The covenantal blessings that God had given Abraham and Isaac were completely different. Hey.. i am curious what CI Scofield comment about how Issac gone on to live 43 years.. for me when i read the story, I always think that Isaac was being dramatic in Gen 27:2-4. Hahaha I know what you mean. The name Isaac, which means "he laughs," was derived from his parents' reaction when God told Abraham that he, at 100 years old, and his wife Sarah, at the age of 90, would have a son ( Genesis 17:17; 18:12 ). First, he cannot be much older than 100 years according to the P narrative. British Bible School36 Tintern RisePeterboroughPE6 7YL01733 223331. It has confirmed for me the dates and ages in a concise and colorful manner. Where is Book of Nehemiah in the Hebrew Bible? Jesus feeding 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 Fishes (Part 7 , Part 8) And Abraham gave all that he had . Required fields are marked *. Hope it helps you in your bible study. Send Mail. And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. There were seven good years of crops in Egypt (41:53). 3. Why did Abraham sacrifice Isaac in the Bible? Tools. I am a bit confused, Gen.35..23..24..25. How old was Solomon when he wrote the Song of Solomon? Expostulates with his father, and obtains one, Genesis 27:36-40. However the records in Gen 29-30 seems to suggest that the 11 children are born one after another in order. Finally, one of my many favorite stories, one I have personalized, is Jacob wrestling with the Lord. If we have placed Rachels death and Benjamins birth correctly, Joseph would only have known Benjamin as a baby before next seeing him as a grown man he would have been around 25-30 when Joseph next saw him. Its PLURAL. I am glad that it helped you, I will love to hear more from you on my blog as well. But i think in the English language here You could also be pointing at a singular entity. John followed Jesus for 3 years. I wanted to insert Abrahams life, but I feel that the chart will be too wordy and messy if I inserted Abrahams life timechart is included. and his eyes were dim, so that he could not see; which circumstance is mentioned, not only as a sign of old age, and as common to it, but for the sake of the following history, and as accounting for it, that he should not know Jacob when he blessed him; and this was so ordered in Providence, that by means of it the blessing might be transferred to him, which otherwise in all probability would not have been done, if Isaac had had his sight: he called Esau his eldest son; who though he was married, and had been married thirty seven years at this time, yet still lived in his father's house, or near him; for as he was born when his father was sixty years of age, and he married when he himself was forty, and his father must be an hundred, so if Isaac was now one hundred and thirty seven, Esau must have been married thirty seven years; and though he had disobliged his father by his marriage, yet he retained a natural affliction for him; nor had he turned him out of doors, nor had he any thoughts of disinheriting him; but on the contrary intended to bestow the blessing on him as the firstborn, for which reason he is here called "his eldest son": and said unto him, my son; owning the relation, expressing a tender affection for him, and signifying he had something further to say unto him: and he said unto him, behold, here am I; by which Esau intimated he was ready to hear what his father had to say to him, and was willing to obey him. Yet Judah was not. (Note: Cf. How old was Joshua in the Book of Joshua? He could not see; which was ordered by Gods wise providence, not only for the exercise of Isaacs patience, but also as a means to transfer Esaus right to Jacob. Jacob became prime minister at 30, after that was 7 years of abundance and 7 years of famine This begs a study I think. But Jacob was at that time 130 years old (Genesis 47:9). And the government will be upon His shoulder. At 35 years, a man is in his prime. I have updated the chart accordingly. , the plural in the phrasing you mention [@Rudy] is not on the one as translated into English from Hebrew {originally echad], the plural is instead on the name /office of G-d [Elokim which you might read or have seen with an h where I put a k for respect for saying the name, hence the - that also stands in between the G and d for an o]. Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, At the time of the story of the deception of Jacob in obtaining the birthright, Isaac was 137. Why did Jacob love Joseph the most in the Bible? We know that Joseph was made the prime minister at the age of 30, and he was sold off to Egypt at the age of 17. When Esau heard that Jacob had tricked him and received the blessing he . Jacob left with everything. We do not have any age markers for Rebekah, although it would probably be safe to say that she was 15-20 when she married Isaac. 