I found the website that had the forty AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) accredited DNA testing centers and picked one that was quite close to where I live. 3ABN's website for case information for Franklin County, Illinois, the "We intend to vigorously defend the good name of our organization.". Lorraine, she never proved that to you. Brandys behavior during the DNA specimen collection was an embarrassment to everyone, including Danny, as he tried first to calm her down. After that, Danny and I had many conversations by e-mail. He held to that demand for many weeks. 4. The rapidity with which you divorced Linda and threw her out of 3ABN - and within a month expunged every memory of her from 3ABN - makes you look guilty as all get out - right from the start. She said no because she didn't want to have to pay her attorney John Drew. I have purposely put the name Trinity in quotation marks, because I have no way of knowing if the child presented for testing was actually Trinity Murray. All of her previous work experiences prepared her to serve in full-time ministry, which is her joy and passion. I have written a letter to them. That letter is dated June 16, 2004. But it is publicly known that YOU - PERSONALLY - were calling around looking for housing for Brandy and her two children in August of 2004 - just 2 months after you had divorced your wife and had her fired from 3ABN in June of 2004. note. I was told how to find the forty accredited DNA testing laboratories and I could arbitrarily choose one which I did. She may have returned to work there in November of 2004. No one could be seen sitting in the back seat of the truck. You are making a big mistake. Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. PDF posted here which contains Brandy's divorce filing, Danny Shelton reported receiving Here is the e-mail in which Danny offers to get DNA tested for paternity of Trinity, but ONLY if I put up $10,000. Isn't it strange that the advice you give me you won't take yourself? And will you give your answer under oath? You are the one who would like to lay the rumors to rest. I call that a business investment. I never said what you suggested I said, nor did I even imply that. That question will be worked out in court, sooner or later. You always want me to prove what I say. (Please see a copy of that letter below.). Walker said he originally met Shelton in 1997 during a two-month visit to Virginia, where Shelton served as a pastor. I was not looking for housing for Brandy in Aug. of 2004. 3. At any rate, if Danny Shelton had really bought those 48 acres as he claimed in his post-nuptial agreement, I told you what I was thinking. We honestly have no idea.. If she WAS married at the time, then tell me who she was married to - with the proof - and I will admit that that was a false accusation - and I will apologize, when I see the proof. Does Danny do nothing unless he can make money at it? And that certainly would be a reasonable explanation as to why you behaved as you did. Danny asked me to help his mother learn to follow Gods Health Plan in order to get well, as I had, something that Goldie eventually and unfortunately decided not to do. Many more things happened in the next few months. It was after this that we hammered out the legal agreement which I signed and sent to Danny Shelton by Federal Express onfor him and Brandy to sign. Land valued at $96,000 was deeded to Danny Shelton (former president and current trustee/consultant) Contrary to your saying "no mistake" you are absolutely wrong. They usually are very curious to see what is going on around them. I did not come up with that. There was no way for me to document the identity of the child presented for testing the identity of the child whose paternity is in question! There had to be a hidden, overwhelming factor driving him to get rid of his wife with the greatest speed and in the most public, most vicious, and most inhumane way possible, and totally eliminating any trace of her picture or her name from 3ABN. In his so-called spare time he enjoys songwriting, writing books, raising horses, and country living. You seem to think that if you tell me enough times that I could NOT have worked with Brandy at that time, that I may start believing you. Brandy and Shawn Brannack divorced on October 7, 1999 when Brandy was already 4-5 months pregnant by a man other than her husband. As he recalled the Christian television stations where he and his daughter Melody had sung gospel music, he felt concerned about the way God was misrepresented at times. Brandy may have quit working at 3ABN when she became pregnant with her second child as that would have been a rather touchy situation. It is abundantly clear that there is NO evidence that Linda Shelton committed adultery with anyone at anytime during her marriage to Danny Shelton. I asked him if the wife of this couple that he was counseling had committed physical adultery. In 1993, 3ABN Russia began producing Russian-language programs that now air on over 500 cable stations via satellite across the entire former Soviet Union, along with significant program distribution over the Internet. Why was I not allowed to fingerprint Trinity to confirm her identity, something that is always required by the DNA testing laboratories when they are taking the specimens? It seems you won't admit to mistakes so maybe Linda lied to you, but even then it is still a mistake. But just minutes before we were to meet, Danny called me on my cell phone and asked to change the location again, to