If possible, YandereDev would want Senpai to be slightly taller. I think that there must be a bare minimum of 90 students at school for me to craft fun/interesting/challenging situations for the player. This is why Yandere-chan needs a fake ID, despite being 18. Maybe you'll find out within the game itself. One rival is 100% finished, and 10 rivals are planned, which means that the story elements are 10% done. These unnecessary, pointless rooms may be removed in the future. Some popular people might even notice him. How can the player access the Debug Menu? How many weapons will the final game have? There will be several non-lethal elimination methods available. It's simply too time-consuming to export PC+Mac+Linux every time I want to make a new build, especially when I can't even test the Mac or Linux builds. If Hanako ever got a boyfriend, Senpai would be sad that he is no longer the center of her world, however, he would be happy that she is finally independent from him in a bittersweet way. The game will take place over 10 weeks. [deleted] 3 yr. ago I had that doubt, too. Some say that Hanako is a yandere, a type of psychopath who, "You can't help but root for her, even though she's the villain." What will you do after Yandere Simulator is finished? The Japanese word "senpai" refers to someone who has seniority over someone else. In Yandere Simulator, the title of "Senpai" is given to the young man (or young woman) that the protagonist is infatuated with. Wouldn't it make more sense for first years to be 18, second years to be 19, and third years to be 20? And the third years are 17-18. Genka is, Kocho Shuyona is the headmaster of Yandere-chans school, a prestigious institution located in Japan. First, I'll listen to feedback from users and make adjustments to the game to improve the overall experience and remove bugs/exploits. He is a loner who enjoys nature more than the company of people. I'll explain: After I have finished implementing the game's first rival, Osana, I will hold a crowdfunding campaign to raise enough money to pay a team of professionals to help me complete the game. Yandere Simulator is composed of "gameplay elements" and "story elements". Yandere Simulator by YandereDev is a stealth game that is currently under development. The game looks like it's going to be hard! [9], In the future, Ayano can matchmake Muja with her own suitor. Will it ever be possible to kidnap male students? Join the community. Protocol for Yandere-chan being punished/expelled/arrested for the crime of assaulting someone (even non-lethally). I'd like to allow the player to change the gender of their Senpai, but this would require a lot of extra animations/models/voice acting, so it's not something I can guarantee at this point. Mai is the fifth student to be introduced as an Easter Egg. After I have optimized the game as much as possible, I will analyze how much the framerate has improved, which will determine whether or not I can afford to put more students into the game. First intro: The first intro portrays Senpai as kind and considerate. Can I have a female Senpai instead of a male Senpai? Here are some examples: Each of these scenarios would involve new animations, new voiced lines, and new code. Yandere Simulator may seem like a simple game on the surface, but it is an extremely complex game. Yandere Simulator was only meant to be a placeholder title. > The sewing student should be located in the Sewing Room to make his purpose obvious. For example, if you are a first-year student, all second-year and third-year students are your "senpai". They have apparently known each other for a decade. [6] It is presumed that her routine will be similar to the regular nurse, but nothing is confirmed. If you would like to join our community, visit discord.gg/yandere and read the #read-me channel for instructions! Will Yandere Simulator ever be finished? If she used pepper spray, she'd spray herself by accident. A character would only be willing to put an earpiece into their ear and take instructions from Yandere-chan if they were hopelessly in love with another character, and desperately desired a relationship. You can use stealth to kill your target without any witnesses, stage an accident that leaves no evidence, or just slaughter anyone who gets in your way. I'd just be throwing a build onto the Internet and praying that people can run it, with no real way to debug it if it doesn't work. Here you can download the official latest full version of Yandere Simulator, customize it with mods, and explore the characters, rivals, and bullies. > I want the player to be able to obtain a spare uniform. If the player eliminates their rival on Monday, what happens to the remaining days of the week? You will have one week to eliminate her. Other ways to interact with Senpai have also been suggested: For example, interacting with him online, so that the protagonist could speak to him without experiencing a sensory overload and becoming overwhelmed. From that moment on, his fate and destiny were set in stone. She will become fond of Senpai very quickly, during a point in time when he definitely needs someone taking care of his health. Taro Yamada, also known as Senpai, is the obsession of Yandere-chan and one of the main characters of Yandere Simulator. She is also a yandere and the protagonist of 1980s Mode. The topics towards Muja is Negative/Neutral/Positive follows: In the final game, Senpai will become sick for the one week while Muja is at the school, studying to become a nurse. If the crowdfunding campaign can meet its first stretch goal, I will be able to hire a professional software engineer to replace me as the game's lead programmer. Senpai's name will never be spoken aloud, but it will appear in the Student Info screen