8. But considering the fact if Jacob life span.. 70 would have been counted as old . Consequently Joseph was born before Jacob was ninety-one; and as his birth took place in the fourteenth year of Jacob's sojourn in Mesopotamia (cf. And the sons of Dedan were Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leummim. Hebrews 11:17-22 Isaac was 60 years old when Jacob and Esau were born. We can safely conclude that Elkanahs wives also pictured Covenants, just as 1 Samuel 1:24-28 NIV 24 After he was weaned, she took the boy with her, young as he was, along with a three-year-old bull, [1] an ephah [2] of flour and a skin of wine, and brought him to the house of the Lord at Shiloh. Thank you for your sharing, it was indeed harder to plot the lives of Jacob and Joseph compared to Issac as the bible does not comment much about their age when events happens. The main difference with yours is that it has Jacob leaving home at 77 years old (not 70), and Joseph being born 7 years after Jacobs marriage, and 6 years before he returns to Canaan (not when he leaves for Canaan). Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Genesis 25:19-24 " This is the account of Abraham's son Isaac. Through these tribes, the nation of Israel was formed. When we start to look at what the Bible says, we often get a far different and sometimes surprising picture. This is possible because God is spirit and he is not confine to a particular place or time. Where is the Book of Samuel in the Bible? Thank you so much!! Chapter 27 opens with Isaac being old and fearing he was about to die, beginning to arrange for the family blessing to take place. (Note: As I calculate it, Jacob was about 70 years old when he deceived his father, Isaac. What does 'The God of Jacob' mean in the Bible? We do not have any age markers for Rebekah, although it would probably be safe to say that she was 15-20 when she married Isaac. One of the things we learn from sketching out the chronology is that Abraham would have been alive when Esau and Jacob were born and that they were fifteen when he died. If we add 60 years to it, Isaac would have been 190 year old (he died at 180) As it needs planning and execution. When did Jacob become Israel in the Bible? Jacob is now hairy like his brother, and smells like his brother. (See Excursus on Chronology of Jacob's Life at end of this book.) I was writing about it on my Blog for a while, 1. 3. I do not know the day of my death. Rebekah gave birth to twin boys, Esau and Jacob. You are welcome, actually I did this as part of a lesson for my students. Then I was thinking.. rather than just presentingthe chart a few people, I might as well post it up my blog at the same time. all my life to this day, I assumed that Jacob fled to Laban at the age of 70 (some think 77) 1. when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dimHe was in his hundred thirty-seventh year; and apprehending death to be near, Isaac prepared to make his last willan act of the gravest importance, especially as it included the conveyance through a prophetic spirit of the patriarchal blessing.Isaac being aged, sends Esau for venison, that he might eat thereof, and bless him, Genesis 27:1-4. He complies; puts on Esaus raiment, and the skins of the kids; goes with the venison his mother prepared: Isaac eats of it, and blesseth him, Genesis 27:14-29. Jacob wanted to move back to Cannan shortly after Joseph is born (Gen 30:25), Besides these all the ages are given as estimated guess. For example, Isaac's blessing on Jacob (which was meant for Esau) gave him the earth's bounty and authority over his brother ( Genesis 27:28-29 ). 30 As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, when Jacob had scarcely gone out from the presence of Isaac his father, Esau his brother came in from his hunting. She seems t Continue Reading Your response is private Was this worth your time? Just as in Abrahams life the decision had to be made which of the two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, was to be the heir of the promise, so, here again, there is the same Divine election (Romans 9:10-13): but while Abraham obeyed, though with heavy heart (Genesis 21:11), Isaac even struggled against Gods will, and his assent was obtained by human craft working tortuously to effect that which God would have wrought in His own better way. I am no expert in greek, or hebrew, though I only had language expertise in English and Chinese. Just to let you know, you are still enlightening people in 2016. Is it helpful to include Genesis 26:34, which notes Esau having married two wives at the age of 40? I started searching after seeing