Matthew: He must have lived many years as an apostle since he was the author of the Gospel of Matthew, which was written at least twenty years after the death of Christ. The apostles are grouped by fours. The twelve disciples followed Jesus Christ, learned from Him, and were trained by Him. Protecting The Most Valuable Treasure On Earth. Could you tell their references. To recap, it seems from scripture that Jesus had four brothers, at least three sisters, five male cousins, and at least one female cousin, Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist. This site assumes the truth of the divine and prophetic nature of Christ. the name god is no where spoken on any place of creation but earth, also jesus was not like any man on earth down there (reproduction) and mary, jesus mother was not like any earthly woman down there (reproduction). read Mark 6:3. From this example, we can see that early Christianity was in something of a crossroads between the ways of the world and the ways of God. The Bible makes no mention and no provision under law, custom, or culture, for Mary and Joseph not to a regular husband and wife. Scripture says that Jesus was both fully God and fully man at the same time. It should be noted that James and John had the same father, Zebedee (Matthew 10:2) and Peter and Andrew were brothers (Matthew 10:2). Will the jews who dont believe in jesus make heaven .Please enlighten me, They will be given a chance during the tribulation to choose if they dont before the rapture, judas is in hell.when Jesus rise from death he went straight 2 hell he preached the gospel n they repented but judas did not .in that hell only 2 guy who did not n judas is 1 of them. had other we all need to pay homage to the almighty. There was nothing incredibly unique or spectacular about them. When Is Easter? Who is an apostle? When questioning how did the apostles die, we usually think about the 12 Apostles. And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. There were many people who followed Jesus Christ during his life on Earth. (from This is a term that is used to attempt to describe the triune Godthree coexistent, co-eternal Persons who are God. Everyone who repents and accepts Jesus as Saviour and Lord and lives for Him go to heaven. 19 - Acts 9:32-10:1-16. You can be sure that any educated, first-century Roman citizen would have laughed at any prediction that, within three centuries, the Christian faith would be the official faith of the empire. What do we need to say concerning Paul, who preached the Gospel of Christ from Jerusalem to Illyricum, and afterwards suffered martyrdom in Rome under Nero? He felt bad and tried to undo what he had done but did not go to God and repent and receive forgiveness but took his life into his own hands. 4 For John said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her. How Long Was Joseph In Potiphars House? I hope His salvation for you from Jesus death wont be wasted For it is Jesus who bless people, not Mary, His mother. Wikipedia says as do many other sources Twelve Apostles of Jesus. He created time. The Bible lists the names of the twelve disciples in Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:16-19 and Luke 6:13-16. Matthew died a martyrs death in Ethiopia. Genesis 3:19 says By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return. God is talking about our earthly body when He says to dust you shall return. Apostle Mark tells us their names. It is the history of 2000 years of Christian missions. These men gave their lives and died so that all could hear the good news that the forgiveness of sins is free to anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and accepts Him as Lord and Savior. These were the first men to be asked to become apostles. This is not because of any lesser dignity or worthiness of women, nor is it because women are incapable (if anyone was worthy of such an honor, it was definitely the Virgin Mary!). Peter, James, and John were asked to wait for Jesus while He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-37). I to also believe judas iscariot went/is going to heaven, he repented therefore Jesus is a forgiving savior. I dont think Judas knew anything other than what he planned to accomplish by betraying our Lord. The Bible does not say explicitly, but there are a few hints that at least some of them were relatively young probably teenagers or in their early 20s. He gave man free will. Jude (Thaddeus):according to tradition Jude taught in Armenia, Syria and Persia where he was martyred. Jesus. It is believed that he ministered together with Thaddaeus. Mary Magdalene was the disciple who saw the Risen Christ and told the Apostles; for this reason, she is given the special honor of being called the Apostola Apostolorum, the Apostle to the Apostles, and her feast day is now classified as a feast of an apostle (a rare honor only shared by a few others outside of the twelve