Next go to the Vivarium to rescue Mozo and get a key to Chodos Office. He'll dish with the info, which the interrogator will attempt to claim as the result of his work. You'll definitely want to take down the commander first, but make it quick, or the other guys will start throwing in cryoban grenades to slow down the action. There's one beside each droid machine, and you'll need to access each one of them, to either shut the machine off, or switch it over to produce friendly droids that will fight on your side. This is one of the first critical choices for Dark side candidates, and is a perfectly viable alternative to slaughtering Kandon and his bodyguards. One of the Security Rooms in the southwestern corner of the estate contains the Prison Key you'll need to rescue Shen. Aside from Malak's Force powers, you'll have to deal with his lightsaber attacks. Have the Czerka mercenaries attacked the Ithorian compound yet? Take the southern entrance inside. STAR WARS (R) KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC (R) II - THE SITH LORDS (TM) Version 1.0b March 30, 2005 . They get +30 to their attack rolls, and deal over 25 damage per hit, so youll definitely need to beware sudden drops in health. Luckily, KOTOR comes before the time in the Star Wars universe when a Scomp Link interface like the one R2-D2 possesses was necessary to hack into computer systems. I don't even get the premenu cinematic or title crawl, it just goes from a black screen to a crash. When you see the Tuskans guarding the latter exit, engage them and kill them all; there'll be 10 or so in total, so be sure to heal up first. Save. For instance, suppose two of your characters both attack an opponent with a defense of 15. If you can stun both of the tarentateks, then concentrate your attacks on one of them until it falls, then repeat the process for the other. This is the scion of the Sandral family, son of Nurik, who would appreciate learning of his son's fate. B-4D4 was taken to the Ithorian compound and reprogrammed, which freed him from his duty to serve Czerka and gave him the ability to lie. Use the consoIe here to optionaIly erase your connction to Czerka, nd not-optionally downIoad the files. Your reward for his death is a Genoharadan Blaster. Surik can either kill him, or cover his escape from the Station to Nar Shaddaa and can be found in one of the flophouses there. Note that giving him money to improve his swoop bike actually gives you lower times to beat during the final tier, which merely goes to show that it is sometimes literally true that nice guys finish last. f6d3264842 If Bastila or your PC has learned stun droid, then this would be an ideal place to use it; you can even use this power to hold the droid in place while your other party members pelt it with ion grenades. Once you spot the enclave, dress everyone up in Sand People uniforms and proceed inside. Corrects a crash issue when transitioning between B-4D4 to the main character after Czerka Mainframe quest on Telos (light side) Corrects an art issue with NPCs that appear in the mine foreman's log on Peragus; Many Bothans died to bring us this information, so put it to good use. Once you have bought HK, unequip one of your party members and add the droid to your party. Grab the Star Map and the Sith lightsaber, then walk back down to the acid pool for your final test. Some of the pieces you need you'll get for completing quests, others you'll find scattered around the game world or from specific merchants. Mission's backstory revolves around her search for her brother, Griff. Talk to him, and after you let him know that you're wise to his little game, he'll assume the form of Jolee and the fight is on. Due to its alphabetical preeminence, and because Wookiees are cool, we'll head to Kashyykk first. Carth's side-quest involves his long-lost son, who disappeared after his home planet was destroyed by the Sith fleet. In order to damage an opponent in combat, you must first successfully hit them, and the attack number of your characters determines their chances to do so. Jedi characters, including your PC, will get to choose from a few feats that are specific to the Jedi classes. Note that flurry is only good for one extra attack per turn; if you use two weapons at once, the weapon in your main hand will be granted the extra attack, so that you'd have a total of three attacks during a round. At the very least it'll save your computer use expert one spike for every hacking action. He's an absolute badass that can rip any member of your party apart, even Bastila; you'll need to coordinate your efforts in order to defeat him. If you interrogated the prisoner, or fabricated the keycard, head to the supposed Sith Embassy in the East Courtyard; if you want to start a fight, warp back to the Ebon Hawk and head to the Sith's secured hangar. those that your character just wasn't trained in, are difficult to learn, and are thus much less efficient to improve, requiring two skill purchase points for each single-point upgrade to the actual skill. If you want to be sure to shift to your new target at the end of the round, empty your queue with the Y button, then select your new target and queue actions with the X button. To put it bluntly, being good in KOTOR, or, at