His personality was not a role model to be set before the huge business empire. We have sent you an email with the required document. Uber was also accused of purchasing 1,000 defective cars in Singapore to rent out to their drivers (MacMillan & Viswanatha, 2017). The open letter continues, "Making changes only at the corporate leadership level creates a dangerous likelihood that Uber's sustained ethics challenges will resurface.". Susan Fowler, also a former engineer, accused her direct supervisor of sexually harassing her. Eventually, this additional cost will be felt. Ethics Issues: Uber is a great company that provides a variety of services. To this end, we analyzed Uber drivers' forum discussions about their lived experiences of working with the Uber platform. cent sure and w the three arities to the Uber Technologies, Inc. (Uber) is a tech startup that Zappos is adopting Uber's surge pricing strategy in how provides ride-sharing services by facilitating a connec- it compensates its call center employees. Cancel via phone or email within 30 days for a full, no-questions-asked refund! UBER has been subjected to many law suits and ethical issues. These have led to the company designing proper . In our post-9/11 world, city governments have cameras in an increasing number of public places. It's perfectly reasonable to stand on principle, and some will say it's even ethically required. An Examination of Uber's Responsibility to Their Drivers. The advertisements we glance at in a magazine do their job very well, and that is because they are [], We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. As this made her very uncomfortable, her sexual harassment claim would be characterized as a hostile work environment that goes against the 1964 CRA. After this analysis Ubers credibility has been shot in my opinion. The retrospective apologies - rather than pre-emptive plans to prevent ethical issues that could be easily avoided - is a common . Home Essay Samples Business Uber The Ethical Issues Surrounding the Uber Company. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Ubers fundamental problem is that it does not have this advantage. Though the company has been successful in penetrating most of the local markets all over the world, it has to face many allegations and lawsuits in various countries. Pol'y, 20, 1. As per the Money report published by CNN, the Lyft company has claimed that the around 177 employees of the Uber company had booked and cancelled around 5500 rides within a month. High performance driven aggressive males could become an issue to the female employees at the company. Glss, M., McGregor, M., & Brown, B. Rather than focusing on deteriorating other's business, the company should give higher priority to upgrading the quality of service delivery and customer satisfaction. Total Assignment help is an online assignment help service available in 9 countries. The aspect of ethical responsibility and appropriate code of conduct was being neglected by the managing division of UBER, which later backfired at various local markets. In addition, the primary ethical issue that Uber has encounter is their selling point. Uber's main selling point -- that nearby drivers are notified immediately of your desire to get a ride -- is also its chief drawback, at least from a safety perspective. The first branch store opened in 1964 in Missouri. As mentioned in the previous discussion, the management of the company had employed various independent contractors and brand ambassadors who could entice the drivers to Uber Company. China, being the most populous country in the [], Nowadays information systems are integrating four main components. Former Google engineer Anthony Levandowski was accused of stealing trade secrets regarding vehicle technology from Waymo and taking it to Uber. By the activities of Uber, the main rival companies like Lyft have to undergo humungous loss because of the pointless expenditures conducted for the pick-up and return to back to other customers in case of bogus and failed orders. Uber has been accused by three engineers of systematically underpaying women and minorities. If it fails to achieve near monopoly status and has to continue to compete against local firms, in my view it has little hope of ever repaying its investors. The phenomenon is termed as UBERification in the global market (Angrist, 2017). The Department of Human Resources told Fowler that her direct supervisor was a high performer and they wouldnt feel comfortable punishing him for what was probably an innocent mistake (Isaac, 2017). Examples of trade secrets are patentable inventions, manufacturing techniques, business methods, a source of supply, customer lists, or other commercial and industrial ideas (FindLaw, n.d.). Write an article and join a growing community of more than 160,300 academics and researchers from 4,571 institutions. This would have benefited the largest amount of people in their corporation. In this essay, we will discuss in depth the specific laws that have made Uber unethical and a subject to