Who cares what the questions is! However, how many people threw rocks? Question tags are short questions at the end of statements. If being concerned about rising inequality means I have to respect complaints that companies treat the majority of their employees well, then maybe Ive been misled about what concern over rising inequality means.Report, Protesting against gentrification is fine.. I ride the subway like everybody else.Report, Dorchester? @kolohe Yup im fine with people protesting whatever the hell they want. There is nothing inherently gross or naughty about the human body. two legs of the stool) in the modern Republican party is an ahistoric aberration, born out of suburbanization (which includes civil rights backlash, but also increasing home ownership and the (visible) spike in crime), This guy is just trolling, but the clearer example of the potential breakup of the economic and social wings of the party is in the Arizona anti-gay bill. nh nghaII. Now even the military is going commie.Report, Regardless, the problems that they are upset about are real. Let us check. Its not like ladies might join a ladies-only gym to avoid this or anything. We all want things we cant haveby adulthood people should understand that throwing a tantrum is not the appropriate way to deal with this. If Im a gym owner and I have the option of using X sq. White people return to the cities in the aughts and the 10s and are still blamed for everything.Report, @shazbot3 I think the more apt analogy would be to Tea Party protesters who openly carried their AR-15s to Tea Party protests.Report. rIts simply this: to the extent rising inequality is a problem (and it is, at least as I understand it), an obvious part of any solution is more companies treating the majority of their employees well. This is a joke. a. That saddens me. Is my public expression of disdain for the GBus protestors necessary for my empirical claims to go thru? A question tag is something which can turn a statement into a question. Youre right. Yellow. Tag questions can also be used to convey politeness or modesty. Mocking is not having that conversation, or any conversation, though.Report, No worries. Well, add to their arguments this bit of news: Washington lobbyist Jack Burkman on Monday said he is preparing legislation that would ban gay athletes from joining the National Football League, We are losing our decency as a nation, Burkman said in a statement. The word emerge in emergency, and an emergency suddenly emerges it happens all of a sudden, at any time to anyone, and anywhere. One final thing: I get the impression that the Google Bus protests were somewhat spontaneous, at least at first. Even if a dressing room is open, you can still get dressed with minimal exposure. I understand perfectly why theyre going after Google buses (after reading up on the protests): the buses are there. 3. Rafikan Grammar School. 371 Random Get To Know Me Tag Questions. The Google bus protests might be mistaken, nonetheless, but protesting upper middle class behavior that worsens inequality is fair game., How much of an income difference was there between the current residents of that neighborhood and the new Google employees moving in? Answer (1 of 4): A question tag is made up of AUXILIARY VERB + PERSONAL PRONOUN. Tag questions (or question tags) turn a statement into a question. Thats just how the world works.Report, Vikram, theres a difference between being critical and mocking.Report. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/02/spike-lee-amazing-rant-against-gentrification.html, So whites were the problem when they left and now they are the problem when they come back.Report, Meh, both sides have folks that say stupid stuff for the attention.Report, The longest month of the year comes to a close, From The Vanderbilt Hustler: Peabody EDI Office responds to MSU shooting with email written using ChatGPT. the protesters are upset that anyone is able to earn more money than them. The basic rules for forming the two-word tag questions are as follows: * the subject in the statement matches the subject in the . Hes saying that men should not be exposed to the leering eyes of other men while showering. So I guess its appropriate to call it property damage, until it kills, blinds or brain-damages someone. Im so sorry Brandon, to have completely underestimated how honorable men are, and to have so completely misplaced their fears of being treated they way they treat others.Report. I cant really write it up in a way that would make sense, but when I lived in Yonkers, my immediate area was trying hard to gentrify with mixed results. I do know that the girls scramble to take advantage of the three stalls available to them because of how self-conscious they tend to be. I liked that I could find a good basketball run within walking distance. You may disagree, but so far only James has challenged the reasons weve given for seeing their behavior as reasonable (except the violence). The birthers were fabricating an issue out of whole cloth to (what?) Are they still protesting? Sentences using the tag questions should have the main clause separated from the tag by a comma. Provide water and healthy snacks for energy throughout the event. Today, I will show how to make tag question of the sentences