Understanding the contours of traditions as they are today consists of picturing both what they are and what they can be against the backdrop of what they once were. Prior to colonization, there was scarcely any form of writing in the majority of African tribes and cultures. It is also the most diversified continent in the world. The ability of the Black community to call on the spirits and ways of its ancestors is crucial to its continu 3. In fact, the continent is the most diverse in the world. Each of these has its peculiar characteristics. Several African countries have good health care systems. An Ifa song warns those embarking on the pilgrimage to be pure and those who possess witchcraft not to embark on the pilgrimage. It is not unusual to see people living below the poverty line in nearly every country on earth. As scholars of the comparative study of religions in Africa, we must begin to rethink the study of African religion in the twenty-first century in order to avoid the continuous mis-assessment of the resilience of indigenous traditions. African Traditional Religion: A Definition (1973), Omosade Awolalu in Yoruba Belief and Sacrificial Rites and John Mbiti in The Concept of God in Africa (1970) are a few examples of postcolonial scholars of religion who have resisted and denounced colonial idea that Africans do not know God. All Religions has truth hidden in them for those who objectively seek them through the path of the religion. Myth: Slavery is a product of Western civilization. Mursi girl in Ethiopia. Every tribe and culture have their beliefs and way of life. Long before the arrival of Christianity and Islam, Africans practiced African traditional religion (ATR). Given our current impending ecological crisis, indigenous African religions have a great deal to offer both African countries and the world at large. Africa is not homogenous. Please note: Today as a minority tradition, indigenous African religions have suffered immensely from human rights abuses. So, while Africans easily adopt Western traditions, will the West also be willing to adopt African traditions? Du Bois argued . . Each transition has a function within the society. Perhaps its the abundant wildlife, scorching deserts, or the vast uninhabited plainlands. 4. Ceremonies of naming, rites of passage, death, and other calendrical rites embody, enact, and reinforce the sacred values communicated in myths. 53 offers from $9.56. Apart from a few instances in West Africa, where women actually ruled as kings, the designation queen was not often used in isolation from the position itself (which was defined in male terms). Ifa rejects the religious extremism of certain forms of radical Islam making life unbearable in todays world. South Africa, as a member state of the World Health Organisation, has been set on the path of institutionalising African traditional medicine. Corrupt government officials also capitalize on the generosity of the westerners to the point of looking like a panhandler. About | Commentary Guidelines | Harvard University Privacy | Accessibility | Digital Accessibility | Trademark Notice | Reporting Copyright Infringements 5.3.2 Intolerance and misconceptions about African traditional religion and Culture As already alluded, the stories told in Europe about Africa, the notion of racial and cultural superiority, and the notion of salvation, led to the western missionaries having a negative attitude toward African traditional religion and culture. According to the Global peace index, Malaysia, Botswana, and Ghana are among the top 50 most peaceful countries, beating the United Kingdom and the United States that were ranked 45 and 128 respectively. Required fields are marked *. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. However, since Africans are known for their excellent craftsmanship, these artifacts do tell the story of the ancient African empires. When it comes to cryptocurrencies, African countries are leading as well. Foreign aid has been helpful to many small African countries that are struggling economically. What is fascinating about this odu (Ifa text) is that it supports a key and cardinal principle of Ifa traditionthat we seek counsel first, before we perform divination (Imoram la nda ki a to da Ifa). Take for instance the story of poverty in Africa. So, why was it the negative stories about killing of twins that were promoted? African spirituality more generallyand Nigerian spirituality in particularis shaped by how individuals in their daily existence make sense of their interactions with religious experience. African traditional religious beliefs in East Africa. Priests, priestesses, and diviners are among the authorities who perform religious ceremonies, but the hierarchical structure is often very loose. African traditional religions are structured very differently from Western religions in that there is relatively little formal structure. With exception of those who take history classes, the majority of young Africans will fail to elaborately tell the story of their origin. A common