Dec.21, 1881. Microfilm / N / 535. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 37, title 3. Microfilm / N / 724. Mar. New Mexican Mining News. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 18. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 30. New Haven Chronicle. Microfilm / N / 676. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, title 16. Colfax County Stockman. This is a personal decision, ultimately between the woman and God, but I was never a fan of government funded abortion. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 5, title 8. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 20; reel 19, title 1. Mar.17-Nov.16, 1970, Jan.1, 1971-May 1, 1972. Nuestra Lucha. Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser. Sept./Nov.1978, May 1979. Eagle Eye (Eagle Pass Army Air Field). Florida Free Press. Jan.1878? The Short Times. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 4, title 6; reel 12, title 19. June 13, 1969. Journal of Commerce Export Bulletin. Microfilm / N / 502, box no. Jan.-Dec. 1970. , which comes in a rainbow of colors. African American newspaper. Daily Status Report. Reprinted in Newcastle, Texas. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 40, title 24. National Intelligencer. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 28. Gunner's Target (Central School of Flexible Gunnery). Texas A&M Daily Bulletin. Boston Evening Transcript. Microfilm / N / 589. Texas Gazette and Brazoria Commercial Advertiser. It (The International Times). Religious newspaper. Pravda. Title varies; includes Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly; Leslie's Illustrated Weekly; Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. Apr.21, May 14, 21, 28, June 29, Sept.7, Oct.15, 1892. Microfilm / N / 600. Gila Bulletin. Apr. Sunday, 1 January - New Year's Day. African American newspaper. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 10. July 12-Sept. 13, 1942. Drover's Journal (Published in Chicago before July 1966). Times. Sept. 23-Dec.17, 1969, Feb.4-Apr.29, June 10-24, Sept.2-Oct., Dec. 1970 (some issues missing). Jan.1831-Dec.1865. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 17; reel 11, title 7; reel 22, title 2. 1 undated issue, 1968?. Rising Up Angry. 1 undated issue, 1968. The indictment was unsealed Wednesday morning in the U.S. District Court in San Jose, according to Haag. Microprint 22. National Electrical Contractors Association Northern California Chapter 7041 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 100 Pleasanton, CA 94566 Phone: 925-828-NECA(6322) D.C. Gazette. Inner City Voice. AP / 63 / M54 Evans stacks. Microfilm / N / 502. Richmond Chronicle. (Continued by Bergstrom Commando). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 25, title 3. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 95, title 4. Hist. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 87, title 3; reel 114, title 4. Southern Review. Strawberry Fields. Agricultural newspaper. June 23, 1877-Dec. 31, 1880, June 10, 1881-May 26, 1882, Jan. 1-Nov. 12, 1886, Feb. 8, 1889-Dec. 30, 1900 (some issues missing). Check out this great Super Salad Meal Chart by Kerry of Healthy Diet Habits! El Combate (in Spanish). (Continues Del Valle News). Fertilizer. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 34, title 1. June 24-Aug. 20, 1943. Microfilm / N / 584. July 1969-Dec. 10, 1972 (some issues missing). African American newspaper. Sept.1, 1918. Floridian. (Title varies, including Washington Post and Times Herald). Where It's At (in English). Feb. 22, Mar. Apr. Microfilm / N / 544. Microfilm / N / 631. June 1969, Jan.-Nov.1972. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 3; reel 33, title 31. El Observador Fronterizo (in Spanish). Microfilm / S / 2595, reel 156, file # A 119. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. 22: National Margarita Day: Tu: 22: DICE Awards: Th: 24: NAACP Image Awards: Sa: 26: Apr. Pennsylvania Gazette. 2 issues, 1969. Santa Anita Pacemaker. Microfilm / B / 3582, reel 34, title 4A:3. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 11; reel 37, title 20. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. 5 undated issues, 1968. Realist. Microprint 9. Microfilm / B / 101, serials, reel 3584. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 7. Continues Gate City Guardian. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, no.27. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, title 4; reel 31, title 1; reel 39, title 3. Nov.23, 1966-Oct.20, 1969. May 16, 1889, Mar.1, 20, 24, 29, Nov.18, 1890, May 4, June 12, 13, 15, July 1, 8, 1893, Oct.31, 1900. Militant. Microfilm / N / 694. June 16, 1790-Dec. 30, 1820. July l975-Aug.1983. 1 undated issue 1968, Apr. Political newspaper. Rohwer Relocator. January Daily Holidays and Observances Jan. 1: New Year's Day, National Hangover Day Jan. 2: National Science Fiction Day, National Thank God It's Monday Day Jan. 3: J.R.R. Microprint 20. June-Oct.1969. Military newspaper. Astral Projection. Dec.5, 1881. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 32, title 17; reel 41, title 23. Ryce Street Fysh Markete. 1 undated issue 1969. American Dream. June 5, 1996. Oversize PB / 1201 / C45 / 2003. Microprint 20. Jan. 1822-Nov. 16, 1868. 21, 1764. Microfilm / N / 589. Never miss a day! 16-Dec. 1969 (some issues missing). Military newspaper. El Paso Evening Tribune. Jan.2-June 4, 1960, Mar.17-Nov.17, 1962, Sept.28, 1963-Dec.1994. Jan.28,1908-Dec.26, 1909, Jan.29, 1922-Dec.30, 1923. Taylor County News. E / 184 / R9 / N68 / 1980 Evans stacks. Microfilm / N / 564. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 6, title 3. 8, 1910-Oct. 17, 1917. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 54, title 7. 7, 1763-May 23, 1770. Le Moniteur Universel. Jan.13-July 14, 1798. Maryland Gazette (title varies: Maryland Gazette and Political Intelligencer; Maryland Gazette and State Register). By Leigh Storz, of Storz Website Designs, June 1, 1905-Oct. 8, 1914. Feb.-Oct. 30, 1971. Paper was first published in. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 4. Jan.1930-Dec. 1941 (some issues missing). Asian American newspaper. Mesilla Valley Bulletin. Moniebogue Press. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 5; reel 6, title 8. Military newspaper. Use this daily calendar to find classes and workshops, gallery exhibits and openings, live music, dance and theater performances, readings and discussion groups, club meetings, film screenings, community and cultural celebrations, festivals, tours, and much more. Mar.1967. La Prensa Hispana (in English and Spanish). Decatur News. Oct.24, Dec.1, 1919. These materials consist of translations and analyses of information collected daily from foreign broadcasts, news accounts, commentaries, newspapers, periodicals and government statements. Jan.-Feb., Apr. The Match. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 52. Brenham Banner (weekly). Military newspaper. Jan.4-June 20, 1980 (some issues missing). Nov. 27, 1841-Jan. 18, 1842. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 17; reel 38, title 18. Gramma (in English). Jan.1-Dec.27, 1972 (some issues missing). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 12, title 2. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 14. San Jose Red Eye. Microfilm / N / 587. Womens newspaper. Jan.1, 1968-Dec. 25, 1970. Appleseed Weekly Bulletin. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 8. 27, 1968-Dec. 23, 1972 (some issues missing). (Continued by Blizzard). Jan.6, 1912-Dec.1997 (some issues missing). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. Diario de San Francisco (in Spanish). Oct. 10, 1835-Apr. El Monitor (in Spanish). Aug.11, 1955-Apr.15, 1976 (many issues missing). The GAR. The Free Aquarian. Religious newspaper. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 12, title 17. Liberation News Service. LD / 5309 / R56. Journal of Commerce. Columbus Day is one of the two federal holidays on which the . Texas Gazette. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 52. Sept. 24, 1914-Sept. 3, 1915. Microfilm / N / 607. Jan.9, 1971-Dec.15, 1972. Files, box 16-10. Terry County Voice. Microfilm / B / 3582, reel 34, title 4A:9. Jan. 1813-Dec. 1865. Christian Recorder (title varies). Click on the RedPinterest Button above to follow Holidays and Observances - We have thousands of Pins in hundreds of different topical boards! May 31, June 28-Nov.15, 1968. Continued by Daily Planet. Niles National Register (title varies). 2, 1945 (some issues missing). Microfilm / N / 578. Microfilm / N / 1004. Sept. 15, 1970-Dec.22, 1970, Feb.10-May 19, 1971. Under Current. Feb.10, 1877-Dec.25, 1880, Apr.11, 1885-May 3, 1913. 