the Post Office in Benton, Ill. Court-approved, legal DNA testing requires: 1. a picture to be taken of the one tested Danny had to accuse Linda of adultery viciously, loudly (and falsely), in order to pretend to have grounds to marry the woman he had waiting in the wings yet still hold on to his reputation and prestige, maintain his private access to the money tree of 3ABN, and keep his job with all its perks, including his private jet. 858-348-0040, From: Rockford Press_ Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:51 AM It was the third largest city in Russia, and the response to the meetings was tremendous. Now Danny has attempted to put a good spin on her very bad behavior by saying she has "every right to be angry." Nine-year olds want to be "grown up" - not carried around like a baby. Since such court records are public information, certainly Jim Gilley would not have signed the Form 990 under penalty of perjury, declaring that 3ABN had given But Since you say you KNOW who the real father is, is HE willing to take a paternity test? from Remnant Publications, Inc. alone, largely at 3ABN's expense. If the child presented for testing is NOT Trinity Murray, but the daughter of one of Brandys sisters (she apparently has at least two living sisters), it would be important for Danny and Brandy to perform a dry run up front, before I arrived on the scene in Thompsonville. royalties and kickbacks he received from his lucrative book deals. The name Trinity is also curious, particularly since Brandy at the time of Trinitys birth apparently was not particularly religious or maybe not religious at all. He shows how a loving God has provided a place of eternal joy and happiness for those who choose to be with Him. PDF file of court papers posted here, On In addition, I was not allowed to videotape or even take a still picture of Trinity Murray, something the DNA testing laboratory requires. 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feet regarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Lindas attorneys. The truth is that Danny Shelton NOT Linda - is the adulterer! Yvonne Lewis-Shelton. That could certainly apply to events that occurred WHILE your were married if, indeed, joint funds from your marriage were later taken offshore. Siblings can often have fairly close DNA matches as they are often chosen as organ donors. If Danny knew that he was not the father of Trinity, why would he and Brandy keep Trinity hidden under a blanket in the back seat of a truck for the hour or so we were all together, except for the few seconds when the DNA specimens were taken? Sometime between 2004 and 2006, I heard that Danny was going with a woman named Brandy. A few months later, he moved his toiletries and other things out of the bathroom that he had shared with Linda for years, into a separate bathroom in their home, and simultaneously began regularly working out at home, something he had never done before, subsequently purchasing a Bowflex gym set to begin vigorous bodybuilding. Why would she name her child such an unusual name, a name meaning God, a name also meaning 3. There is a 3 in 3ABN of course, and the name Trinity is in Trinity Broadcasting Network, the religious network Danny often watched years ago and from where he may actually have gotten the idea to start a religious network of his own. Another source saw a moving van at the Shelton door on Thursday, July 9, 2009. I was not allowed to take her picture, or take her fingerprints, or to examine her identification documents directly. I will do that when I receive the test results from both DNA testing laboratories. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:57 PM He was drafted by the Cleveland Browns in the first round of the 2015 NFL Draft. Don't you think Pickle and Joy's investigation of employees and former employees, who are not now supportive of 3ABN, would have turned up the fact that Brandy did at one time work at 3ABN or that she was here before Nov. of 2004? I have no interest in your money - or anyone else's money. As of early 2009, 3ABN's main TV channel had 69% original programming; 3ABN Latino had 67% original programming; and 3ABN Russia had 100% original programming.[4]. His friend told him that someone had recently offered to buy his equipment, but he had been strongly impressed to keep it until God directed him otherwise. I don't have to prove what I witnessed myself. And if you cannot show me that evidence, you will have to admit that you, indeed, have made an conspicuously horrible error in firing Linda Shelton. I challenge any Board Member to show me any evidence that Linda committed adultery. Are you willing to do that? ----- Original Message ----- Genetic Profiles YOU are the one who started all of this. Even though Danny and I agreed that the testing would be video-taped, this made Brandy angry. The filing seemingly couldn't have come at a worse time for Danny Shelton, since .truth wouldnt it be wise to pursue Jesus and the truth rather than mindlessly and vapidly supporting an institution without even demanding evidence? And she is said to have first arrived at 3ABN on November 11, 2004. Its your job to expose it not to cover it up! Have there been rumors circulating to that effect? But there is PUBLIC evidence that Brandy not only committed adultery and became pregnant with her second child by another man while she was married to Shawn Brannack, but also that her first child was born out of wedlock, the sin of fornication, according to the Bible. But now that I was to be there in his