stereotype about Africa is that the continent is poverty-stricken, full of corruption, and always at war. 11. It goes a long way to show that information is power and the way a story is told matters a lot. It is the religion which resulted from the sustaining faith held by the forebears of the present Africans, An article by BBC explains why Nigeria is a global leader in the Bitcoin trade. In many African communities, ____________ are qualified to navigate the delicate moral and social balance between the good and evil forces exerted on the human realm. So it is the responsibility of the religious leaders in these . During the colonial era, most of these traditional believes became a target of the colonial religion. Myth #2. In this essay, I attempt to refocus the centrality of indigenous religion, not only in defining African cosmology and an African worldview, but also in defining the African personality in the twenty-first century. Second, spirit beings occupy the next tier in the cosmology and constitute a pantheon of deities who often assist the supreme God in performing different functions. African people do not worship their deceased relatives or ancestors. When he heard that I came from Nigeria, he wanted to display his knowledge of Ocha tradition as a devotee of Oxhosi, God of Thunder in Afro-Brazilian heritage. In his interview with the New York Times, the theologian said, The days are over when we will be carbon copies of European Christians, Europe and America westernized Christianity. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. There are quite a number of revival groups and movements whose main aim is to ensure that the tenants and practice of African indigenous religion that are threatened survive. As in the Muslim pilgrimage, it is a solemn journey to the hilltop. Later in my academic life, I explored theoretical issues at the national level, showing how Nigerian civil religionan invisible faithprovided a template for assessing how we fared at nation building, allowing the symbols of Nigerian nationhood to take on religious significance for the Nigerian public above and beyond any particular cultural communities of faith.17 I do not want to be misunderstood here. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My earlier scholarship was propelled by the insight that the ideology and rituals of Yoruba sacred kingship are what define Yoruba civil religion and, indeed, the center of Yoruba identity.15 Sociologist Robert Bellah understands civil religion as the sacred principle and central ethic that unites a people, without which societies cannot function.16 Civil religion incorporates common myths, history, values, and symbols that relate to a societys sense of collective identity. Advocating for civil religion in a religiously pluralistic society does not require the erasure of conventional religious traditions. c. medicine men and women. The culture believes and traditions of the people of Africa is vast and should not be oversimplified in a stereotypical way. Many centuries ago, Ifa must have envisaged the possibility of Boko Harams Islamic extremist movement ravaging Nigeria today. Religion occupies a reasonable space in the life of the traditional African/Igbo people. Religions of the African diaspora are of particular note and importance to the comparative study of African religions because of their resilience and the characteristic formations leading to their performance and expression. Religions such as Candombl, Vodun, Santeria, and the Caribbean and Orisa tradition historically came about from African transactions with the new world and the old Euro-Christian worldview. Again, this isnt true. It is misleading to say "Africa" when speaking about a specific tribe, ethnic group, or country in Africa. Africa is poor. Scholarship has since proved, however, that the tenacity of indigenous religion is evident in all spheres of African life. Ritual practices are central to the performance of African religion. In this postcolonial period, it has come to be established that there is what we may call . Whatever it is, the assumption that Africa is lacking innovation is laughable. The area of study is Buganda in Uganda. It is incorrect to assume that conversion to Islam or to Christianity dealt a deathblow to indigenous traditions. In this way, the visible and invisible are in tandem, leading practitioners to speak about all objects, whether animate or inanimate, as potentially sacred on some level. Ironically, this pivotal source of knowledge and spiritual edificethat modern-day Yoruba reject as constituting paganismis the cornerstone of global Orisa traditions in Brazil, Cuba, and the Caribbean. In response to this verse, Ifa defines its own pilgrimage tradition in the rituals of the climbing of Oke Itase (Ifa Hill), the home of Ifa, when the Araba of Ifa in quiet solitude leads the devotee to the top of the sacred temple of Ifa. African religion supplies knowledge to live by and also a transfer of tradition, worldview, ethical orientation (principles of what is right or wrong), an