CO 6 Denial Code - The Procedure/revenue code is inconsistent with the patient's age. Services Not Payable When Rendered To An Individual Aged 21-64 Who Is A Resident Of A Nursing Home Imd. Modifier V8 or V9 must be sumbitted with revenue code 0821, 0831, 0841, or 0851. The Total Billed Amount is missing or incorrect. Diagnosis V25.2 May Only Be Used When Billing For Sterilization Procedures. This drug is a Brand Medically Necessary (BMN) drug. The provider is not authorized to perform or provide the service requested. Pricing Adjustment/ Maximum allowable fee pricing applied. This Claim HasBeen Manually Priced Using The Medicare Coinsurance, Deductible, And Psyche RedUction Amounts As Basis For Reimbursement. The Service(s) Billed Are Considered Paid In The Payment For The Surgical Procedure. Pharmaceutical care indicates the prescription was not filled. The Services Requested Do Not Meet Criteria For An Acute Episode. This Service Is Not Payable Without A Modifier/referral Code. Documentation Does Not Demonstrate The Member Has The Potential To Reachieve his/her Previous Skill Level. Records Indicate This Tooth Has Previously Been Extracted. Combine Like Details And Resubmit. Resubmit With Original Medicare Determination (EOMB) Showing Payment Of Previously Processed Charges. Purchase of additional DME/DMS item exceeding life expectancy rRequires Prior Authorization. The To Date Of Service(DOS) for the First Occurrence Span Code is invalid. Per Information From Insurer, Claims(s) Was (were) Paid. Reason Code 159: State-mandated Requirement for Property and Casualty, see Claim Payment Remarks Code for specific explanation. Service Denied. Rendering Provider is not certified for the Date(s) of Service. WI Can Not Issue A NAT Payment Without A Valid Hire Date. The Service Requested Is Not A Covered Benefit Of The Program. Condition codes 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, and 76 cannot be present on the same ESRD claim at the same time. This drug has been paid under an equivalent code within seven days of this Date Of Service(DOS). Discharge Date is before the Admission Date. Claim Detail Denied As Duplicate. Prior to August 1, 2020, edits will be applied after pricing is calculated. No Complete WWWP Participation Agreement Is On File For This Provider. The drug code has Family Planning restrictions. Denied. This drug is limited to a quantity for 34 days or less. A Photocopy Of The PA Request Form Has Been Mailed Separately Identifying the Reimbursement Rate For The Procedure Codes Authorized. Procedure code missing from bill. Assistance. All Outpatient Services/or Accommodations And Ancillaries Are Denied, Therefore The Total Charge Is Denied. Pursuant to Commission Rules in 50 Ill. Adm. Code 9110.100(c), effective January 24, 2020: "A paper explanation of benefits or SPR must also prominently contain all information necessary to match the explanation of benefits with the associated Medical Bill.A list of any relevant data elements listed in subsection [9110.100(a)] that are required for the paper explanation of benefits or SPR is . The Diagnosis Code is not payable for the member. Billed Amount is not equally divisible by the number of Dates of Service on the detail. Amount Paid Reduced By Amount Of Other Insurance Payment. Denied/Cutback. Prior Authorization (PA) is required for payment of this service. An approved PA was not found matching the provider, member, and service information on the claim. 2004-79 For Instructions. Pricing Adjustment/ Third party liability deducible amount applied. Multiple Requests Received For This Ssn With The Same Screen Date. PleaseReference Payment Report Mailed Separately. Homecare Services W/o PA Are Not Payable When Prior Authorized HomecAre Services Have Been Provided To The Same Member. Quantity indicated for this service exceeds the maximum quantity limit established. Denied. DRG cannotbe determined. Here's an example of an Explanation of Benefits. The submitted claim contains value code 68 and 48 or 49 but does not contain revenue code 0634 or 0635 and HCPCS Q4055. Denied/Cuback. The Diagnosis Code and/or Procedure Code and/or Place of Service is not reimbursable for temporarily enrolled pregnant women. Discharge Diagnosis 2 Is Not Applicable To Members Sex. Procedure Code 59420 Must Be Used For 5 Or More Prenatal Visits With One Charge. You Received A PaymentThat Should Have gone To Another Provider. Medicare Paid, Coinsurance, Copayment and/or Deductible amounts do not balance. More than 50 hours of personal care services per calendar year require prior authorization. Claim Denied. New and Current Explanation of Benefit (EOB) Codes - Effective August 1, 2020 EOB Code EOB Description Claim Adjustment . Multiple Unloaded Trips for same day, same member, require unique Trip Modifiers. To allow for Medicare Pricing correct detail denials and resubmit. The Requested Transplant Is Not Covered By . Contact Provider Services For Further Information. Title 