8.55 0 0 9 60.5081 392.8393 Tm /P <>BDC EMC S $ $ $ $ $ " $ # $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ # $ (2)Tj EMC S Garbage and Curbside Recycling Pick Up Routes: TUESDAY - East side of Village. EMC BT .863 .345 .165 RG /OC /MC320 BDC EMC ET ET /Artifact <>BDC EMC /P <>BDC EMC [(Garbage and recyclables collection will be delayed by one day)74.2(. EMC 445.526 391.427 l BT 78.309 -36.731 l /P <>BDC BT EMC 459.046 443.529 m BT q 1 0 0 1 308.531 461.597 cm 0 0 m ET EMC 8.28 0 0 9 571.3237 445.6498 Tm BT BT ET /OC /MC322 BDC EMC ET EMC EMC EMC ET /P <>BDC EMC BT BT <>stream
8.28 0 0 9 326.1051 469.6498 Tm /P <>BDC EMC /P <>BDC ET 255 0 obj /P <>BDC Yard waste must be placed in these biodegradable bags, or it will not be picked up. BT s BT EMC ET 80.974 78.101 449.4 160.05 re 8.28 0 0 9 280.2902 356.8418 Tm BT ET BT S john deere 47 snowblower parts diagram; daily mountain eagle obituaries; ranboo x reader lemon wattpad; 1981 montgomery ward catalog When at the site, empty the metal into the recycling bin. /P <>BDC 10 0 0 10 187.9465 504.6497 Tm /P <>BDC 90.895 0 l 8.55 -.0043 .0045 9 487.4392 493.6459 Tm ET BT 191.717 314.875 10.5 -10.5 re ET EMC 8.28 0 0 9 48.7335 483.6419 Tm EMC BT BT ET Curbside yard waste collection, separate from trash and recycling, occurs weekly and is performed by a resident's trash and recycling service provider. /P <>BDC 0 -1.8 TD 8.28 0 0 9 19.8665 435.6419 Tm 8.28 0 0 9 88.482 368.8393 Tm ( )Tj ET (26)Tj Collection is available to all City of Champaign residential properties [] 8.28 0 0 9 461.5975 358.8419 Tm 0 612.12 612 -612 re S 306 306.12 m BT BT (19)Tj 8.55 -.0043 .0045 9 492.5008 493.6434 Tm 525.698 341.488 528.408 338.922 528.408 335.76 c 8.55 0 0 9 99.7284 493.6418 Tm EMC 8.28 0 0 9 130.1447 332.8418 Tm [(A)34.2(UGUST)]TJ W n EMC City residents may drop off bulk waste at the Waste Division Site (1001 50th Street) with a bulk waste drop-off receipt(s) for the appropriate yardage. 8.28 0 0 9 130.1447 344.8418 Tm ET -2.695 -1 TD BT 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 434.4218 433.6724 Tm For larger projects, 10, 20, 30 and 40 yard dumpsters are available. /OC /MC535 BDC 8.28 0 0 9 450.0893 382.8419 Tm (S)Tj BT -.035 Tc q 1 0 0 1 406.265 401.574 cm 0 0 m -9.4276 -6.075 -12.149 -3.3534 -12.149 0 c (30)Tj 8.28 0 0 9 545.0816 433.6498 Tm W n The fall 2021 curbside yard waste collection program begins Monday, Oct. 11, and will be collected through Friday, Dec. 3. ET ( )Tj Q /P <>BDC /P <>BDC 26.725 12.326 l EMC (25)Tj BT ET -.075 Tc 8.55 0 0 9 196.6318 392.8418 Tm EMC /P <>BDC (27)Tj .75 w /P <>BDC 8.28 0 0 9 75.7398 368.8393 Tm BT 0 0 0 1 K .75 w /P <>BDC 0 0 0 1 K (18)Tj ET ET /P <>BDC BT Tie multiple boxes with string or twine in bundles, or place in brown paper bag. EMC 45.165 375.233 47.887 377.955 51.24 377.955 c BT EMC 0 0 0 1 K 1 i 8.28 0 0 9 143.6447 332.8418 Tm 8.28 0 0 9 379.192 381.1704 Tm EMC EMC q 1 0 0 1 308.498 372.35 cm 0 0 m q /P <>BDC -Recyclables must be emptied from the containers they were brought in - blue and clear plastic bags are no longer accepted.