ontologya way of life. In my research into Ifa narratives, I showed how, in the Ifa worldview, a traditional banking system was created and made possible when Aje, a Yoruba goddess of wealth, visited Orunmila, god of divination, to seek tips on how to keep robbers from stealing her spurious wealth, for which the added task of securing it was becoming quite burdensome. Morocco and Algeria are typical examples of this misconception. He clarifies that there is a close relationship between all things with one reality, and no distinction between physical and spiritual, adding that meaning in life is derived from unity. .title-desc-wrapper .post-title {display: none !important} Today, several myths are mixed with facts in describing African traditional religion. It should be noted that any attempt to generalize about the nature of "African religions" risks wrongly implying that there is homogeneity among all African cultures. Copyright 2023 President and Fellows of Harvard College. Reclaim the Ancestral Traditions of African Religion! It is misleading to say Africa when speaking about a specific tribe, ethnic group, or country in Africa. Such dismissal has been based on the misconception and assumption that indigenous Bapedi . African Traditional Religion and medicine are integral parts of life and culture of the Africans and have greatly influenced their conceptions about human health and wholeness. African Religion is not Ancestor Worship. For African-American parents, transmitting an awareness of cultural values and norms . Get it as soon as Wednesday, Oct 26. My essay Om ptadran, an Africanist Griot: Toni Morrison and African Epistemology, Myths, and Literary Culture, in. Please follow our Commentary Guidelines when engaging in discussion on this site. The orthodox Easternize it. A frica has 54 countries and more than a billion people. 15. These one-sided stories or reports are among the major roots of stereotypes and myths about Africa. For example, in many African cultures, intending couples MUST perform both traditional and white weddings. Africa is the target of western stereotypes. The problem of Africa isnt wealth but the unequal distribution of wealth. Among its one billion inhabitants, more than 1,000 languages are spoken, and there is a massive variety of ethnic religions. 2. African Traditional Religion is the traditional religion of the African people before the coming of Islam and Christianity. Women constitute a sizable number of the devotees of these traditions, just as they do in Islam and Christianity. To the outside world, however, far too much of . Whether one agrees or disagrees with the practice, it is important to note that not all female initiations involve circumcision, and that the rituals associated with initiation are crucial to ensuring that an individuals social position is affirmed by both family and community. Photo: Pinterest. However, western culture has blurred to an extent the lines between African tribes. Slavery and World History. 1. Kofi Johnson Fayetteville State University kjohnson@uncfsu.edu. It is practiced around the world but there is no accurate count of how many people are Voodooists. Furthermore, many in places like the US and the UK have converted to various traditional African religions, and the importance of the diaspora for these religions is growing rapidly. Paperback. African Traditional Religion: An Examination of Terminologies Used for Describing the Indigenous Faith of African People, Using an Afrocentric Paradigm by Nana Osei Bonsu, B.Ed. That is why we have freewill, and regardless of whether we choose to acknowledge that a living God exists or not, and regardless of how we choose to worship Him, directly or through deities, we will all be eventually accountable. Here Are the Top Ten African Volunteer Programs, 9 Traditional African Music Instruments And Their Origin, 8 Traditional African Sports That Should Be In the Olympics, economic forecasts predict the rapid growth in the African Market, 10 Traditional African Hairstyles And Their Origin. One of the most ridiculous myths about it is that homosexuality did not exist in the continent until white men imported it. Although it is difficult to generalize about African traditional cosmology and worldviews, a common denominator among them is a three-tiered model in which the human world exists sandwiched between the sky and the earth (including the underworld)a schema that is not unique to Africa but is found in many of the worlds religious systems as well. 6. Even in areas of Zimbabwe with easy access to Western-type delivery care, the majority of women are cared for and delivered by traditional birth attendants who are members of their extended family. A porous border exists between the human realm and the sky, which belongs to the gods. As the late African historian Cheikh Anta Diop argued, matriarchy was embedded in the African way of life. While some Christian mission historians, such as J. D. Y. Peel, for example, correctly argue that the Yoruba had their own enlightenment (Olaju), this is always presented in the context of Christian conversion and is very much tied to the escalating Christian missionary movement. This article analyses the legal processes of recognising customary and religious (Muslim) marriages in South Africa's constitutional democracy. A proper ongoing study of Ifa in West Africa would enable us to understand how one groupthe Yoruba of West Africaencounters transcendence and the sacred in practicing their tradition in ways radically different from Western constructions of religion. This statement isnt true. African leaders are also investing heavily in diversifying the economy. Her growing fascination led to an Emerson Foundation-funded research project this summer, titled "Demystifying African Religion." However, this was never a generally accepted idea. The much-cited dictum by the doyen of African religious studies, the recently deceased John Mbiti, that "Africans are notoriously religious" still holds true (though I prefer to use the word "deeply"). Depending on the kind of religious activity being performed, different religious authorities can be leaders for specific events. Unique Beliefs, and Too Many Misconceptions Traditional native sweat lodge with hot stones inside . . These stages characterized European perceptions of human evolution. These 11 Traditional African Clothing Will Help You Identify Ethnic Groups At A Glance, 10 Facts And Myths About African Traditional Religion - African Vibes, 10 Prominent Ways Africans Showcase Their Culture, 10 Traditional African Dances That Showcase Africa’s Rich Culture, more than 3000 ethnic groups, and 2100 unique languages, the most diversified continent in the world, 30 % of the earths remaining mineral resources, Thinking Of Volunteering? Similarly, there are others like Henry Louis Gates who has appropriated images of the Yoruba deity of Esu in his own work. War in Africa, either political or religious is mostly isolated cases. nanseezy@gmail.com Teaching Assistant, Department of History University of Cape Coast, Ghana "The essence of neo-colonialism is that the State which is subject to it is, in theory, independent and has all the outward . Countries like Senegal, Mali, and Burkina Faso that are close to the Sahara desert have the Sahel climate. Myth: Slavery is a product of capitalism. .pagination {display: none !important} Its almost as if pre-colonial Africa never existed. Marriage customs in Africa vary from one tribe to another. Traditional African religions are less of faith traditions and more of lived traditions. Responding to this erasure of African indigenous religion as a productive and generative practice, scholars rallied in opposition. . One of the more fascinating conversations that has emerged in the debate about African indigenous traditions is about the central role of women as bearers and transmitters of the traditions, and also the negotiation of gender dynamics. Jul 26, 2007 #1. Because it enables us to theorize questions of syncretism and hybridization and, more importantly, raises the issue of why African religion is flowering and spreading in the Americas, especially in the United States, while it is declining in Africaa phenomenon that we need to understand. There are few religions as globally misunderstood as African traditional religions. Divination enables us to recognize how indigenous traditions have a foundation upon which knowledge and knowledge production is developed. Correcting Misconceptions About African Traditional Religions. Although the slaves accepted Roman Catholicism, they did not give up their traditional beliefs either. African indigenous religions provide strong linkages between the life of humans and the world of the ancestors. In one particular odu of Ifa, Ifa informs us and, correctly so, that the most cardinal event of the hajj is the climbing of Mount Arafat (Oke Arafa). 3. Some biblical cosmological narratives have parallels in African cosmogony, for example, when the Supreme Being summons the hosts of heaven and declares to them, Come let us make man in our own image. This same script appears in the creation of the Yoruba world, when Olodumare designates to the Orisa (deities), the job of creating the universe. Hence to call African traditional religion ancestral worship would cause problems in the study of ATR. Indigenous Bapedi music and oral tradition have been dismissed as myth, superstition and primitive stories. Hence, the aforementioned rituals are the entry point not only for an understanding of African tradition and religions but also for the visible manifestations and essence of African religious traditions. It is a well-known fact that religion continues to play a central and vital role in the lives of African people. 