who cares, who goes etc. But now a single protest which you -perhaps correctly- believe is targeted at an innocent party is causing you to give up that belief? Of course states are easier to think about than processes.Report. Today you'll learn Tag question rather you can say Question Tag. I think, I guess it seems to me, etc. Im not saying you approve of the Google protestors. Adding a question mark sort of ruins the response especially in writing because it sets up an expectation (or subtle tension) of further response. Both sides do it! See, you shouldnt be liberal or conservative!Report, Sorry that should say symbol not symptomReport, I have no idea if this is meant to be sarcasm or not.Report, is not on par with the stupidity of 99% of religious conservativism, That is a particularly unkind statement to make in the context of trying to make a point about the superiority of one side.Report. Gentrification is what happens when White Flight has successfully ruined a community. I dont know how liberal you consider me but I criticized the protests for exactly this. I gotta say, Chris, that sounds an awful lot like Brandons The idea that its appropriate to protest a company for paying its employees enough to outbid you on an apartment you wanted, It seems pretty stupid to me that theyre throwing rocks at Google instead of at City Hall where the construction rules are written, or perhaps at their own selves for (Id be willing to wager, having lived there) opposing more construction.Report. My admittedly distant understanding of the people being pushed out by gentrification in SF is plenty of them are white ( they are the much derided hippies or hipsters or general weirdos).Report. I didnt, and still dont, understand what Tim was getting at in that post. Who interrogative subordinate clause interrogative subordinate clause question tag ( tag question) , Interrogative Assertive Who cares Nobody cares ( Nobody / None cares, do they? ) I doubt it. Theres no value judgements on my part; just the point that stalled gentrification is probably the norm outside of a few places like Frisco and Boston.Report. As bipartisan support grows for severe sanctions on Russia over its deployment of troops into Ukraine with some lawmakers drawing comparisons to Germany's aggression in pre-World War II Europe . As with all new technologies that affect higher education, this moment gives us all an opportunity to reflect on what we know and what we still must learn about AI., Without express written permission from the NFL and/or the teams involved, you may not use the following, or related protected words or logos, in marketing or promotions, whether on-air, in print, online, or otherwise: Super Bowl. These tags are often used to validate whether the given information is true or not. And its not just understandable. Looked at as a process, refusal to integrate is a lot more problematic, and lack of integration looks more like an unintended result than an intent. Based on the pictures Ive seen almost none. Of course if a well connected guy thinks this will lead to good PR and not a massive outflow of clients and getting laughed off Fox, then that is the problem. Hell, now they can move to city hall, with the knowledge that people are paying attention and will see them.Report. Ive shared communal showers with men. Could it be that the liberals who refused to condemn the Google protests did so because they agreed with it? Thats all you have to say? the problems that they are upset about are real. Please let us know of any problems. Failing to provide reliable care instructions and warnings for the useful life of an item is a violation of the FTC Act. New Conservatives: Do You Want Vengeance, Or A Solution? Definition: Tag means something small that is added on or attached after a sentence. They live in San Francisco, aren't they? Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb from the statement and the appropriate subject. at the White Eagle Hotel & Saloon. Hey, remember back when Russell and Dennis and Kazzy and Sam were all explaining why gay athletes coming out actually matters in 2014? 1. The half-filled apartments couldnt support all the new nifty restaurants, so some closed. A positive statement or affirmative sentence is a statement or sentence without, 'no, 'not or 'never in its verb elements. The teacher will help the poor student, won't he/she? I find that strange. James, yeah, the city hall point is valid. A family of hospitals for your family. The GOP's response to the crisis in Ukraine is fractured as former President Trump heaps praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin. I wouldnt say Krugman is lying. Students > Result > English Result Intermediate > Grammar > Unit 9 > tag questions. Which makes your use of it even better.Report. Exercise 1 - Complete the sentences. Its like he didnt understand how ghettos worked. I was a bit over the top upthread, I admit, and Im sorry for that. This page provides you with IT Officer resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder. "So what?" and "Who cares?" Conveys accomplishments in simple language free of technical jargon. It also likely contributes, in a small way admittedly, to a climate permissive of hate crimes and all the evils inflicted on the gay community. During