-Do not mix recyclables with garbage. -8.9791 -5.7855 -11.571 -3.1936 -11.571 0 c 8.28 0 0 9 46.7478 344.8393 Tm 8.28 0 0 9 312.73 469.6498 Tm 556.281 491.742 l 8.28 0 0 9 448.0974 334.8419 Tm ET ET JOHNS Disposal provides curbside garbage and recycle collection service. /Artifact <>BDC EMC q 1 0 0 1 251.483 485.597 cm 0 0 m As part of the City's on-going effort to improve service, please review the holiday collection schedule for trash, recycle and yard waste. /P <>BDC /P <>BDC EMC BT S ET We also reserve the right to reject any materials that do not meet our regulations. News & media website. 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 434.4279 445.6724 Tm Recyclables will not be accepted if any trash items are found in the containers they were brought in.-Styrofoam and plastic shopping bags are not accepted as recycling. For missed collection of trash, recycling and yard waste, call EL Harvey them at 800-321-3002. /P <>BDC (29)Tj 484.793 479.539 l (M)Tj BT /OC /MC703 BDC /Artifact <>BDC BT 8.28 0 0 9 292.1721 447.6499 Tm /P <>BDC 8.28 0 0 9 280.2902 344.8418 Tm 8.28 0 0 9 323.9578 333.1704 Tm (31)Tj /P <>BDC BT BT The city-approved biodegradable yard waste bags can be found at the following Kenosha area locations: Prairie Side True Value, Festival Foods, Lowes, Walgreens, Menards, JC Licht Ace, Woodmans and Piggly Wiggly. 0 0 l (31)Tj EMC )]TJ [(MONDA)74(Y)17.8( )]TJ 18.5 9.076 m -.05 Tc BT Developed by Extension Kenosha County, the Kenosha County Recycling Resources guide provides residents with their local municipal contacts to learn more about waste services in their community, including what can be recycled in curbside bins, as well as options for yard waste and bulk item pick-up. ET No loose materials are accepted; all material must be contained in a bag, garbage can or bundled. /P <>BDC 11.706 0 TD 8.28 0 0 9 583.1245 469.6498 Tm /P <>BDC /P <>BDC ET 8.28 0 0 9 73.7478 332.8393 Tm (5)Tj 8.28 0 0 9 267.548 344.8418 Tm The City of Kenosha does not collect medical waste. ET EMC /OC /MC47 BDC (18)Tj ET 8.55 0 0 9 390.6005 493.6498 Tm 8.28 0 0 9 350.9579 357.1704 Tm BT /P <>BDC 0 -1.1 TD (10)Tj [(If)-58.3( y)16.5(our home is on the w)9.3(e)-.1(st side of)-58.7( a r)-17.2(oute)26.1(s dividing line, y)15.8(ou ar)-16.6(e in R)16.1(OUTE B)-17(. .863 .345 .165 RG W n (21)Tj EMC EMC BT EMC 8.28 0 0 9 377.2001 369.1704 Tm BT BT /OC /MC348 BDC EMC BT Q 0 J 0 j 1.5 w 10 M [] 0 d 8.55 0 0 9 409.1666 392.8418 Tm q 1 0 0 1 114.579 336.45 cm 0 0 m (4)Tj BT (2)Tj -66.512 0 l BT EMC /TT4 1 Tf S /P <>BDC Q Kenosha spring 2022 curbside yard waste collection begins Monday, May 9. EMC q 1 0 0 1 388.16 485.597 cm 0 0 m 8.28 0 0 9 379.3474 469.6498 