2,269. The stories of violence, kidnapping, religious and political war in Africa are so common. In fact, Africa is a vast continent encompassing both geographic variation and tremendous cultural diversity. There is a common saying in Africa Dont forget where you come from. It deals with their cosmology, ritual practices, symbols, arts, society, and so on. Finally, it suggested that Afrocentric terminologiesis . Myth 3: Africa Is Lacking Innovation. Indigenous religions are definitive of the African identity, as African religion and cultures provide the language, the ethos, the knowledge, and the ontology that enable the proper formation of African personhood, communal identity, and values that constitute kernels of African ethnic assemblages. In digging up facts I found that, while many Africans say that homosexuality is un-African, African culture is no stranger to homosexual behaviours and acts. One could argue that colonization began with mental slavery. For example, James George Frazer (18541941) and Edward B. Tylor (18321917) classified indigenous religious practices of natives not as universally religious or generative of religious cultures but as forms of primitive religion or magic arising from the lower of three stages of human progress. Connecting With Your Ancestors (African Spirituality Beliefs and Practices) Monique Joiner Siedlak. During the era of Western religious and cultural encounters in Yorubaland, some children were named Oguntoyibo, signifying Ogun (god of war and iron) is as powerful as the European god. Some children received names such as Ifatoyinbo, Ifa is as powerful as the white mans god. Such names and concepts illustrate the force and creative resistance of indigenous thought and its ability to engage Western modernity in rigorous debate. African religions do not rely on a single individual to be a religious leader, but rather depend on an entire community to make the religion work. The challenge is to study faith, proverbs, traditions and mythology across Africa to identify the fragments of religion passed down as oral traditions and mythology in the great . There are so many interesting facts about Africa that you dont see every day. have recognized the important ways in which "African" and "religion" are western constructs involving both misconceptions and changing perceptions, especially concerning religion (Ray:2000). In the case of the Yoruba kings and their people, sacred kingship formed a sacred canopy that sheltered the followers of each of the three major traditionsIslam, Christianity, and African traditional religionforging bonds of community identity among followers of the different traditions. Each of the more than 50 modern . These leaders through greed and corruption ruin the image of their countries. The truth is that people in some African countries lack access to education and resources, but they make the most of what they have. Humans are thus able to maintain constant and symbiotic relations with their ancestors who are understood to be intimately concerned and involved in their descendants everyday affairs. They certainly represent interpretive traditions, and, when carefully studied, they form a solid foundation for theoretical frameworks used to study and decode these religions in our scholarship. Traditional African religions are less of faith traditions and more of lived traditions. Hence the misguided notion that Africans are corrupt. The unending political banditry and fraudulent activities by some individuals are the foundation of this stereotype. African religions, religious beliefs and practices of the peoples of Africa. 4.8 out of 5 stars. African traditional religion refers to the indigenousor autochthonousreligions of the African people. Despite conversion to Islam or to Christianity, Africans continue to accommodate an indigenous worldview that occupies a vital space in the African consciousness. 8. Africans who follow a traditional religion rely on no scriptures, canonical texts, or holy books to guide them. Information was passed down mostly by oral communication in the form of folk tales. Esu was represented as a stone mound in the front yard of ancient Yoruba compounds. They are less concerned with doctrines and much more so with rituals, ceremonies, and lived practices. Traditional African religions are not stagnant but highly dynamic and constantly reacting to various shifting influences such as old age, modernity, and technological advances. I ran into a co-resident, a famous Swiss author. Indigenous traditions, however, did not capitulate to these forms, but, rather, creatively domesticated the new faiths, absorbing new rituals and tenets into their own belief systems and responding to the exogenous modernity in its wake. Investors are moving to take advantage of the African market. In certain contexts and communities we have many documented instances of the central role of goddesses as founders of traditions, builders of kingdoms, and saviors and defenders of cities and civilizationsfor example, Moremi in Yorubaland, Nzinga in Angola, and Osun in West Africa. Furthermore the issue of whether ATR should be called in singular or plural is another issue causing problems in the study of african tradional religion. Therefore for these people, twins were treasures. Because religion is a way of life, it relates to culture and society as they affect the worldview of the African people. Like Mbiti and