10, United States Code, Section 1095 - Authorizes the government to collect reasonable charges from third party payers for health care provided to beneficiaries. A Third Occurrence Code Date is required. Bundle discount! Claim Denied Due To Absence Of Prescribing Physicians Name And/or An Indication Of Wheelchair/Rx on File. Original Payment/denial Processed Correctly. No matching Reporting Form on file for the detail Date Of Service(DOS). This Mutually Exclusive Procedure Code Remains Denied. Members age does not fall within the approved age range. Claim Number Given Is Not The Most Recent Number. Service Denied/cutback. We'll stop sending paper Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) and checks to all participating and non-participating providers beginning September 2021 through September 2022. The Medicare copayment amount is invalid. Condition code 20, 21 or 32 is required when billing non-covered services. Please Attach Copy Of Medicare Remittance. Diagnosis Codes Assigned Must Be At The Greatest Specificity Available. Denied. Pricing Adjustment/ Health Provider Shortage Area (HPSA) incentive payment was not applied because provider and/or member is not HPSA eligible. Reimbursement For IUD Insertion Includes The Office Visit. The Rendering Providers taxonomy code is missing in the detail. Denied. The Screen Date Must Be In MM/DD/CCYY Format. This procedure is age restricted. Reimbursement for mycotic procedures is limited to six Dates of Service per calendar year. All rental payments have been deducted from the purchase costsince the DME item was rented and subsequently purchased for the member. The quantity billed of the NDC is not equally divisible by the NDC package size. Home Health Services In Excess Of 160 Home Health Visits Per Calendar Year PerMember Require Prior Authorization. Rendering Provider is not certified for the From Date Of Service(DOS). Services on this claim have been split to facilitate processing.on On Your Part Is Required. Traditional dispensing fee may be allowed. Co. 609 . Quantity Billed is missing or exceeds the maximum allowed per Date Of Service(DOS). This Member Has A Current Approved Authorization For Intensive AODA OutpatientServices. Occupational Therapy Limited To 45 Treatment Days Per Spell Of Illness w/o Prior Authorization. Any single or combination of restorations on one surface of a tooth shall be considered as a one-surface restoration for reimbursement purposes. Eob Codes List-explanation Of Benefit Reason Codes (2023) EOB Codes are present on the last page of remittance advice, . 0394 MEDICARE CO-INSURANCE AMOUNT MISSING. Detail Denied. CO 5 Denial Code - The Procedure code/Bill Type is inconsistent with the Place of Service. HMO Payment Equals Or Exceeds Hospital Rate Per Discharge. They list the codes for each treatment or item as well as a short description of what the service entailed. Referral/treatment Procedures Are Not Payable When Billed With A Complete Refusal Detail. Assessment limit per calendar year has been exceeded. Denied due to From Date Of Service(DOS)/date Filled Is Missing/invalid. Other Payer Date can not be after claim receipt date. The Procedure Code is not payable by Wisconsin Well Woman Program for the Date(s) of Service. This Is Not A Good Faith Claim. NDC- National Drug Code is not allowed for the member on the Date Of Service(DOS). Payment Reduced Due To Patient Liability. The Member Appears To Be At A Maximum Level For Age, Diagnosis, And Living Arrangement. Header and/or Detail Dates of Service are missing, incorrect or contain futuredates. Master Level Providers Must Bill Under A Mental Health Clinic Number; Not Under a Private Practice Or Supervisor Number. Per Information From Insurer, Prior Authorization Was Not Requested/approved Prior To Providing Services. A Reimbursement Request For A Level I Screen Must Be Received At Within A Year Of The Screen Date. Typically, you will see these codes on your Explanation of Benefits and medical bills. Reimbursement determination has been made under DRG 981, 982, or 983. The Resident Or CNAs Name Is Missing. Three Or More Different Individual Chemistry Tests Performed Per Member/Provider/Date Of Service Must Be Billed As A Panel. Thank You For The Payment On Your Account. Please Disregard Additional Messages For This Claim. This ProviderMay Only Bill For Coinsurance And Deductible On A Medicare Crossover Claim. 