In most cases, the alleged harasser will stop behaving in ways that offend others if he/she is informed about offensive behavior in a private, respectful, and unintimidating way. d. Touching, pinching, bumping, or cornering In the rest of this section we will examine in more detail individual, organizational, and economic effects of sexual harassment in the workplace, effects of sexual harassment in the workplace. The Department of Labor does not permit harassing conduct by anyone in the workplace, including co-workers, contractors and customers. The EEO training will be conducted annually. Washington, DC 20507 A company check is drawn to replenish the fund for the following expenditures made since May 15. c. Items depicting sexual parts of the body (e.g., ashtrays, coffee cups, or figurines) Any questions on this guidance should also be addressed to the Department of Labor's Civil Rights Center. 1) Headaches, neck, and back pain [CDATA[/* >