a really bad strain of cold going around And it SUCKS. "We were expecting to have a terrible cold season because last year . That's why I think I had Covid19. Or told,,,,youre old. 3 months later she decided I had thrush because my tongue was bald & gave me troches, which did nothing, 3 months after that my WBCs came back elevated, so she decided I had bronchitis, so she gave me antibiotics and a steroid pack. The FDA has approved one drug, remdesivir, to treat COVID-19.*. Please complete the process by verifying your email address. r330 You should cancel your trip until the vaccine. And if you do end up feeling under the weather, it would be best to assume you may have Covid, and act accordingly by testing and isolating yourself from others. Flu cases are increasing instead of decreasing right now. Overall in the US, nearly one in five PCR tests for RSV were positive for the week ending October 29, nearly doubling over the course of the month. This issue covers the period 15-21 May 2022 and includes updates on COVID-19, the arrival of people displaced from Ukraine to the EU following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Influenza, polio virus, hepatitis, avian influenza, swine influenza, and poliomyelitis. 2. Corporations have thrown the baby out with the bath water. Normally, she's alway outeither working or taking care of her parents..always on the go. Also, the staph explosion a few years ago happened at the same time that most all hospitals were taken over by investment groups, and the non profits consolidated. Wishing you all good health. Theres no cure for the common cold. Improving influenza prevention: Modest changes with large effects. Studies have since shown that Covid-19 was present here in the US contemporary with the beginning of this thread, in December 2019. I remember very well : it started on Christmas eve, the first two days I was basically stuck in bed shaking with zero energy and a fever, I thought here we go, caught the actual flu, I'll be down for at least two weeks. R281 the cluster outbreak in Wuhan started in the second half of December, the earlier local cases can be traced back to late November. It just seemed odd and with all the other symptoms I believe I had it. Lost sense of smell or taste. Without having contact with regular viral infections during that time, Dr Hespe said our bodies had not had the regular reminder to our immune system to have a good response. 'Worrying signs': Omicron 'twin peaks' causing hospitalisation deaths, How to sleep: Magnesium 'helps the neurotransmitters' to promote sleep, Super cold 2022: How to get over a cold fast - five 'tricks' fact checked, Super cold 2022: Honey and lemon are particularly useful for soothing the throat, Muhammad Ali: Boxing legend's 'extreme' septic shock explained, Super cold 2022: The "super cold" has a likeness to Covid, Super cold 2022: Drinking warm fluids will hydrate you while easing congestion, Britons struck down by four illnesses sweeping across UK, How to spot a Covid headache? I used to laugh when my older relatives complained about getting a cold in their neck or other body parts. Dr Hespe explained that upper respiratory infection symptoms were also symptoms of influenza and COVID, so there was an overlap of symptoms like a Venn diagram which made diagnosing the illness difficult without a GP analysis. Masks continue to be an important tool for stopping the spread of respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19. It was such a relief. Even with a cold? 56 is relatively young to die of the flu. Op, I would contact a doctor or medical center and ask if they can test for your already having had it. Thats when he said Why dont you go see a pulmonologist. I got diagnosed about 10 minutes after I walked in the door of that office, Did it really need to take 2 years? Including information on the onset, duration, conclusion, geographic patterns, severity and progression of seasonal influenza activity. Now the bug seems to have made its way Down Under, as Covid-19 restrictions start to scale back across the nation. I had extremely thick mucus that wouldnt clear. I'm curious about this because I had many of the symptoms include fatigue, tightness in the lungs and even something that looked like pink eye. why do so many otherwise interesting reports have to be produced in this cheap, maudlin style? If you do come down with a flu or cold, taking NAC in the AM and PM can shorten the duration of the illness. I've told you this 3 times now. It can sometimes prevent the development of influenza entirely. We DLers know that a lot of people had undocumented 'Rona way before March 2020. Its not the flu - no fever, just insane sinus congestion, drainage, coughing, sore throat. Within hours, shed lost $40,000, Mining giants $4 million gift over missing capusle, but its not cash, Woman dead following police chase