Tm Q (29)Tj /Artifact <>BDC Q Q (28)Tj BT (20)Tj 39.839 0 l /P <>BDC BT 8.28 0 0 9 558.5816 356.8418 Tm BT ET 90.749 0 l S BT BT EMC EMC 308.906 513.183 90.402 -93.858 re Q (10)Tj 0 0 l EMC /GS2 gs W* n /P <>BDC -.1492 Tc /P <>BDC 8.28 0 0 9 60.2478 344.8393 Tm BT BT 8.55 0 0 9 573.0083 392.8418 Tm Residents must check in with the office before dropping off their materials. EMC BT BT 202.705 297.12 m /Artifact <>BDC .0007 Tw EMC (30)Tj (7)Tj q 1 0 0 1 405.332 419.095 cm 0 0 m BT EMC EMC W* n EMC S .0002 Tw /P <>BDC .863 .345 .165 RG 8.55 0 0 9 254.3085 392.8418 Tm 24.849 0 l /P <>BDC EMC ET Q The City of Kenosha requires that residents place their yard waste in city-approved biodegradable bags during curbside collection, which are the Bag To Nature, BioBag or Ecoguard bags. EMC (25)Tj BT 8.28 0 0 9 213.6728 356.8418 Tm Televisions must be in whole units, not pieces. EMC Q EMC EMC EMC 8.28 0 0 9 159.1367 368.8418 Tm EMC 8.55 0 0 9 545.3425 392.8418 Tm q ET BT 8.28 0 0 9 280.3712 459.6499 Tm EMC 0 J 0 j .75 w 10 M [] 0 d EMC EMC /Artifact <>BDC BT (W)Tj EMC /P <>BDC EMC Please click here for more information on the site, including hours and location. q 1 0 0 1 17.579 461.597 cm 0 0 m EMC /P <>BDC 8.28 0 0 9 151.7096 435.6499 Tm BT Common Council Office: 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Room 417 Madison, WI 53703 Phone: (608) 266-4071 Fax: (608) 267-8669 WI Relay Service /P <>BDC /Artifact <>BDC S 1 0 0 1 162 0 cm 0 0 m 8.28 0 0 9 323.9578 357.1704 Tm BT 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 447.9399 469.6656 Tm ET 8.28 0 0 9 116.8666 435.6499 Tm BT (8)Tj ET BT 211.922 513.183 90.25 -93.75 re This service is offered to Grand Rapids residents only, so bring ID for proof of residence. BT BT BT 8.28 0 0 9 337.4578 369.1704 Tm 8.28 0 0 9 229.0399 368.8418 Tm BT EMC The city processes the yard waste into high-grade compost, which is available to city residents for pickup at the yard waste site free of charge. 8.28 0 0 9 195.1879 344.8418 Tm 308.75 413.704 90.454 -95.2 re Do not recycle empty oil bottles: dispose of the empty bottles with your regular garbage. @sACyW6>& EMC BT EMC EMC ET ET EMC -.05 Tc 421.999 431.506 419.434 433.985 419.434 437.04 c ET 1 i S 1 0 0 1 -.2 -17 cm 0 0 m Q %
/P <>BDC EMC EMC -.05 Tc Victoria Saftig tries to control her boat during the Wheatland Center STEAM cardboard boat challenge on Sept. 23, 2021 at Kenosha County Veterans Memorial Park. EMC EMC 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 474.1761 457.6526 Tm /OC /MC1 BDC /OC /MC400 BDC /GS1 gs ET EMC EMC ET (4)Tj S 6 0 obj 0 Tw (15)Tj 496.53 513.549 l BT EMC EMC EMC /TT8 1 Tf 8.28 0 0 9 35.2335 471.6419 Tm (S)Tj ET 8.28 0 0 9 478.6341 334.8419 Tm ET 8.28 0 0 9 195.2848 459.6499 Tm 1 i 8.55 0 0 9 395.5069 393.1704 Tm BT 7 0 0 7 185.0571 308.6226 Tm /P <>BDC ET EMC ET W n (10)Tj ET BT (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). BT EMC /OC /MC700 BDC /P <>BDC BT [(If you live WEST)18.2( of 26th )55.4(A)18(v)0(enue)]TJ EMC /P <>BDC 91.081 0 l 10 0 0 10 237.5851 504.6497 Tm BT EMC /Artifact <>BDC (26)Tj /P <>BDC EMC (13)Tj (S)Tj East End Drop-Off Center 412-665-3609 6814 Hamilton Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15208 ( MAP) -. (14)Tj W n 306 306.12 m [(Collection of all recyclables for residences in Route )55.2(A)]TJ ET .396 .553 .106 RG /P <>BDC /P <>BDC q 1 0 0 1 114.563 461.597 cm 0 0 m EMC 0 0 0 .1 k EMC 8.28 0 0 9 183.4839 447.6499 Tm 91.081 0 l /P <>BDC EMC View your . BT EMC BT ET EMC 8.55 0 0 9 242.313 493.6498 Tm 388.16 342.99 l .396 .553 .106 RG 300.059 332.842 m BT Learn more on our . ET (19)Tj S ET /P <>BDC /P <>BDC EMC 91.162 0 l -.1492 Tc ET <> EMC 593.506 479.539 l ( )Tj BT BT /P <>BDC ET BT S EMC Q BT (1)Tj 0 J 0 j 2 w 10 M [] 0 d Four tires are permitted at each drop-off. 8.55 0 0 9 339.2973 493.6498 Tm ET BT /P <>BDC EMC 0 612 612 -612 re BT BT q ET /P <>BDC S (28)Tj (M)Tj /GS2 gs BT EMC (15)Tj EMC EMC /P <>BDC 1 i Q EMC ET EMC EMC /P <>BDC EMC ET ET /P <>BDC (3)Tj /TT6 1 Tf 8.28 0 0 9 60.2415 447.6419 Tm 8.28 0 0 9 547.0735 469.6498 Tm ET 13.473 0 l Q (29)Tj Parking CitationsLearn More. /P <>BDC EMC 8.28 0 0 9 391.1482 469.6498 Tm Q ET 0 -1.5 TD BT 0 Tc /P <>BDC (5)Tj /P <>BDC /P <>BDC -.035 Tc 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 422.9377 481.6782 Tm q EMC h BT 8.28 0 0 9 545.0816 356.8418 Tm EMC s (14)Tj ET /P <>BDC BT (7)Tj 8.28 0 0 9 157.1448 332.8418 Tm ET BT 1 i Citizens may schedule a curbside bulk waste pickup by calling the Department of Public Works at 262-653-4050, bulk waste pickups must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance of regular waste collections days. [(Y)74.2(our Recycling Route is )]TJ 91.081 0 l ET (22)Tj 1 i 8.28 0 0 9 310.7381 445.6498 Tm EMC ( )Tj EMC q 1 0 0 1 581.427 479.539 cm 0 0 m EMC EMC EMC ET EMC If yard waste loads are mixed with garbage or other debris, the entire load will be charged at the higher garbage rate. BT 0 Tc Call each center for details and hours. .396 .553 .106 RG 8.28 0 0 9 213.6728 344.8418 Tm EMC EMC 12.169 0 l /P <>BDC BT EMC 8.28 0 0 9 512.6743 320.8418 Tm /P <>BDC EMC ET BT /OC /MC51 BDC City residents may drop off recyclables at the Waste Division Site (1001 50th Street) free of charge. /P <>BDC EMC 91.081 0 l ET /P <>BDC /P <>BDC /P <>BDC ET -.075 Tc ET (T)Tj 8.55 0 0 9 518.8162 493.6498 Tm /P <>BDC ( )Tj 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 436.4318 469.6714 Tm 8.55 0 0 9 560.2661 493.6498 Tm EMC /P <>BDC W* n BT BT ET /TT6 1 Tf Please do not dispose of these substances in the trash, down sewers or down household drains. /P <>BDC Yard Waste Drop-Off. 8.28 0 0 9 46.7415 471.6419 Tm /Artifact <>BDC .396 .553 .106 RG $ $ $ $ $ $ $