and on in-game social media. First, I came up with an interesting way for a person to die (like an actress being killed by a prop during a stage play), and then I designed characters around that concept (for example, making one of the rivals an aspiring actress who will perform on a stage). Instead of attempting to implement online multiplayer, it might be a better idea to find a volunteer or hire someone who has experience programming online multiplayer modes. https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/670447688475926528, https://twitter.com/YandereDev/status/670415224172744704, Talk:Students/@comment-2248043-20160129005706, User blog:CloudyMayamii/Talk about Aoi Ryugoku, User blog:CloudyMayamii/Talk about Mai Waifu, User blog:Hoshiko Mizudori/My Thoughts On Yandere Sim/Mods. She is somewhat shy and awkward. For me, Hanako is 15, Ayano has just celebrated her 17th birthday and Senpai is in his late 17s or early 18s, it doesn't matter if the game tries to convince me otherwise. The next morning, Yandere-chan, who was late to school, bumps into him and immediately becomes obsessed with him. I've come up with a list of about 30 weapons that I'd like to have in the final game. However, any club containing a rival will have a total population of 6 members, so that the player can kill the rival without losing the club. Whether its through manipulation or sheer force, shes a successful young woman of who anyone would be, In a world full of happy-go-lucky Yandere girls, Muja Kina is a dark and troubled figure that stands out from the rest. For example, imagine a handshake animation between two characters that are the same height, and then imagine a handshake between a very short person and a very tall person. However, her confession won't be accepted if her reputation is below -100, which will result in a Game Over. What age rating is the game going to receive? Yandere Simulator takes place in a fictional version of Japan where you need to be at least 20 years old to purchase pornography, too. I'm so sorry! October 29, 2022. 3b. A Complete List of Names, 5 MindBlowing Facts About Yandere Simulators Ayano, Hanako Yamada: The Yandere Simulator Character You Need to Know, Osoro Shidesu, the Villain You Want to Root For, Mida Rana: The perfect example of how to be a successful yandere, Muja Kina: The Untold Story of the Dark and Troubled Yandere. Into Yandere Simulator? Rivals: In the full game, Senpai will be on good terms with all the rivals, so he wont suspect them of any crimes even if he sees them covered in blood. Yandere-chan will drop anything she's currently holding, keeping her hands to her chest. As a result, the speed of the game's development will increase drastically, since the rate of progress won't be hindered by my availability. I have zero experience programming anything related to online multiplayer. It would be better to have a single base model and then a variety of clothing models. [5] There will be one rival per week.[4]. When I first came up with the kidnapping idea, the plan was that it would only be possible for the player to kidnap rivals. That's the fun of it. Osana Najimi is currently in the demo. Please check this webpage for a list of different places to download the game: https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/downloads/. They would also have to collect their bookbag from their class before leaving school for the day. There are two main reasons for this: 1) I only have a Windows PC. She would re-arrange the furniture in the basement every time she adds a new kidnapped victim to her basement. If students carried bookbags, this would result in a lot of changes to their routine. Each week, a new rival will appear and get a crush on Senpai. Some of the rival portraits are fan-made due to the lack of official ones. He is meant to be plain and average. There are several potential outcomes for the crowdfunding campaign: If the crowdfunding campaign fails, there are alternate ways to secure funding for the game. (I would like to keep the same general art style of the current models, but with a few tweaks to make them more appealing.). What kind of features does this game have? Megami Saikou can be seen on the laptop, and at the end of day sequence if a student council member is killed. To run on a mobile device, the game would have to be simplified so much that it wouldn't even be the same game anymore. Do you have a fever?! Will the player ever be able to join the bullies or join the student council? Her job is to eliminate all rivals before the week's current rival can confess their feeling to Senpai. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Are you getting sick? I'll always be there for you Senpai. For example, student routines would have to be adjusted so that they don't go outdoors during rain, blood pools would be washed away by rain, the protagonist's clothing would get wet if she was outside in the rain, characters would have to use umbrellas when walking to school, etc. When I try to use the Yandere Simulator launcher, I get error messages. [1] I may consider the addition of a separate Random Mode that tests the player's improvisational skills. I'd like to include as many weapons as possible in the final game, but the actual number of weapons will be determined by modeler support/animator support/budget size. Here is a short list of some of the features you can look forward to: I am developing Yandere Simulator using the Unity game engine. He will visit her once per day. To sign an executable, you need to pay for an expensive code signing certificate. In the future, I think that the player should have to meet some very, very specific criteria to activate an easter egg for example, dismembering 10 students' arms to unlock the Demon Arms easter egg. Ifshe fails to do so, her rival will confess her love to Senpai and Ayano will be left heartbroken. Perhaps Senpai is such a Nice Guy, that he was the only nice person to date that made Yandere-chan feel anything. You can find the answers to these questions on the Volunteer page. However, I have established that one of the protagonist's primary character traits is that she cannot control herself in Senpai's presence, so directly interacting with him is simply not an option for her. If I decide that any of the game's characters are LGBT, I'll keep that information to myself. I gave you a bruise! YandereDev has stated that certain medicines will be kept in a locked container hiding somewhere in the office in the future. At some point in the future, I may release Yandere Simulator on multiple platforms. Exporting a new build takes 15 minutes, too. I always considered the ability to kidnap any female student to be a temporary / placeholder feature that was only implemented for testing purposes. She would compensate for this in a childish manner by confessing to Senpai under the cherry tree at 6 like the legend requires. I would like to give the player the ability to join those two groups, but it's not a high priority to me at this point. Yandere Simulator is a stealth action video game currently in development by American game developer YandereDev. However, her confession won't be accepted if her reputation is below -100, which will result in a Game Over. To run the game at over 55 FPS consistently, you'd need at least an i7 5820k processor, and at least a GTX 970 graphics card. Female animations are incompatible with a male skeleton. If he sees Yandere-chan performing suspicious actions such as holding a weapon, dragging a corpse, having low sanity, being covered in blood, killing a person or taking a panty shot, it will trigger an immediate Game Over as well. Currently, I don't have any strong feelings about whether I do or do not want to support that feature. These two characters couldn't use the normal handshake animation; they would need to use a custom animation. This isn't impossible, but it would require me to ask for a lot of assets, and it would be kind of time-consuming to implement. If rivals mysteriously stop coming to school, then he will assume all girls are delinquents who skip school. If Ayano sends her panty shots, Info-chan can provide other services, such as Schemes and Drops. Yes! [3] The Basement Tapes explain more of his backstory. 1 / 13. I'd be happy to take care of you for the rest of your life.Alternate Muja line for the "Rival Introduction Video". Will it be possible for students to get a crush on the protagonist or stalk the protagonist? "Muja is a young woman whose greatest desire in life is to be helpful to othersalthough she usually ends up causing more problems than she solves due to her air-headed and klutzy nature. Is the game going to be free? He thinks it's harmless for a bunch of students to have a club revolving around occult research. If the rivals are paired off with suitors, Senpai will think that he is not as appealing as other boys. It is extremely unlikely that a mobile device such as an iPhone or Android could ever run the full version of the Yandere Simulator. However, implementing a rival takes mere months, so the rest of the game's development should go by much faster. Yandere Simulator does not contain pornographic content, but it is intended to be played by adults as it contains adult content. Senpai never seems to realize why Yandere-chan follows him around and only asks her to leave him alone if she gets too close. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Students attempting to wake up unconscious students. So, with that in mind, now I have to begin to consider whether or not it should be possible to kidnap males. It could take me a very long time to learn how to implement those kinds of features, so it's not something I can promise at this point. This means that the game is about 91% complete. I think it would be cool if the school changes on certain days, like holidays or festivals. What kind of weapons are in the game? However, it's too soon to promise this. 4b. Thus, the minimum specs are always getting lower. Are any of the game companies interested in YanSim specifically asking that the characters are all exactly 18? This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Because of the time required to work on these additional features, the game would most likely be released in early 2022. I didn't create a single 3d model, I found them on those pages :https://yandere-simulator-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/Unity3d_Outfits,_Hair_and_Animations_%2BDL/Ou. His gender can be changed in the final game. I can't begin to consider having the game's text translated until after the game is 100% complete, and the text is guaranteed not to change anymore. Hanako yamada: She and Senpai are brother and sister. Did Raibaru lose because Budo had surpassed her in both physical strength and martial arts ability? Her first look had pink hair that was a recolor of Sakyu Basu's hair but longer, reaching down to her hips. Though it is currently unknown, YandereDev has said that Muja's routine will put her in close proximity to Senpai and other people, including students and staff. If Yandere Simulator takes place in Japan, why are prices in dollars instead of yen? One rival is 100% finished, and 10 rivals are planned, which means that the story elements are 10% done. If there is anyone who wants to keep Senpai all to herself, she has until 6:00 PM on Friday to eliminate the competition. Info-chan watches the entire scene from behind them. Entering this zone will help her recover lost sanity. Rank your favorite characters from Yandere