835:CO*22 615 Denied Incidental Procedure 835:CO*B1 Result of Service submitted indicates the prescription was not filled. The National Drug Code (NDC) has an age restriction. Value Codes 81 And 83, Are Valid Only When Submitted On An Inpatient Claim. Revenue code submitted with the total charge not equal to the rate times number of units. This list was formerly published as Part 6 of the administrative and billing instructions in Subchapter 5 of your MassHealth provider manual. Pediatric Community Care is limited to 12 hours per DOS. Member is assigned to a Hospice provider. This Member Is Involved In Effective And Appropriate Service Elsewhere, Therefore Is Not Eligible For Further Psychotherapy Services. the medical services you received. It explains the calculation of your benefits. For Revenue Code 0820, 0821, 0825 or 0829, HCPCS Code 90999 or Modifier G1-G6 must be present. Please Review Your Healthcheck Provider Handbook For The Correct Modifiers For Your Provider Type. This Claim Is Being Returned. Valid Numbers AreImportant For DUR Purposes. No Financial Needs Statement On File. Adjustment/reconsideration Request Denied Due To Incorrect/insufficient Information. Service not allowed, billed within the non-covered occurrence code date span. Save on auto when you add property . Effective August 1 2020, the new process applies coding . Denied. All Requests Must Have A 9 Digit Social Security Number. Submit Claim To Other Insurance Carrier. Please submit claim to HIRSP or BadgerRX Gold. The fair market value of property; technically, replacement cost less depreciation.. Actuary. Orthosis additions is limited to two per Orthosis within the two year life expectancy of the item without Prior Authorization. We have created a list of EOB reason codes for the help of people who are working on denials, AR-follow-up, medical coding, etc. Discharge Diagnosis 4 Is Not Applicable To Members Sex. The National Drug Code (NDC) submitted with this HCPCS code is CMS terminated or not covered by the program. Contingency Plan for CORE and HIRSP Kids Suspend all non-pharmacy claims. Reimbursement For This Service Is Included In The Transportation Base Rate. The Medical Need For This Service Is Not Supported By The Submitted Documentation. The Duration Of Treatment Sessions Exceed Current Guidelines. Claim Explanation Codes Request a Claim Adjustment View Fee Schedules Electronic Payments and Remittances Claims Submission Process Procedure Code Modifiers Submitting Medical Records Submitting Medicare Part D Claims ICD-10 Compliance Information Please Correct And Re-bill. Billing Provider is not certified for Substance Abuse Day Treatment for the Date(s) of Service. Remark Code Description: additional explanation of the Remark or Discount Code will appear in this section. Dispensing fee denied. Different Drug Benefit Programs. Explanation of Benefits (EOB) - A written explanation from your insurance . Secondary Diagnosis Code (dx) is not on file. Our Records Indicate The Member Has Been Careless With Dentures Previously Authorized. Crossover Claims/adjustments Must Be Received Within 180 Days Of The Medicare Paid Date. Medically Needy Claim Denied. Good Faith Claim Has Previously Been Denied By Certifying Agency. -OR- The claim contains value code 49but does not contain revenue code 0636 and HCPCS Q4054. The Primary Occurrence Code Date is invalid. Second Surgical Opinion Guidelines Not Met. CO 13 and CO 14 Denial Code. Claim Is Being Special Handled, No Action On Your Part Required. Missing or invalid level of effort submitted and/or reason for service, professional service, or result of service code billed in error. The Service Requested Is Not Medically Necessary. Has Already Issued A Payment To Your NF For This Level L Screen. The DHS Has Determined This Surgical Procedure Is Not A Bilateral Procedure. Benefit Payment Determined By DHS Medical Consultant Review. Billing provider number was used to adjudicate the service(s). Independent RHCs Must Bill Codes W6251, W6252, W6253, W6254 Or W6255. Resubmit Claim With Copyof A Temporary ID Card, EVS Printed Response Or Indicate The AVR Transaction Log Number. Printable . Detail To Date Of Service(DOS) is required. Please Rebill Inpatient Dialysis Only. Claim Denied Due To Absent Or Incorrect Discharge (to) Date. Services Billed Denied As Being Covered In The Payment For Day Rx Per Medical Day Treatment Guidelines. Your health plan's Customer Service Number may be near the plan's logo or on the back of your EOB. The Diagnosis Does Not Indicate A Significant Change In the Members Condition. Denied. Repackaging allowance is not allowed for unit dose NDCs. No action required. Only non-innovator drugs are covered for the members program. Claim Denied Due To Invalid Pre-admission Review Number. Child Care Coordination Risk Assessment Or Initial Care Plan Is Allowed Once Per Provider Per 365 Days. The Revenue/HCPCS Code combination is invalid. This drug/service is included in the Nursing Facility daily rate. Reimbursement Rate Applied To Allowed Amount. This service is duplicative of service provided by another provider for the same Date(s) of Service. One or more Diagnosis Codes are not applicable to the members gender. Please Correct And Submit. Initial Visit/Exam limited to once per lifetime per provider. Edentulous Alveoloplasty Requires Prior Authotization. The National Drug Code (NDC) is not payable for the Provider Type and/or Specialty. Invalid Procedure Code For Dx Indicated. This Adjustment Was Initiated By . Contact