that CI Scofield in his bible had commented on how Isaac had gone on to live 43 years after Jacobs deception. When we learn that some were actually old men as they were going about serving God, perhaps that tells us about our usefulness to God in our later lives. He entered the temple twice to cleanse it, he died on the cross and his blood is now the blood that atone for our sins. the God who has been my shepherd Jacob and his family live near Isaac in Mamre (Hebron) for a period of twelve years. Thanks for doing this! Isaac was now 117 years of age. (b) Joseph was 39 or 40 when his father moved into Egypt. The fact is that God would have overcome him easily but he choose to lower himself and allow Jacob to hold on to him. Isaac Blesses Jacob (Genesis 27:1-40) 27 When Isaac was old and his eyes were dim so that he could not see, he called his elder son Esau and said to him, "My son"; and he answered, "Here I am." 2 He said, "See, I am old; I do not know the day of my death. Since we figure out the age of Jacob by the age of Joseph and the events that follow, I believe that Jacob wasnt 70 years when he left Canaan and come back 20 years later, but 77 years. May He bless these boys (Gen 48:15-16). It would seem that Isaac could have known all his grandchildren that were Jacobs, as they arrived in that area about 15 years before his death. I am not here to discuss the flowers and the bees, but I am basing my guess on the fact that each pregnancy took about 10 months. When he returns, Esau is to prepare a meal for Isaac with his catch, after which Isaac will bestow upon Esau his blessing. It is likely that it is not an extention of work duration. 28:8 Esau saw that the Canaanite women displeased his father Isaac. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thank you for your graphic. Putting all of this together, Joseph would have been 39 at the time that Israel moved to Egypt. We discover that Isaac was 40 when he married Rebekah (25:20). I assumed that the grain in Canaan must have lasted for many years in the famine (2 years in my guess) My mind just could not wrap around this, so I needed a visual. c. 6 years for his flock This would mean Jacob was 77or 71 when he was blessed. Give me some of that red stew!' Jacob said: 'I will, but first promise me that I can have your inheritance.' Esau said: 'I don't care about my . I have never left a comment on anything anywhere like this, but feel compelled to here. How many years after Abraham is Book of Joshua? I would love to understand more about you and what are your understanding about it. I am glad that the chart is able to aid you in your bible study. Isaac was 60 years old when his two sons were born. Thank you for your interest in the charts, I will love see more of your comments in the future. PPT CUE So Jacob had 12 sons which became the 12 tribes of Israel. 1. Especially Isaac. I was on and they said this:At long last Jacob reaches Hebron, and is reunited with his father. Yes I would be glad to see the chart featured on your ministry series. This was the third contract into which he entered with Laban, having fulfilled the two former ones, each of which was seven years, for his two wives. Who wrote the Book of Samuel in the Bible? 7 Years for Leah - Ishmael was 14 yrs older than Isaac. Isaac . February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . Thank you for your comments. Isaac Blesses Jacob Genesis 27: 1-29 1 When Isaac was old and his eyes were dim so that he could not see, he called Esau his older son and said to him, "My son"; and he answered, "Here I am." 2 He said, "Behold, I am old; I do not know the day of my death. Thanks very much for your chart, which is very useful. So that means that my understanding that the We in Genesis is a form of respect is correct, As quoted in the top of this discussion For if Esau has married at the age of 40 (26:34), then Isaac would have been 100 years old at this time. HOpe to see you back here soon.. Immanuel. Notice, as well, that although Isaac was old and felt he was about to die when Jacob stole the blessing (Genesis 27), the reality is that he still had over forty years of life left! Isaac Blesses Jacob. It would be interesting to share them with you if it is ok. Our next time marker occurs at the end of chapter 26 When Esau was forty years old, he married Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, as well as Basemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite. And so Isaac blesses Jacob with a blessing Isaac had intended for the minutes-older twin Esau. Tell,s us that Isaac died,and yet Joseph is in Egypt when Isaac dies according to your chart, where as the Bible hasnt said anything about Joseph being sold into slavery at this point. You may be interested in the web link here. Absolutely not Definitely yes If you send me an email and give me permission to print this and give it to my members, it could be a great blessing to some to see this as I preach through the book of Genesis. 