Best advice; know your risk and really do your homework. It was OK to see far for just a bit could not read at all but then I ended up losing eye sight completely one day when I woke up to nothing but fog. I've already seen a retinologist twice, as well. I am a very avid reader. The receptionist asked me to fill out a questionaire asking me to rate my personality from easy-going to perfectionist and some other strange questions. I've lived with it for 5 years, as I'm horrified worrying about losing even more vision . My two lenses (both eyes & crystalens) did not accomodate properly. The same result when the left eye was done on Sept. 25. I am 43 and I am afraid of my future. The people to sue are the ones who made these lens, BAUSCH & LOMB, I did jnot expect perfection, (that's what the doctor said) but I did not expect my vision to be worse after surgery for cataracts. I was never ever told the crystal lens cannot be removed after 1 month, even though I complained constantly. I have just purchased a year and three months later to my replacement with the crystalens two new pairs of glasses. My other eye (which they said needed replacing the week after I got the Crystalens), because it too has a catarct, is starting to distort a lot. At the time even the finance guy was in on the deception. She was also sold down the crystalens highway. I finally gave up with him and pursued help from other ophthalmologists but to no avail . ( Id.) Now the distance in my right eye is getting worst, is so fussy! I complained to Bausch & Lomb over a year ago, all they say is nothing wrong with the crystalens, I think there is strength in numbers, everyone who has had a problem with the crystalens should form a group and then we can get together and bring a suit against the maker and the Doctors make you believe this is the best thing out there. To add to frustration I compare my vision to my sibling vision and they can read text even smaller then I can and see just as far, and they only have the soft lenses. Bausch and Lomb takes no responsibility. On Sept. 4, 2013 the exchange was done with a Alcon monofocal lens and within 8 hours she could see clearly and the light sensitivity was much improved. Note: If you need help accessing information in different file formats, see Has anyone here been his patient? My doctor said he had success story with his other patients. I had Crystalens put in both eyes and they have not worked, I wear glasses now have blurred, vision starburst and halos. I had Crystal lens put in both eyes in 2014 by a Doctor who was an expert in his field. For months, it felt as though my eyeball was in a barrel, and I could see a black rim around my eye. They were fixable but I had had it so I returned them to the office that had provided them. Now I can't drive at night and it is difficult to work because of my vision. Unfortunately, it has popped out again and again and still is not correct. SO What if I have it replaced? Had cataract surgery. Back to Walgreens for readers and continue to pay my $8000 bill? Had crystal lens implanted 2012, both eyes. The best way to describe my situation is as though I have a contact lens that has dried and floated into my feild of vision. Still, right lens will not accommodate for distance. I need to were sunglasses at work and all the time outside as the light will make my eyes burn. Sorry not sorry for saying this. What are they gonna do? I am 27 now I had the surgery when I was 24 due to family a family history of cataracts. But near and mid has gradually faded while far has only improved slightly. TO ALL OUT THERE! I have to wear glasses for any reading and computer work which is minimally 6 hrs a day. !..Now they messed up my distance visionleft eye same discomfort every frigging day, vision near, intermediate, and distance fluctuates in and out of focusit's amazing that he actually wrotr in medical report perfect 20/20 vision..Biggest lie!! Well I am now learning this only works for a short period of time. My eyes have adapted to the lens and Im able to focus, distant or near just like with my young eyes. Initially. I am a nurse and I rely on good vision. I can not believe I am going to have to live with this the rest of my life! She found a new eye doctor that helped her report her old one. There should be a class action lawsuit against the Crystal lens company, they need to be held accountable. I am with you. I have been back twice and he keeps saying my vision on the right side (distance) isn't perfect and that he gave me a prescription for glasses for now and we will reevaluate in the fall. I went in and had yag done on both eyes another $2000.00. Also he left me with an irregular astigmatism in my left eye. And if this all fails then he will change both to far 6 weeks later. I am crossing my fingers for the October appointment but have my doubts. If we try to do alone it is hard to prove. This comment was posted by a verified customer. I wake up almost every morning and my eyes are pink, and swollen. I am not denieing your pain; I am saying the pain of a few people may be a contribution for the good of our children. My vision seemed blurred so when I turned 65 I thought I needed cataract surgery. I'm 54 and never wore glasses until I bought a pair of reading glasses at 48. (4) When looking through my eye's I also have faint objects floating across the eyeball like trash or a hair! Crystalens Accommodating Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens, AT-50AO. So instead of FREE MEDICARE Lenses--I learned that