When it does, the attack will be far larger than cutting off purchases of US agricultural goods. Of course, that doesnt mean that places like Russia, China or the Saudis have anything much better to offer the common man, but at least it means that there wont be one centralized global power. Not to mention creating tariffs, which is anti-free trade, and ultimately is just another tax (there goes that tax cut he made which will cause inflation via national debt). I honestly am dumbfounded that people still support Trump, especially after screwing the American people time after time with his ridiculously bad policies. in political science. This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group. [8] At the time of the senator's remarks, the Curiosity rover had last reported a high of 17C (1F), low 80C (112F). The game (life, the economy, etc.) Be ready!! Family (1) Trivia (3) Is a Texas native. Almost every politician enters office with a middle class savings and assets and comes out of office a millionaire. The globalists are flat broke, and the Fed no longer has the ability to print money. I fully agree, great article. Europe is about to face the worst winter in decades with natural gas supplies severely limited and the cost of power for manufacturing no longer tenable. Just sayin. You will be looking at a deer in the headlights, an angry deer in fact. FDR had such a good propaganda machine that he was reelected three times despite gross mishandling of the Depression, gold siezure, crippling regulation and finally entry into a war that Americans were violently opposed to. https://vernoncoleman.org/articles/third-all-jobs-will-disappear-2030-how-safe-your-job. As I noted in my article The Fed Is Taking The Punch Bowl Away But The Inflation Crisis Will Continue To Grow, published in May: Mainstream financial commentators want to believe the Fed will capitulate because they desperately want the party in stock markets to continue, but the party is over. Can we call the turning point in a market, or any complex system, especially that not built and control by our own hand? There, This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group As the Federal Reserve continues its, By Brandon Smith In the past I have often tried to take a big picture approach to the issues facing, By Brandon Smith In recent weeks Ive been seeing an interesting narrative fallacy being sold to the general public when. Yea right, so much for 50 years of voting. https://alt-market.us/hollywood-is-dying-and-the-elites-dont-care/, Brandon Smith, Brandon Smiths interview with Ryan McCormick, Prepping, preparing for civil unrest, Outer Limits of Inner Truth, what states to move to when next civil war starts, what are most conservative states, freedom, solutions to tyranny, liberty, https://alt-market.us/is-the-pussification-of-americas-youth-scientifically-engineered/, https://alt-market.us/the-one-assured-outcome-after-the-election/, https://alt-market.us/hollywood-is-dying-and-the-elites-dont-care/, Brandon Smith's interview with Ryan McCormick, what states to move to when next civil war starts, How To Harness The Power of Magic with Psychic Medium Lisa McGarrity, Reclaim your personal power and lifeforce energy with Jason Christoff, The Octopus of Global Control with Charlie Robinson, The Homegrown Food Revolution with James Fry, Why The Great Reset Will Fail with Martin Armstrong, How To Insulate Yourself From The Orwellian Era with Doug Casey, Something Wicked Comes This Way with Gerald Celente. People really want to believe that theres some national government or institution out there thats going to do the fighting for them. https://alt-market.us/the-one-assured-outcome-after-the-election/, Hollywood Is Dying, And The Elites Dont Care There is a limit in size, scope and length of time before things unravel. Right? I never believe the liar ever since he got on the stage during the elections. Not Cadillacs or diamonds but things which you can hold onto for an undetermined amount of time with little risk. Damn you called this to the T well played Brandon. If you have followed Brandon Smith, regularly reading this web site, you would not be asking what the price of Silver will do in this contraction. I agree. Thank you! The Fed is expected to slow rate hikes to 50bps in December, but this is not assured with the jobs market still running hot from $8 trillion in covid stimulus the past two years (mostly lower paying retail and service sector jobs). Kentucky State Police said they initially stopped him for driving 65mph in a 45mph zone. With the regular play the deck was stacked but careful attention and effort gave you some advantage so what is the strategy now with a different deck and different stacking and different rules. That DNA is still present, pray it is awakened. Whats wrong with George Noory late at night?!?! I will be publishing an article soon with a working theory on how the US could actually stop inflation without crushing the rest of the economy. Dont forget the mastermind or puppeteer behind the curtain i.e. The Fed is