3. Isaac Blesses Jacob. I love the story behind God who is in your face.. The Timeline of the lives of Isaac, Jacob and Joseph,,, 29 May peoples serve you and nations bow down to you. pauline hanson dancing with the stars; just jerk dance members; what happens if a teacher gets a dui Thank you so much for putting together this resource and drawing our attention to the life of Jacob. Abraham and Isaac walked, It includes: The lifetime of people after the flood gradually decreased. I will not sell this, not present it as my work but mentioned you as the original source of the chart. I couldnt remember from my reading if Isaac yet lived All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. This can be determined by looking in the scriptures. I am happy that your find the diagram useful in your study of the Torah, I was reading the point you are making Issac weeping with Jacob. He had thus sixty-three more years to live, but not only himself ( Genesis 27:2 ), but Esau also expected his speedy decease ( Genesis 27:41 ). Then Jacob and Esau buried him. Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah. Yes indeed when i was a kid i used to always picture a young Jacob falling in love with a young Rachel that picture only changed when during a bible study i calculated the age of Jacob backwards.. hahaa it kind of change my perspective fully. This can be determined by looking in the scriptures. How or about how old was Joseph when Jacob met Esav? Jacob appeared before Pharaoh at 130 (Gen 47:9) (10 years after Isaac Died) 3 Now then, take your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and hunt game for me, 4 and prepare for me . I don't think there is another biblical reference that refers to them being together. The nation of Israel was key in God's rescue mission for mankind. Previous Next. Moreover, the term old is used in a very general sense in the Old Testament, and thus Samuel is described as old in 1Samuel 8:1, when we should have spoken of him as at most middle-aged. This worked, and Jacob received his brother's blessing. Hence he left Canaan and went to Paddan-Aram in the year 2245. Without regard to the words which were spoken by God with reference to the children before their birth, and without taking any notice of Esau's frivolous barter of his birthright and his ungodly connection with Canaanites, Isaac maintained his preference for Esau, and directed him therefore to take his things (, hunting gear), his quiver and bow, to hunt game and prepare a savoury dish, that he might eat, and his soul might bless him. No you are not being a pest. On my bible it reads, And all his sons and all his Joseph died at 110 (Gen 50:22-25, Ex 13:19)). Later Isaac was unable to discern Jacob from Esau because of the sacrifice of the kid goats. May we all learn to count the blessings that God has given us, and hold on to our faith till the end of our lives. How old were Jacob and Esau when Esau sold his birthright? - Esau marries Mahalath after Jacob leaves for Padan Aram. Yet Jacob was well aware that, before he loved God, God has protected and taken care of him all the days of his life. Ishmael was born and brought up in Abraham's household. Learn more about Teams Isaac was Confused after He Blessed Jacob. While, too, Esau violated the family law laid down by Abraham, Jacob conformed to it. I would just stop here. 4. How many years after Jesus was the Bible written? It is obviouse that he would have been in Egypt at the time that Isaac died. All these were the children of Keturah. While Esau was out hunting, Rebekah cooked a different meal and dressed Jacob up in goat's skin. (it was a generation later that Isaac cried out with tears Does my father Jacob yet live!? His name is above all name and the only name which can save man from sin (Acts 4:10-12) Today whoever who call upon his name will be saved. Isaac began to tremble uncontrollably and said, "Then who just served me wild game? Why did Jacob change his name to Israel in the Bible? 3 Now therefore, please take your weapons, your . 