territory, I pointed out that he could bring the tape and play it for me without having the tape leave his possession. Brandy is on her way back from Fla. with her daughter. But that was not the case with this child. This is the tape that Danny claims as proof that Linda was having an adulterous affair with the doctor. My next contact with either Danny or Linda (after Dannys 2004 phone call to me) occurred about the middle of July of 2008 four years later - when I received a call from Linda asking me if I would be willing to call Danny and ask him to meet with her in a public place to talk over the financial settlement for the divorce so Linda would not have to pay increasingly expensive attorneys fees - with money she did not have. (Doc. 13 months, plus $660 for 3 months, a total of $27,980. But, as anyone can see, I had much more association with Danny during the years I was coming to 3ABN than I had with Linda. It's not about money. If the real Trinity Murray was actually tested a statement that still cannot be confirmed - who IS her father? (Save 3ABN heard reports Yvonne Lewis-Shelton. If she had really been having an affair, she certainly wouldnt have put the pregnancy test in a bag of other things she had just purchased and placed them where Danny could easily go through them. Schedule J of that filing, on page 33 She does want to know about my business after the divorce. Early years [ edit] Danny Shelton, founder of Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), stepped down Friday from his position as president, naming Greg Morikone, who currently serves as vice president and production. He visited a pastor friend, Hal Steenson, who had some television equipment, sharing what he was impressed to do. Dr. Walter Thompson, the 3ABN board chairman said that the divorce was beside the point, the president, Danny Shelton, no longer wanted his vice-president, Linda Shelton. Or is everyone so terrified of Danny Shelton's vengeance with his demonstrated propensity either to fire - or sue - anyone who doesn't agree with his version of events or who even whispers a kind word about Linda and her innocence. Longing to find a way to express Gods love to the world, he suddenly felt strongly impressed to build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels messages [of Revelation 14]. Can you please tell me how you heard of us? The action you just performed triggered the security solution. But I know I worked with her at that time. Danny Shelton is the founder and corporate consultant of 3ABN, a worldwide media ministry that encompasses television and radio. A Seventh-day Adventist group called Save-3ABN has created a website demanding transparency and accountability from the network. A few minutes later, Danny arrived driving his truck with Brandy in the passenger seat. But one very important factor was documented: Both Danny and Brandy kept the child hidden, and kept all identification information about the child secret. In the Three Angels v. Joy case, In court papers she wants to know what kind of vehicles I own now and many other things that do not pertain to her. It was not a secret to her. Obviously 3ABN and Danny Shelton do not want to produce the evidence - evidence that will undoubtedly be damaging to Danny. So I should be receiving those results very soon. ----- Original Message ----- What sense would that make? American football defensive lineman who was taken in the first round of the 2015 NFL Draft by the Cleveland Browns. Walsh, eventually known as "Miss Brenda" to viewing fans, had become an international Adventist celebrity. his salary given to him as part of a "non-compete agreement. In case you decide to send me a copy of the tape, my address is: Lorraine Day his brother Tommy Shelton was arrested 45). I was just referring to the fact that Brandy was pregnant and apparently not married at the time, and that would be a touchy situation for her to be working in a Christian institution that does not condone pregnancies out of wedlock, and that would have been a probable reason that she would have quit - back in 1999 or whatever year she became pregnant. The idea of no accountability has the potential for making my faith look bad. he divorced in Guam in June 2004 the courthouse noted So why do you care so much? We can workout the whens and whereass also. Tommy, if convicted, could receive a life sentence. WHY, if this child was in truth Trinity Murray, and Danny is NOT the father of Trinity Murray, would they do that? Obviously Brandy would know that she is the mother of Trinity. . But assuming the child tested was in fact Trinity Murray, then a number of extremely troubling questions remain, questions that raise huge red flags regarding the integrity of Danny Shelton: Finally, Brandy did get out of the truck, but as the videotape will show, she was furious. Judge RejectsPlea Deal. In addition, I had no idea in, at first, that Brandy had any children. I guess I should just let you believe what you want as you are as bad as Joy and Pickle in making claims YOU CANNOT PROVE. here, Danny Shelton is the founder of 3ABN, a nonprofit organization with the vision to "mend broken people" through the powerful messages of God's Word. card or Drivers license). 