in the midst of a rather aggressive rate hike program in a fight against the stagflationary crisis that they created through years of fiat stimulus measures. On January 6, 2015, just after 9:00 pm, Smith was arrested on Leestown Road in Frankfort. If everyone is buying diamonds and all the talk is about diamonds then dont buy diamonds but if you have diamonds sell them. They want control. I have noticed all those things certainly. (This means we have a 50-50 chance of survival). [2] and served there until February 5, 2008, when he was elected in a special election to the 30th district (Bell, Breathitt, Johnson, Leslie, Magoffin and Perry counties) of the Commonwealth Senate, to replace Daniel Mongiardo, newly elected as Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky (and himself a Hazard native and resident). Pundits like Brandon Smith (below) recognize that mankind is suffering from a cancer but refuse to identify it. Well, the only way you can do it is to stack the deck. SPECIAL NOTE: Alt-Market is now on Twitter! The fact that some people are jumping on the patriot bandwagon to cheer for expanded confrontation with China as if a globalist engineered war is a war we can win is disturbing and sad to witness. The word "regionalization" is basically a code word to describe decentralization, a concept which the UPS representative obviously did not want to dive into directly. Thats a good thing, right? Tough times ahead? Its happening again right now as blacks in CA, NY and other states are demanding reparations. It will add to the inflationary pressures they are moving towards Gold like the rest of BRICS and thats one reason why the delay occurred. Another Great Depression would cause thousands of deaths and a complete reset of the financial system. Its Dec 17th, sounds like you called it China has placated the protestors. Surely the Financial Faux gods Among Us know that day is coming. Cheating. Easy money has been too entrenched for far too long, which means a hard landing is the most likely scenario. Only the World Cup elicits a passionate response. 1) Credit Suisse has just been temporarily saved by asking for help from its main rivals/competitors, including UBS, Citi, JP Morgan, Italy Unicredit, etc. 2) French citizens have been encouraged to turn in their guns to public authorities. The most immediate threat would be the potential shutdown of the Strait of Hormuz by Iran, which would take nothing more than sinking a few large cargo vessels along the narrow and more shallow portions of the straight, placing mine fields, or staging anti-ship missiles within striking range. Which are not representative of the survival community? Now, the easy money party is about to end. Deconstruction: Why Leftist Movements Cannot Coexist With People That Value Freedom. But youre left with the nagging feeling that things should be better. I also bought six months of freeze dried food from My Patriot Supply. Not sure what to think here. . By Brandon Smith At the very beginning of the covid event in late 2019 to early 2020 the public had Read More Chinese Spy Balloons: Potential Purposes For The High Altitude Invasion Political overthrows. Use your head and buy what you know and understand. This part of the game plays out over many months to years and you will have lots of moves/opportunities to make mistakes. I dont have time to analyze all of the claims, but let me point out a few things: In other words, if centralization is the problem, then decentralization is the answer. You wont be playing to win per se you will be playing to position yourself for that day when the game returns to normal play. While you could maybe buy something that would double in value in ten years wouldnt you much rather that it increased in value by ten fold? Once you own it you will probably have to hang on to it for years before the recovery. It was incorporated in 2009 by founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes, a lawyer and former paratrooper. by Brandon Smith ALT MARKET. Get two people together anywhere on this earth and there is a fair chance they will conspire to do something nefarious. And the story is not found in any text books, but only the Good Book, the Bible. I have bags of flour inside plastic bags in my freezer. One lesser known issue is the new 1% excise tax on stock buybacks planted within Bidens Inflation Reduction Act. George Orwells 1984, the Hunger Games etc depicted what the future could look like if the Globalists get their way. Yep. Whether you read the Bible or not, it is always good to be prepared for anything you think might happen. Any war with a Iran will be based entirely on a false flag attack, its extremely obvious and predictable too, they arent even trying to do a good job anymore, they sure didnt for 9/11. I had only been writing economic analysis for about a year, but I remember thinking that the overt display of optimism felt like compensation for something. Yes, that describes Brandon Smith. It is re-posted with permission. Fourniers gangrene? A cop's guide to protecting your rural home or property during riots, civil war, or SHTF. If you know the market and can pick out those companies that will weather the depression and the price is a bargain then buy some. Ultimately, the Fed has taken away the punch bowl and its not coming back. I dont think it is the Bank of International Settlements we should fear more the FED with interminable QE, negative interest rates, and the inexorable advance of militaristic China. July 14, 2022 By Brandon Smith The idea that there is an agenda for global government among the financial and political elites of the world has long been called a "conspiracy theory" within the mainstream and the establishment media. My book Its Over written in 2009 explained the damage done by Greenshield which was a government program mandating low mortgage rates for blacks. Is every popular revolt now a Color revolution? . But the only way to make sense of the trend, namely the collaspe of modern civilization, IHMO, is in terms of a battle between good and evil, a spiritual war, Lucifer verses God. The world's only show about Forensic Soul Analysis. The Great Depression birthed the greatest generation. Top marginal tax rates from 1940 to 1963 approached and exceeded 90%. This is when cracks began to appear in the credit structure, with 4.5% 5.5% being the magic cutoff point before debt became too expensive for the system to continue the charade. Im an American in Paris. European markets will tank and certain major banks (Deutsche Bank and Italian majors?) The MSM is the most discredited and shameless industry in the world, and this revealing compilation is irrefutable proof of that. I dont think they will stop buying food because we stopped buying a few Chinese parasols. Clearly we are in the season as Christains would define. I do believe there are things going on in the dark. Almost every trade expert and industry insider is admitting that supply chain problems are going to persist into the foreseeable future, and some are . I am very far right wing, a Libertarian, not some leftist scumbag. Not necessary..look for the opportunities no matter what the economic conditions might be. He returns to talk his theory behind the train crash in Ohio, Russia going on the offensive in Ukraine, Chinese spy balloons, his article "A Dollar Collapse Is Now In . This is Communism. Be sober minded, like the Men Of Issachar who understand the times. That is you can play the game by investing in things that are easy to get out of and this way you can bail just as the crash becomes obvious. My parents lived through the Great Depression, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and everything else that happened through the early 2000s. It is re-posted with permission. Supply and demand, debt and deficit, money velocity and inflation; these things cannot be ignored. This event may not be concluded until the end of this year, but I still maintain as I always have that the Brexit and the growth of populism in Europe is a distraction that has actually been encouraged by globalists through the use of forced mass immigration measures to terrify the citizenry. As to the mindset of a survival community, I am surrounded by one. Maybe you could share your view with us from time to time, what you expect for europe in the short and medium term. Marine Le Pens National Rally Party has overtaken Macrons LREM party in the EU parliamentary elections. After years in the stock market I found I could only discern the trend and failed, more often then not, to call the top or the bottom. It now reaches more than 320,000 unique visitors weekly. Sure, there will be moments when the markets rally based on nothing more than a word or two from a Fed official planting false hopes, but this will become rare. This is not a coincidence. Alt-Market Is Now On Twitter Follow Us! Because (after the crash) everyone will be playing a game of survival everything has changed. At least one more major event with global ramifications (or perceived global ramifications) is needed by the elites before they can implode the Everything Bubble without taking the blame for the consequences. You know that you also have a lot of readers and followeres from the EUdssr (not only because i have been recommending your site to everyone for probably 10 years). Must be some kind of record in world history. I dont know why that poster was thinking otherwise. The signs are already present and obvious, but the overall economic picture probably wont be acknowledged in the mainstream until the situation becomes much worse (as if its not bad enough). Assume that the game at this point is stacked such that no matter what you do it is a mistake. I have come to regard Mr. Smith as a purveyor of doom porn, IDK, maybe it helps sell more of his books. At face value it doesnt make any sense. Yet there are no coal mines on Mars. It is cutthroat, dangerous, chaotic, nonsensical, crazy, no rules, the wrong rules, etc. If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch. . [1], Smith served on the city commission of Hazard from 1993 to 1998. This event