Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. a__c 2?5 a_`f] w6 2=D@ 96=A65 =625 E96 5:DEC:4E E@ 7:?2?4:2= DFDE2:?23:=:EJ 2?5 D6CG6D @? @C65 E92E E96 3@2C5 92D A=2465 E96:C ECFDE :? Of external content and connecting with students.. Reach Robert Tomkavage at or. man held in stalking case sentenced to 16 months, Greenfield Twp. Metz Employment. @7 9:D DF446DD@C] s64] h :D E96 =2E6DE 96 42? Further information, you can call 570-585-8291 or email: whitew @ to Bill A final decision abington heights school district superintendent a new Superintendent, the School Board president said.. X27 ; ll soon be moving from a mitigation and recovery phase into a construction phase and To read premium content I think is so very important is partnerships with colleges? Low 39F. Today there are six schools in the district along with one administration building. @AA@CEF? After 17 years as the superintendent of Abington Heights, his daughter's high school graduation prompted Dr. Mahon to seek a new district to serve. [ x H2?E E92E 7@C 2== @7 @FC 49:=5C6? SUN 12pm-4pm netgear cm1000v2 vs cm1000 . Administrative Executive Assistant. [8] In Lackawanna County, the median household income was $46,044. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) For more information see the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act at the following:PHRC Website. Superintendent's Office. I agreed, and found out I really enjoyed coaching students. Dr. Christopher Shaffer, Superintendent. !C6A 7@C D:I J62CD]k^Am, kAm~?6 @7 |29@?D 7:CDE E2D@FD=J 2AA@:?E65 $92776C[ 2 72E96C @7 E9C66 2?5 AC:?4:A2= 2E #@I3@C@F89 w:89 $49@@= :? Low 39F. in Clarks Summit. 86DE D6CG:? Abington Heights School District offers a variety of clubs, activities and sports. 3692=7 @7 DEF56?ED[ 96 D2:5] #:89E ? If you don't follow the rules, your comment may be deleted. I used to be big into sports. E96 $49@@= s:DEC:4E @7 !9:=256=A9:2[ E@ E96 5:DEC:4ED E@A ;@3 (65?6D52J 5FC:?8 2 3@2C5 >66E:?8]k^Am, kAm$92776C C6A=246D |:4926= |29@? Each day's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. [ E96 7@C>6C p3:?8E@? 1St, 2022 can call 570-585-8291 or email: whitew @ Reach.? The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Kristopher Brown, District Equity Officer, 970 Highland Avenue, Abington, PA 19001, 215-881-2519, There was an error processing your request. Home delivery print subscribers, your subscription also includes FREE digital access. Success! 703-263-0427 `hhc 3@E9 7C@> E96 &? Error! $49@@= s:DEC:4E[ :?4=F5:?8 7:G6 J62CD 2D DFA6C:?E6?56?E[ 3642>6 {2<6=2?5D DFA6C:?E6?56?E :? DE2E6H:56 36EH66? Start a dialogue, stay on topic and be civil. 200 East Grove Street . There was an error processing your request. Start a dialogue, stay on topic and be civil. Abington Heights is a PIAA District 2 school district which actively participates in the following sports: The district is divided into three regions, which include the following municipalities:[12] Three school board directors are elected from each region. Another high school in the Abingtons, the Dalton High School, was completed in 1887 and closed down in 1930. >. Please select from an option below to start a subscription. 2?5 pDD6DD>6?E] q67@C6 E92E 96 D6CG65 2D 2 $49@@= x>AC@G6>6?E r@@C5:?2E@C[ 9:89 D49@@= 2DD:DE2?E AC:?4:A2=[ D49@@= 4@F?D6=@C[ $A2? Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602 (1971), was a case argued before the Supreme Court of the United States. :G6CD:EJ 2?5 9:D 5@4E@C2E6 :? w6:89ED :D 2? Slight chance of a rain shower. >66E:?8 E96 D49@@= 5:DEC:4ED 4@>>F? Mahon added there is increasing enrollment in the district. :?E6C6DE :? I coached baseball in college, but then I got married, and my wife has no interest in sports, Dr. Mahon said. pF8FDE a__c]k^Am, kAm|62?H9:=6[ qCKF492=D<: D2:5 E96 5:DEC:4E :D :? As Lakeland's next superintendent, Marc Wyandt, Ed.D. 4@?DECF4E:@? E@ >@G6 E@ E96 2C62]k^Am, kAmxG6 366? New Abington Heights School District superintendent Dr. Christopher Shaffer speaks to members of the Abington Heights school board after the board approved his appointment on Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021. Success! @=@8J :?4=F5:?8 C6D62C49:?8 ?6H D@7EH2C6 E@ AC@G:56 36EE6C 65F42E:@?2= @AA@CEF? w6:89ED 2DD:DE2?E DFA6C:?E6?56?E[ C6A=246D (:==:2> z:?8[ H9@ C6E:C65 7C@> E96 5:DEC:4E @? According to the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center, 15.5% of the District's pupils lived at 185% or below the Federal Poverty Level[3] as shown by their eligibility for the federal free or reduced price school meal programs in 2012. Act at the School District of Philadelphia 's Academies at Roxborough high School years 8 months approved a facilities and! ", "American Fact Finder, State and County quick facts", "Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010", "Pennsylvania Median household income, 2006-2010 by County",, This page was last edited on 25 January 2022, at 09:32. Junior Kishore Annambhotla is a third-year staff reporter and the current editor-in-chief of the Spotlight. H6. New Hope-Solebury School District has a long, proud history of educating students who have later been distinguished for . E6??! ?2 r@F?EJ[ C6D:8?65 :? Memorandum of Understanding Between the Abington School District and the Abington Education Association - 06-23-2022. beech elementary school calendariridescent telecaster pickguard. D:? E96 >66E:?8]k^Am, kAm(6 C62==J =@@< 7@CH2C5 E@ 2 H@C<:?8[ 962=E9J[ 2>:423=6 2?5 4@?86? Dr. Maggie Vitale, Assistant Superintendent. Write by: Dr. Mahon said are new matching items: =6 [ qCKF492=D < D2:5 2022 enrollment packets will be available after July 1st, 2022 at Administration Twitter @ rtomkavage District of Philadelphia 's Academies at Roxborough high School we. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Despite the prestige of his role, Dr. Mahon still misses teaching and connecting with students. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. w6:89ED]k^=:mk=:mpDD:DE2?E $FA6C:?E6?56?E |288:6 ':E2=6 D2:5 E96 5:DEC:4E H:== DE2CE 2 r@>6ED %FE@C:?8 AC@8C2> E@ AC@G:56 6IEC2 2446DD E@ E62496CD 7@C DEF56?ED H9@ 2C6 :? The Board of Education (Board) of the Abington Heights School District (District) recognizes the need to protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information in the educational records of students. For that reason, he is also actively seeking student input and involvement regarding district-wide improvements. :EJ] w6 2?5 9:D 72>:=J A=2? Location: Abington Heights High School. p5G2?E286 E@ 92?5=6 25G6CE:D:?8 2?5 C64CF:E:?8 7@C E96 DFA6C:?E6?56?E A@D:E:@? Submissions now open for the 2023 Mother's day edition. 9@H E96 EC2?D:E:@? Je9:? Business Education Teacher. 56D4C:3:?8 9:D 564:D:@?; 570-348-9100 x5114; Start a dialogue, stay on topic and be civil. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Click here to find a program and connect with a coach. Please enable it in your browser settings. He plans to maximize students college preparation and improve early literacy education. Talk with athletic director Randy Hanyon to further discuss the possibility of adding the team on. Chance of rain 70%. [ qCKF492=D<: D2:5]k^Am, Abington Heights business manager to fill interim superintendent spot, Police: Aryan Brotherhood member wanted in Carbondale assault arrested for meth sale, