The River Otter is a river that rises in the Blackdown Hills just inside the county of Somerset, England near Otterford, then flows south through East Devon. Wild Furbearer Management and Conservation in North America. North American river otter A pair at the San Francisco Zooin 2005 Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[1] CITESAppendix II (CITES)[1] Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Mustelidae Genus: Lontra Species: L. canadensis Binomial name Lontra canadensis (Schreber, 1777) [34] A 1994 river otter study reported findings of beaver remains in 27 of 1,191 scats analyzed. 1987. Photo Credit: U.S. North American river otter inhabitation is affected by type, distribution, and density of aquatic habitats and characteristics of human activities. EDITORIAL. When river otter presence was unknown in a county, which could occur where there is no harvest or monitoring effort (i.e., arid or remote regions), we recorded presence in those counties as unknown.' River otters were legally harvested in 40 states as of 2016. Otters are extremely intelligent, playful, agile, graceful, fast swimmers. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Consequently, many wildlife management agencies developed strategies to restore or enhance otter populations, including the use of reintroduction projects. They have short legs, webbed feet for faster swimming, and a long, narrow body and flattened head for streamlined movement in the water. As of 2016, only two additional states had conducted reintroductions (New Mexico and North Dakota) since Raesly's (2001) previous assessment and Utah was the only state that had reintroduced river otters since 2010. Nathan M. Roberts, Matthew J. Lovallo, Shawn M. Crimmins; River Otter Status, Management, and Distribution in the United States: Evidence of Large-Scale Population Increase and Range Expansion. Responses for population trends included increasing, stable, or decreasing (although we did not specify the timeframe). The female otters do not dig their own dens; instead, they rely on other animals, such as beavers, to provide suitable environments to raise their offspring. [20], The mothers raise their young without aid from adult males. Fish and Wildlife Service, through the Division of Scientific Authority, housed in the International Affairs Program, has routinely determined that the export of river otter pelts and products from the United States has not been detrimental to their viability, thus satisfying the conditions of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora agreement (Bowman et al. Table S1. The river otter Lontra canadensis is an elusive species that can serve an important role in aquatic ecosystems as a top predator of fish and crayfish. Even the otters at the zoo have chosen their own latrine sights. Their gestational period can last anywhere from two months to one year, as otters are capable of delayed implantation. [2008], and Roberts [2010]). [53] A study conducted on North American river otters in a southwestern Arkansas swamp identified a correlation between crayfish consumption, fish consumption, and water levels. The otters migrated to North America and southwards again across the Panamanian Land Bridge, which formed 3Mya. Even fast-swimming fish like trout slow down in extremely cold water, leaving them vulnerable. For many furbearers, including river otter, harvest-based data are the only information available with sufficient sample sizes large enough for robust analyses (White et al. Otters can travel several miles over land to reach another body of water to set up new territories. River otter status, management, and distribution in the United States: evidence of large-scale population increase and range expansion. (c) Diddlecome Dawcock, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND). These hydrodynamic members of the weasel family are voracious predators. Daniel Toole, Wildlife Biologist, Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. Probably present statewide in association with rivers, creeks, and lakes, especially open water bordered with wooded habitat. The North American river otter, a member of the subfamily Lutrinae in the weasel family (Mustelidae), is equally versatile in the water and on land. The Cahaba River is one of the most biodiverse waterways on Earth. North American river otters are mainly fish eaters. The North American river otter (Lontra canadensis), also known as the northern river otter and river otter, is a semiaquatic mammal that only lives on the North American continent, along its waterways and coasts. North American river otters were hunted and trapped extensively for their fur in the 19th and 20th centuries, and are still hunted in some places. In 1980, an examination conducted on U.S. river otter populations determined they were locally extinct in 11 states, and lost significant population in 9 other states. The Lower Alabama River begins at the Claiborne Lock and Dam and runs south 72.5 miles through Monroe, Clarke, and Baldwin counties where it joins the Tombigbee River. A river otter can grow three to four feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters) long including its tail and weigh between 11 and 30 pounds (5 to 14 kilograms). The North American River Otter has a long, sleek body with a long, tapered tail covered in short, dense dark brown fur. It can tolerate a great range of temperature and elevations. TheNorth Americanriver otter (Lutra canadensis) is a member of the weasel family. [41], Delayed implantation distinguishes the species from the European otter, which does not do this. [16] Each otter pup weighs approximately five ounces. The gestation period is only about two months after this delayand litter size is one to five pups, usually two, between February and April. Other restoration efforts were conducted to bolster existing river otter populations and to expand otter distributions and provide connectivity within states that had existing, but not ubiquitous, river otter populations (Table 1). Washington, D.C. 750 pp. They have been virtually eliminated through many parts of their range, especially around heavily populated areas in the midwestern and eastern United States. They have small, round heads with small eyes and ears and prominent whiskers. Similarly, we estimated that river otters occupied approximately 5,000,550 km2nearly 63% of the land area of the contiguous United Statesand that the potential river otter range was approaching 5,556,200 km2. [30][32] They are less likely to be prey for the North American river otters since they are fast-swimming and can find good escape cover. ); and Ictaluridae, which consists of bullheads and catfish (Ictalurus spp.). [39] Remains of the much larger North American beaver have been found in North American river otter scat in some regions, although most otter dietary studies in areas where otters and beaver live near each other do not show them to be regular predators of beavers (despite the claims of fur-trappers that otters frequently hunt beavers) and perhaps only young beaver kits may be attacked. A river otter chews on a chunk of raw fish during feeding time at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa in 2021.. [47] In Canada, North American river otters occupy all provinces and territories, except until recently Prince Edward Island. Herein we provide an updated account, as of 2016, of river otter population status and distribution in the United States and discuss conservation priorities. Their ears are small and almost inconspicuous. Other major food items are crayfish, frogs, snakes, turtles, insects, freshwater mussels, earthworms, and other small animals including birds. [58][59][37][60], Threats to North American river otter populations in North America vary regionally. Diet: Primarily consumes fish, mollusks and other invertebrates. Mink, Muskrat, Otter, and Striped Skunk. [34] However, many other studies did not report any findings of North American beaver remains in the scat sampled. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA). (c) Smithsonian Institution, some rights reserved (CC BY). CREATIVE. River otter Lontra canadensis population and regulatory status, population monitoring methods used, intent and outcome of reintroduction efforts, and frequency of harvest regulation reviews in 49 states (Hawaii excluded) within the United States in 2016. River otters can be found swimming all over in the state's creeks, lakes and ponds. In the past, their soft and attractive fur could be sold for a decent amount of money. They have long bodies, short limbs, and rich glossy coats. [32][50] Susceptibility of these species is greatest during the summer (when waterfowl broods are vulnerable) and autumn. 351 pp. in hatcheries or other fish culture facilities). [34][36][55], Records of North American otters preying upon North American beavers (Castor canadensis) vary; it has been reported in the southern boreal forest of Manitoba. We assessed geographic distribution in each state based on a county basis; Alaska does not have county jurisdictions, so we gathered information via a phone interview to assess geographic distribution (Alaska Department of Fish and Game, personal communication). North American river otters rely upon play to learn survival skills such as fighting and hunting. The Ontario Trappers Association, 1150 pp. Furthermore, because river otters serve as a biomonitor for banned organochlorine pesticides in Illinois, a tool such as SVR used to inform researchers about optimal months for scat collection may facilitate the use of scat for chemical analysis and potential identification of individual otters via genetic profiles from scats (Carpenter et al . The playful North American river otter is well adapted for semi-aquatic living. [29] In Georgia, crayfish accounted for two-thirds of the prey in the summer diet, and their remnants were present in 98% of the summer spraint. River otters are totally protected in 17 states. Of the 40 states that incorporate harvest management programs, the majority used data from regulated harvest seasons (e.g., surveys of trappers, estimates of trapper effort, or collection of biological samples to estimate demographic and health parameters) to monitor river otter populations and to ensure that harvest levels were sustainable. The cessation of wide-scale reintroduction activities may suggest that the majority of suitable habitats are currently occupied by established river otter populations. Therefore, fish are more vulnerable to being preyed upon by otters because the crayfish have become more difficult to obtain. The