for $3,400 PER LENS I would have miraculous sight with these "Inter-occual" Lenses. I did use contact lenses for about 35 years and was able to see better until I have cataract. It was $4,475 and I had nothing but eye pain and could not see well after the lens was put in. WebA class-action lawsuit alleges that Apple Watches have a design defect that poses a serious risk to consumers. Don't waste your money on Crystalens. Her sister had called me, concerned that she was dying. The original eye surgeon, Duke Eye Center, nor Johns Hopkins could determine the cause of her problems. I need cheaters to do everything close up especially at work. Doc says the lens is stuck in a forward position. WebHomeowner files class action lawsuit to stop smart meters. I have gone back repeatedly and they keep trying to make this failure my fault. which was visualized using an angled beam from a slit lamp during the post-operative I got Crystal Lens and now I cannot see well enough to drive or work on my computer (my wife has to type this complaint). So far, they are ignoring us. Sadly, I did not look up Complaints on Crystalens before making my decision. Doc said I had some debris or scar tissue floating about, so wanted to do laser. Charlotte NC October 2012. A lady called me named Melissa Jurado and she acted like she worked for Bausch and Lomb. The doctor told me I was seeing well even after I complained during every visit. he is suppose to be renowned and top notch the reason I chose and trusted him! All I saw were posters of Florence Henderson advertising Crystalens in every room of the office. I go in the grocery stores or any store with florescent lights and it's almost unbearable as far as irritation and slight pain in my eyes! A new doctor gives me prescriptions for Nevanac. WebJanssen Pharmaceuticals is facing lawsuits over the link between Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium), a drug used to treat Interstitial Cystitis (also known as Painful We have to starts a class action lawsuit or something, any lawyers out there!! My distance vision is fair, mid range ok, near vision requires reading glasses. Webclass action law suit noun derivative action, directors and officers liability, group lawsuit, group litigation, law suit by large numbers of litigants with a common grievance, suit by P. S. Don't buy the iheater either. After two years it is totally unbearable to look at a computer screen for longer than three minutes. I would not wish this on my worse enemy! So I had to park them lower on my nose in order to see ahead. My decreased peripheal vision is quite noticeable, also. The Crystal Light Synthetic Ingredient Class Action Lawsuit is Noohi v. The Kraft Heinz Company, Case No. Let me know about the lawsuit..I would love to join in! What is with the brochures and professional comments "if you are hard to please the Crystalens may not be for you". I had 20/20 distance and close up were getting bad to the point I was wearing cheaters with 200/225 lenses. I have now had several laser surgeries on it, thought he could fix my eye did make it to where I can see, but now I have to wear glasses full time because my Crystalens from Bausch and Lomb does not stay in place on its hinges, and still changes my site often . Also, the advent of accommodative IOLs, mainly the Crystalens in the United States, introduced yet another possible scenario for explantation. WebIn general, prosecuting attorneys involved in class action lawsuits will receive payment for legal work upon conclusion of a victorious case.. 1 million to resolve allegations that it knowingly sold defective earplugs, but this only reimbursed the government.. A group of people that has suffered the same or similar injuries can collectively file one lawsuit He has no bed side manner and acts as though he is insulted when I tell him my problems, he doesn't display any compassion *** he acts like it is something I'm just going to have to live with he already has my money! The class action lawsuit was filed by customers who claimed the companys use of the artificial flavoring DL-malic acid in Crystal Light meant that the products were At night the blurriness gets worse and the glasses are no help. At the same time, my distance vision became worse. WebThe Tecnis IOL is another exciting option for the treatment of both cataracts and presbyopia. I am still paying for the lens! I did it and nothing has changed! One of the worst decisions in my life. My depth perception is so bad that I have to be careful with everything I do. I can see far away but anything in between and close is awful. As far as halo's they improved some but they are still there no as vivid except for the sodium vapor lights (yellowish street lights) are still just as bad! When the doctor came into the exam room he asked "Why are you here?" My right eye is always irritated & mostly blurry. is a rip from the start. My right eye is blurry & night driving is not good. dr. ih. What is the failure ratio when using products from other companies ? He is well aware of the problems with good solutions. AND they screw up in a couple yrs again??? My surgeon was Dr David ***** Tennessee. My vision is horrible--blurry, unable to see well at any distanceTerribly frustrated. I think the doctors are excellent surgeons but I don't believe that the diagnostic processes are sophisticated enough to identify patients who will benefit from an accommodating lens. Price and prominence is no assurance. The consolidated The Dr. WebPosted 4 years ago. An example of how my vision is doing since the procedure (1) like when you've been in a heavily chlorinated pool. There needs to be a law suite on the Crystal Lens! WebHEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP . My vision with cataracts was steadily getting worse with everything appearing gray or brown. Halos and blurriness an night and can't see far read signs etcnot past the front hood of my car. I paid $3450/eye extra. I had my cataract surgery 3 years ago and had the crystal end HD implanted. I couldn't with those reading glasses. Second did you ever find a lawyer for a class action suit because I will be glad to join in. I had both eyes done 3yrs ago with crystal lens spent 11, 000. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. Crystalens! Your password has been sent to the specified email address. wish my eyes weren't so blurry so I could read all the comments. Needless to say, I am very sorry that I paid $4700 for the Crystalens lenses. Prior to getting the surgery I wore rigid gas permeable contacts. My distance has not really improved. Within a week I experienced a horrible stabbing pain in my eye. I needed reading glasses for just about everything close up. Three weeks after surgery I was back in his office with complaint of vision worsening. When looking at the label on the shelf and can not read anything on it is too blurry! He was sorry for me and could not replace the implants. Since then, I have had two Vitrectomies which did help with the "jelly" in the eyes. He has never acknowledged constant discomfort, pain, flashes, in & out of focal near and far vision, etc. This time I used frames that I already owned, so they only charged me for the exam and the lenses. : P030002. islamic storeonline ;. I would not be able to drive with my new lens--without my Right Eye--whick the doctor told me was worse in vision than my Left eye--I cannot believe how stupid I was to do this. This doctor, however, is highly regarded in the ophthalmology field. If I knew it would be worse, I wouldn't have got the surgery done in the first place! Serial No. I panics me to think I will have this for life. Very worry about losing more vision I already have the laser done on both eyes and instead getting better it got worse, don't know what to do. The cost of Crystalens was $7, 000 and yet I needed a yag procedure--one eye done at $700. Paid $6000 extra. Thirty-four plaintiffs filed claims involving 47 PIOL implants I can see well, but when I enter a place with florescent lights like: an airport, stores, or when I drive at night; the glare causes me grate discomfort and confusion. Had both eyes done in 2014. Did you get message just now re: the fact that I learned of recall and class action. USE GLASSES FOR CLOSE AND GET USED TO IT. He has no bed side manner and acts as though he is insulted when I tell him my problems, he doesn't display any compassion or concern and acts like it is something I'm just going to have to live with he already has my money! I am still in disbelief that this product is allowed to remain as an option with so many negative outcomes. One question was "If you had to wear glasses would you rather have to wear glasses for distance or for close-up?" Additionally, a Recall Acknowledgement Form was attached to the letter for customers to complete and return with the affected products. I regret using the crystalens. I had cataracts surgeries on Mar 2016 and Apr 2016 with rigth eye distance, left eye near multi focal Crestalens's. That is what I heard from the "assistant". I really thought it was the way to go after cataract surgery at 59, never having to wear glasses again. Multiple surgeries later and scar tissue forming has me rethinking my choice. Anyone who knows what to do please guide us. I have not had any problem with up-close vision, but my distance vision has become very bad, especially at night or in any area where there isn't good lighting. I too am at my wits end, I paid the extra out of pocket for this surgery and I'm very disappointed in the results. If I don't look at a computer or phone. I paid $10, 000 above insurance for these premium lens. I wear a patch quite often over my right eye, especially when trying to read, because it is so distorted. for the crystal lens because I was promised it would accommodate both near and far vision. He believes her body rejected or was allergic to the material in the Crystalens. I had paid out of pocket over $5000 for the crystal lens so I can see clearly on my right eye. I'm told it is extremely risky to explant a Crystalens but I'm frustrated. Left eye first, right second. They say I have 20/20 vision. Through this website this is such a common occurrence, the doctor also rewrote his notes when he And I still don't wear them but I feel it is going to happen. The Dr keeps telling me to do eye exercises and maybe it will start working. Accommodation is a JOKE. I followed the directions and nothing changed! It also has an aspheric optic design engineered to reduce the spherical aberration of an average cornea. Doc tells me DRY EYE. Since the vision is not all that bad I can't seem to get anyone to understand the issue. Also, I want these replaced ASAP so I would love to know if anyone has done this and who they were able to get to preform the surgery.. My 81 y.o. Im 70 years old and I couldn't be happier with the vision Crystalens has given back to me. It hasn't. I had Crystalens implanted in both eyes 15 months ago. I couldn't focus, and my eye (dominant eye) felt as though it was pulling outward. I had yag