in Melbourne, Two planets will kiss tonight. Sadly as R68 mentioned, it's no longer easy to find generic or store brand 'plain' Guaifenesin. For more consumer health news and information, visit health.nih.gov. Symptoms: upper chest, dry cough, clearing my throat a lot (couldve been acid reflux). PMID: 32803236. I had the same thing and got up in the middle of the night to change my t-shirt because of the sweating. aches and pains, including headaches. South Dakota reports its first influenza death of the 2021-2022 season Adding a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to essential fluids such as water or herbal tea is another way to soothe a sore throat, though there is little evidence to prove its effectiveness as a cure for other symptoms. Later, she said she had a very bad flu. Giving info & advice. I havent smoked for years. Anyway if cover-19 was going around USA in December, why weren't there more deaths? Its chilling to read back through the earlier posts and see symptoms (without runny nose/nasal issues) similar to covid19. According to my doctor it wasnt bronchitis. And above all, if you get sick: get extra sleep. What a stupid, stupid thing to say, they were all just put symptoms compatible with the flu, or COVID, or pneumonia, or similar. Discovery Company. I also avoid combo products containing tylenol. I was never diagnosed with it because I thnk I had it in late 2019. I had headaches, which I usually never get, and my body ached, including my face, which never happened before. "If by two days after developing symptoms you're still not testing positive on those at-home tests, it's pretty unlikely you have Covid.". At one point since March, I had a 24-hour fever of 101f, with chills, but that passed. Its been months and I still have the flu.. Feeling sick can be especially concerning these days. Heavy mucus. R261, they could be asymptomatic carriers. If only we listened to OP. Although I did test negative for flu. I said, Ive had a cough fir 2 years & nobody thinks I have anything wrong with me, but my WBCs keep coming back high, so theres donetbing wring. I have heard many coughs inn church, bus, grocery store too. we do not know how many people have died, there was no testing for this virus in this country until recently. There is a difference between losing your sense of smell/taste as a result of a cold/congestion, and completely losing them with no congestion. They open at 10:00 am. A person with COVID-19 typically shows symptoms about 5 days after infection, although this can range from 2 to 14 days. That stuff is fucking awesome. I got it a week before Thanksgiving and it was the strangest and longest lingering cold that I've ever had. It wasn't like the flu and it wasn't like an ordinary cold. I found this thread talking about a weird cold, and found the information helpful, and it indeed help me manage my symptoms. R68 is a crashing bore and a would-be know-it-all. Fears Constance Marten and partner's baby 'could have been dead for two weeks' as post-mortem is set to take 'He has shown no remorse': Carrie Johnson says the early release of Joanna Simpson's killer BA pilot husband Schools in London, the South East and Wales to shut today as teachers stage THIRD day of strikes in blow to Model, 44, 'smuggled 5M in criminal cash into Dubai by hiding banknotes in suitcases on two flights from Paedophile's victim poses as a sex abuser online, befriends him and lures himinto admitting raping her: Boris Johnson 'could make first comments on Brexit deal TODAY' amid DUP meltdown with hardliners saying it Grinning and bearing it? I can confirm there was an especially robust cold going around in late December. National Institutes of Health Both influenza and COVID can be spread to other people before individuals develop symptoms, notes Dr. Aubree Gordon, an infectious disease expert at the University of Michigan. Just FYI, the guy who said his friend's mother died is a troll who goes around to a bunch of threads talking about how he's going to brutally murder women. Lighten up Francis r116 yes you probably give good advice but ease up on the attitude. The way it COMPLTETLY knocked out my sense of smell- how it went away all at once, and seemed to come back all at once. My friend's mother was only 56. I am using a cool mist humidifier in my bedroom. The outbreak is expected to become even worse, peaking at 9.7 million people within two weeks, nearly double the level recorded at this time last year. R79, in December 2019 & # x27 ; s a really bad of! Infection, although there are regional differences in the door of that,! Cheap, maudlin style get extra sleep usually has symptoms 1 to 4 weeks when older. Now the bug seems to have a runny nose or anything nasal much. Relief for both cold and allergies working or taking care of her parents.. always the! 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