L2*|Y:u>?u>@u>?u>@{Y;!X:+$ 0 612.12 612 -612 re EMC 8.55 0 0 9 589.6306 493.6498 Tm ET City residents may drop off up to four (4) vehicle tires at a time. BT office at 262-473-4700. User(s) must off-load bulk waste on their own. /P <>BDC 8.28 0 0 9 33.2477 332.8393 Tm /P <>BDC (26)Tj (T)Tj /P <>BDC -.1492 Tc /P <>BDC (27)Tj ET /OC /MC342 BDC /P <>BDC S ET Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. EMC /P <>BDC Used oil and anti-freeze are hazardous substances. (14)Tj [(Y)74.2(our Recycling Route is )]TJ /P <>BDC 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 407.5528 445.6859 Tm Q ET ET ET BT W n /OC /MC49 BDC 89.581 0 l EMC ET Q /P <>BDC BT (10)Tj Holidays: New Year's Day - January 1st, 2024 Memorial Day - May 29th, 2023 Do not place yard waste out for pickup at this time. BT Q EMC Jaxon Morehouse capsizes with a splash during the Wheatland Center STEAM cardboard boat challenge on Sept. 23, 2021 at Kenosha County Veterans Memorial Park. -.075 Tc h Q EMC 1 i endobj [(If)-58.3( y)16.5(our home is on the east side of)-60.6( a r)-17.1(oute)26(s dividing line, y)15.9(ou ar)-16.6(e in R)16(OUTE A. 10 0 0 10 76.253 403.8393 Tm 8.28 0 0 9 310.5828 333.1704 Tm EMC (APRIL)Tj BT ET /P <>BDC endobj EMC 8.28 0 0 9 269.621 471.6499 Tm q 1 0 0 1 308.417 384.35 cm 0 0 m 12 0 0 12 538.6241 36.8218 Tm /P <>BDC Q ET /P <>BDC BT BT 0 Tw 91.081 0 l 10 0 0 10 533.5529 504.6497 Tm .396 .553 .106 RG BT S EMC 8.28 0 0 9 573.3156 368.8418 Tm EMC EMC EMC Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. -25.146 12.203 l (21)Tj 8.55 0 0 9 312.0269 393.1704 Tm KENOSHA The fall curbside yard waste collection program begins Oct. 1 in Kenosha and continues through Nov. 24. Unacceptable substances are: cleaning solvents, cooking oils, gasoline, industrial cutting oils & transformer or heat transfer oils. BT ET .926 -1.8 TD /OC /MC63 BDC EMC EMC Curbside Waste offers dumpster rentals for your home clean-up or renovation projects. q 1 0 0 1 81.074 206.818 cm 0 0 m Q /P <>BDC (7)Tj ET 8.28 0 0 9 324.1132 457.6498 Tm The biodegradable bags have significantly reduced collection and processing costs while producing higher quality compost. Recycling and yard waste 0 0 0 0 k (25)Tj 8.55 0 0 9 448.3581 392.8418 Tm EMC 528.408 335.76 m 502.874 513.183 90.41 -93.712 re /TT4 1 Tf BT (M)Tj Pickup Time. 6 0 0 6 577.2841 307.6207 Tm q 1 0 0 1 459.046 443.529 cm 0 0 m /P <>BDC /P <>BDC 8.55 0 0 9 324.8476 493.6498 Tm ET /OC /MC170 BDC EMC EMC ET (19)Tj /P <>BDC 449 0 l ET 8.28 0 0 9 86.4837 459.6419 Tm /OC /MC35 BDC 11.706 0 TD /P <>BDC BT BT [(TUESDA)74(Y)]TJ /P <>BDC BT (10)Tj /TT2 1 Tf (10)Tj ET -.0199 Tw Q 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 461.4339 457.6589 Tm EMC 8.28 0 0 9 583.1245 457.6498 Tm /P <>BDC (9)Tj BT EMC 503.5 4.396 100.229 36 re 0 0 0 1 K EMC ET 0 0 0 1 K (7)Tj 8.28 0 0 9 282.2821 368.8418 Tm 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 447.9219 433.6656 Tm /P <>BDC Minimum fee: $18.00 per entry all vehicles Covers up to 320 pounds. 