the 19th century, there were wide-ranging debates on what and should not be allowed on Sundays even though we technically had no state religion. Given that, wheres the trouble in seeing a distinction between the two groups? Youve essentially said something similar, though I suspect that you are more aware of the sources of and problems associated with inequality, and wouldnt essentially couch it in the moral terms that Brandon does (his looks like a sort of Capitalist Christianity, where morality is a function of ones ability to get more stuff). A tag question is a statement followed by a short question. P1: Those hippies did something weird in that protest. if your workers get sodding drunk whenever you pay them (and dont come in to work until Wednesday of next week), yeah, you do start putting in rules about not hitting the saloon.Report. My hypothesis has alway, Here's a totally reasonable non-bigoted Republican who merely wants to curb the excesses of bad DEI: "There ar, That said, Fauci would have to be insane if he kept an open mind about something that was molecularly impossib, Theres all of this concern about whats gain of function or whats not, with the implication that that resea, Particularly given that modern robotics means that any American manufacturing renaissance will probably not br, http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/02/24/jack_burkman_michael_sam_gop_lobbyist_s_cynical_ploy_to_ban_gays_from_the.html, when he claims that the left only has a problem the top one percent, http://www.morganlewis.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/publication.detail/publicationID/3989632d-51ed-4da3-bed0-31703588790e, http://www.zdnet.com/culture-wars-in-san-francisco-neighborhoods-7000017228/, Peabody EDI Office responds to MSU shooting with email written using ChatGPT, VIDEO: Psychiatrist Breaks Down Batmans Psychotic Arkham Inmates, Maybe Domestic Manufacturing Should Come Back, Trump-Biden II Will Bulldoze the Doubters, Trumps Name-calling Now Comes Off As Desperate, Not Intriguing, Analyzing The 2023 Oscars Best Picture Race, Sunday Morning! Religious conservatives are a large diverse and fairly powerful group that has access to the highest levels of power in this country, rich churches and significant influence. In 19th century New York, the firercest Sabbatharians were also rich, conservative Republicans. I just dont think that building architectures should necessarily be designed around those priorities. He didn't buy the chairs, doesn't they? *The reason I know this is because I once got clocked by a chunk of concrete thrown through a window. And also that many of the Google employees were relatively recent immigrants, many of them from awfully poor countries. Gentrification, loss of what made SF a great community, growing income inequality, a failure of the upper middle class to try to integrate and live with lower classes, etc. Kolohe, how would you reconcile your argument, that economic and social conservatism has not been historically linked in the United States till recently, with the fact that lots of emplopyers have a long history of attemptign to enforce social conservatism among their work force. But Jesus, does it depress me that those are our two choices.Report. Th hin ti n2. I dunno, BB. In this section, we are going to be taking a closer look at . But sometimes there is an attempt to say a pox on all ideological houses and all political parties equally that is simple minded, misleading, and based on fallacious false equivalencies.Report, Protesting against gentrification is fine. I work really hard on instilling this idea in my students. 3. If we start a tag question with expressions such as " I think ", " I suppose ", etc., we do not use the do I in the tag. that doesnt make the way they treated black newcomers acceptable.Report. While individual showers can probably be reasonably accommodated, individual dressing rooms isnt realistic in most scenarios.Report. Grammar explanation. Tag questions are sometimes added to the end of imperatives: Leave your coat in the hall, will you? Indeed, theyre so far at odds thatThat tells me that their notion of rising inequality and mine are extraordinarily different, and indeed directly at odds. I suspect i disagree with the Google protestors about a lot, but most of those disagreements are within the realm of the reasonable and the morally understandable. The person, specifically the nurse who responds at the scene in the emergency department or on the medical-surgical unit, faces the ultimate challenge of their . Check out our who cares question selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Make a question tag using the word "right," a helping verb, or a being verb. And to that, I am happy to double down on my this.. Tag questions are very common in English and are used to ask if you agree with the statement. An example of this would be the statement 'you don't eat meat.'. From my perspective, Im someone who, thanks to the work of folks like Stillwater, has become persuaded that rising inequality is a legitimate issue. Stupid is much stronger than mistaken. Id say the protests are mistaken and poorly planned. 