Apostles, like Paul and Barnabas). Does the Bible record the death of the apostles? @ patrocinia, this john you spoke of is John the baptist who died while JESUS was still around. This I think is not correct that Jesus had no earthly brother as it is belived that Joseph the Spouse of Mary died when Jesus was Twelve years old. His church, Sao Thoma, is the biggest and earliest of churches in India. So since Apostles except Judas had died for Christ therefore, they will rise first together with the rest of those who di. Jesus had brother. All I know that whatever pleases God in Heaven, in the Earth The Hebrew word for God, Elohim, definitely allows for the Trinity. But Jesus formed them into the backbone of the church and gave them the most extraordinary task imaginable: calling the entire world, including the mightiest empire ever known, to repentance and faith in the risen Christ. While Jesus was on Earth, he had twelve. Christ saw fit to take him backThis is just meMyra. Impossible to man is possible to God ( Mark 10:27) by Mark 6 v 3 records the same names being given, and the mention of sisters present. The cross has the shape of an X. He was not nailed to the cross but was tied. How Long In Prison? If the human/physical existence was so insignificant that it would be destined for Heaven, why would the angels have been driven by jealousy and envy to fall to a human state? Mary was impregnated by God! Whether or not Judas Iscariot went to hell is not tied to his action against Jesus, but rather to whether or not he had accepted Jesus as his Savior. Dont judge me because my sin is different then yours. 11 Men of Galilee, they said, why do you stand here looking into the sky? Please advise, as Id like to read further. But, rather, that he killed himself in remorse, which is not the same as true repentance. Previous to this, according to Tertullians testimony (De praescript., xxxvi), John had been thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil before the Porta Latina at Rome without suffering injury. One famous apostle, John, the author of the fourth Gospel, the Book of John, is known to be the only apostle to die of old age. When and how did the Twelve Apostles die? The Bible reveals nothing significant about this apostle. He was also arrested and later beheaded, he, John the Baptist, did not write any of the Bible. In John 7:1-10, His brothers go on to the festival while Jesus stays behind. Itt seems almost needless to outline and disprove . and besides The names of Jesus' apostles have become the most common names for males in the Western world. All rights reserved, A MISSIONARY MOVEMENT [2] The anonymous author was probably a highly educated Jew, intimately familiar with the technical aspects of Jewish law, and the disciple Matthew was probably honored within his circle as the source of much of the tradition. Mathew Short letter like books in the New Testament. And he called His Name . John: No death date given by early writers., Christians there claim him as the first to bring the gospel to their land. Jesus twelve Apostles were all different ages when they were chosen, and we dont really know the age of any of them. Two gospels both mention the earthly brothers of Jesus. The Final Judgement painting in the Sistine Chapel shows this. Born: 11 January 1827. Here is a good article giving the arguments for assuming that Nathaneal and Bartholomew are the same person Tradition says that Simon was crucified. Joseph and It might seem odd that Jesus only provided the tax money for Peter and himself and not for the other disciples - until we realize that the tax only had to be paid by those aged 20 and above. Judas Iscariot:Shortly after the death of Christ Judas killed himself. Simon Peter says that John Mark is his son his epistles, so it seems apparent to me that he and Mary were married. How did the Twelve Apostles die? In Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7 and Isaiah 6:8, the plural pronoun for us is used. And at last, having come to Rome, he was crucified head-downwards; for he had requested that he might suffer in this way. Does it mean that he (Joseph) was so angry that did not go into Mary again till his death. Mark 6:2-3 2And Sabbath having come, He began to teach in the congregation (synagogue). The two very most mentioned are John the Baptist, Philip died in Hieropolis, Turkey by hanging (A.D. 80). This does seem to imply that John was almost certainly less than thirty when he began to follow Jesus. Mary. He was the first martyr from among the twelve apostles. I believe its selfish for the most part nowadays especially to take your own life. Now lets look at the second question. The human body is a gift from God. Matthew was a tax collector for the Roman Empire. Yes thats true, this bible passage is about John the Baptist not John the Beloved. Peter was originally named Simon. According to the Bible he hanged himself, ( Matthew 27:5) at Aceldama, on the southern slope of the valley of Hinnom, near Jerusalem, and in the act he fell down a precipice and was dashed into pieces. Here, Jesus and Peter pay the temple tax which was required to be paid by every man aged 20 years and older (Exodus 30:13-14). Ordained an Apostle: 26 August 1860 . In the end, this is speculation, and we simply cannot know how old the apostles were. When it was written, some who had known the apostles were still alive, although they would have been quite old. Peter and Andrew--Sons of John, were born in Bethsaida. judas went to hell.cause wen he realised he sinned satan entered him he went and hung himsalf.there4 jesus said cursed is a man dat hungeth on a tree.also he neva askd 4 forgiveness. I just finished reading your comment. Never at any time did Jesus TEACH one thing and DO another. 6 But when Herods birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, and pleased Herod. InActs 1:14, His brothers and mother are described as praying with the disciples. Your body will be resurrected at the end, This was a good research. Where you get this understanding from is from Mary magdalene, when told to go and dont do it again. jesus was pure spirit with a flesh covering at birth. He was crucified upside down on a cross. Judas Iscariot has no bad intention to betrayed Jesus. And over the centuries, Jesus has shown a special spiritual intimacy with virgins and consecrated women, whom he loves dearly. Most of the apostles died as martyrs, many were put on the cross or beheaded, but john died on the island of Patmos in old age. 18But the birth of Messiah was as follows: After His mother Miryam was engaged to Yosph, before they came together, she was found to be pregnant from the Set-apart Spirit. Tell me without Verse Plucking like a chicken. Note: There were the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus. All Rights Reserved. It is believed that Bartholomew had ministered in Armenia and was flayed to death with knives in India. in ep. Per bible study in greek,hebrew,aramic,Jesus had at least 3 blood brothers and 3 sisters,conceived by most likely his mom Mary,,and his stepdad Joseph. If we pray to Mary, we may as well be praying to Gabrielle the angel and Michael the angel etc etc for they had a role too. 9 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. Mary had a husband named Joseph. Phillip:Again, the Bible does not say when he died nor do we have accurate information. They call the rocky stacks the 12 apostles because they stand tall and proud along the shore. He even said so. Mary was the good mother on earth, who fulfilled her servant role , just as the apostles did, and the disciples did. It took several days before he died. It is not in the Bible but it is in writings of the early church fathers. Jesus Selects the Twelve [edit | edit source]. The later traditions carry him farther east. Google it. 9 And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oaths sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded [it] to be given [her]. If not, then hell was his destination. Each of the 12 apostles left families and careers, often traveling alone to distant countries, declaring that Jesus died and came back to life. In Jewish tradition, a young man began following a Rabbi between the ages of 12 and 30, and usually when he was less than 20. Humans, plants, and animals were created to be material/physical beings, and this is why these organisms were confined to the Garden of Eden. Ordained an Apostle: 12 February 1849. Mazarine - ms. 0870, f. 005. Unless Joseph had them, Mary must have. The names of Jesus' 12 main disciples are: 12-Mathias. Jim you are wrong. For proclaiming Jesus' resurrection, they were beaten, imprisoned, and many killed in torturous ways. Take Jesuss baptism. She was 14 at the ASCENSION of Jesus. Matthew 14:1-14 John the baptist beheaded. John. Matthew reports simply And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. Some translators maintain that the hanging is a mistranslation, and today we would rather say that Judas was choked up with grief, rather than that he hanged himself. Material beings understand material things, and spiritual beings understand spiritual things Only on the immediately connected events is there some difference between them. That is, they appear to have been analytical men: Thomas and Matthew. A.D. system, he would have been "about thirty" in A.D. 29. 7 Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask. Read how each of the apostles spread out to minister and evangelize and how many of the apostles died for their faith. The Bible says he had brothers and sisters and a mother and father. Some Apostles were even married (such as St. Peter). The word Elohim and the pronoun us are plural forms, definitely referring in the Hebrew language to more than two. Sources could not agree on how he died. 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