You can eat the fruit and you wont have to pay for it!. The Church, speaking about the body of Christ, is not exempt from the influences of this spirit. First Prayer Tactic: Piercing the cloaking. Be my help and my shield, Lord. Login Sign Up No one has submitted a prayer yet. We pray that the lawlessness in our nation, which reflects an anti-Christ spirit, and a spirit of violence, would cease. 5. Recently there has been clear evidence that the Radical Left in the form of Antifa and Radical Islam in the stronghold of ISIS are in fact working in collusion with each other. Send the Holy Spirits fire of revival to the churches. Satan will deceive masses of people, just as he did Eve, by convincing them of a subtle but powerful lie: God doesnt punish for sin!. Amen. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and mold me as You desire. Although not reported in much of the USA news media, interestingly this article from Great Britain gives us some insight into the activities of Antifa: Department of Homeland Security has reportedly been warning about growing threat of violence between left-wing anarchists and right-wing nationalists since early 2016, Lucy Pasha-Robinson @lucypasha Sunday 3 September 2017 23:00 BST. Everything seems empty and blank. Forgive me of all my sins and forgive America of hers. This spirit of lawlessness is rampant in our nation today. In addition, this demonic power of lawlessness is also at work in the strongholds of Radical Islam. Ask for angels to HELP in this structure of lawlessness that is operating in this part of the earth. Lord, I pray that every door I have opened that has allowed witchcraft to come into my life is closed. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Rebellion Jesus, my awesome Savior, I worship You. Fourth, this will lead us into an engagement with the human beings through whom the high level demons are working. Please continue to meditate on this prayer for . You are truly a compassionate God though we do not deserve it, we implore You to let Your mercy triumph over the judgment we deserve. Purge any moral errors from my soul, dear Lord, and walk close to me all the days of my life. A Spirit of Lawlessness. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I do try and pray for the police and firemen whenever I see them pass while i am driving.Every morning I pray for those in authority, especially the government and the criminal justice system (1 Timothy2:1-4). Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Greed My Righteous Savior, You say the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil. We are reaping the harvest of lukewarmness, prayerlessness, ignorance of the Bible, lack of diligence, disobedience, worldliness, and slumber. Let us thoroughly repent, turn from our wicked ways, then He will heal the land. Let my charity be such as to offend no one, and hurt no one's feelings; so . The enemy uses lawlessness to prevent or Amen. For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead mens bones and all uncleanness. How do we plan for our kids future when parallel things like this are taking place? This development could increase the conflict taking place in Europe. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Doubt Jesus, my Rock and my Redeemer, You died on the cross because I fell short of the glory of God. Banish every spirit who follows Abaddon, a destroying demon, from my life. Christine S. February 24, 2023, 11:19 am. Psalm 91 is our only refuge as things will continue to get worse. I feel the darkness all around me and cannot sense Your presence. Christ Jesus, I come before You and ask for protection from the spirit of corruption. As we move into receiving the guidance for all this, we have been led again and again to pray, Lord, expose which high level demonic spirits are at work capitalizing on human sin and human ideological movements. The word keeps coming, This is the hidden power of lawlessness that is already at work in the world. This is based on 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12; study the whole section for the full import. A few of you intercessors may be led to engage at this higher level. being without law; uncontrolled by a law; unbridled; unruly; unrestrained: lawless passion, a state of disorder due to a disregard of the law, anarchy, a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government). And any nation that cosigns this kind of lawless behaviour will also get a good drink of Your Wrath Oh fact You said Lord God that they shall drink their belly full, they shall go around babbling sounding like complete idiotic fools as they swallow down the full measure of Your punishment that You Yourself are going to Weld upon them The spirit of lawlessness, a spirit that despises authority and that cultivates chaos. I have subscribed to his show the and find them extremely insightful. My Southern ancestors owned over a hundred African slaves on our plantation, so this has been a deeply personal work that I must do. Subdue my raging hormones and flow Your mighty power through me to make me strong. Fix my eyes on others. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evil in this world, and the enemy constantly tries to tear us apart from God by putting evil into our hearts and minds. Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. ), Your email address will not be published. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. New American Standard Bible Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. She said it was frightening. In Jesus name. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 (NET). Eternal Lord it is your church who is in rebellion, everyone is to have a song, word, hymn, teaching, prophesy ETC Your church is far from its foundation of Jesus first and being led by the Spirit, I pray you bring conviction on your church and turn it around, and then the rest of the nation and the world will quit rebelling. Thank you for the victory, Father. Precious Father, let not the spirit of division prosper in my household. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This ministry is part of the great wave of the Holy Spirit that is advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ world wide. Father I repent of any sins of Unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger, envy, Jealousy, unbelief, fornication etc. Take back the heart of the families, the heart of communities, the heart of Law according to You. Dangerous spiritual warfare prayers My God, roll away every stone of hardship and slavery from my life, in the name of Jesus. Power of discipline, overtake me now in the name of Jesus. Your email address will not be published. Oh, Jesus, drive every spirit of immorality, dishonesty, and deception from the devil out of my life. You alone are everything I need. They are those of the Radical Marxist Left, especially in its virulent and violent expression of Antifa. Of course many of these young criminals will end up in prison, but in many cases, that will just mean they will learn how to be even better criminals from those they are incarcerated with. What is Repentance? In Jesus Name, Amen. We need You Father. For that day will not arrive until the rebellion comes and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction. 2. You are the God of revival, what You have done there, You can do anywhere. Forgive our sin and violence. This shows that the "Comforter"the Holy Spiritwas sent to bring repentance, a change of direction, a turnabout in one's life. All I ask you to do, is to agree with me as I pray, and together we will seek our Heavenly Father. Just considerthese numbers: After a week that saw President Trump and his foes toss toxic words at each other, there is now a warning that the next phase could be violence.. Restore us to Your Law and Order, remove the chaos and confusion from the minds of our youth and clearly show them a better way, Your way. Fix my eyes on You and Your word. Ben Bergquam with Real America's Voice News announced the chilling discovery through a mobile phone video that The Lord had been leading me to provide prayer cover for this young and courageous prophetic voice in our nation. May Your light bring truth and justice once again to this land, not for any goodness of ours, but so that You alone will be glorified and honored as the one true God! The Spirit of Might. Your email address will not be published. Take away from me the desire to party and get drunk. The incident happened at the store on the 1800 block of South Street in the Graduate Hospital section of the city. Pueblo, CO 81008 Release me from the darkness. You are so righteous and holy, oh Lord. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Anxiety Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, Your servant Joshua marched around the walls of Jericho, and the walls fell. From A reporter discovered three deer that were deceased along the bank of a creek that runs south from East Palestine, Ohio, and into the Ohio River on Monday. 4. I also pray that The Church will pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 until You come with Your Spirit and Power bringing a mighty change within. In the name of my resurrected Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Sometimes the guidance will come as a direct command to pray for that particular person. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Abaddon (Destruction) Lord God, my Shield, You are the one who cast out the angels who disobeyed You from heaven. Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Where sin abounded, This is the characteristic of the spirit of lawlessness -- deception -- and it must, and will be destroyed, by the coming of Jesus, the Son of Man who destroys the destroyer of earth. Turn off the news, Turn off the frequency of Satanic Music and Negative News. Therefore, the mystery is one of lawlessness acting without law or restraint. 3. In Jesus name. In Jesus holy name. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Fear. Prayer against the Spirit of Fear /Overcome Fear/Scripture prayer against fear & anxiety/No more FearThis prayer is inspired by Holy Spirit for people who ar. Increase my trust and faith that You alone are God, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good, and the creator of heaven and earth. I command every spirit of bad ending to be bound in every area of my life, in the name of Jesus. Help me to get over myself. Lets pray for peace. Shield me from the temptations of the flesh that hit me from every direction in my daily life. Amen. Amen. Show me how to fill the void and emptiness that I feel with Your love, instead of with food. alter your agenda, Lord. His grace never leads to license and always leads to repentance!. It was higher for Democrats, 91%, than Republicans, 61%. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Anger O God Enthroned on High, You are so powerful, God. Biden Loan Forgiveness Plan Before High Court Today. For those who teach have an unbearable responsibility to exercise your truth while delivering your grace to the repentant soul. Praise the Holy One who has the power to restrain lawlessness. Fill us with Your grace so that we can overcome our natural tendencies to fight and be destructive towards each other. Jesus, clear my head. They are fitting into the larger demonic scheme of utilizing the Marxist/Hegelian dialectic to generate anarchy so that the Marxist vision of society can be imposed. 9 I will not accept a bull from your house or goats from your folds. Calm our minds and remind us that we are stronger together than apart. Forgive us, listen and act. Strangle the spirit of depression that has overtaken me. Pray for the voice of God to be heard from the church concerning justice (Psalm 72:2; Spiritual Warfare Team is committed to creating an atmosphere for the holy spirit to ignite and evoke your spirit to obtain the power to pray. Guide my actions so that I do not put myself in a situation where I am tempted. Help me to focus my life on becoming closer to You and being an example of You to others. Yes, it is hard for the righteous to overlook these things. And with your spirit. Jesus, Your Scripture says: the devil entered Judas, then he betrayed You. I have been led to do the same thing at other events. In Jesus name. King of the Universe you are Holy and you are a God of Order! Required fields are marked *. this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. To read more please visit our website: Lawlessness showed up in the streets through violent protests and riots, but now evangelism is happening all across the nation in the same places. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. In agreement, I pray for parents to wake up to the Truth of the Bible and raise children to respect life, respect parents and teachers, give honor to God in their lives from an early age. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. 3. Paul says this deception will come because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved (verse 10). For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. Let my weakness be penetrated with Your strength this very day that I may fulfill all the duties of my state conscientiously, that I may do what is right and just. There are other factors at work in leading us to this discernment: Laura told me that she had watched a video of students at the University of Wisconsin shutting down the freedom of speech at a lecture that Ben Shapiro was giving. Thank You for taking those nails in Your hands. Please share! I nullify you in the name of Jesus. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Fear Lord Jehovah, Self-Existent One, today as I walk on Your beautiful earth, deliver me from the spirit of fear. I propose it's the same spirit of lawlessness that is driving the rebellion in many Christians who refuse to follow state and local mask and social distancing mandates. Lawlessness has gained a foothold. They were still there a few hours later, and so the president of the . Lord our Father, our mighty helper and light in the darkness. Give me the self-control to not seek revenge, but to trust that You will avenge me on Your own time. This lawlessness is a direct result of the four walls church buildings going astray- which is why the Lord God will be judging them first before Joel 3, valley of Jehoshaphat on unbelievers take place. Stop me from focusing on my issues, my feelings, and what I want. Flow Your power through me so that I run the race of this life to receive the eternal prize of being with You in heaven. As you can see fromvideo footage of the incident, the young people seemed to take great joy in the crimes that they were committing. In Jesus name. So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. He then adds, For this [reason], God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie (verse 11). Let the wisdom from Your Word protect me from the spirit of debauchery, which roams the earth like a lion waiting to devour Your people. Let us be a witness of Light in the dark. Absence of justice is lawlessness - the spirit of Antichrist. Amen and Amen. And the truth is that in many instances, our prisons are completely and utterly out of control. THEY DO NOT DESERVE IT. He has a razors edge of what I find to be balanced and justified critique that spares no issue and no leader including President Trump. 8 Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you; your burnt offerings are continually before me. I cannot do this on my own. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Delusion King Jesus, I worship You. Crucify all forms of greed in my life to the cross. Here is one of the many articles to be found on the web about their plans: Big -Tent org is tied to crowds supporting violent revolution and notorious terrorist groups, Posted October 20, 2017 04:25 PM by Jordan Schachtel. It feels very much to me like we are entering into the hour of the power of darkness where if Satans plans are not stopped, there can be terrible consequences for the nation. Digest what it means to be lawless. Concerning the last days, Jesus said, "And because iniquity [lawlessness] shall [multiply], the love of many shall [grow] cold" ( Matthew 24:12 ). Precious Holy Spirit, I have had enough drunkenness and wild parties in my life. Jesus, You remind us that our time on earth is short and that laziness will lead us to our demise. Do we live in a bubble- no. Amen. Protect me from this evil, and through Your resurrected Son, drive out all spirits of witchcraft from my life. Give us this day our daily bread. As we cry out to God in distress the Lion of the Tribe Of Judah will ROAR on our behalf! we thank You for what You are doing in Asbury. Thwart their plans, put the fear of God in their hearts so they might turn from the enemy who keeps them captive to his evil plans. Protect me from eating when I am no longer hungry and abusing my body with an excess of food. The most powerful antidote for the times we are living in is to strengthen our "prayer muscles." Make me into a righteous child of God. In Jesus name. Removing the leader from the core of Satans stronghold through conversion to faith in Jesus Christ. But soon theyll actively seek out a message of easy grace. Fourth, usually it is during events taking place in the natural realm that one begins to identify both the leaders and the nature of the demons at work. I think lawlessness is perhaps the best word to describe what is happening, and many believe that what we have witnessed so far is just the beginning. Required fields are marked *. The Spirit of the Lord. Hear our crys Lord, we want order and peace restored in America today. In the end, the ICE officials left, and the illegal immigrant got away. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Oppression Compassionate and Gracious God, I love You and adore You. The Spirit of Counsel. So far, I have not been called into this direct engagement with the high-level entity suggested in 2 Thessalonians to be Satan himself. You can post a prayer to share with others. You say You will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear. Declare Your holy truth over my spirit, soul, and body. Prayer Targets Pray into 1 John 3:4 ~ Pray that a spirit of repentance would be sent by the God of Israel upon the nations and into the churches! I have so much respect for the good law enforcement officers across the country who put their lives on the line day after day to protect all of us, but I wouldnt want to be in their shoes at this point. In Jesus name. Exalting Jesus Christ! Amen. The violent video sparked outrage when it was shared online. 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