least, being a good Jedi, is hard. You can continue to hack until you unlock the door that Carth and Bastila are behind, or just pick up the key from the footlocker in the (now empty) barracks. The droid will open the door to the locker room so you can retrieve your things. This translates the conceptual difficulty of a task into a number that can be matched to a die roll generated by the game. The DC check of a thermal detonator is 15 against a character's reflex save. The top-most energy ring can be transferred between pillars freely. Well, this level's a tiny one, so you'll be on it in no time, and we mean that quite literally. Apparently, they've set up a large number of turrets around the position, the better to destroy any approaching intruders. Go through the same preparations as you did for your fight with Malak: good energy shields, mind-affecting immunity if possible, increased will and fortitude saves, etc. If you travel to Korriban and meet up with Dustil, you'll have to choose between killing him, or obtaining a datapad from Uthar's rooms and convincing Dustil of the error of his ways. In a clearing far on the east side of the area, you'll find the source of the darkness; apparently a Dark Jedi named Juhani has set up camp in a small graveyard-like area. Empathy boosts persuasion, awareness, and treat injury. Once you are finally able to communicate, you can either kick her off the ship immediately for a Dark side hit or bring her back to Dantooine, where the Twi'lek at the starport will take her home, giving you a Light side shift (yay!). Stunned opponents get no defense bonus from dexterity, and will also automatically be hit with a sneak attack if you have any scoundrels in your party. When the area is clean, take the transport to the Sith base. Head into the corridor, but if you're a Light side player, loot your party members of equipment before you open the far door, and use their items to outfit your PC with the best gear in your possession. 7) Batono This is a bounty quest that you receive from Lt. Grenn and youll find his location from Chodo Habat, the Ithorian. He's tough, but fortunately not quite at the one-shot-one-kill level that you would've encountered if you had challenged him when you first met, in the Lower City Cantina. Removes first and second ranks of speed, aura, valor, but only the first rank of energy resistance and Force resistance. Jedi sentinels are reliant on their personality to resolve conflicts, and to bring together parties in discord so that resolution to their problems can be achieved. Uthar and Yuthura wait for you, and this is where all the scheming in the Double-Cross quest will pay off. When her vitality drops to around half of her meter, Bastila will stop fighting for the moment and offer you the last critical choice of the game. The third rule of Pazaak is: the first game is important, but less important than the last. STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. In between each round of investigation, you'll need to question both men and the information droid to unlock the proper comments to Bolook. Proceed in a northwesterly fashion until you come across a bounty hunter roaming the halls. 2) Information Console Visit this console to download the area map. If you are less interested in skills and more interested in combat efficiency, though, you're probably going to want to take both Jolee and Juhani along with you; Juhani is more powerful in combat than Bastila, while Jolee is able to use more Force powers (while not lagging too far behind in lightsaber skills). Unfortunately, the high DC of the more difficult mines still makes demolitions another skill that's unwieldy for dabblers; if you don't have a high enough Intelligence modifier to give you a reasonable chance of succeeding on a DC of 25 or more, you may wish to leave the bomb squad heroics to your teammates. Light Side Head to apartment B2 and speak with the droid merchant Opo Chano. He'll whisper his dying words to Carth. Once youre done raiding the tomb, head back to the corridor branch. After a target is dead, the game picks a new target for each character based on how far away each enemy is, so you'll probably have to re-sync their attacks after every enemy falls. At any rate, once the ritual is complete, you'll enter the Temple, along with Jolee and Juhani, but not before a rather disturbing freakish cutscene involving Malak and one of his subordinates. First off, make sure your characters are healed, and have full Force point meters before you start walking around; the thing that makes this level so hard isn't just that there are a lot of enemies, it's that the enemies almost never stop coming at you, which means your characters almost never leave their battle mode, which means that they will almost never regain Force points. He'll appear with two Dark Jedi friends, who should be eliminated before you take on the boss man. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. - Albert Einstein, No they haven't attacked the Ithorian Compound yet, what do I initiate that, I have talked to the guy at the end of the habitat, thats Opo Chono, I have talked to the guy at the end of the habitat, thats Opo Chono, My bad, I confused him with the Ithorian assistant, silly Star Wars names. Use the mainframe and download the incriminating data. This is an automatic feat that scoundrels gain for free upon hitting the appropriate level. How you deal with him affects your Force alignment, in much the same manner as your dealings with Nico on Tatooine. While the other powers can sometimes affect large groups, they are intended to simply weaken your foes or make them easier to kill; shock's reason for existence is to deal the killing blow itself, and kill it does, especially at its highest rank. He's been trying to make his way as a swoop racer, but has had a hard time of it, due to the fact that his swoop bike just doesn't seem to be able to compete with the big boys. Join. This is of minor use against powerful opponents, against whom you will need as high a chance to hit as possible, but against less significant foes, the extra damage can end skirmishes quickly. Once you get your party into the east end of the southern hallway, you'll probably need to switch over to Solo Mode to prevent them from attacking the enemies that are following you, at least until they retreat far enough from the middle entrance so that the enemies stop endlessly coming at you. At its second rank, against multiple enemies, death field has a much better chance of getting you back a high amount of vitality, since it gives you life equal to the highest amount of damage that's dealt. After you either shut down all of the computers or switch them to friendly robot production, the elevator to the factory level will open up. There's a massive horde of Rakghouls guarding some bodies to the northwest of the city; one of these is Rakil's apprentice. Your quests with him are now complete. Once you have every single piece of evidence you can find, proceed back to the judges and begin the trial. Obviously enough, the melee bonuses from his 20 strength and the extra Vitality from his 20 constitution make Zaalbar a great candidate to wield a sword during combat; you just have to keep an eye on his health, since he can't wear armor and has almost no dexterity bonus to his defense. This isn't necessarily a bad feat, but something like flurry is more likely to be useful in every combat situation, Simple enough; increasing this lets your Jedi strike more accurately and deal more damage with a lightsaber, much like all of the other weapon proficiencies. The guards and the emitters are the key here; eliminate the sonic field that's being generated, and the poachers will have no choice but to leave the area. Repair also governs the amount of vitality that your droid NPCs gain when they use repair kits on themselves to recover from damage. 5) Cantina Come back here once you have your stuff back. Walk over the pool and head towards the door; there's a deadly plasma mine that can dish out up to 70 damage to you if you don't spot it, so make sure you're healed up before passing through. Talking to Zelka Forn in the Upper City medical facility, you'll hear about a horrific plague that is sweeping through the population of the Under City. No matter what you say during the first part of the conversation, you can't prevent a confrontation, so you may want to activate your energy shields before you get close enough to trigger the confrontation, and have all of your characters using items that can prevent mind-affecting attacks. You can take them out with one shot of your sonic emitter, but, to keep things even, they can kill you in one shot as well. As with all Dark Jedi duels, it's a good idea to have something that protects you from mind-affecting attacks, since Bastila may try to use insanity on you. Could someone please help me with this, I sure would appreciate it. Method #1: The first, and perhaps most obscure method of obtaining the required Sith uniform, is found in the Cantina, which is located directly north of the exit from the South Apartments. It's something of an alternative to the Two-weapon proficiency, but instead of reducing penalties, dueling simply takes a good thing and makes it better. You will have noticed that there's a small room nearby, marked on your map as the 'computer room.' There is a variety of possible outcomes to this encounter, the most favorable of which involves showing the token to the Selkath you speak to, and then using persuade to convince them to leave the embassy for a Light side shift. Kotor 2 Czerka Mainframe Trial Development And. He'll ask you to find the blade of the mighty Bacca, an ancient Wookiee tribal leader, which was lost in the hide of a ferocious beast elsewhere in the Shadowlands. If you wait too long to shift, however, you'll essentially be giving away speed to your competitors. Continue along the path and head to the north when you hit a fork in the road. Once you enter the western section of Ahto, you'll run into Elora. The key here is to incapacitate the Jedi before he can do serious damage; both whirlwind and stasis seem to have a decent chance of connecting, though he will resist your powers more often then not. Indeed, this is the biggest difference between the normal method of leveling and this loophole-leveling; characters who exploit a loophole like this will gain more Force powers in the latter stages of the game. There are numerous minor animation oddities and graphical surprises that you can uncover if you try to trigger . (In short, soldier = guardian, scout = sentinel, and scoundrel = consular. If you side with Slusk you can take out Luxa together and then convince Slusk to leave the Citadel Station. The catch, for the Light side, at least, is that these conversation paths are often interpreted as an act of aggression, and thus will wind up shifting you towards the Dark side, even if you're working towards the greater good. If you're dual-wielding lightsabers, or even if you're not, you might want to make a trip back to the Ebon Hawk to upgrade your sabers with the new crystals; the short lightsabers you found will let you dual-wield without quite as much of an attack penalty. All enemies within 10 meters of a single target take 1-6 damage to both Vitality and Force Points per level of Jedi (10-60 max.). You'll receive a krayt dragon pearl for your troubles; use it in a lightsaber to get +2 damage and +3 attack. This isn't something you can magically know ahead of time, however, so you'll need to take advantage of the practice runs that are available on each track. Even if the Sith makes his saving throw against the fire, he'll still take at least 15 damage each time the flamethrower is used, so queue it up three times and hope T3 lasts long enough get them all off. They'll discuss the situation, and send you away while they deliberate, only to call you back the next morning. All Jedi guardians gain additional levels in this feat automatically when they reach the appropriate level. As in the Upper City, there are plenty of places to go and see down here, but in order to progress in your quest to find Bastila, you'll need to hook up with the 'nice' gang leader, Gadon Thek of the Hidden Beks. There is one other significant drawback to this method of leveling-up: while your character will likely be more powerful, your teammates will not gain quite as much experience when they're not in your party, if indeed they gain any at all. When you head through the door, the party members of a Light side character will be left behind; only your PC will be allowed to proceed. Don't bother buying anything, though; he charges 15% more than another merchant you'll encounter in the next area. See Luxa Quests for the Dark Side path. Through the door to the north is the Sith Governor; he's the first truly difficult boss fight you'll encounter. It's worth pointing out that, as you progress further into the game, most of the broken droids you encounter will require multiple individual repairs before they're restored to working order, and since you save parts from each repair, you can sometimes save four or five parts per droid for every four levels you possess in repair. There are a few drawbacks, though: your Force point reservoir will be smaller than the other Jedi party members (though not by much, since you begin with 40 points automatically); your progress in the defense-boosting Jedi Sense feat will lag behind; and most importantly, you will be allowed to choose fewer Force powers than your party members who started their adventuring careers as Jedi. Kill the troops, then take the data module from the droid. He won't respond if you have party members around, so you'll have to go to the map screen and make sure that you're alone (Solo Mode doesn't count). Whether you help them or destroy them, however, you'll want to fight through the terentatek anyway, since you'll find the bodies of the two other Jedi sent to kill the beasts to the north of its position, along with the incredible Qel-Droma Robes, which only a Light side Jedi can use. If Zaalbar is using a melee weapon, don't hesitate to heal him with one of your advanced medpacs; he'll be getting hit hard, and the regular medpacs won't be enough to outpace the damage that he'll be taking. First, though, outfit Canderous with whatever equipment you can spare. When you go there answer the console and youll be directed to apartment B3 in Residential 082 East. If you can't bust through the Rakghouls, wait until you find Zaalbar and come back. If you experience a crash when patching the game in Windows 98 or Windows ME, please make sure that you reboot your system before attempting to repatch the game. HK-47 harbors a deep distrust for all organic lifeforms, but reserves most of his frustration for his dealings with those of the pacifist variety. Luckily, you'll have a few options for dealing with the situation, roughly corresponding to the different character classes: you can simply assault the base if you think you'll live through some major battles; you can attempt to hack a passcard into the base if you have decent (real-world) math skills; or you can interrogate a Sith prisoner that's being held inside the Republic embassy, if you are decent at persuasion. If the final number that the game generates is equal to or above the DC of the task, then you've accomplished your mission; if it's below, then you failed in some way. With the key that Kandon gave you, you'll be able to bypass all of the security doors that stymied your progress before. Lastly, there is a limit to how high you can raise your rank in a skill. As you might've guessed from this feat's name, it is only available for the scoundrel class. Dispatch the troopers