Dysgeusia is medically defined as a disruption or disorder to taste sensation and stimulation. While its extremely counterintuitive to add still more acid for a condition that seems to be caused by too much acid, when Alan Gaby, MD, author of Clinical Nutrition explains it, betaine makes sense. I cant stress enough about taking vitamins. Dr E. Hi Doctor, my mum have sjogrens syndrome and osteoporosis. 7. Because of my state of mind over this, I feel like I dont have time to waste. please how do i get this supplement as am experiencing the same symptom. As you know this is very frustrating. If youre in the Chicagoland area, our nurse practitioners Wendy Ploegstra and Katie McManigal would be happy to help, as would our functional medicine physicians Drs. Just looking to vent I guess. For example, I had one patient recently who had armpit odor only under one arm. Did you try the Betaine HCL? But there has been absolutely no improvement in a month and I never even had these symptoms to begin with (only losing my voice.) I have similar symptons like your client and I wonder if I have the same diagnosis. I explained that what she had was called hypochlorhydria, the medical term for when a persons stomach isnt producing enough acid to digest food. Metallic Taste in Mouth/Ammonia Breath When waste builds up in the blood it is called uremia. All rights reserved. in my area who could test me? Yeah I've been seeing a doctor recently, they finally referred me to a neurologist but it's a 4 month wait time. If it is positive, a short course of an antibiotic (Xifaxan) may actually be curative. Ive adopted several methods: Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I live in Australia,and really enjoy your articles. The metal mouth for me lasted about 2 months. Medication: Some over-the-counter and prescription medications can come out in the saliva or cause dry mouth. and what is the next step if it isnt SIBO? Required fields are marked *. Both Alyce and I often add digestive enzymes as well, and might also suggest beginning each meal with a teaspoon of bitter herbs to stimulate the bodys own acid and enzyme production. Potential causes if you're experiencing a bad taste in your mouth: Poor dental health: Improper oral care causes tooth decay, gum disease, or infection, causing a bad taste. Have used dexilant and other PPIs n nothing has worked. I will continue to see if taste improves, thanks, Susan. Cigarettes may aggravate the taste of metal. I hate it for him. The only person I have to talk to about this is my Chiropractor as my doctor has told me I definitely dont have low stomach acid!! I recently bought Betaine HCL 650mg w/ Pepsin. I then realized I had not experienced it since I had been sick. He has me taking 40 mg of omeprazole in the am and 140 mg Zantac before bed. But one possible red flag we've been hearing a lot about lately is missing from the catalog: a strange metallic taste in the mouth. I am anxious to try this supplement. This can be done by reaching out to our patient services folks at 773.296.6700. This problem graduated to a loss of smell and taste. Thank you! the sour taste not going away i have took prevacid for 2 months already. Good day I have GERD plus h pylori I am taking two antibiotics plus a PPI and probiotics but before this I was not responding to ppi I was having this bitter taste in my mouth that dried out my saliva give me throat pain now on these medication Im still having bitter taste in my mouth dry mouth and throat and pain are all the symptom caused by h pylori are a. I having bile reflux. Metallic taste in my mouth after first cervical adjustment at the Chiropractor is triggering me hard right now I've been having neck and shoulder issues that are causing some neurological symptoms like tingling and numbness along with alot of pain. A metallic taste in your mouth can be a side effect of food allergies, especially to such as shellfish or tree nuts. I have been taking lotronix and have a welcome relief from constant diareah, so I am hesitant to discontinue use of that drug. I cant enjoy food for it taste horriable. I also have had for more than 10 years a nasty, sour, acid, bitter taste in my mouth. When I turned about 30 years old I began having constant diarrah. The toxic taste worries me. I had had a mild stomach bug for a week and had not taken any of my meds. The strangest thing is that I have been gaining weight, even though I barely eat anything because of the bad taste and misery afterward. Need to take 4 times per day on an empty stomach for the first 1 to 2 months. Does this sound like something the Betaine HCL may be indicated for? Hi I have suffered with acid reflux since I was a child my would give baking soda for it.I a much older now and still suffer with the problem bitter taste bad breath when I talk people cover nose. would this supplement help her. As one . He was told he had alot of acid in his stomach. Hi Sierra. Hang in there and find people or sits to vent. Same here one morning i woke up so sick ans throwing up. I recommend calling the front desk and scheduling with one of our functional medicine practitioners; whomever has an opening soonest so you can get started. I would recommend you try