2. Some of us, at least, are talking about inequality and evictions in San Francisco. None of this, not one word of it, is implied by anything Shazbot or I have said. But I suspect you were going there no matter what we said.Report. Maybe Spike Lee can answer that questions given his racist rant about white folks. The idea that its appropriate to protest a company for paying its employees enough to outbid you on an apartment you wanted reeks of entitlement. In the given sentence it is been asked if someone cares. Gentrification, loss of what made SF a great community, growing income inequality, a failure of the upper middle class to try to integrate and live with lower classes, etc., How can you complain about gentrification AND a refusal to integrate? I just cant put myself inside the head of someone who decides that the appropriate response to being outcompeted for a scarce resource is to rage at the people who outcompeted him. The idea that its appropriate to protest a company for paying its employees enough to outbid you on an apartment you wanted reeks of entitlement. I agree with your general assessment of gentrification. The best thing about Google buses is that you dont have to actually talk about what theyre protesting or why they chose the buses. Reply. This grammatical feature can sometimes provoke problems (especially for learners of English as a foreign language) as the question tag always has to be adapted to the previous part of the statement. But it seems like the normal burden of proof is consistently reversed: identify the political affiliation of the commenter, attribute partisan motivations to them unless proven otherwise.Report, Really Tod? This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Nobody lives here, do they? Yes, blaming gay people for your lack of socioeconomic success is unreasonable and morally vile. Supposedly, lack of curtains reduces such behavior, which takes a good deal longer than a boy really needs to clean sweat off. Take care, won't you? Is it going to get them anywhere? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Things did not spread instantly __ the whole nation, Spot the error in the given sentence We often use question tags when we expect the listener to agree with our statement. And we mock them without, in the vast majority of cases, suggesting any other course of action.Report. Moreover, it is not morally vile to protest gentrification. Violators are subject to enforcement actions and penalties of up to $16,000 for each offense. We just disagree, perhaps, on a subtle issue. OK, that seems easy. (my guess is no, because the money men are an indispensable asset in the overall nomination process)Report. And were laughing our asses off that men like this are all twitterpated that they might be subject to what theyve done to us; that they fear it because they do it. Most Southern business people benefited from Jim Crow because they were racists to and also because it gave them ready access to a despearte, ill-educated, and easily intimidated work force.Report, Another example was the Sabbath debates in 19th century American cities. You'll also learn how these questions can . Just last month The Hill reported that Burkmans firm, JM Burkman, is big player in DC. So how do we form question tags? salary of more then $80,000. I didnt mean it to and mentioning that thread over here was inappropriate on my part. (falling: expresses concern) He doesnt get trotted out to talk about Obamas birth certificate and Sharia Law taking over middle America; his job in the conservative media is handling the middle-of-the-road conservative talking points. Particularly not when theyre packing to move. What will be the tag questions for above sentences ? I dont like feeling unsafe. But it is just as important to note that Burkman is not some lone nutter from a backwater town. Not.Report. Apologies if I misconstrued your comment, and please dont take it personally. If I didnt express disdain, would that show Im a partisan hack who holds irrational views? 2. these people are no different than working class whites who want to stop blacks from moving into to their neighborhood, both groups think they own the place and want to keep out people will change it in any way. I am of a mixed mind on it, in part because no two gentrifications are identical. 21 Likes, 3 Comments - PRATO 850 (@prato850) on Instagram: " Wings are the answer. So I do kind of see the irony zinc points out.Report, women are essentially never required to shower with or otherwise appear naked in front of men, And no ones forcing straight men to shower with gay men if one of them joins an NFL team. Which is cool, live in your world, but your mocking them tells me more about you than it does about them. It is a statement followed by a mini-question. In this grammar lesson, you will learn about tag questions, which many intermediate and advanced English students struggle with. A negative statement or sentence is one which has, 'no', 'not or 'never in its verb elements. Do you think, even if we excluded rock throwers, Brandon or people with similar world views would think the Google Bus protesters significantly less mockable?Report, Do you think the rock throwing was the key point in what I said?Report. Some werent. (Tho, I think it applies marginally to what you wrote.) People shouldnt be trained to feel embarrassed about changing in front of one another. Imagine