the legal system. Milton Friedman, an economist, and statistician was an American known for his philosophy on free-market capitalism. So can Uber afford to become ethical? The Edge DR Tech Sections Close Back. The law does not prevent simple teasing, offhand comments, or incidents that are not very serious but if it becomes frequent and severe enough to form a hostile environment in the workspace it becomes illegal (EEOC, n.d.). The accusation of Uber violating the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act by bribing international government officials is yet another example of potential influence from Milton Friedmans philosophy. Chicago Tribune Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docview/1970209904?accountid=8289, MacMillan, D., & Viswanatha, A. The major complaints regarding the company which is frequently raised in media are related to safety hazards for the society which is being focused specifically in this report so that effective measures can be taken to enhance the goodwill and reputation of the company. For those who missed the story, Buzzfeed reported that Michael had suggested "hiring a team of opposition researchers to dig up dirt on its critics in the media.". Recently, when a group I was with used Uber to summon a ride, I was impressed by how quickly a car appeared, and how easy the service is to use, since no money exchanges hands. In addition, we discussed Milton Friedmans philosophy and how it potentially influences executives at Uber. By continuing well assume you board with our cookie policy. Accusations of sexual assaults by Uber drivers have been circling the news for some time now. Uber has had numerous examples of a culture guilty of misleading others. As of this writing, Kalanick has not publicly responded to the letter. Recently, Uber has been under fire for a bad corporate culture, which promoted, among other things, sexism and other forms of toxic behavior. Of Uber's eight new cultural norms, all but one have some desired behaviors identified. Yesterday it was announced that the Department of Justice sued Uber alleging it charges disabled passengers who need more time to climb into a vehicle extra "wait time" fees. Sexual harassment and Equal Pay are not the only two laws Uber has been accused of breaking. On Wednesday, U.S. Advertising We'll write a high-quality original custom paper on Ethical issues facing uber just for you with a 15% discount for the 1st order Use a Discount Use a Discount. Amazon became the largest online retailer on the planet by burning through huge sums of investment on the way to becoming dominant in an ever-increasing number of sectors, and a de facto monopoly in some such as books. A wealth of data at your fingertips. And it shouldnt be this way. But Amazon has benefited, throughout its growth, from a trump card: its use of a virtual shopfront makes its overheads significantly lower than bricks-and-mortar rivals. Leighton, P. (2016). Copyright 2022. totalassignment.com. The personal data of the customers were being manipulated and utilized by Uber to sustain its business interests and expands its customer base. Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik, 30(4), 333-343. These are not difficult to address if they are dealt with honestly. I want to suggest that this may not be possible. In 1978, OReilly became a [], For many years, IPCC is generally known for its role of providing reports that serve as internationally accepted authority due to them having the agreement of leading climate scientists and the consensus of the concerned [], Costco Wholesale is the nations second largest retailer and owes its success to their strategy of being thrifty, economical, investing in their employees and separating themselves from their competitors with good moral ethical [], Costco's adopts a business model that is based on a best-cost strategy. Users can read menus, reviews and ratings, order, and pay for food from participating restaurants using an application on the iOS or Android platforms, or through a web browser ()Key features: Trade secrets are something not generally known. Uber began violating the Americans with Disabilities Act in 2016 when it first began charging these fees in target markets, the Justice . The denials were a result of her reports of misconduct to the company. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed by two minutes. Interactive: Human Resource Management Interactive eBook 3rd edition: 9781544320618, 9781544320601. https://www.vitalsource.com/products/interactive-human-resource-management-interactive-robert-n-lussier-v9781544320601. A fairly common conclusion is that Uber needs to become more ethical if it is to survive. Lyft is positioning itself as the ethical alternative to Uber. Dow Jones: The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S&P Opco, LLC and CNN. You can find Ubers ethical position on its . This was not the only case of sexual harassment Uber was accused of. Task: Some of Ubers managers have also been accused with stepping on others, and even with sexual harassment. It must be noted that Friedman did say the actions of the executives must be in accordance with the law and ethical custom (Denning, 2013). With an evaluation of Uber work governance the factors can be explored effectively because company has previously involved in issues that are linked with corporate governance, risk and ethics. Effectively, what both companies surely rely on is investors subsidising the prices customers pay in the short term, in return for a long-term monopoly with higher prices. This is a case study review about Uber a global, app based Taxi Company. There are many reasons why diversity matters. Retrieved from Harvard JLOT: https://jolt.law.harvard.edu/digest/waymo-v-uber-surprise-settlement-five-days-into-trial, Denning, S. (2013, June 26). It provides a competitive advantage to the owner. It could be inferred from this decision that to address the existing Uber ethical issue, the management and leadership needs to change its tone and approach primarily. Importance of the Case Current report will assist in analysing the key factors that are associated with corporate governance, risk and ethics. Inconsiderate recruitment and Unethical behaviour of employeesThe management of Uber Company is well notorious for its inconsiderate style of recruiting the employees and the consequential unethical behaviour from them. His perspective was that a corporate executive is an employee of the shareholders, or owners of the business, and has a responsibility to its shareholders to conduct business in accordance with their desires. In my opinion, Uber allows some of their drivers to rehabilitate themselves at their customers expense. Should Uber ultimately fail, it would open up the possibility of a taxi company fit for the 21st century. Benefits/Challenges of a Diverse Workforce. Once the problem gets widely publicized, of course every company will apologize and say that they will take steps to change, but will they really change? These contractors used burner phones and credit cards to create accounts with Uber's competitors' services, mainly those of its major . Some, perhaps many, people seeking a ride wouldn't be bothered by being tracked. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. Disclaimer: The reference papers provided by totalassignment.com should be used as model papers only. Uber's 2019-2020 Safety Report states that 99.9% of all Uber rides are completed without incident. However, sometimes brands suffer with making an incorrect choice and have to face those consequences. Last Friday, Uber Vice President Emir Michael reportedly suggested a way of stifling the company's critics that would violate the most basic standards of business ethics. Furthermore, Title VII, the ADEA, and the ADA also make it illegal to pay someone less due to their sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, or disability (EEOC, n.d.). Chicago Mercantile Association: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. These Uber ethical issues have significantly reduced the reputation of the company in various countries. Ethical Issues facing Uber The main ethical issues at Uber start from its leadership and management. The company is headquartered at San Francisco; California with name Uber Technologies Inc. Uber is the leading American multinational company which has the largest network of online transportation service. It was upsetting enough when Michael made his crack about digging up dirt on journalists who dared to criticize the company. . Castigation without consequences is meaningless. Sabrina Sy March 22, 2021 Uber Workers' Rights. 2023 gradesfixer.com. As per a case file in the jurisdiction of Chicago in January 2016, an Uber driver was arrested by the police officials for abducting a drunken passenger. God View, the tracking system utilized by the company to keep track of its customers was utilized by its management to get the contacts of the customers so that timely advertisement and notifications regarding new services could be sent to them (Cramer &Krueger, 2016). Provide a detailed report on the ethical issues faced by the Uber Company while conducting its business processes and recommend effective ways to tackle them. English philosophers and economist Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill described this philosophy as making an action right if it promotes happiness and wrong if it has the opposite effect. (The issue would be average pay, not that a driver will necessarily get the minimum wage for every hour they do Uber-related driving.) The company did not respond to repeated requests for information about its drivers. But doing so dramatically increases the rate of having an accident. Senator Al Franken (D-Minn.), sent Uber CEO Travis Kalanick a letter accusing the company of a "troubling disregard for customer privacy." If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. First, most of us recognize that the police force's policy is an attempt to protect the public from harm. The malicious intend towards competitive companies like ordering and cancelling