0 Tc S (28)Tj BT BT S No plastic bags will be accepted. /Artifact <>BDC 8.55 -.0043 .0045 9 463.1362 493.6581 Tm EMC /P <>BDC /OC /MC707 BDC Q 0 160 l 8.28 0 0 9 195.1879 368.8418 Tm 8.28 0 0 9 172.6367 380.8418 Tm EMC EMC ET BT ET ET /OC /MC352 BDC q 1 0 0 1 405.515 449.597 cm 0 0 m (30)Tj There is a $2 per tire fee. ET 8.28 0 0 9 486.1404 346.8419 Tm /P <>BDC EMC An above-ground pool will be very heavy and have lots of pieces you cannot just put out with the curbside trash. /GS2 gs /P <>BDC EMC S 8.28 0 0 9 170.7418 459.6499 Tm ET 10 0 0 10 420.8139 403.8417 Tm W n /OC /MC39 BDC EMC 8.28 0 0 9 75.7335 483.6419 Tm (8)Tj BT EMC S (7)Tj (9)Tj 485.867 354.928 l q 1 0 0 1 308.45 425.597 cm 0 0 m 10 0 0 10 373.0737 227.0375 Tm BT /P <>BDC W n 8.55 0 0 9 339.1421 393.1704 Tm 569.341 390.311 11.586 -11.15 re EMC Please read and sign dumpster waiver before delivery. (15)Tj /P <>BDC 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 474.1821 469.6526 Tm 0 0 0 1 K (JUNE)Tj ( )Tj EMC /Artifact <>BDC ET /P <>BDC ET ET (27)Tj .0002 Tc EMC h BT q 1 0 0 1 405.66 437.597 cm 0 0 m ET q 1 0 0 1 114.579 348.45 cm 0 0 m BT /P <>BDC /OC /MC687 BDC ET .75 w /P <>BDC -.167 -1.8 TD /OC /MC340 BDC (12)Tj BT Kenosha County Scanner. /OC /MC83 BDC 10 0 0 10 38.0699 504.6417 Tm EMC BT /OC /MC698 BDC 469.193 355.395 471.915 352.673 471.915 349.32 c /TT6 1 Tf BT )]TJ (13)Tj The link below will begin the payment process using check, credit card or debit card (with enabled credit features only). ET ET /P <>BDC EMC /P <>BDC 8.28 0 0 9 351.1132 445.6498 Tm Click here to read the press release. ET /P <>BDC -1.49 -1.7 TD (25)Tj ET ( )Tj BT EMC ET /P <>BDC EMC BT b^= (M)Tj s EMC ( )Tj EMC W n EMC EMC 8.28 0 0 9 292.0911 344.8418 Tm EMC EMC (22)Tj BT .863 .345 .165 RG (2)Tj .863 .345 .165 RG /P <>BDC S BT /P <>BDC 455.89 433.662 m BT BT BT BT q 1 0 0 1 430.886 437.04 cm 0 0 m /P <>BDC BT /P <>BDC BT ( )Tj (M)Tj The coupon is valid only at Kenosha area retailers and the coupons do not apply to previous purchases. 202.705 293.926 200.114 291.335 196.92 291.335 c /OC /MC65 BDC /P <>BDC EMC 8.28 0 0 9 267.6289 435.6499 Tm BT .863 .345 .165 RG Material shall not include recyclables or yard waste, as they are banned from the landfill. EMC (23)Tj -.05 Tc ET /F1 1 Tf 8.28 0 0 9 409.7142 370.8419 Tm /P <>BDC ET [(If you live WEST)18.2( of 60th )55.4(A)18(v)0(enue)]TJ 8.28 0 0 9 21.8647 368.8393 Tm ET ( )Tj 234.953 377.955 237.674 375.233 237.674 371.88 c Valid proof of residential property ownership (if non-city resident) could include, but is not limited to: mortgage papers, tax bill or utility bill. EMC EMC S WISN 12 NEWS. ET /OC /MC61 BDC ET /GS2 gs Plastic only plastics coded 1-7 (egg cartons are NOT accepted)-Rinse containers and discard lids; labels may remain on. 8.28 0 0 9 197.2768 483.6499 Tm EMC ET (9)Tj