3 a Now then, take your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and hunt game for me, 4 and prepare God could not have been speaking to angel,s as he say, in our image and likeness. Thank you for that delightful sharing. Your graph helps me too. But although Isaac can't see, he can still hear, and the voice sure sounds like Jacob. They were about children and a land. Then poor old Isaac knew that he had been deceived and told Esau what had just taken place. I have read various arguments and the dates can be pretty different from either perspective. I appreciate all the time and energy you put to present this. Isaac was 130 years old when he blessed Jacob (Genesis Chapter 27). Your point #3 does not agree with Gen 30:25. He now dwells in the heart of the believers in Spirit. Thanks again for your confirmation. When he returned to Canaan he refused to return to Bethel.. and he when he finally got there.. he fulfilled is vow, and build an altar called El Elohe Israel (The Lord, God of Israel).. (He should be slightlyolder than 90 years old by then), Bearing in mind he died at 147, we can say that he only walked with God from 90 years old to 147 years old, a total of 57 years, which is not even half of his life It was no wonder that when he blessed the Pharaoh, and when the Pharaoh asked for his age, he replied, The years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty. Also, that it is so easy to print and keep on hand!! Notes. What we read from Jasher 24:35-45 is that Isaac was 40 years old when he consummated his marriage with 10 year old Rebekah. Jacob's other children are between 29 and 36. If you do not mind, I could email the chart over to you. 27 Now it came to pass, when Isaac was () old and () his eyes were so dim that he could not see, that he called Esau his older son and said to him, "My son." And he answered him, "Here I am." 2 Then he said, "Behold now, I am old. 26 After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau's heel; so he was named Jacob. Plus 400 years Israel was in Egypt I end with 2635. As his preference for Esau was fostered and strengthened by, if it did not spring from, his liking for game (Genesis 25:28), so now he wished to raise his spirits for imparting the blessing by a dish of venison prepared to his taste. How old was Paul when he died in the Bible? However, after losing to God in a wrestling match, Jacob received God's blessings and a new name - Israel. Isaac had grown old and weak and felt that the time had come for him to give his sons his last blessings. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library. Guess I got a question for Joseph when I see him in the future. Therefore i assume that he need 1 year to build up Egypt to store grain, 7 years of abundance Jerry. b. Thank you for your comments, I will try my best to to update this soonest.. There are a few years leeway in either direction, but that gives us a rough estimate of when he was born and also of when the twenty years Jacob spent in Haran took place. He blessed Jacob by mistake. After reading your reflection, I ponder too, about how watchful God is to me even when Im hostile towards Him, and how much grace He has given unbeknown to me. Esau pleaded that he be given another blessing but. Isaac and Jacob had wealth but not the power to multiply their future descendants or put them in control of a vast territory. 1 * Isaac therefore summoned Jacob and blessed him, charging him: "You shall not marry a Canaanite woman! Initially this started out as an innocent assignment to prove to afriend that Joseph did not turn from a slave to the Prime minister of Egypt over night But slowly, as I was charting it out.. the charthad more and more items added then I realised that its possible to guess the age of Isaac since Isaac was 60 years old before Jacob was born.. May God continue to guide you as you learn more and more about him, I just updated the image.. thank you for spotting the error, Thank you for your research and time taken to lay it out into an easy to read chart! In the Bible, how many chapters are in Ezekiel? This is a great article! 3. All along when i read it i was the verse refer to Jacob. Isaac was not a perfect man. At the time that Isaac died, his sons would have been 120 years old. Gen 27:1. Thank you. It is in this chapter that we also find that Sarah was ten years younger than Abraham (17:43). But again, maybe the more experience fathers and mothers can give their opinion about this. Jacob said he worked for Laban 20 years (Gen 31:41-42) Which i beleive is in this order that Joseph cried out with tears, does my father Jacob yet live!?!. He was the first Jew to be born a Jew, whose parents were Jews. The other is calm, sedentary, keenly alive to business, devoted to domestic pursuits, but chiefly valuing the spiritual privileges for which Abraham had left his distant home, and become a wanderer in the highlands of Canaan. At this point the Torah also notes that Isaac dies at the age of 180 years, and is buried by Esau and Jacob his sons. (Chronologically, this places the death of Isaac 22 years hence, long after the events of the next parshah; indeed, in Genesis 37:3 we find Isaac weeping with Jacob over the apparent loss of Joseph.) 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