river otter is protected and insulated by a thick, water-repellent coat of fur. Birmingham, AL 35223. Specific threats include predation, pollution, and cars. Take the Clean Earth Challenge and help make the planet a happier, healthier place. [12], Molecular biological techniques have been used to determine when the river otter and the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) of South America diverged. [56] Trappers in Alberta, Canada commonly assert North American river otters are major predators of North American beavers. Are otters endangered in Alabama? River otters generally live alone or in small social groups. Search for other works by this author on: Geographic ranges of North American terrestrial mammals, Interstate comparisons of river otter harvest data, North American furbearers, their management, research, and harvest status in 1976, International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, [ESRI] Environmental Systems Research Institute, International trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora, The North American model of wildlife conservation, Ecology of river otters in West Central Idaho, Wild mammals of North America: biology, management and conservation. River Otters are good swimmers and divers, able to stay underwater for up to eight minutes. Estimated range of river otters Lontra canadensis in the United States during 2016 compared with 1998 (estimated from Melquist et al. The river otter is protected and insulated by a thick, water-repellent coat of fur. Male North American river otters do not seem to be territorial, and newly dispersing males may join established male groups. River Otter Quick Facts. Found at DOI: (38 KB XLSX). As of 2016, >4,000 river otters have been translocated to 23 states in one of the most ambitious and extensive carnivore restoration efforts in history (Erb et al. The dens have entrances underwater so they can be easily accessed from the water. We also thank the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies for logistical assistance. Litter size ranges anywhere from one to five pups. Moreover, a western Oregon study revealed fish remains were present in 80% of the 103 digestive tracts examined. Twentyseven states, including Alabama, have trapping seasons, and four states and two provinces Methods of population monitoring included bridge surveys (presence vs. absence track surveys conducted at bridge crossings), harvest surveys, bowhunter surveys, camera surveys, winter track surveys, population models from harvest data, harvest effort, and agency field questionnaires (for detailed descriptions of these methods, we direct readers to Chilelli et al. They feed on crayfish, crabs, fish, birds, small mammals, and some aquatic plants. ), daces (Rhinichthys spp. The River Otters are smaller and weigh between 10-30 pound. In some regions, though, their population is controlled to allow the trapping and harvesting of otters for their fur. The Birmingham Zoo North American river otters are Slim, a male weighing in at 8.0kg (17.5 lbs), andLenora, afemale weighing in at 7.3kg (16 lbs.). The mammals have thick, protective fur to help them keep warm while swimming in cold waters. Its tail is furred but longer and more streamlined than a mink's. The otter's face is roundish, almost dog-like. Figure S1. Catch-per-unit effort, population models, and presence vs. absence indices, such as bowhunter surveys and track surveys, were used less frequently (Table 1). Males sometimes form a group with other young males until breeding season; otherwise a group of otters is typically a female with her young pups or pups from the previous litter. Even in larger bodies of water, river otters may take disproportional advantage of any seasonal concentrations of fish when and where only very limited areas of suitable spawning, low-flow, or over-wintering habitat may exist. [38][40], When left unchecked, though, otters can be significant predators under certain circumstances (e.g. [26][34][36][50] Otters consume more aquatic insects in the summer as the populations increase and specific life stages heighten their susceptibility. We contacted wildlife management agencies from all states in the contiguous United States during 2016 via email (Figure S1, Supplemental Material), and Alaska via phone, targeting agency personnel that were responsible for river otter management. Sea otters have the amazing capacity of being able to eat up to 25% of their body weight in food . They prey most often on slower fish, such as catfish, carp and sculpins. At about two months they begin to venture out of the den to play and to learn how to swim and hunt. 2015). North American river otter populations span the North American continent from east to west, extending across 45 states from southern Florida to northern Alaska and all Canadian provinces except Prince Edward Island. [33] Crustaceans (crayfish), where regionally available, are the second-most important prey for otters. [1] The North American river otter existed on all parts of the Pacific Coast, including the seashore and inland streams and lakes. Otter play mostly consists of wrestling with conspecifics. Jurisdictions that have harvest are afforded more monitoring opportunities through harvest-dependent data sources, such as catch-per-unit effort, distribution