154 If this child WAS Trinity Murray, why was I not allowed to take her fingerprints (as a DNA lab requires for legal testing)? To: Danny Shelton When the DNA testing agreement had been signed by all parties, we arranged the date Wednesday, April 29, 2009. When one demands a large sum of money like that, naturally there would be few who could or would put up that amount of money, and take all the time that I took in hammering out a DNA testing agreement and traveling to Southern Illinois to take the DNA specimens. By definition, according to the Bible and the Seventh-day Adventist church, that makes Danny Shelton the adulterer. She even rudely accused me of having Alzheimers. You are unmovable and yet you are so wrong. A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. See all books authored by Danny Shelton, including Ten Commandments Twice Removed, and The Antichrist Agenda: The Ten Commandments Twice Removed, and more on ThriftBooks.com. (Just to set the record straight about the events surrounding her death, Goldie called me a couple of weeks after she began the Health Plan, telling me she hated the ugly juice. When I inquired what she meant by ugly juice she said she was talking about the green leafy vegetable/apple juice required on the Health Plan. If this assumption is right.. then I will gladly take a paternity test but I first want the accuser if there really is one to put up $10,000 if they are wrong. Here is where I ask Danny if he is willing to take a paternity test since HE (NOT I) brought up the subject of Trinitys paternity. He would have to accuse her again of adultery citing the pregnancy test as his proof - and thereby he would have to admit that he had been going through her things. 3ABN's board of directors elected Shelton as president and CEO last week, filling a role vacated by evangelist Jim Gilley, 74, who announced his retirement on July 20. Danny purportedly sold his former home to new president Jim Gilley for $295,000, and began construction on new property nearby. If the DNA testing laboratory requires that Danny and Brandy sign another specific consent to allow me to obtain a copy of the DNA testing results that I paid for and traveled to Southern Illinois to obtain, I am assuming they will be willing to do so. I told her that was not a good way to talk about the juice made from the nutritious green leafy vegetables that God has created for us to help nourish a sick body. Updated 6/22/2011 It should be noted that we were first scheduled to meet in the parking lot of the public school in Thompsonville, Ill. Danny Shelton subsequently asked if we could move the meeting place to the county Courthouse in Benton, Illinois a few miles up the freeway north of West Frankfort, Ill (West Frankfort/Thompsonville, Ill is the location of the headquarters of 3ABN). I only throw out the money not because I have much but because I know people well enough to know that gives them an incentive to find the truth. Since I had never seen Trinity Murray, and Danny knew that, I was expected to take Danny and Brandys word for it with no objective documentation whatsoever to prove the childs identity. Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) is a 24-hour Christian television and radio network, consisting of nine television channels and five radio channels in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and French. $155,688 in income in 2009. 2008 Form 990 on January 5, 2010. Bring it forward. Danny and Brandy vehemently refused to allow Trinity to be photographed. When he brought up that scenario, I asked him point blank if the rumor was true. - I was only given Xerox copies which, of course, can be altered), 2) to take a picture of the child, 3) to have the social security numbers of those tested, 4) to take fingerprints of those tested. I give up trying to reason with you. But it certainly seems important to you - if you are willing to offer me $1,000,000. That's not the kind of "bargain" an innocent man would try to negotiate. Is the response of present-day Adventists to the need for finding the truth, the equivalent of a young persons casual, nonchalant, uncaring, and disinterested answer - - - - Whatever! So THAT is not a false accusation. They are certainly open to cross-examination by the opposing counsel about the accuracy of what they saw. If she has a tape or video where I saidsomething to that effect,then why all the secrecy? And he is the one who offered to be DNA tested but only if I would put up $10,000.00. Oh, in my ignorance why do I need a paternity test on her father as I know who the father is. Therefore, Danny who claims to be the one who taped the conversation has broken the law. I think this is a great idea. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. that according to their records, 3ABN was still the owner, not Danny. That appears to be a clear case of adultery by Brandy the very sin of which Danny Shelton has FALSELY accused Linda!! It has been estimated As I said, the whole thing seems so multi-faceted that it makes my head swim. If he says it, it must be accepted as truth and never questioned. However, all my time and all my expenses have been largely wasted because Danny and Brandy would not allow me to verify the identification of the child who was presented for testing. Right? I made the same offer to those guys that if they could prove that Brandy was here before Nov. 2004, or that she spent anytime at 3ABN prior to Nov. of 2004 I would give them $10,000! I don't have to ask Linda things that I have experienced myself. If I offer you $1,000,000 if you can prove that Brandy was at 3ABN and worked with you prior to Nov. 2004, would that encourage you to gather truth from present and former workers at 3ABN? Is that correct? And this began a full two years before Danny suddenly started accusing Linda. According to the civil suit filed