the suggestions above; they are simple and safe when taken as directed. O 0. I have had a bitter taste in my mouth for more than ten years. Yes, switch to another med from Nexium which has indeed been associated with metallic tastes. My grandfather took just one betaine hcl w pepcin this evening and stopped taking his prilosec. By eating small meals, the vile taste would relent for a couple hours, but inevitably it would return. I've been going to physio for 6 weeks and he said going to a chiropractor might be beneficial with my neck. Id certainly try that before even considering surgical intervention. Trust the process. At first it was only once in a while but now it is a constant thing with me. Now my tongue and lips swell if I have them and hurt in my stomach. this tinny taste in my mouth wot can I take 2 get rid of it, its really distracting my daily duties pleade advise karon. Gallbladder removed about two weeks ago, last week had surgery to remove a kidney stone. Im now having this odd heartburn sensation followed by a bitter, rotten milk type taste and a feeling of being extremely bloated. Please help with any suggestions you can. Im feeling very brainfogged and feel my heart beating hard in my neck and head. As you might have guessed, because the job of PPIs is to reduce stomach acid, giving a PPI to someone with hypochlorhydria only makes matters worse, as it did when Claudia doubled her Nexium dose. Little red spots & white coating at back of tongue This website cannot substitute for professional medical advice. About four years ago I went to dr because I would bend over and just throw up for no reason. Elizabeth. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Cheers Carol. Otherwise, look for docs in your area that specialize in integrative and/functional medicine. I'd really like some help in finding a possible source so I can stop it entirely or at least a bit. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. He suggests calling to schedule a telemedicine visit with him. Best of luck in addressing your digestive concerns! If not, add digestive enzymes. Ive never had any of my patients tell me anything like this after an adjustment and while I have had some patients come in 2 or 3 times a week, never for months mostly just to get them out of the acute phase and train their nervous systems to hold their alignment. Post Edited (88keys) : 2/20/2012 1:22:21 PM (GMT-7) dencha. This started after taking Somac for just a few days. I have experienced this urine-like taste in my mouth for the past few weeks, but I do not have foul breath (though it constantly crosses my mind that I do have). My original correspondence was sent to you on Feb 1p, 2015. Im lost and not sure what is causing this taste. Im allergic to some foods and food sit in my stomach for a long time before digesting. I cut out most grains about a year ago and that seems to help. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. So I stopped. When a person notices a metallic taste in the mouth, it can be due to a number of factors, including changes in health, diet, or medication. May b worth talking to a consultant they can give u something for the bile, its like a liquid sounds like bile.issues in all. Tryed everything. all normal. I do have hypothyroid. Dr E. I have also suffered with a horrible taste but only the right side of my mouth. Eating has become a nightmare. Doctors dont help. Let then that I can eat anything. TIA I appreciate any/all responses. Okay fourth time. as being in breach of those terms. Some sites say before, others say in the middle and then others say after your meal. Also, it took about an hour to kick in and peaked for 4-6 hours. If you get some improvement, add Betaine, again with each meal. Does anyone here also have orange tongue with the bad tasting mouth? I found this article very interestingthanks Dr Edelberg, Hi Andrea You can read more about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidelberg_test, Best of luck to your daughter we hope all goes well with her. Last Fall I was going to Dr. that suggested that I try Chelation Support to help rid my body of possible metals that I may have been exposed to in the Gulf War. Signs and symptoms include metallic taste; garlicky odor; nausea; pain in gullet, stomach, or abdomen; vomiting; diarrhea; cough dyspnea; respiratory failure; headache; anxiety; hypotension tachycardia/bradycardia; myocarditis; hepatosplenomegaly; renal failure; coma; and others. flu-like illness with a metallic taste in the mouth, [online-vitamins-guide.com] Symptoms of metal fume fever include a metallic taste in the mouth, fever, headache, chest pain, and shortness of breath. These results confirm that metallic taste reports following oral stimulation with FeSO 4 are likely due to development of a retronasal smell, possibly following a lipid oxidation reaction in the mouth. My symptoms are daily bad taste in my mouth sour bitter and tingly feel on my tongue and mouth. Two weeks later i was having surgery removing my gaulbladder. I have been diagnosed with GERD, had a hietial hernia procedure and my gallbladder was removed. Ive researched digestive enzymes do u only need them if constipated a lot ? Reasons include medication use, hay fever, pregnancy, kidney. If I complain to my colorectal surgeon, he tells me to see my gastroenterologist,who. I too thought after surgery my nausea would disappear but I was wrong. Please be certain that you discuss using HCl your healthcare provider. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use You might try a month of using digestive enzymes and betaine with each meal. I get this salty horrible taste in mouth. I feel like everything will rip a hole in my stomach. Im dealing with the exact same thing right now. #2. Also, this may increase the risk of malnutrition for a patient recovering from surgery, ultimately impacting their state of overall well-being and quality of life. Had endoscope which showed very small hiatus hernia and barium swallow showing my oesophagus is weak so food is travelling back up and causing me to have this bitter taste in my mouth and I am often sick! It also says not to take if only eating a salad or fruit and mainly with protein (generally some sort of meat) so Im confused. It is helping my symptoms. I'm honestly just want some relief so I can eat. I think the lack of acid is my problem. Amie. Call the office for an appointment. I think I have low stomach acid and candidiasis overgrowth. Hi there my daughter (14 yo) suddenly started experiencing these symptoms last Friday. At times I also have dry lips and lip sores. Last updated on Oct 24, 2022. This can make food taste different and cause bad breath. The only smell I can detect is bitter and kind of rancid. Some side effects may not be reported. I dont enjoy any type of wine or alcohol, I am starting to find myself not enjoying my meals and I have a constant paranoia of bad breath. Hi there, Most days I have a really bad taste in my mouth and the only way I can describe it is that it's seems almost metallic in a certain way. She has refrained for 7 months plus on a low acid diet!! Why couldn't it just be one big burp and it'd be gone. Any advice would be appreciated, Hi Linda this definitely sounds like something we may be able to help you with, but it would require an in-depth conversation about your history, symptoms, tests that have been performed (and those that may not have been performed). believe me it helps and the nausea will ease up! I would like to speak to someone who knows alot about how to get rid of this awful taste. what do you think i might have? Ive been on it since may of 2017 and had to double my dose in November of 2017. I was scoped years ago and there was a little redness distally. I had diarrhea after eating a couple hours earlier and very bad stomach pains. Nothing shakes faith like multiple points of view. Nothing has helped me and no doctors have helped me. How are you feeling after trying the supplements. Buiret G, Thomas-Danguin T, Feron G Support Care Cancer 2022 Jul;30(7):5691-5702. When taken about 30 minutes before a meal, it converts into enough stomach acid to digest food. I am using the hcl with betaine and I am confused in when to take it. I cry when I don't feel good. Can I still take this Betaine with Barretts, Hi MK Gilbert Dr R when do u stop taking hcl supplements ? I did my research and talked to some doctors. Thank you Doctor for taking the time to read this. Thanks Dr. Edelberg for an incredibly informative and insightful narrative on GERD/acid production and the true nature of our digestive processes. it takes our body 3 to 6 months to get back to some what normal. Please help. Why is it so hard to get them to look past the anxiety it is causing and find a reason for the foul taste? I have a "metallic" smell in my nose when i sleep less over weeks. Use the betaine for a month with your dose schedule, stopping it if you develop heartburn or GERD symptoms. Your email address will not be published. He put on the thrush meds again, without even testing for it and gave me lorazepam for the anxiety. Geneine Lee Whiteman. About 7 to 8 months ago she start to have lasting salty taste in her mouth, the doctor cannot figure out why. Dry mouth Can you advise me on something else to try. I have many of the same symptoms as Claudia. You can get the test yourself here: For some people, betaine HCl works wonders for reflux. If you get partial relief from Reglan, theres a better version called domperidone, easily avalable in Canada but unavailable n the US. It sometimes makes me very nauseous. A headache, nausea, diarrhea, flushing, an unpleasant metallic taste, peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage to fingers and toes), or a rash are common side effects. No yeast infections most my life not now either.as that would be one sign associated with hyperchlorydia. Been trying different diets and testing foods, like staying . Hi Elizabeth Chemical exposures You can go to a good health food store or simply click on the links to the supplements in the article and be taken directly to our Natural Apothecary. Yes Virginia. This taste begins to vanish when the body processes the vitamins or medicine. A metallic taste is one of the first symptoms . and have your doctor switch you to carafate for the nausa! Like some days I'll get five hours of sleep and go into school and be I'll fine but then during