coupled with the trade war would fulfill the globalist narrative that the Trump Administration and the conservatives that support him are a menace to global stability. Brandon Smith is founder of the Alternative Market Project (www.alt-market.com) as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. In a way I think that should motivate people to prep more than the Big Conspiracy. And if you have a strategy is it enough? He began SurvivalBlog in 2005. Yes, yeol cliche, the trend is your friendbut only if one understand trends. There are no factories on Mars that I'm aware of. Which one did you vote for? Understand, please, that Im not at all pooh-poohing the need to prepare. How did they do that? But what if there are three cards that will play? The only event that was needed to fulfill the populist takeover narrative was a major win by a nationalist party on the European mainland. Well what is going to happen is a progression of things all of which will seem foreign unless you have played this game before and were paying attention. 2020 was the year of the planned COVID scamdemic, Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. High energy prices and supply chain disruptions will mean ongoing inflated prices in goods and services well into 2023, even with a contraction in jobs markets and stock markets. Yes, the dust bowl was very bad for Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle, and for Kansas, which relocated a lot of people elsewhere. Your goal is to first survive and second to position yourself, using your cash advantage for the eventual recovery. People realized that they could grow a certain amount of their own food, and can and preserve a lot of it to get through the winters. This article first appeared at the highly-recommended Alt-Market blog. If the system is out of balance, collapse will set its ugly foot down somewhere and theres nothing anyone including central banks can do about it. I have plenty to do here on the farm. I wish the people would awaken, protest and revolt, but they dont. As is the case, historically, any time a fiat currency system has collapsed gold and PMs have always served as a refuge because they are a store of value. His blueprint for action hits the mark too. The Fed is no longer playing ball with the Globalists. You are right few talk about the real cause. The problem is that the higher interest rates are not bringing prices down, nor are they really slowing stock market speculation. They also learned something that has been forgotten by too many. stacking the deck) and it creates an anti-stacked deck or a deck stacked against everyone or every playing methodology. The bottom line is that China will ultimately dictate global trade terms as they possess the largest manufacturing base, they decide what currency they will accept, and whose debt they will prop up. This page was last edited on 19 October 2021, at 23:00. Agree, Im in Florida, and I always looks for BOGO Canned goods, chicken, and rice at Publix. He wouldnt need to. Dont believe it? I successfully predicted the outcome of the Brexit vote in 2016 based on this theory, and it still holds true so far today. The purpose of QE was meant to inflate an even larger bubble than before, one that would encompass every aspect of the economy including the dollar; a bubble that when popped would devastate the US specifically and create panic around the world. Next you want to use the leverage of cash/PMs to buy things. If he was in bed with the globalists none of THIS would be going on. I am torn. Banning gun accessories, loves Red Flag laws, hasnt done anything he claimed he would during the election, started wars he said he wouldnt get into and made fun of that hag Clinton for wanting to get into, is talking about illegally banning suppressors like he illegally did with bump stocks, and is going to illegally and unilaterally give more money to the tyrannical Saudi Arabia (queers, pedophiles, satan worshipers, and child murderers Yemen). You need self-reliance; not a lone wolf but having a trusted tribe, with its own Comms, and one that trains together and barters. He specializes in macroeconomic analysis as well as studies in mainstream media disinformation, and is now focusing on the creation of a national network of barter markets designed to . Rates in 2004 were at 1% and by 2006 they rose to over 5%. Auf 100 weibliche Personen kamen 96,7 mnnliche Personen und auf 100 Frauen im Alter von 18 Jahren oder darber kamen 93,7 Mnner. But if you cant keep a fairly advanced society stitched together, you can forget it when you blow out a diverticulum, or need cancer treatment, or have a small bowel obstruction things that happen to many! From Brandon Smith at alt-market.us: In July of this year in my article 'Election 2020: The Worst Case Scenario Is The Most Likely One', after I outlined the strange factors surrounding Biden and Trump, I stated that: "These factors and more lead me to predict that Election He specializes in macroeconomic analysis as well as studies in mainstream media disinformation, and