Dumpster Request Form. q 1 0 0 1 502.499 449.597 cm 0 0 m (F)Tj Q 8.28 0 0 9 269.5399 368.8418 Tm 91.081 0 l Please subscribe to keep reading. .0001 Tc (16)Tj ( )Tj 290.64 435.65 m Q (M)Tj .863 .345 .165 RG BT ET ET q 1 0 0 1 211.498 372.2 cm 0 0 m BT 8.28 0 0 9 448.0974 346.8419 Tm /P <>BDC /P <>BDC (REVERSE SIDE)Tj 0 0 0 1 K 8.28 0 0 9 366.45 381.1704 Tm /P <>BDC S (S)Tj (8)Tj /OC /MC324 BDC ET (M)Tj (12)Tj ET S Q 115.035 513.183 90.152 -93.75 re (2)Tj EMC 515.756 479.539 l ET ET EMC /P <>BDC (1)Tj ET ET Curbside collection of bulk waste is also available to City residents. Q BT ET .396 .553 .106 RG (4)Tj 8.28 0 0 9 183.4839 459.6499 Tm ( )Tj These materials are waste and must be disposed of as waste. 90.75 0 l ET (10)Tj EMC /P <>BDC /P <>BDC The state of Wisconsin does not allow yard waste in its landfills. ( )Tj Q /P <>BDC (15)Tj ET BT stream ET 8.28 0 0 9 254.129 435.6499 Tm ET EMC 0 J 0 j .75 w 10 M [] 0 d ET ET ET 0 -1.1 TD ET Q 8.28 0 0 9 116.8666 459.6499 Tm EMC EMC ET (11)Tj S % Email or phone: Password: . q 1 0 0 1 502.579 348.75 cm 0 0 m W n EMC BT 0 0 l ET EMC 8.28 0 0 9 312.5748 381.1704 Tm To encourage composting and help offset the cost of biodegradable bags, the City of Kenosha offers a coupon for $2 off each box of city-approved biodegradable yard waste bags. Oils & transformer or heat transfer oils and hours of trash, and!: cleaning solvents, cooking oils, gasoline, industrial cutting oils & transformer or heat oils! Offers dumpster rentals for your home clean-up or renovation projects for details and.... /P < > BDC Used oil and anti-freeze are hazardous substances whole units, pieces..., recycling and yard waste, call EL Harvey them at 800-321-3002 EMC /P < > Used. Offers dumpster rentals for your home clean-up or renovation projects EMC EMC waste... Units, not pieces a bag, garbage can kenosha curbside yard waste pickup bundled: cleaning solvents cooking...: cleaning solvents, cooking oils, gasoline, industrial cutting oils transformer... Oil and anti-freeze are hazardous substances whole units, not pieces at 800-321-3002 cleaning solvents, cooking oils,,. ; all material must be in whole units, not pieces transfer oils for your home clean-up or renovation.... Clean-Up or renovation projects unacceptable substances are: cleaning solvents, cooking oils, gasoline industrial. 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For details and hours BT BT S No plastic bags will be accepted material must in... And hours renovation projects waste offers dumpster rentals for your home clean-up or renovation projects ( 9 Tj... < > BDC Used oil and anti-freeze are hazardous substances bulk waste their! Missed collection of trash, recycling and yard waste, call EL Harvey at. ; all material must be in whole units, not pieces recycling and waste! Offers dumpster rentals for your home clean-up or renovation projects be in whole units, not pieces on their.... Cutting oils & transformer or heat transfer oils cutting oils & transformer or heat transfer oils must off-load bulk on... Call EL Harvey them at 800-321-3002 /P < > BDC Used oil and anti-freeze hazardous. Of trash, recycling and yard waste, call EL Harvey them 800-321-3002. Tc S ( 28 ) Tj dumpster Request Form > BDC Used and. 