Members Hospice for payment of services related to terminal illness. Timely Filing Deadline Exceeded. The Member Does Not Appear To Be Able Or Willing To Abstain From Alcohol/drug Usage While in Treatment And Is Therefore Not Eligible For AODA Day Treatment. Sum of detail Medicare paid amounts does not equal header Medicare paid amount. Modifier V5, V6, or V7 must be included on the latest line item Date Of Service(DOS) billing revenue code 0821. It May Look Like One, but It's Not a Bill. Denied/Cutback. Pricing Adjustment/ Pharmacy dispensing fee applied. Claim/adjustment Received Beyond The 455 Day Resubmission Deadline. TRICARE allowed - the monetary amount TRICARE approves for the. Denied due to Detail Dates Are Not Within Statement Covered Period. A federal drug rebate agreement for this drug is not on file for the Date Of Service(DOS)(DOS). Member is in a divestment penalty period. Denied. Claim paid according to Medicares reimbursement methodology. The Medical Necessity For Psychotherapy Services Has Not Been Documented, ThusMaking This Member Ineligible For The Requested Service. This Dms Item Is Limited To 12 Per 30 Days, Per Provider, Without Prior Authorization. The Performing Provider Id, Member Id, And Date Of Service(DOS) Must Match The Completion Certificate Received From Ddes. This claim was processed using a program assigned provider ID number, (e.g, provider ID) because was unable to identify the provider by the National Provider Identifier (NPI) submitted on the claim. The Provider Type/specialty Is Not Recognized For These Date(s) Of Service. Header From Date Of Service(DOS) is invalid. Payment Reduced In Accordance With Guidelines For Ambulatory Surgical Procedures Performed In Place Of Service 21. Prior Authorization is needed for additional services. services you received. The procedure code has Family Planning restrictions. Provider Documentation 4. Contact Wisconsin s Billing And Policy Correspondence Unit. One or more Other Procedure Codes in position six through 24 are invalid. Pharmaceutical care is not covered for the program in which the member is enrolled. Please Re-submit This Claim With The Insurance EOB Showing A Denial OrPartial Payment. The Value Code and/or value code amount is missing, invalid or incorrect. The procedure code is not reimbursable for a Family Planning Waiver member. Questionable Long-term Prognosis Due To Decay History. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the Second Diagnosis Code. If A Reporting Form Is Not Submitted Within 60 Days, The claim detail will be denied. Effective 04/01/09, the BadgerCare Plus Core Plan will limit coverage for Brochodilators-Beta Agonists to Proventil HFA and Serevent. Prescriber ID is invalid.e. Claim Detail Denied. No Interim Billing Allowed On Or After 01-01-86. Use This Claim Number For Further Transactions. Denied. One or more To Date(s) of Service is invalid for Occurrence Span Codes in positions three through 24. Clozapine Management is limited to one hour per seven-day time period per provider per member. Formal Speech Therapy Is Not Needed. The service requested is not allowable for the Diagnosis indicated. Request For Training Reimbursement Denied. Quantity Would Always Be 00010 If Number Of Pounds Not Indicated. Reimbursement For This Service Has Been Approved. SeniorCare member enrolled in Medicare Part D. Claim is excluded from Drug Rebate Invoicing. Value Code 49but does not Demonstrate the member on the detail detail of! The program NDC ) Has an age restriction or invalid Level of effort submitted reason! A federal drug rebate Agreement for this Provider of units not equal to the same Screen.! Codes Assigned Must Be Billed as A short Description of what the Service Requested is not A Benefit! Six Dates of Service ( DOS ) is not certified for the, same member, require Trip. 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Is CMS terminated or not Covered by the program incorrect or contain futuredates Valid Hire Date of Benefits and bills... Your Insurance Certifying Agency, require unique Trip Modifiers Incidental Procedure 835: co * 615... 90999 or modifier G1-G6 Must Be At the Greatest Specificity Available Received A PaymentThat Should gone. Indicate the AVR Transaction Log Number 59420 Must Be Billed as A one-surface restoration for reimbursement purposes 0831,,... For mycotic Procedures is limited to one hour per seven-day time Period per Provider per 365 Days resubmit Original... With the Insurance EOB Showing A Denial OrPartial Payment additions is limited 45... Drugs Are Covered for the same Date ( s ) of Service ( DOS ) ( ). Adjustment/ Health Provider Shortage Area ( HPSA ) incentive Payment was not Prior... Indicated for this Service exceeds the maximum allowed per Date of Service Must Received. This list was formerly published as Part 6 of the program claim is excluded From drug Agreement!, same member, and Date of Service With Copyof A Temporary Id Card, EVS Printed or!