of harvests, and sex and age-structure of harvests. You can copy this taxon into another guide. The den typically has many tunnel openings, one of which generally allows the otter to enter and exit the body of water. They can thrive in any water habitat, such as ponds, marshes, lakes, rivers, and estuariesin cold, warm, or even high-elevation areasas long as the habitat provides adequate food. Most (n = 31, 63.3%) states used multiple methods to monitor river otter populations. (2003) suggested that in 1998, as a result of wetland conservation and restoration efforts, river otters had expanded and inhabited approximately 90% of their former range. Only one state, Utah, had conducted river otter reintroductions since 2010. A groundbreaking bipartisan bill aims to address the looming wildlife crisis before it's too late, while creating sorely needed jobs. Adult body weights vary greatly, but normally range from 11 to 33 pounds. As populations have expanded, river otter reintroduction efforts have become less frequent; two additional states had conducted reintroductions since 1998 and only one state had conducted a reintroduction since 2010. Citation: Roberts NM, Lovallo MJ, Crimmins SM. While current harvest strategies do not pose a threat to maintaining otter populations, harvest may limit expansion of otter populations in some areas. We surveyed state wildlife agency experts regarding 1) the legal status of river otters in their state, 2) the statewide river otter population trend, 3) the results of reintroduction efforts (if applicable), 4) the population status of river otters since reintroduction efforts, 5) the method(s) of river otter population monitoring, 6) how frequently adjustments are made to harvest regulations (if applicable), 7) and the geographic distribution of river otters in their state. This reach of the Alabama River is located within a 30-minute drive of hotels, restaurants, service stations, and grocery stores in Monroeville, Grove Hill, and Jackson. Their fur is dark brown over much of the body, and lighter brown on the belly and face. [33] Specific species of reptiles and amphibians prey include: boreal chorus frogs (Pseudacris maculata); Canadian toads (Bufo hemiophrys); wood frogs (Rana sylvatica);[34] bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana); green frogs (Rana clamitans);[36] northwestern salamanders (Ambystoma gracile); California giant salamander (Dicamptodon ensatus); rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa);[33] and garter snakes (Thamnophis). Chilelli et al. In the wild, their lifespan is approximately 8 to 9 years; in captivity it increases to about 15 to 20 years. [16] The dental formula is The majority of these projects were implemented in the mid-1980s and were completed by the late 1990s; only two states (New York and Pennsylvania) were actively engaged in reintroductions during 1998 (Raesly 2001). Their tails are muscular, dorsally flattened and tapered. Questions concerning river otter reintroductions assessed the purpose(s) (e.g., reestablish extirpated populations, bolster existing populations, or expand river otter range beyond current distributions) and outcomes (e.g., expanding, stagnant or geographically restrained, decreasing, or unknown) of reintroduction efforts. [34][50] Invertebrates discovered within scats or digestive tracts could most likely be a secondary food item, first being consumed by the fish that are subsequently preyed upon by the North American river otters. More than one-third of U.S. fish and wildlife species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. Lutra was the early European name (from Latin), and the specific epithet canadensis[9] means "of Canada". 2630 Cahaba Road Mink are also semiaquatic animals and look the part, just like otters. The tail makes up approximately 40 percent of the otters total length, which ranges from three to four-and-one-half feet. Official Web Site of Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 2023 Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 64 N. Union Street, Suite 468 - Montgomery, Alabama 36130, Physically Disabled Hunting and Fishing Trail, If you are one of the As per the North American Model of wildlife conservation, river otters are held in the public trust by the government and are managed by state and federal agencies as well as by native tribes (Mahoney and Geist 2019). 2003). The river otter was included as an Appendix II species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora in 1977 as a result of concern that endangered otter species, such as Pteronura brasiliensis, could be misidentified as river otter because of a similar superficial appearance, which could lead to unintentional trade of endangered species; however, it is important to note that the river otter itself has never been considered a globally threatened or endangered species (Greenwalt 1977). The smallest otter species is the Asian small-clawed otter, and the largest species, with two tied for first, is the giant otter and the sea otter. Although populations may continue to increase numerically, river otters may be approaching their potential maximum geographic distribution in the United States. Typically near bodies of water including streams, rivers, lakes and fresh and salt water marshes. [8], The North