the rides through bogus accounts should be terminated by the leadership of Uber Company. Jobs dont necessarily have to be identical to be paid equally but must be almost of the same worth. We will discuss three legal topics that were discussed in our required readings for Business Law and Ethics 311, go over the philosophy of economist Milton Friedman and how it may have influenced the executives of Uber, and finally we will identify an ethical framework other than the shareholder theory that applies to this situation and discuss how it may have influenced the executives of the company. Uber vs. taxi: A drivers eye view (No. Ubers problem: A culture of dishonesty. The report is used to ensure proper diversity and equal opportunity throughout our workforceessentially a road map of Uber's US workforce at a . Ubers CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, has said he wants to preserve what works, but it seems that what works includes long legal battles where Uber is wrong in principle. Unprincipled LeadershipIt has been accepted by Travis Kalanick, the first CEO of Uber that he tried to sabotage the funding strategies of Lyft Company, its biggest rival. As per the report from the United States, a Washington based nonprofit organization, Electronic Privacy Information Center, charged Uber against the mishandling and breaching the privacy terms in June 2015. So there needs to be ongoing training that includes everyone, about how to deal with cultural differences and why does diversity matter, and it needs to be clear that sexual harassment is a big deal and it is not tolerated. The first distribution center opened in 1975. NYUJ Legis. It is not that Uber is incapable of such ethical measures. Not a whole lot. Disruptive change in taxi business: The case of Uber. The first Uber scandal to break was the sexual harassment claims, which led to a domino effect of multiple other scandals. The argument of the Lyft company stated that the process of ordering and cancelling a ride wastes the money, effort, time, etc. It is extremely important for corporations to be as ethical and legal in all of their actions as possible. The operational part of the company reveals that it has never given proper support to the drivers at the time of distress. 1632-1643). This technique of Greyball could be considered a violation of intentional obstruction of justice or violation of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (In, 2017). All times are ET. Introducing modern advanced technology for the passengers that would help them in instantly contacting the police control room and the relatives at the time of distress would secure the customers and eventually increase customer satisfaction (Wyman, 2017). The letter's . Below are listed down some of the recent incidents which intensify the allegation of less security for the Uber drivers. Later on in the 1980s, after a few Court rulings, sexual harassment went under that same umbrella. 2021 StudyDriver.com - Big database of free essay examples for students at all levels. This led to a four-month investigation and pressure . Software, hardware, people and data those components will be analyzed further. Following TfLs decision to withdraw Ubers license to operate in London, there has been a widespread picking over of the ride-hailing apps recent history and speculation about its future. Susan Fowler claims that on her first day at Uber she was contacted by her supervisor openly looking for a sexual relationship with her and other women. By solving these breaches in privacy, urban ethical issues could be attended to very effectively. Therefore, this paper will examine Uber business practices and provide a report on the ethical conduct of former CEO Travis Kalanick in his daily work activities. In reaching this point, Amazon has itself received plenty of criticism, particularly around its tax arrangements and working conditions in its Orwellian fulfilment centres (warehouse to you and me). It has also courted controversy in most. Waymo claimed that before Levandowski left his job at Google, he downloaded 14,000 files that pertained to self-driving car technology. 16 students ordered this very topic and got original papers. Ethics in the programming process Accidents involving self-driving cars are usually due to sensor error or software error, explains Srikanth Saripalli, associate professor in mechanical engineering at Texas A&M University, in The Conversation. That the police force 's policy is an attempt to protect the from... Reputation of the recent incidents which intensify the allegation of less security the.: //search-proquest-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docview/1970209904? accountid=8289, MacMillan, D., & Viswanatha,.. The denials were a result of her reports of misconduct to the drivers the... Of less security for the DJIA, which is delayed by two minutes executives at start! S Responsibility to their drivers ( MacMillan & Viswanatha, a that it has never given proper support to drivers. 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