Monday, Shelton, a pastor ordained by the Church of God, was suspended by that denomination in 1985 apparently after sexual abuse allegations against him surfaced. When I left to come home, I gave Goldie my phone number and told her she could call any time - which she did. on sexual assault charges in Virginia on March 16, 2010. You have committed an egregious and horrible mistake in firing Linda Shelton from her position as Vice President of 3ABN. Programs are designed to bring the viewers important information on medical and lifestyle issues such as cancer prevention, diabetes, and heart disease. Gilley nominated Shelton as his replacement, and the board unanimously agreed. In addition, we provide programs that especially target the needs of urban audiences, including Christian money management, parenting, and ex-offender rehabilitation. You have to admit, it does look suspicious. It was at that time that Danny said he would only be tested if I would put up $10,000. Neither you nor Linda probably knew everyone who worked at 3ABN as it grew. I know it makes for a good story of why I wanted to dump Linda according to you and others but it is not true. Why has Danny, at every turn, tried to silence Linda and others - with Silence Agreements? If it wasnt for the false charge of adultery for which you have NO evidence then tell all of us out here your specific reason. On Dec 21, 2008, at 11:13 PM, Danny Shelton wrote: Lorraine, Obviously it was not for security reasons, because on the special holiday programs at 3ABN, Danny has his whole family on camera, including all of his grandchildren even when they were babies and young children. He is also suggesting that I chose an unaccredited lab to save money. Both labs I chose are fully accredited by the AABB, the acknowledged accrediting agency. Stop ignoring the Gorilla in the room. I am not saying that I know that Danny or Brandy committed fraud. Why did Danny and Brandy keep this child hidden under a blanket for almost the entire time we were together? Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Why was Trinity not allowed to stand on her own feet rather than Danny holding her over his shoulder like a baby, something a 9-year old doesnt usually like. If she had indeed been having an affair, she would already have known at three months - if she was pregnant and would not have had to buy a pregnancy test kit. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. However, now Danny is accusing me of somehow being underhanded with the testing, because the lab sent the envelopes as noted above. All I know is that I worked with Brandy at that time. This phone call from Danny occurred months before I heard that there was trouble between him and Linda. The reason this is important to say is that when I arrived in Southern Illinois to take the DNA specimens, Brandy became very angry and accused me of harassing her family. I had done nothing of the kind. He falsely accused Linda of the sin of which he is guilty. But it is publicly known that YOU - PERSONALLY - were calling around looking for housing for Brandy and her two children in August of 2004 - just 2 months after you had divorced your wife and had her fired from 3ABN in June of 2004. I haven't falsely accused ANYONE - not you and not Brandy. In 2008, Walker went to law enforcement in Virginia, where there is no statute of limitations on sexual abuse allegations. He currently resides in Washington, United States. His actions were so bizarre, Linda couldnt figure out what had happened to him. That's why I don't want to show it to her. To: Danny Shelton Is Danny sharing his money with Brandy? Neither Danny nor Brandy signed that agreement (they gave no explanation for not signing it), but Danny made up an agreement of his own that I signed and sent back to him and Brandy to sign. And why would they not go to the DNA testing laboratory directly so the results would be admissible in a court of law? She later called me to say she wanted to drink some Chik juice. Again, I said, What do you mean by Chik juice? Updated 4/2/2010 p. 3 at Table 1). Danny Shelton is the founder of 3ABN, a nonprofit organization with the vision to mend broken people through the powerful messages of Gods Word. But again, my traveling to Southern Illinois to obtain the DNA test specimens has raised more questions than it has answered. You have not because she will tell you that Brandy never worked there and that she had never met Brandy. Please note that Linda fought the Protective Order because Protective Orders are often used to protect the guilty. It doesnt take an Einstein to figure it out. All information and content on this web site is copyrighted by Pacic Press Publishing Association, Inc. ("Pacic Press"), the owner of this web site. The only time I had ever met Brandy she was 13 years old when her folks came to my house nearly 25 years ago to do a recording. Watch the complete 3-hour documentary, featuring interviews with those who experienced the miracles of 3ABNs early days firsthand, along with archival footage. And within a week or two she died. Thanks again for your help. ", the proceeds from that sale Today, 3ABNs Russian Evangelism Center includes the largest Seventh-day Adventist Church of Nizhny Novgorod, as well as local Church Conference offices, a Christian secondary school and high school, a literature distribution center, and, of course, 3ABN Russias television and radio studios. Danny said he would only be tested if I would put up $ 10,000 and Linda I. 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