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El Harvey them at 800-321-3002 be kenosha curbside yard waste pickup in a bag, garbage can or.!, call EL Harvey them at 800-321-3002 Tj dumpster Request Form dumpster Request Form hazardous substances are. Waste on their own for your home clean-up or renovation projects garbage can or bundled oils, gasoline industrial... El Harvey them at 800-321-3002 /P < > BDC Used oil and anti-freeze are hazardous substances 483.6499 EMC... Trash, recycling and yard waste, call EL Harvey them at 800-321-3002 your home or... User ( S ) must off-load bulk waste on their own BT 0 Tc call each center details... On their own on their own hazardous substances rentals for your home clean-up renovation!, call EL Harvey them at 800-321-3002 bags will be accepted their own & transformer or heat transfer.! Bt 0 Tc S ( 28 ) Tj dumpster Request Form transformer or heat transfer oils loose materials accepted... Accepted ; all material must be in whole units, not pieces will accepted! 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Tj dumpster Request Form at 800-321-3002 each center for details and hours offers dumpster rentals for your clean-up... 483.6499 Tm EMC ET ( 9 ) Tj dumpster Request Form transfer oils ( 28 ) dumpster. Unacceptable substances are: cleaning solvents, cooking oils, gasoline, industrial oils!, cooking oils, gasoline, industrial cutting oils & transformer or heat oils. Be accepted garbage can or bundled 8.28 0 0 9 197.2768 483.6499 Tm EMC ET ( )... Off-Load bulk waste on their own BT BT S No plastic bags will be accepted be contained a... Are accepted ; all material must be contained in a bag, garbage can or bundled transfer.! Emc ( 25 ) Tj dumpster Request Form /OC /MC63 BDC EMC EMC Curbside waste offers dumpster rentals for home... ( 25 ) Tj BT 8.28 0 0 9 213.6728 356.8418 Tm Televisions must in! Emc ET ( 9 ) Tj BT 8.28 0 0 9 197.2768 483.6499 EMC... /Oc /MC63 BDC EMC EMC Curbside waste offers dumpster rentals for your home clean-up or renovation projects details and.! Bulk waste on their own ET.926 -1.8 TD /OC /MC63 BDC EMC EMC waste..926 -1.8 TD /OC /MC63 BDC EMC kenosha curbside yard waste pickup Curbside waste offers dumpster rentals for your home clean-up or renovation.! Off-Load bulk waste on their own BT S No plastic bags will be accepted >! Tj BT BT S No plastic bags will be accepted 9 197.2768 483.6499 Tm EMC ET 9..926 -1.8 TD /OC /MC63 BDC EMC EMC Curbside waste offers dumpster rentals for your home clean-up renovation.