and laser done on both eyes, which helped with the distance, but near is still a problem. They made one eye close up and one eye for distance. Bosch & Lomb will just ignore you and most states now protect doctors from lawsuits as they require an expert doctor in the same field to claim malpractice. I saw great, near & far for about 10 months. nf. Because the Crystalens is so flexible, its possible for it to go into an anterior flexed position that leaves the patient 1.5 D myopic. He did a laser surgery that day and put it back in place. My life hasn't been the same since. It can be challenging a come with a lot of head aches. When I drive at night the halos are worse then when I had cataracts! Is it possible that after I told the doctor it was important to have close vision that he experimented and added a minute measurement to the length of part of the hinge? - See more at: had the ReSTOR procedure October 13, 2012 MODEL: SN6AD1 / 20.5D Length / 13.0mm /OPTIC 6.0mm I had it put in by Dr Stephen Slade in Houston, TX who was supposed to be the best. SOLD--Why would I choose to wear glasses for the rest of my life? Don't waste your money on these lenses. The last time I saw the doctor, he stated that, "I guess you are one of the fifteen percent for whom the Crystalens doesn't work." They didn't work. I fear having the cataract removal on my left eye because I am afraid I will end up with the same problem. az oo pv Whether the suit will become a class action is determined once you have filed the lawsuit. I'm not upset about trying something that didn't work. At first computer distance was perfect and near vision was acceptable but far was still myopic. It cost me $3, 600.00 out of pocket, I haven't complained much but my eye surgeon tells me my vision is good and it's not. Its my vision that's being played with! When I complained that my far vision was gone and I wanted monocular lens put in as a replacement, (There was plenty of time) my doctor talked me in to waiting promising me correction and lasik surgery to make them focus properly. I had the Crystal Lens put in during cataract removal about a year & a half ago. She has never been depressed or a hypochondriac in her life! PLEASE do not have this surgery unless you are very desperate--do your research on other lenses before you do this or get the standard lens and take your chances with having to wear glasses. So now I can read the computer for a few hours with blurring with the left eye-if I close my right eye it is clearer. dc. He gave me a sample of eye drops and told me I should return to the optometrist I was seeing before. Did need the other eye. You may hear Dr. Santamaria on this radio interview: I totally agree. DON'T BUY THEIR PRODUCTS / NOT ANY OF THEM // NOT EVEN DROPS! I have two other sibling who had cataract surgery but had the regular soft lens put it. In June 2019 HAD to give up my job as school administrator, 6 years earlier than planned. Trust me how I wish I could have a clear and no pain in my eye for few hours a day! She was healthy and active before the surgery, a voracious reader and worked every crossword puzzle she could find. My reading vision prescription is much stronger than before surgery. Really what are drops for? !Dr.won't admit any wrong doing, s my left eye since day one after surgery has had discomfort, like an eyelash or bad contact lens is in my eye 99 percent of the time..Don't pass out but I got screwed for $12, 000!! Class actions in U.S. district courts are regulated by federal laws like the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA), which allows any class action I am 36 years old, and discovered I had a cataract in my left eye that needed attention, which was bad enough for my insurance to pay their part to correct it. I am now about 3 weeks out of surgery and am being told that they can LASER my eye to correct the sight. Hi Jim - Did you go to Dr. Steve Slade by chance (out of Houston) - I had the same procedure six years ago, with the same results. I did not even know there were more letters on the right. 2015 I would do anything to have my God given lenses back. is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. I have been dealing with the exact same issues - I had them implanted six years ago, and am pretty much blind in my left eye now - have Z syndrome - wrote the FDA, Bausch and Lomb for YEARS - then the FDA stated "statute of limitations" had run out - only interested in protecting the drug company, not the consumers. Told that I would be able to see near far and in between (brochure claims the same thing). I am looking for a Class action lawsuit against Bausch & Lomb for Crystalens and if there isn't one I would like to start one. About 5k out of pocket. This Dr. When I went back to him for the YAG (I came early as my local optometrist recommended it and stated in my report so the clinic had called with an earlier date) and he was very condescending to me with the question "why are you are here". Now Im stuck with these in my eyes forever and my vision is worse now than it was before my cataract surgery. This is our justice system allowing the buddy system doctors to now be "judges" and "judges" of their own industry.. I had 20/40 and could still pass drivers license. With so many patients screwed by Crystalens, why hasn't a class-action lawsuit been filed yet? My night vision and distance vision is fine but I'm back to using and losing reading classes. I had 20/70 vision in one eye so we only did the crystalens in the good eye but the strain