your son being forced to shower with a gay man. We all want things we cant haveby adulthood people should understand that throwing a tantrum is not the appropriate way to deal with this.Report, Theyre not protesting Google qua Google, theyre protesting Google (and the other tech companies) as the symbol of increased income and housing inequality, and the cause of evictions and skyrocketing housing costs. standing close to the wall and facing it doesnt work? I dont know. Protesting at city hall might be a more direct way of doing it, but the Google Bus protests have gotten the issues a hell of a lot more attention than a few people with signs and slogans down at city hall would have. Im going to have to reserve judgment until you present more evidence than Josh Marshall referring to Boehners actions on the debt ceiling as a cave. Theres lots of room for dispute over the scope of those effects, just as theres lots of room for dispute over the scope of gentrifications negative effects, but those effects exist nonetheless. Th qu kh n5. You wont be able to hire any at that price, but you can legally try. They have lots of options. /and I apologize to all you lovely gay men for being thrust into comparison with this bunch of oggling thugs, too. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Republicans have traditionally been (if only in a relative sense) defenders of property rights. Either you why your analogy is inapt or you dont, but I dont care enough to litigate it any further.Report, Thats the minimum you need to pay for an employee to be considered exempt. That you say lying gives the game away here. Often, but not always, old policies, This particular brand of stupidity is largely peculiar to religious conservatives. Thats not the super rich, its the young programmers making six figures and buying a condo or house for 800k in a neighborhood that, a few years ago, was working or lower middle class.Report. The rules of tag question | tag question | tag question . at the very least the google protests show that krugman is lying when he claims that the left only has a problem the top one percentReport. White flight from cities in the 50s and 60s gets a bit too much blame for problems in the cities. to a statement to make it into a question. (Brain-damage minimal, as far as I can tlcgh.) You see them now, dont you? The rock throwing and other property damage is anger overflowing. White people leave the cities in the 70s & 80s and were blamed for all the resulting problems in the city. The Get to know me tag is also called the "All About Me Tag" and "Questions About Me tag.". Activities. And Ironically he may well loose the governors election this year anyway. Nope, it doesnt matter what I actually say, the fact that you view me as a liberals means that you get to apply your analysis to me and interpret my words and actions accordingly. Such neighborhoods, hell, is some places whole states, litter the map.Report. The former was a bit weird at first but eventually became mundane. James, sorry if my arguments came off as pedantic on that thread. The GB protesters are a small bunch of loons with. In such sentences, the tag does not depend on the person or the action of the speaker, but on which verb we use in the question itself. I enjoyed my long runs northward that took me past handshake drug deals and million dollar homes. A question tag means something like "Is this true?" or "Do you agree?" Note the following poin. Personally, Ive showered with some gay dudes (in a team sport environment) and i could FEEL teh gay eyes staring all over my hetro christian boooody. /leftists/Dems seem to be under the illusion that they have been given a blank check by the electorate to engage in silliness, close-mindedness, hatred, incompetence and corruption, and that its somehow magically wiped clean by pulling out the false equivalence defense. The question folks are asking is why arent we getting rich? So, I put it to you that the answer to the question of "who cares" that Michael Sam and Jason Collins came out is: a hell of a lot more people than you think. Computer programmers and systems analysts making more than this minimum do not have to be paid extra for overtime. Look, these are complex issues, with a lot of difficult choices involved. Perhaps; but the law does indicate that part of the root causes of gentrification in and about SF are legislated, which was my point.Report, Can liberals be outraged by this? A sentence that begins with There is is called an existential clause, the sentence refers to the existence or presence of something. Thing: I get the impression that the liberals who refused to condemn the protests. Are talking about inequality and evictions in San Francisco, aren & # x27 ; you! Clocked by a chunk of concrete thrown through a window ; t they have.... A ladies-only gym to who cares tag question this or anything conservative Republicans that people are paying attention and will see.... The map.Report of difficult choices involved changing in front of one another computer programmers and systems analysts making more this. Or a being verb are talking about inequality and evictions in San,! A ladies-only gym to avoid this or anything the Hill reported that Burkmans,. 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