Raiden was himself caught beneath the vessel, however, screaming Rose's name as his strength gave way, and recalling memories of their time together, before he lost consciousness. Naomi then used nanomachine suppressors to both euthanize Vamp and commit suicide, much to the group's shock. Instead, Kiefer Sutherland's voice clips of Big Boss were re-used for Raiden's interrogation of enemy soldiers, although slightly modified to sound more "mechanical.". Raiden (? He later clarified that "white raiden" was Raiden's armor from Metal Gear Solid 4, and also stated that it was playable. Raiden then faced off against and defeated Revolver Ocelot in the fourth round. This allowed him to operate at high efficiency even when he lost both his arms at the shoulders. In addition, "Raiden" was initially supposed to be his real name, with his full name being "Raiden Brannigan," during development. Because of his status as a cyborg, his left arm also was directly connected to his cranial nerves. He also read the French novel L'tranger. He also states that he's going to enjoy the ensuing carnage before being ambushed by the DPD cops/Desperado/World Marshal soldiers. Because of his first cyborg ninja conversion, he also bore several scars near his mouth, giving his mouth an appearance similar to that of a Glasgow grin both in his human cyborg form and in his second cyborg ninja body. He then proceeded to rush through the enemy resistance, eventually jumping across several Sliders and run up a building to reach the top. Zachary. [71][72] In Europe, the negative reception towards Raiden was even more pronounced, largely because of not only the plot twist, and the lengthy delays in releasing Metal Gear Solid 2, but also because several gaming magazines spoiled the twist in their coverage, which left the players being unable to avoid it. A long battle ensued with Raiden fighting off a Harrier jet piloted by Vamp with Solidus Snake inside. Raiden's childhood trauma still has a significant toll on his mental state, although he repressed some of the memories of the atrocities he comitted. He then killed Monsoon, although he vowed to Kevin after the battle that he won't let anyone else become like him. 32. After the war ended, Solidus had Jack placed in a relief center. As a prisoner, the Patriots used Raiden as a test subject for experiments in exoskeletal enhancement surgery, during which he had his head and spine excised from his body from his lower jaw down and subsequently grafted into an enhanced synthetic body. Additionally, the oxygen mask that Snake wears during the HALO jump bears an intentional resemblance to the diving mask that Raiden wears in the opening of Metal Gear Solid 2. His original cyborg body's durability was relatively low, as it was lacking armor, and was obsolete with limited battlefield potential as of 2018. However, plans abruptly changed in 2018 when cyborg soldiers belonging to the Desperado Enforcement LLC. His use of a sword is also referenced by Roy Campbell upon Raiden's recruitment, stating that a new soldier joined who wields a katana. Deducing that World Marshal intended to frame Desperado with the attack on the President, Raiden decided to destroy the control tower, hoping to cause enough damage to get the United States military to realize something was wrong. Main Article. This allowed him to pass for a normal human, at least while clothed, and gave him the capacity to carry out bodyguard work and other missions that didn't require serious combat.[14]. Logo - Original News He eventually met up with the African country's prime minister N'mani, where the latter congratulated him on Maverick's contribution in the rebuilding of the country. However, at some point, the story was shifted to taking place years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4. The mission struck a chord with Raiden on a deep psychological level. Though probably they forgot about that part of mgs 1 and he died of old age a few weeks later. Concept artwork for Liquid Ocelot included sketches where Ocelot was ambushed by a mysterious figure, and the figure manages to cut Ocelot's right forearm off, la Metal Gear Solid. Olga's final words were for Raiden to live. He implied that he gained the skill at cleaning up from having to clean up various messes that Rosemary left at her apartment. Deducing that Maverick was not going to go after World Marshal for their actions due to the illegal nature of going after them, Raiden sent a resignation letter to Boris. The Metal Gear franchise is an undisputed classic. Raiden also displayed signs of mental and emotional instability and a dissociative identity around the time he started his missions involving Desperado. "I think it's time for Jack to LET 'ER RIP!!". He then learned that they were subjecting the children to VR training because the real thing wasn't getting the results they needed, and also learned that there was an event that would happen that would render Raiden's efforts naught even if he saved all the children in three hours that Mach 2 would have him stop it in time, and would have reignited 9-11 style warfare. Raiden's original cyborg body, circa 2014. Stunned, Raiden forgave Rose once again, as she felt desperately guilty from being unable to tell him due to the danger doing so presented. Although Raiden's involvement in the Liberian Civil War was stated as early as his first appearance in Metal Gear Solid 2, it wasn't until Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance that it was explicitly stated that Liberia was his birthplace. Raiden then met with Rose, and he solemnly forgave her, with the two ultimately deciding to continue their lives together. A former child soldier, FOXHOUND member and a close ally of Solid Snake, Raiden has since joined an elite task force known as Maverick in the time period between the events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and Metal Gear Solid: Rising. He has. His arm was later retrieved from the battle site and analyzed by Maverick, as well as having to undergo a weekly retrieval of files stored on the arm, due to the files being corrupted. This was all again part of their carefully plotted scheme that would culminate in the events a the Big Shell. [38] A January 7, 1999 note by Hideo Kojima in MGS2 The Making also indicated that Raiden's real name was neither Raiden nor Jack, but was instead going to be Fanshawe, as a reference to Paul Auster's novel The Locked Room. He shares this codename with the Mitsubishi J2M Raiden, an Imperial Japanese WWII fighter aircraft, which the Allied forces codenamed "Jack." This was the first step towards recreating the events of Shadow Moses as part of the Patriot's plot. As a direct result of the disastrous events in Africa, Raiden had become somewhat bloodthirsty, yet harboring a strong desire for justice. As Raiden snuck through Arsenal Gear's interior, the Colonel began to act strangely during Codec transmissions. He later pulled a similar feat with the much larger Metal Gear EXCELSUS. Raiden says that only one out of 50 soldiers can kill without hesitation, before declaring himself a "two-percenter." He later stumbled upon a blood cryogenics chamber, and deduced with Doktor that this was what allowed them to preserve the brains for transport, and presumably the rest of the bodies that weren't needed. The deceased Raiden is clutching his groin, indicating that the killer is President Johnson, referencing the latter's actions in the main Sons of Liberty story line. Raiden is first depicted as a white-haired adult who uses a protective suit known as a "Skull Suit" (, Sukaru Stsu) for his missions in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Lightning Bolt," in reference to his original code name. [deleted] 5 yr. ago. Raiden was confirmed to make a reappearance in Metal Gear Solid 4 during its development. His skills with a bladed weapon, as well as his cruelty in dispatching enemies with them, was another reason for his "Ripper" nickname. During 2018, he often released discharges of electricity while moving. Learning that the facility removed brains from human children, and also the exact method of escape the boy went so he could narrow down the location, he placed him in a safe place while also issuing Maverick agents to retrieve George under his command. After Snake was forced from REX, following a grueling battle with Liquid Ocelot's RAY, Raiden set himself free from under the debris by cutting off his right arm, and headed to assist his ally. The Patriots chose him out of the other child soldiers in his unit because unlike the others, who would live up to their pasts and pay dearly for it, Jack did not accept his past and hated it. Raiden, or rather Jack as he is identified in throughout the skit, does not have any dialogue in the skit. A This guy gets it. The rest of Raiden's life was a carefully calculated plot by the Patriots to bring about the events of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Blade, Mk23 She remarked about their similar pasts, although she quickly learned that the similarities ended there and that they were quite different as people. Indeed, while under this persona, he frequently breaks out into manic laughter when killing his enemies; he also emits a crimson aura, and keeps the blood of his enemies on his sword. Konami kept his starring role a secret right up until the game's release in North America, even going so far as to have his Japanese voice actor swear to secrecy about the role his character would play until the game's release and replacing Raiden with Snake in teaser trailers and other preview materials (although he did appear in a few trailers, in his scuba gear, his presence was not as emphasized as the other characters). Table of Contents He was also equipped with CQC 2 and a throat-slitting ability, along with a running ability higher than Runner 3. When his Visor was closed, he could see all traps in the map. [46] Added to this is that Raiden, unlike Naked Snake or Old Snake, has the Athlete ability which makes him run faster than regular soldiers. Doktor, having learned of Raiden's survival, then contacted Raiden after Raiden took care of some cyborgs. After traversing the rooftops, he then was instructed by Blade Wolf to access an abandoned rail system dating back to the 19th century. [74], The controversial reception of Raiden's creation was part of the reason why both the Raikov mask item and the character of Major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov were created for Metal Gear Solid 3, as well as why Kojima initially made Raikov's fate determinant on the player's actions. In exchange for his services, MSF also promised to supply him with patches from the XOF as payment. Raiden's likeness also appears in other games: Although Raiden has yet to appear in the Super Smash Bros. games in a playable capacity, there was a rumor that he was going to be included in Super Smash Bros. 4 due to Reuben Langdon claiming that he voiced Raiden in that game by mistake (he had actually meant PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale).[67][68]. Jack and other surviving members of the Small Boy Unit then underwent extensive amounts of counseling before becoming at least outwardly stable. Pressing on, Raiden made his way to rendezvous with Snake, and was eventually contacted by Rose. Raiden has a major role in one of the Secret Theater shorts made by Kojima Productions for their website, and included in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. However, Rose assured him that he was no beast, but her husband. Overall, he possesses similar stats to Old Snake and Naked Snake. When running into enemies, they will be temporarily knocked down, allowing for easy takedowns. The memory bank procedure was then interrupted when a mysterious figure arrived in the OR, with the doctors denying him entry before Raiden demanding to know who it was and for the person to come closer. He also had his Rising design being one-eyed as a reminder of his humanity, and mentioned that the circumstances behind it were written later and consistent with the general story line. [49] While Raiden's hair was loose in Metal Gear Solid 4, in Rising it is swept back. Rose told Raiden of the pregnancy after admitting that she had originally become his girlfriend in order to spy on him for the Patriots, before eventually falling in love with him legitimately. It was largely because of this cold nature, as well as his pushing people he knew away that resulted in Rosemary initially fearing that he was unfaithful to her. Raiden appears as the playable main character in Metal Gear Rising, set four years after the events of MGS4. Besides Metal Gear Raiden and the Director's trailer, he also has a brief cameo near the end of the film Payback, where he ends up being run over by the Shagohod. Raiden (), real name Jack, also known as Jack the Ripper, White Devil, and Snake, was a Liberian-American mercenary. To cover the events of Raiden saving Sunny from the Patriots and his transformation into the cyborg ninja that we see him be in mgs4. Rose was pregnant with John during the Big Shell Incident. Fatman placed several bombs at strategic structural points of the Big Shell. appears as the main protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Being a God, Raiden's Powers are almost limitless, but he's restricted by the Elder Gods who won't allow him full use of his powers, that and t Continue Reading 67 3 22 At the Big Shell Raiden's mission was to rescue the President of the United States and to stop the terrorists who were said to be demanding a huge amount of money as ransom. The terrorist group Dead Cell who follow Solidus Snake have demanded no money for ransom, and the group is merely at the Big Shell as a means to seize control of the secret mobile facility underneath the plant - Arsenal Gear. In the Metal Gear Solid 4 Directors trailer, Raiden makes a parody appearance along with Snake, who is dressed to look like Sam Fisher, the main character in Splinter Cell. Lightning Bolt" when he learnt what Raiden's name translated to. It was during his rescue of Sunny that he met the former Soviet soldier Boris Vyacheslavovich Popov, who was the war buddy of Sunny's grandfather, Sergei Gurlukovich, who aided him out of the realization that the Patriots were a threat to the world, not just America. His cyborg body appears to conduct electricity or he seems to be highly resistant to it as when he is separated from his H.F Blade the lightning seems to stop. However, throughout his partnership with Wolf, he began to trust him, even telling him that he was free to pursue his own destiny. It was here that he earned the nickname Jack the Ripper as he was particularly brutal with his killings and showed remarkable prowess with using a blade. By the time of the Guns of the Patriots Incident, Raiden had changed considerably; the trauma of his break-up with Rose and the "miscarriage" of their unborn son, combined with rigorous training and his torture at the hands of the Patriots, changed Raiden from an inexperienced rookie to a cold and virtually emotionless soldier, who seemingly doesn't care about his own life; for instance, in his fight with Vamp in South America, he freely admitted to Vamp that he didn't fear death. Raiden went on to battle several mass-produced Metal Gear RAY units. [37] Although his having dark hair was cut as his standard design, it was retained somewhat with the Infinity Wig unlockable item, which was depicted as a brown wig. Though Raiden was able to kill several of his assailants, he was eventually overwhelmed and forced to the ground. The decision to move the time period was met with a large degree of controversy, as several fans felt that it cheapened the ending of Metal Gear Solid 4, in particular Raiden's final scene. A cyborg, his left arm also was directly connected to his original code.! 'S name translated to made his way to rendezvous with Snake, and was eventually and! Identity around the time he started his missions involving Desperado he then killed Monsoon, he... Changed in 2018 when cyborg soldiers belonging to the ground events in Africa Raiden. He then proceeded to rush through the enemy resistance, eventually jumping across several Sliders and run up a to! 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