of trying to see is making the bad eye worse yet. Went with Crystalens AT-50AO with advise of Dr., as this would be best for my eyes, with the conditions he diagnosed, glaucoma, blephrospasm and chronic dry eye. I have severe floaters that are distracting due to a separation shortly after the surgery. And, after about 3 years I did have some clouding in both eyes, but a YAG procedure fixed that and for a time I did have a lot of floaters and black spots but that has settled down now and my visions is clear again. I've been beating myself up cause it was completely elective. I am in three choirs. I'm disappointed in my opthalmologist whom has now turned me over to "the best" as he referred him. My vision wasn't all that bad. I'm very sensitive to light, glare for night driving is still present and left vision is 20/50. I hope they stop selling this crystalens they are not good. I got mono vision(recommended by doctor) and it sucks just as bad as what you all are saying. I did the surgery because I was told I had narrow angle closure glaucoma and needed to do something and this was my best permanent option. Very annoying! I am asking Bausch + Lomb to reimburse us about $11,000 for out-of-pocket expenses associated with this. The Crystal Light class action claims that several flavors are part of the allegedly false marketing including: Strawberry Pure, Tropical Blend Pure, Grape Pure, We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to show you personalised advertising. I cannot drive see halos and blurry vision. I have spend $8000 out of pocket and my insurance paid more than me and still I have problems and afraid to go back to the Dr. Office and still have to buy those expensive eye drops. I had Crystalens implanted in both eyes in 2012. Apparently no one cares but us. I had good reading vision for about 6 months did all the eye exercises. I had 5 more laser treatments. Went to an Ophthalmologist who told me he would never recommend thesse lenses for one of the reasons the goop in our eyes build up on those wings thus preventing the promised movement. I would love to boast and encourage others to have ReSTOR procedure done but after my experience I would not wish this on anyone! examination. : Expiration Date:11-699865 to 11-699951 01/14/201611-699952 to 11-700027 01/14/2016. I was promised that the lens would self adjust so I can see near and far. I am 62 but very healthy and active. My vision is either out of focus most of the time or blurry due to inflammation. I never got my near vision back. I paid $5, 000 for a set of crystal lenses and the results I got are a mixed bag. I want to buy contact lenses (not implants) from Cristalens, and was looking for reviews in Google. $15,000 epic failure for me. Please DO NOT add attachments that contain your or other peoples personal information, if you dont want it to be visible to the public. They put a plain lens in and because of damage from the previous Crystalens they had to use a ZAG laser on my eye to reduce the fogging left over. WebA California class action lawsuit is a legal action in which one or more plaintiffs sue as representatives of a group of people with similar claims. Implant works for distance, ok midrange, forget close, a mono lense I was told from a second doctor would have worked just as well. Crystalens 5.0. When I asked about complications they said I shouldn't worry. A month later he implanted the Crystalens and three days later I could read a book but my mid and distance vision were much worse than before (and still are). I made the mistake of not getting bifocals. I NEVER recommend Crystalens to anyone and no Dr. should recommend them either. However I was able to read a novel three days after the surgery. This whole problem started after I had LASIK. I had this surgery 3/20/16, the results are I cant read large print at an arms length, my 84 year old mom reads much better than I can and she has the standard distant lens. They gave me the run around until the statute of limitations ran out. . If you are planning on buying crystal lens or any sort of accommodation lense save yourself the 4000$, Stick to the soft lense. I do see halos and feel like I have I contact lenses on. Since February 2016 when I had crystalline lenses implanted I have no end of problems. Language Assistance Available: Espaol | | Ting Vit | | Tagalog | | | Kreyl Ayisyen | Franais | Polski | Portugus | Italiano | Deutsch | | | English, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 7.55. Distance was a problem. Maybe that is the way to gofalse advertising! Due to problems I was kept going to Dr. Office ,Dr. Said he needs to do mini laser correction right after hah two, left eye had one surgeries and was told to go back to Dr. Office with in a year unless I have problems worsen. jefields. What a waste! Charlotte NC October 2012. I also had the YAG procedure after a few months but that procedure did not improve my vision whatsoever. Yet the whole reason he wanted to do mono vision to was eliminate glasses. I loved it when I could see good. 15 months ago concerned that she was healthy and active before the surgery when I had good vision... Surgery 3 years ago and had the regular soft lens put it everything close up point... 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Even though I complained during every visit introduced yet another possible scenario for explantation done in the field... And I rely on good vision not be for you '' month even... Suppose to be a law suite on the crystal lens company, they to...