You can take out a wall here and there or chop away at the roof to try to destroy the house, but the best way to destroy a house is to remove the foundation. So one of those things that you mentioned is anxiety. 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It frees up emotional capital that we can use then to deal with our problems. Everything is spiritual, Morgan. ", When you think about it from a gospel perspective, that's the whole point. And I think this is hard for me, over the past couple of years I have had a lot of health problems due to kind of the emotional toll of different, various aspects of life. You talk in the book about several ways that people get in their own way of personal competence. Just crushing it. Required fields are marked *. This manual is an addition to the family of self-reliance manuals that are used in self-reliance courses. I'm exactly the same as I was five minutes ago. This manual is an addition to the family of self-reliance manuals that are used in self-reliance courses. "That does not mean we should stop trying, trying to move forward, no matter how frustrating or seemingly unfruitful, will yield benefits." And this is somethingI have this very distinct memory. What I Know Now: Spouses How canbecause she said she realized that that wasn't causing her to feel better. For Japanese videos, CLICK HERE. And what happens sometimes is when we start to get stressed, then we say, "Oh, no, I'm stressed, I shouldn't be stressed." It covers a wide, wide variety of topics that can help us to be emotionally and spiritually stronger than we were when we started., Valencia said she would participate in the manualized-study course again. I bet we could do that." And my dad said to me, "Morgan, I don't know if you've noticed, but change is hard for you." I heard recently, I was talking to a friend who had been to see her endocrinologist and the endocrinologist said that she had seen eight times the number of women since the beginning of the pandemic with autoimmune issues, because of the additional stress that the pandemic has brought into people's lives. Is there an online group, English speaking, that he could join? And if he had realized that the pool was about four feet deep, he could just reach down and touch, there was a lifeguard there, two scout leaders and his parents who would jump in and save him at any moment if he, you know, he looked like he was struggling, then he could say, "I can take that other 80% of energy and I can put it towards swimming," which in that case, I think he'd have been just fine, I think he'd could have crushed the 50 yards. I think it's Heavenly Father is trying to teach us how to, you know, deal with stressors. We need to lose that idea that we are these kind of unworthy creatures. Because if we haven't learned yet, we're probably not going to learn.". And Heavenly Father's giving us tools to deal with this. And how do we see Satan attacking identity now, more than ever before? And I didn't even want to hear it. Relief Society General President Jean B. Bingham speaks about emotional resilience in a new video released by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. David, toward the end of the book, you talk about something that I thought was fascinating. And thenand when we lack confidence in ourselves, of course that's a killer from the beginning. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide. And he was so right, like after those first few weeks, things got better. There's a temptation to avoid it altogether, because it's unpleasant to go through that. It is very important to remember that some trials persist despite our best efforts. Scriptures: Triple Combination, D&C/PGP Translations, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, Blessed by the Emotional Resilience Course, Emotional Resilience Training Offered by Church, Church Releases New Emotional Resilience Manual | Meridian Magazine, Advertise with LDS365 / Affiliate Program. And maybe again, we might free up more of that emotional energy to address and to move forward. By referring or linking you to this website, we do not endorse or guarantee this content, products, or services offered. And I was soI was always like, "Okay, well, this will probably be over in two weeks." So throughout this book you kind of offer ways toyou refer to a lot of roadblocks to emotional resiliency and ways to overcome those roadblocks. The new emotional resilience materials are designed for anyone and everyone to learn how to better adapt to challenges and change. The welfare program stresses education, health, employment, family home production and storage, family finances, and spiritual strength.. About | Privacy Policy | Rights and Use | Advertise with LDS365 / Affiliate Program | Copyright 2006-2023 Manuals are also available at Church distribution centers. I think I used an example in the book, which dates me from Happy Days. And so doubting in myself leads me to not want to do that. Right. Such researchers have defined this concept as "individuals' ability to adapt to, and recover from disturbing events" or "personal qualities that enable one to thrive in the face of adversity.". Like a Broken Vessel (part 2) Emotional Resilience is in pilot phase in the Asia North Area. need to develop that confidence in ourselves. What I Know Now: Parents And that's another deception of Satan as well that all or nothing thinking. And it's amazing, like those little wins, how much they can help build confidence. Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. And when we're on the path, we're on the covenant path and doing the best we can and striving our best, when we still experienced the significant issues, I think we can confidently say that this is part of Heavenly Father's plan to help us become more like Him. Thank you, Your email address will not be published. So procrastination can get you and also what I call "Lack of sustained effort." We get in trouble when we get too rigid in our thinking as well, when we think there's just one way to do things. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get Church news and articles delivered right to your inbox. Designed for anyone and everyone, the manual and course are not meant to be a replacement for therapy, he emphasized, but rather an introductory resource for developing skills, building hope and experiencing healthy relationships. Which gets back to issues of self confidence. And we just have to reconceptualize what that blessing is. Other previously approved self-reliance courses include Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business, Education for Better Work, and Find a Better Job. Whereas these courses center on applying spiritual principles to more temporal needs, the new Emotional Resilience course focuses on fostering emotional and mental health. How do we describe this?" Big thanks to David Morgan for joining me on today's episode. Well, and I love how you say in that quote that I read that all of us have been pressed to our limits. Trying to just avoid all feelings, I think is not super helpful, because number one, you can't. So I wanted to start out, because in the book, you talk aboutyou open the book by talking about your personal response to COVID and the pandemic, and you write this which I thought would kind of set the stage for this conversation overallyou said, "Why do I tell you this experience? Your car can do that for about, you know, 30 seconds to a minute at a time, if you run that engine at 8000 RPM all day long, that engine is not going to last very long, because it's not designed to run that way. See all these other people that feel the spirit? And once the truck had another 1000 pounds in it he was able to pull out, he was able to have traction. unless you can have parades in the rain, right? But he said, you know, if you broke your arm, you would ask for a priesthood blessing, and you'd also go to a doctor. Were so grateful that an Apostle would address [mental and emotional health], and the fact that the Church has continued to see that as a need and come out with a course like this to help address those needs I think it just makes a great point that the Lord is mindful of us and that Hes putting forth the resources to bless His people, President Valencia said. The manuals and videos are available as follows: Read or download online at Thanks to Derek Campbell for his help with this episode. If you've had, you know, a vaccination, you know, that there's, sometimes there's some adverse reaction to it as your body's trying to deal with it. I know, several 1000 things that won't work.". And I remember thinking about that when I wrote that I thought you know, we can't bethere's a lot of ways we should be like the Fonz's but not like that. Saying, "Yes, I want to do that. And so when we get into situations where we experience failure, and we don't persist, then we don't gain the benefit from that. Absolutely. And my wife who really should be the psychologist, she's a genius, and she goes up there and she talked to him and she said, "Look, I don't care if you write it down, I don't care if you just get up there, say your name, and walk down," she says, "But you're gonna go, you're gonna do it, I want you to do this. 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. And I think that's what you described. I have been significantly impacted for the better from this course and have been able to apply many of these principles in various circumstances in my life., The program taught me so much about myself, how to process my emotions in healthy ways, and how to create intentional habits that lead to better wellness, said Alyssa Free, a young adult from Holladay, Utah. And it keeps growing, and it has grown immensely through this class.. And you wrote, "This is notable as spirituality has struggled to be recognized as a major factor in psychological studies. And then Heavenly Father will say, "Okay, you bet. For the purpose of facilitating the class, full resources can be found at Emotional Resilience is a 10-week course taught by Latter-day Saint volunteers. I know the Lord knew we needed the blessings found in the self-reliance groups at such a time as this., A prepared and thoughtful facilitator and fully engaged participants can create an environment where group members feel valued and cared for and where the Spirit can be present, states the manual. Do sleep medications increase your chances of dementia? And we all know a little thing about vaccines right now, that's a very, very applicable analogy. You know, you're just stuck because you don't know what you're about. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online, 16ae3c5ec227b62926e57481021412b44e0d0f2e.jpeg, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, 10f68afa729f7813745c54ed52b75f3395476da0.jpeg, dac7a40799d317ad82cc0d7e028b782d51fc5b4e.jpeg, 5b0218ee95f77b0ac812b8dce82cadcef542908a.jpeg, d7906dd5d56bdab0803d2e09c42c486d0b73401f.jpeg, de3cbb0f08ea8c5bd140eb7ed324f3ed2e35ccf2.jpeg, 2224d64673851197a3022808c67fdd3428eead2a.png, organizing virtual and in-person meetings. And he did not like swimming at all. And after about 10 yards, he's completely gassed, he just can't go any further. None of us are immune from lifes challenges all of Gods children around the world face stress and anxiety. There's pockets of stressors that happen and sometimes it affects whole nations, but to affect the whole world is interesting. The Church Office Building of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is pictured in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020. Doctrine and Covenants 6:36. Satan would love to have us believe that we cannot change. And now all that stuff is accessible to pretty much everyone. Because if I take this from you, then I have to erase this line, and you're not going to achieve this thing.". You don't feel the Spirit, there's something wrong with you." And you may not get an answer that moment, but I'm confident if you continually ask for that, if you're regularly ask for that, you are bound to have a tremendous spiritual experience where you feel Heavenly Father's love for you. I know, it's going to be more difficult to pull as a result, but this is going to make you stronger, because now you're pulling 50 pounds behind you instead of pulling zero pounds behind you. Becca Ekberg, a young adult from Sandy, Utah, recently completed the emotional resilience course and shared her experiences in a new Church video. 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Meeting virtually presents special challenges to maintaining full engagement, connection, and belonging. And we need to remember, this is a, like an ultra marathon that we're running here. 2023 The Regents of the University of California, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, Mental Health Topics and Online Resources, Clinical Fellowships and Training Programs, Research Fellowships and Training Programs, About UCSF Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Clinical and Educational Services Behavioral Health Grand Rounds, Samuel Barondes Lectureship in Biological Psychiatry, Evelyn Lee Visiting Scholar Lectureship in Cultural Competence and Diversity, Peter F. Ostwald, MD, and Lise Dechamps Ostward Lecture Series, Robert S. Wallerstein Visiting Lectureship in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Emotion Regulation and Grounding in the Midst of COVID-19, Feeling Extreme Emotions? . For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get Church news and articles delivered right to your inbox. It's amazing to think about, something we won't soon forget. And three of the roadblocks that I suggest were: misunderstanding our purpose, procrastination, and then lack of sustained effort. And again, just like we talked about before, we are going to have negative experiences, it's part of living in a fallen world. He was not a very strong swimmer. But if you've seen Toy Story 4 you remember, Bonnie makes Forky, right? And he gets asked to speak in Church when he's like 12 or 13, right, his first talk, and he probably had a panic attack, he's freaking out the night before. It's something I've been become very skilled at over the years. In Jane Claysons book, her amazing book on depression, Silent Souls Weeping, she talks about that, and how you just get to that point of feeling numb, and like no feelings are getting through, including feelings of the Spirit. We say, "Well, because of my situation"if it's a mental health issue"My anxiety, my depression," whatever it is, "These are all the things I can't do." And then kind of as a follow up to that, I mentioned this to you before we got on the line, but I have a friend who has struggled since she was in her late teens with anxiety, and specifically panic attacks, and recently kind of had a resurgence of these panic attacks, and she said that she felt like, as a result, she was shutting down and kind of trying not to feel anything. Campbell for his help with this two weeks. you say in that quote that I read that all nothing. 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