the weekend with seven or eight hours of sleep, I'll get this taste in my mouth. It wouldnt hurt to give them a try to see if you improve (and then you wouldnt need the testing). It's an early sign of anaphylaxis, which can be deadly. I think your GI doc is on the right track. Ive tried the acid reflux medsthat ended in violent bouts of inconvenient diahreah. Youcould take your steroids in the AM with breakfast and the betaine with lunch and supper. Give it a good couple of weeks Susan and expect a gradual and incremental change. I have NO idea if this could actually be related to stomach acid issues in some way but I thought it wouldnt hurt to ask. Oh, I should have mentioned, I have also been burping a lot. Drugs.com provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. I dont know where to go from here I went back to dr for physical a week ago, and he said now that he thinks it is OCD! Play with decreasing the dose over time based on your symptoms. Once I took a tab of hcl, caused me to double over in excruciating pain. Were you able to figure out the root cause? About 9 years ago a dr prescribed LOTRONEX.i am constipated 24/7 but I am literally in heaven not having the paranoid fear of constant diarrah. The Heidleberg test (see link) for the amount of stomach acid you produce (or are failing to produce) Press J to jump to the feed. 1. Dr.E, She used to be able to eat fruit at that period of time (papaya / banana) but lately when she tried eating this the salty taste become worse same goes for when she eat fish or chicken. -Dr M, I am going through a very similar situation in Australia and yeast infections are practically smirked at or ignored. When blood breaks down, iron is released and causes a metallic taste in mouth. We are going on 7 months with this nitemare. Glad to know it will improve with time. I purchased some digestive enzymes on Amazon that had the highest reviews. If one has a central nervous system disorder, this can increase symptoms of altered or metallic taste long-term, and possibly permanently. I started introducing grains back in my diet but no wheat. This test specifically checks for methane. I have been absolutely miserable and stressed out for a month and no doctor has helped me. Can u take these along side hcl ? Note: This document contains side effect information about sucralfate. Are there known drs. My stomach isnt working right its like everything I eat causing it, I eat do healthy. I have really heavy periods. Actually it sounds like you might be dehydrated. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I then started vomiting more often and spending more days in bed, where my severe depression took a hold of me, and I just stopped eating because I was fighting severe stress at eating anything. Bitter taste in mouth developed after 3 months of Allicin (that was a month ago). I am hoping to get my HCL back on track as naturally as possible because stomach and intestinal diseases run in my family. The salty taste in mouth is improving. Hi Gall and Crystal! Not to disparage her gastroenterologist, but if hed seen the supplement, he would have had his own Aha! moment and understood why his Nexium made everything worse. These will stimulate his own digestive juices and facilitate digestion. Im also drinking 8oz. I was given two bags of IV solution and some meds to help the nausea. I have been to so many docs, holistic and otherwise, over the years. I try to suck peppermints or anything to try to get rid of this terrible taste in my mouth,but as soon as I finish,the taste is there again. Vaginal Candida overgrowth is a common side effect of hypochlorhydria because inadequate acid throws off the balance of good and bad bacteria, allowing yeast to flourish. not sure when i ovulated n still got a week or so till af arrives but got a metallic taste in my mouth that started 2day. Try a different juice, then a different atty. Hi Lori. I had an endoscopy (sp) and said my esposhagus door was tilted but otherwise fine. If you dont mind me asking, which brand of DGL are you using? It is disgusting like how i guess mold might taste after smelling it. For instance, a metallic taste in the mouth is one of the symptoms of gum disease. It also seems like food may not be digesting well. How do I get out of this? Any suggestions as to what might help me. Everything tastes horrible. He has beem to his gastro dr and has been scoped. The first symptoms I endured for months were of not properly digesting my food. Hi Susie, I have the exact same symptoms you describe. I tried taking a Pepcid and I had chest pain the next day. I had been on 2x40mg Somac and then same of Nexium for 3 months . Horrible bitter taste in my mouth. Hi Tracy 336. Oral hygiene is good.at my witz end please help! Would it be safe to try something like Plant Enzymes? Cancer Treatment. Wow,I have had these exact symptoms for the last four years; with the addition of head and sinus pressure, earaches, ringing in my ears. The only protein she can cope with at the moment is cashew nuts. Have you been seen by a WHC practitioner? The phase IV clinical study analyzes which people take Crestor and have Metallic taste. 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