American river otter was first described by German naturalist Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber in 1777. [54], During the winter and spring, when the water levels were higher, North American river otters had a greater tendency to prey upon crayfish (73% of scats had crayfish remains) rather than fish. The otter can close its ears and nostrils when diving. This means they likely arrived in the Americas at a similar time as humans,[17] meaning humans were an important part of their natural ecosystem from the moment otters arrived. Deems and Pursley (1978), estimated that river otters occupied 71% of their historical range during 1977; by 1998, river otter populations had expanded and were thought to occupy 90% of their prior range (Melquist et al. River otters historically inhabited every major watershed in the contiguous United States and were extirpated from much of their historical range as a result of multiple factors including habitat degradation and destruction as well as unregulated harvest (Anderson 1977). The vulnerability and seasonal availability of prey animals mainly governs its food habits and prey choices. However habitat destruction and water pollution still puts these animals at great risk, especially because they are so specialized. [26] Additional premolars may be present. [20] Large male North American river otters can exceed a weight of 15 kilograms (33lb). The continued expansion of river otter populations where they are managed by regulated harvest is likely enhanced by the frequency of these regulatory reviews. It enters the English Channel at the western end of Lyme Bay, part of the Jurassic Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.The Permian and Triassic sandstone aquifer in the Otter Valley is one of Devon's largest groundwater sources, supplying . River otters are rambunctious, aquatic, streamlined mammals that spend much of their time in the water. [26][33], Amphibians and reptiles are more obtainable by the North American river otter during the spring and summer as a result of breeding activity, appropriate temperatures, and water supply for the prey. We thank the many state natural resource agencies for their responses and cooperation. Only three states (Illinois, Kentucky, and North Dakota) did not provide a response to our question about regulation review frequency (Table 1). DESCRIPTION: Reintroduction of river otters may present a problem in that it may contaminate the genetic structure of the native population.[1]. 1999. An entrance, which may be under water or above ground, leads to a nest chamber lined with leaves, grass, moss, bark, and hair. Ten states indicated that they had reintroduced river otters to establish populations that had been extirpated (Table 1). [29][30], The diet of the North American river otter can be deduced by analyzing either stool obtained in the field,[31] or gut contents removed from trapped otters. North Americanriver otters are typically social animals except during spring when the female drives the male away to give birth. 40-54 inches long, 10-30 pounds. [30][38] North American river otters do not generally handle prey of a large size relative to themselves but there are occasions where they've been observed ambushing and killing adult common snapping turtles while the large turtles (which are roughly equal in average body weight to a North American river otter) are hibernating. They have a very high metabolism, so they need to eat frequently. [23], Aquatic life ties North American river otters almost exclusively to permanent watersheds. Their legs are short with webbed feet and claws. The otters eyes contain a specialized lens to assist with underwater viewing. These include mudminnows (Umbra limi) and sculpins (Cottus spp.). Like all mammals, female otters produce milk in their mammary glands for the pups. This article will refer to the twelve species of river otter, information about sea otters can be viewed here. To compare estimates of occupied area in 1998 with our survey results, we digitized published maps depicting river otter distribution during 1998 (Melquist et al. The North American river otter can be found throughout the country inhabiting inland waterways while the sea otter is primarily found in states along the Pacific coast. A long, strong tail helps propels the otter through the water. Periodic assessments of river otter status, population trends, and geographic distribution are needed to detect changes in populations, assess management approaches, and to identify and prioritize conservation efforts. Houghton Mifflin Co., New York, NY. Reproduction: Once yearly with an average litter of 2-3 and up to 6. 2006. Otters have long, stiff, highly sensitive whiskers located behind and below the nose to aid in locating and capturing prey in murky, turbid water and during dark nights. In small social groups European otter, information about sea otters can exceed a weight 15... Canadensis ) is a member of the page across from the article title male groups 1. # x27 ; s creeks, lakes and fresh and salt water marshes of! Rights reserved ( CC by ) habitats are currently occupied river otter alabama established river otter in! And sculpins ( Cottus spp. ) current harvest strategies do not pose a to. 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