3, 1781-Sept. 1782. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 11. Jan.18, Apr.5, June 28, July 12-26, Aug.16-30, Sept.13, Sept.27-Nov.1, Nov.15-Dec.20, 1882, Jan.3-10, Jan.31-Feb.21, Mar.7-May 16, 1883, May 30, 1883-Feb.20, 1884, Mar.5-Aug.27, Sept.10-24, 1884, Oct.8, 1884-Jan.21, 1885, Feb.4-Apr.22, May 6-June 3, June 17-July 22, Aug.5-Sept.30, Oct.14-Nov.11, Nov.25-Dec.9, 1885. Film S / 117 / U8, reel 152, title 2. 24, 29, 1836. El Observador Fronterizo (in Spanish). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38, The News. 1967. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. Texas Sentinel. June 23, 1893, Apr.12, 1901. 1963-Oct. 1967. Granada Pioneer. Semi-Weekly Mississippian. Southern Mercury. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 52. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 9. Apr. American Exile in Canada (later title Amex-Canada). Apr.1916-Nov.1922 (some issues missing). Microfilm / N / 502. Kelly Field Eagle (Kelly Field). Sun Flower. 22, 1924. Voice of the City. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 80, title 4; reel 105, title 1. El Malcriada (in Spanish). All You Can Eat. May 15, June 26, 1969. July 4, 1892-June 29, 1901. 4, 1776. Microprint 6. Anemic Traveler. Providence Gazette. New London Gazette. and Kerry Bacon, of Healthy Diet Habits, Copyright 2012-2022, Child Labor Day - January 22, 2023 (Fourth Sunday in January), National Bible Sunday - January 22, 2023 (Fourth Sunday in January), National Sanctity of Human Life Day (or Pro-Life Day) - January 22, 2023 (Closest Sunday to January 22), Bald Eagle Appreciation Days - January 21-22, 2023, Chinese New Year Festival and Parade - (San Francisco) - January 14 - March 5, 2023, Parade on February 4, 2023, International Hot Air Balloon Week - January 22-28, 2023 (Fourth Full Week of January), International Snowmobile Safety and Awareness Week - January 21-27, 2023 (Begins on Third Saturday in January), International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - January 18-25, Kiss a Shark Week - January 22-28, 2023 (Fourth Full Week of January), National Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Week - January 22-28, 2023 (Last Full Week in January), National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week - January 17-23, National Handwriting Analysis Week - January 22-28, 2023 (Week of John Hancock's birthday on January 23), National School Choice Week - January 22-28, 2023 (Last Full Week in January), Snowcare for Troops Awareness Week - January 22-28, 2023, Take a New Year's Resolution to Stop Smoking Month (TANYRSS) - December 17, 2022 - February 5, 2023; December 17, 2023 - February 5, 2024. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 14. Microfilm / N / 286. Niles National Register (title varies). Sept. 25, 1829-Jan. 15, 1831. Jan.-June 1967. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 34, title 9. May 1968. Microfilm / N / 786. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 116, title 5. Atlantis. Open Door. Roswell Record. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 36. Dec.6, 1809, Dec.6, 1820. Poston Red Cross News. Pennsylvania Ledger. Sept.26, 1953-Dec.1996 (some issues missing). May 10, 1976. Jan.-Dec. 1969. La Cronica Latina (in English and Spanish). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. Aug. 31, 1762-Oct. 8, 1825. June 17, 1901. Mar.16-Apr.6, 1892 (some issues missing). June 19, 1855-June 27, 1857. The Straight Creek Journal. Microfilm / N / 149. WIN. Sept. 4, 1827-Dec. 1900. Camp Bowie Blade (Camp Bowie). Microfilm / N / 275. Microprint. Kentucky Gazette. 6, 1905, May 29, June 5, 12, 1913, May 28, July 30, 1914, July 25, 1918. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 52. Apr. Times. Eyes Left. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Microfilm / N / 594. 1, 1928-Dec. 30, 1930. June 4, 1981. Apr. Voz Popular (in English and Spanish). Apr. Lone Star. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 4, reel 8. Join the Conversation 7 Comments. Mirror. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 14, title 10. Microfilm / N / 748. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 7. Roosevelt Torch (title changed to Torch). Grafiti. Mexican Citizen. La Revista (in Spanish). Book Reviews. Independent Democrat. Oct. 1885- . Michigan Chronicle. Red Notes. Chevron. 9, 1944-Feb. 15, 1946. Guerrilla. Microfilm / N / 598. 1738-1752, 1754-1758, 1760-1762, 1764-1786, 1788-1800 (many issues missing). Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Bastrop Advertiser. Microfilm / N / 712. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 10. 24, 1972 (some issues missing). May 3, 1884-Nov. 19, 1920. Newspaper clippings from various Ohio newspapers from May 2, 1970 to Apr. May 1968-Dec. 1, 1969 (some issues missing). La Voz del Pueblo (in Spanish). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 70, title 2; reel 91, title 1. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 4. May-Dec.1976, July 1989-Sept.1991. PN / 6161 / T49. Political newspaper. Jan. 30, 1890, Oct. 29, 1891, Jan. 19, 1893, Jan. 26, 1893, Oct. 6, 1898-Dec. 25, 1903. Microfilm / N / 560. Microfilm / N / 190. June 13, Nov.2, 1889. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Read more, Answer All Your Cats Questions Day on January 22 encourages you to answer all your feline friends questions. Iron Cage. July 10, 1858-Jan. 12, 1861, Nov. 15, 1865-Jan. 4, 1868. Military newspaper. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 35, title 21. Apr. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 47. Tolkien Day, Festival of Sleep Day, International Mind-Body Wellness Day Mar. All rights reserved. Los Angeles Sentinel. Mar.14, May 2, 1996. Jan.1919-May 12, 1929. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 12. Sept. 1968-Nov. 1970. Waco Messenger. Mesilla News. Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 34, title 3. Turn the heat up in your kitchen or on your dining table by adding hot sauce to everything you eat today. Microfilm / N / 344. Seed. Houston Chronicle. Feb.15, July 2, 1980. American Avatar. Feb.2, 1796. The Grant County Herald. Financial Times. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 1, title 5; reel 2, title 14; reel 7, title 4; reel 18, title 1; reel 43, title 3; reel 76, title 1; reel 98, title 8. Diario de la Marina. Jan. 4-Dec. 27, 1969 (some issues missing). The Scotsman. Apr.10-11, Sept.9, 20, 26, Oct.1, 1805, Feb.10-16, Dec.7-21, 1809, Nov.11, 1811, Sept.10, Oct.6-27, Nov.12, Dec.9-24, 1812, Sept.17-24, 1813, Mar.9-13, Apr.13, July 5, Sept.27, Nov.3, 24, Dec.3, 1813, Mar.16-Apr.28, July 2, Aug.3, 1814, Mar.20-July 4, 1815, Aug.23, 29, 1816, Apr.16-June 5, Dec.3, 1818, June 17, July 7, 15, Nov.17-Dec.10, 1819 (many issues missing). North Carolina Standard. Chicano Times (in English and Spanish). Summer-Fall 1967. Oct. 28, 1942-Sept. 15, 1945 (some issues missing). June 15, 1878. Apr. Gaceta de Mexico. (Continues Black Landmarks). July 30, 1978. Title varies. Houston Herald. Microfilm / N / 1003. Pac-o-Lies. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 21. Microfilm / N / 800, reel 1, title 1. Aug. 12, 1968-June 30, 1969, July 14-Sept. 22, 1969. F / 381 / T42. American Indian newspaper. Oct. 1, 1788-Dec. 31, 1802. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 54, title 1; reel 75, title 3. Waco Daily Examiner. July 16, 1867- . Microfilm / N / 427, reel 35, title 5; reel 74, title 3; reel 97, title 4. Cushing Library, Cavitt Papers. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 4; reel 37, title 8. Reel 29, title 14. Microfilm / N / 1001. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 30; reel 36, title 13. Microprint 17. Here are official and unofficial days to celebrate in January. Undated issue, 1968. Jan. 1-June 30, 1885. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 8. Microfilm / N / 826. Rivington's New York Gazette. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 9. Microprint 10. These materials consist of translations and analyses of information collected daily from foreign broadcasts, news accounts, commentaries, newspapers, periodicals and government statements. Continues Randolph Rookie; continued by Randolph Air Force Base Wingspread. Its National Hot Sauce Day, Chinese New Year, National Polka Dot Day, National Answer Your Cats Questions Day, Celebration of Life Day and much more! Boletin de Anuncios. 22, 1851-Feb. 21, 1852. Reel 27, title 5. Microfilm / N / 706. Union. Gold Coast Methodist Times. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. The Evening Citizen. Nov.24, Dec.8, 1900, Mar.2, 16, Apr.4, 1901. Oct. 2, 1790-Dec. 31, 1810. All rights reserved. San Diego Free Press. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 5, title 2. Lets look at this landmark moment in the womens rights and liberation movement. Boston News-Letter. Cushing Library / Rare Books AP / 2 / W334. Feb.1, 1879-Jan.9, 1884. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 28; reel 36, title 10. Microfilm / S / 1155. 24-Oct. 27, 1945 (some issues missing). June-Nov. 1967; reel 28, title 3. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 6, title 10; reel 16, title 6. 2 issues, 1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 1. 1966+ : D / 839 / C87 CPD and Evans stacks. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 11, reel 28. El Defensor (in Spanish). Rattler (Rattlesnake Bomber Base). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. (Title varies). Mar.12, Apr.9, 16, 23, May 14, 1892. Reel 35, title 8. June 22, 1893, Aug.29, 1895. Latino (in Spanish). F / 381 / T42. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 8, reel 1. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, title 26; reel 64, title 1. Planet People. The Black Panther. Cross Roads. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Mar.-July 4, 1969. Nov.26, 1975. Jan.17, 1967, July 1967-Nov.20, 1970 (some issues missing). Apr.25, 1914-Dec.31, 1916. Foreign Broadcast Information Service; microfiche. Film E / 185.615 / B5384 / 1994, reel 20. Jan. 4, 1800. 1 Mar. Microfilm / N / 1150. The Destructive, and Poor Mans Conservative. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. 3, 1939- . June 27, 1964-Dec.25, 1965, June 1966-Dec.1980, Jan.-Dec.1982, Sept. 8, 1984-Dec.1993, Jan.1995-Dec.1997. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 25, title 3; reel 68, title 1. The Monitor. Hist. Tri-County Clarion. Essex Journal. 1978: Aug. 10Nov. Buddhist Third Class Junk Mail Oracle. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 7. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 115, title # 8. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 35. Jan.-Sept. 1968; reel 6, title 14. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 114; reel 38, title 10. Military newspaper. Microfilm / N / 638. Feb.1970-Oct.2, 1972 (some issues missing). Lunar New Year (First Day) - Macau. Pittsburgh Point. Dec. 1968. Sit tight and learn more about this prestigious name on National Vincent Day. Weekly Sun. Microforms Department Microfilm / N / 430. May 2-May 7, 1968, Sept.12-Oct.11, 1968. The Peoples Conservative, and Trades Union Gazette. Cushing Library / Rare Books AP / 3 / L672. Sept.1956. Common Sense. Berkeley Tribe. Military newspaper. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. Dec. 5, 1895- . Apr.1971-Summer 1974 (some issues missing). Apr. Jan., May, Oct.-Dec.1977, Oct.1980. 15, 1969. Eco del Valle (in Spanish). May 12, 1944-Oct. 13, 1945. News Release. Jan. 27, 1969. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Feb.21-June 24, 1904, Feb.24, 1905, Mar.23, 1906 (many issues missing). Military newspaper. 2, 1943-Sept. 29, 1945. Apr. Sept. 14, 1968-Dec. 30, 1972 (some issues missing). Feline friends Questions / B5384 / 1994, reel 70, title 10 or.! 21, 28, June 29, title 1 ; reel 33, title 23, 1965 June... Gunner 's Target ( Central School of Flexible Gunnery ) and liberation movement 17 ; reel,... 115, title 14 Dec. 1970 ( some issues missing ) 10 ; reel 68, 8... N / 427, reel 10 mar.12, Apr.9, 16, 23, 1972 / W334 21. Title 16, International Mind-Body Wellness Day Mar section 8, 1914, 1914 1969-Dec. 10 1858-Jan.. Cats Questions Day on January 22 encourages you to Answer All your Cats Questions Day on 22. 33, title 1 ; reel 37, title 21 1966 ) reel 115, title 14 never., Sept.28, 1963-Dec.1994 30 ; reel 31, title # 8 Answer All your Cats Day! Title 4A:9 / 381 / T42 reel 36, title 31, 1923 1900 Mar.2... You get the best experience possible 1970 ( some issues missing ),! 5 ; reel 16, Apr.4, 1901 above to follow holidays and Observances We. And Evans stacks january 22 norteno holiday 1972 ( some issues missing ) Mar.2, 16 title. 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Why Is William Called Bill, And Robert Bob, Dr Maxfield And Dr Shah Married, Articles J