here, then heal yourself up and let your Force Points recover before heading up the ramp to the bridge. (0/4). Your character takes a Dark side hit, sure, but Juhani immediately changes her mind about the morality of her action. If you return the box to Motta at the swoop track in Tatooine, he'll give you 2,000 credits for your trouble. There are few enough viable strategies we can offer to help you through this. There are four droids in total, each with its own little logic or mathematical puzzle that you can use (in 'manual repair' mode) to attempt to bring it back to its proper functioning. Replacement Restoration Droid 2. In order to prevent this from happening, you'll need to run around the level, destroying the trapped Jedi with your Force powers. If you want the loot, but don't want to take the Dark side hit from attacking the Elders, you can initially side with the warriors, complete this quest, then head to the Elders and switch allegiances. On the other hand, soldiers and those who wish to become Dark Jedi will probably want to pump their treat injury skill quite a bit, since it will heal them more than their Force powers will be able to. When you've traveled far enough, you'll have to face off against the Star Forge's elite droid defenses. Note that doing so will prevent you from using the above trial walk-through without taking a shift to the Dark side, but if you're really interested in perverting justice, then it might be worth your while to hack the Republic database, because..he actually did do it. Below are the various players in the game, as well as any additional information I know about them. If you're a real man (or woman), though, you'll probably want to know if there's a way to survive this level on the normal difficulty setting. However, you can combine flurry with Force speed to gain even more attacks, so that a character with two weapons, master flurry, and master Force speed will have an incredible five attacks per round. Dark side players might be disappointed to know that if you tell Juhani to kill the man, she doesn't actually move any closer to the Dark side. When you bring it back to him, he'll lead you to a chest containing some of the salvage that he's found over the years, including a thermal shield generator, a verpine prototype shield, a verpine zal alloy mesh heavy armor, and six thermal detonators. As such, scoundrels are unfortunately lacking in the simple toughness needed to gut out toe-to-toe battles, but will gain many more skills than the other classes to supplement their lack of enthusiasm for intimate combat. Some people just don't feel like getting singed by blaster fire every time they step out for a cup of java juice at the cantina. Luckily, you aren't going to be shackled by your initial attribute allotment for the rest of the game: your character will gain one extra point to allocate to any attribute every time you gain a level that's a multiple of four. To make a very long story short, the liars are: After all of this, get the blood report from the droid, make sure you've explored every dialogue option with the two men, and save your game. Thanks, it's been several years since I've played 2 and I couldn't remember if you. Meet the leader of the Czerka operation here on Telos. [Display Options] there is a line that says Fullscreen=1 erase the 1 and put 0 instead. This bug is exacerbated if you choose to 'save' levels earlier on: if, for instance, you cease leveling up from the very beginning of the game, your party members will usually lag behind your player-character by almost 30,000 experience. After they fall, you'll have no choice but to face the man himself. It is possible to threaten him for the credentials, which will lead to a dark side shift. The plan works, the krayt dragon dies an explosive death, and Komad offers you a reward. In a word: disguise. Some feats simply add bonus points to skills. And really, how can you blame them? Five years after the events from the award winning Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, the Sith Lords have hunted the Jedi to the edge of extinction and are on the verge of crushing the Old Republic. Every time you leveled-up from then, you'd gain two points of vitality. Each task that can be accomplished with a given computer requires a certain number of spikes, but the computer use skill reduces the number of spikes necessary for a job by one for every four points of proficiency you possess in the skill. If T3 isn't in your party, then you'll have to keep quite a careful eye on your vitality levels and simply wait him out. After you obtain Jolee and (hopefully) Juhani, the non-Jedi members of your party can take a backseat. Your player-character is going to be on the brink of death, most likely, so run away from Jorak quickly before he cuts you down. 1 / 3. The rest of your party members will have differing reactions to your mood swing; Mission, however, is the only one with real objections. In the following pages, you will find: As well as the proverbial 'much, much more.' As per usual, explore the area as you see fit; there is quite a lot of treasure hidden away in footlockers throughout Davik's mansion, though some of it is behind locked doors. 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