is now focusing on the creation of a national network of barter markets designed to . Want advice? When one reads these so called facts you would think this man has been invited to all of the globalist meetings. From my investment strategies Im *hoping* for a market crash. The tariff soap opera and most of Trumps other foreign and domestic policies are eerily similar to those of Herbert Hoover just before the advent of the Great Depression. Wars. Oath Keepers is an American far-right [1] anti-government militia [1] [3] whose leaders have been convicted of violently opposing the government of the United States, including the transfer of Presidential power as prescribed by the US Constitution. Dont buy something you have to feed or make payments on because you dont know how long you will be feeding it or paying for it. So, were testing the waters. There are protests and strikes everywhere. I don't want to get into the debate about climate change, but I will simply point out that I think in academia we all agree that the temperature on Mars is exactly as it is here. And plenty of health professionals nearbynone of whom can defend themselves. This was not seen in 2008-2009; it is unprecedented! the BIS. The usual advise is to simply abandon the stock. We greatly appreciate your support to help keep this blog up and running! He is a Republican . Maybe it is a crucial card. Think of it like the card game you are dealt a hand from a stacked deck and what you do next determines if you win that hand or lose. The final plot twist the elites need in the EU, I believe, is a no-deal Brexit. This website (Alt-Market.us), is the sister website to Alt-Market.com, which Brandon is keeping up as an archive site for people that would like to read all of my older articles. But think about it. Find systems, replacement filters, parts and more here. Prepperdoc your term doom porn is perfect for these salesmen of fear. Brandon Smith [ send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( www.alt-market.com) as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Brandon Smith December 8, 2022 at 9:12 am SPECIAL NOTE: Alt-Market is now on Twitter! The only reason we buy oil from the Mideast is because its cheaper as long as we keep OPEC under control. Well everything you do that is conventional wisdom. For other people named Brandon Smith, see, Commonwealth of Kentucky House of Representatives, "Kentucky 2000: General Election Results", "Brandon Smith to be GOP's pick for special senate race", "Sen. Brandon Smith has important things to say about climate change, Mars", "Kentucky Lawmakers Attack Climate Change Science In Discussion on Carbon Regulations", "Bad Astronomy: Stop Giving Airtime to Crackpots", "State senator wants DUI charge dismissed based on 1891 rule", Senate District 30: Senator Brandon Smith (R), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Brandon_Smith_(politician)&oldid=1135032284, Republican Party members of the Kentucky House of Representatives, Articles with dead external links from July 2020, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 January 2023, at 05:26. 2 more things about Europe and Switzerland where I live: Without this you probably wont be successful in the second phase of this game. It will likely take two or three months before the tax and the rate hikes create a visible effect on markets. I prefer your take than that of Tom Luongo who is convinced that the Fed is the white hat fighting to save us from Davos. Be careful, be conservative and err on the side of caution. And the Financial House-of-Cards will stumble along until one day when The (Old) Fake Conjured Money no longer has any purchasing power left. Just to be clear silver will benefit handsomely since it is a PM. Two of his other novels have also been best New York Times bestsellers. How could one conclude from this that they are trying to push a financial collapse? Currently, the mainstream media is very quiet on the Iran situation despite the sudden shift of US military resources to the region, which leads me to believe that a conflict is being planned in the near term. I dont want to over complicate this with trying to explain every possible way that the deck can be stacked to either make sure you do not win or allow you to only win a little if you pick the right strategy but just accept that it is true and you need to deal with it. Thanks to French president Macron being the worst leader in recent French history, that event has occurred. Because when people get desperate and cant feed their families, thats when they get violent and unpredictable. With everyone in the world acting in their own best interest it seems like their is a conspiracy and if you believe that you will then think you see the co-conspirators meeting and conspiring. The future could look like if the globalists get their way ; these can. I dont think they will conspire to do the fighting for them years of voting,... Your support to help keep this blog up and running amount of time with his bad. 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