Simulator, an indie game by YandereDev! Can I translate the game into another language for you? Although I think this type of feature would be cool, it's something that I can't guarantee and don't want to promise, because I know that it would create huge amounts of work. Another question: Is there any reason to why the characters need to be 18? I was imagining Yandere Simulator as a game about sabotaging a boy's love life, with no gameplay that involves befriending and romancing the boy. However, at this point, I have not yet committed to this plan. Because of the additional work that will be done on the game, it will most likely be released sometime in late 2021. However, Senpai's original gender is male; therefore, the article will refer to him as such. Second intro: In the second intro, Senpai is not seen outside of customization. Yandere-chan will not confess her love to Senpai until all rivals have been eliminated. If Yandere-chan is 18 years old, why does she need to purchase a fake ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, and adult books? 1. Yandere Simulator is a stealth game about stalking a boy and secretly eliminating anyone who seems interested in him while maintaining the image of an innocent schoolgirl. The second years are 16-17. Currently, the player can customize their Senpai's appearance at the beginning of the game. In Yandere Simulator, the title of "Senpai" is given to the young man (or young woman) that the protagonist is infatuated with. Does Yandere Simulator have a development roadmap? Kizana Sunobu could of been added by editing the json files, just like Osana used too, but was quickly removed due to the fact that she was only added for a video. Mai wears the default school uniform unless customized by the player. However, recently, I have been reconsidering this. In Yandere Simulator, the title of "Senpai" is given to the young man (or young woman) that the protagonist is infatuated with. Yandere-chan isn't bisexual. Certain Easter Eggs can still kill him, but he will respawn the next day. Info-chan can give Ayano all the information she has on an NPC if she is sent a picture of their face. Characters Category page View source These are all the characters of Yandere Simulator, Burning Love, Kuudere Simulator, Kuudere Simulator 2, Kuudere Simulator 3, and Yanvania: Senpai of the Night . If the screen is pink, this is an indication that essential files were deleted. The price and release date of the final game will depend on a lot of different factors that are too difficult to estimate at this point. She would compensate for this in a childish manner by confessing to Senpai under the cherry tree at 6 like the legend requires. The plan is that Yandere-chan is supposed to find tape in the basement whenever she re-arranges the furniture in the basement. The strength of this bond will probably influence the ending of the game. I might implement male teachers one day, but because it's not necessary for gameplay, it's not a high priority, so you might be waiting a while for it. You can't just convince a random stranger to wear an earpiece and follow instructions without a really good reason. Did Raibaru lose because she had feelings for Budo and couldn't bring herself to use her full power against him? It is easy for a big company to buy a digital certificate, which will be used to sign software, but it's not easy for an independent developer working on a freeware app. YandereDev is unsure if she'd be matched with a student. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. An executable can be signed with a digital signature that identifies the creator of the executable. The protagonist's name is Ayano Aishi, and the boy she is in love with is named Taro Yamada. 2. Muja is meant to be pure and innocent. YandereDev has considered the idea of her attending Akademi when she was younger, and always having the fantasy of confessing her love under the cherry tree, but never finding the right person. If you don't dispose of corpses, clean up blood, and destroy evidence, then the police might be able to link you to murder and arrest you. If one new feature (knocking someone out) has the side-effect of creating at least 7 new scenarios, then I'm unlikely to add it to the game. Name: Taro Yamada Role: student and main character Class: 3-2 Club: no clubs Age: 18 Persona: loner Crush: none Strength: incapable Appears: week 0 Voice: Austin hively Taro Yamada, also known as Senpai, is the obsession of Yandere-chan and one of the main characters of Yandere Simulator. So, I might create a game that re-uses many of the assets used to create the Yandere Simulator. What percent remains? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. WATCH OUT! If Senpai is a male, his name is Taro Yamada, and if she is a female, her name is Taeko Yamada. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6SrpQf3Fdw&t=1m21s, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IXbfSuJexGEFLRxcUdv_pTQTpC6iEhTqPYcsHTIA48k/edit?usp=sharing, https://yanderesimulator.org/can-you-play-yandere-simulator-on-android-or-ios/. Collect their bookbag from their class before leaving school for the day not it should be located in future! Own suitor the game her in both physical strength and martial arts ability I may consider the addition a. Explain more of his health by the player can customize their Senpai 's original gender is male therefore... Any female student to be hard reconsidering this being 18 are your `` Senpai '' school. 'Ll find out within the game going to be 18 ] it is extremely unlikely that a mobile such. Senpai never seems to realize why Yandere-chan needs a fake ID, despite being 18 better. And if she 'd spray herself by accident would be better to in! 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