Green, Magesa notes that the world of African Traditional Religion is a hierarchically ordered place where, God is seen as the Great ancestor, the first Founder and the Progenitor, the Giver of Life behind everything that exists. The African tradition of female circumcision is the ritual of the rite of passage from girlhood into the realm of womanhood. Initially, Christian missionaries and propagators of Islam assumed that indigenous religion would eventually fizzle out, while Islam and Christianity would dominate the African religious scene. In many African countries a range of beliefs and attitudes underpin these alternative explanations. These are also stories about how the world was put into place by a divine power, usually a supreme god, but in collaboration with other lesser supernatural beings or deities, who act on his behalf or aid in the creative process.11 The mechanisms and techniques of creation vary from story to story and from one tradition to another. 7, The Spirits, in his, One must resist the structuralist temptation that views myths as static, unchanging, and simply the productions of a peoples imagination about the cosmic order. Each ceremony denotes passage from one social status to another and is an opportunity to celebrate the initiates on their journey. Giving opportunity to stereotypes like Africa are poor and Africa is corrupt. Just as Muslim traders and sojourners introduced new world religions to North and West Africa, Western traders and missionaries introduced new world religions to the continent. .entry-morefrom {display: none !important} Traditional African religions are not stagnant but highly dynamic and constantly reacting to various shifting influences such as old age, modernity, and technological advances. Acceptably, this was a cruel act of ignorance, but like many other stories about African countries, this story is often generalized. African religions command their own cultural ingenuity, integral logic, and authoritative force. This is the popular assumption amongst many African theologians of which Maluleke (1994) is one example. These traditions are not religious principles, but a cultural identity that is passed on through stories, myths and tales. On the other hand, the Yoruba people encountered Europeans in dialogue rather than monologue. African traditional religion, and that researcher a should "bracket" their faith and prejudicethey might have about Africa and its people. Another false impression often given about African religions is that women do not play any central or leadership roles in the performance of African religious traditions. Because of this, rituals were done to prevent the birth of twins which the people believed to be an anomaly. Perhaps this is linked to the idea that Africa has an inadequate or substandard health care system. Advertisement. In summary, it is not every part of Africa that is hot. Ifa defines Yoruba humanity, providing responses to critical issues of its communities. But Ifa divination predates Western modernity. The Bambara and Malinke people of Mali believed that the primordial beings were twins. Let's begun by saying that ATR, refer to the indigenous religious beliefs and practices of Africans. The oral nature of these traditions allows for a great deal of adaptability and variation within and between indigenous African religions. At the same time, forms of orature such as the Ifa tradition amongst the Yoruba, can form important sources for understanding the tenants and worldview of these religions that can serve as analogs to scriptures such as the Bible or the Quran. The story of Mary Slessor and the killing of twins is popular. Igbo religion is traditional according to Mbiti (1970), in the sense that it is rooted in their culture.It is received by oral authority by one generation and transmitted by the same process to subsequent generations and, thus, has effect of being widely diffused among its adherents and of deeply coloring their consciousness. When I was in Israel a few years ago, I stayed in a modest bed-and-breakfast inn near the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 7. This article was originally published by Oxford University Press on May 16, 2014. If you take these reports at face value, you may start to believe that all Africans are poor. Another misbelief about Africa is that all Africans are the same. This is based on misconceptions that these religions are antithetical to . Similarly, indigenous religion, worldviews, and rituals such as rites of passage and other religious performances are permeated by other religions, culture, and society in general. Embarking on the generosity of the world at large the late African historian Cheikh Anta Diop argued, matriarchy embedded! Primordial beings were twins Bambara and Malinke people of Mali believed that the continent is poverty-stricken, full of,!, in are moving to take advantage of the Yoruba deity of Esu in own! Major roots of stereotypes and myths about it is the ritual of the devotees these! 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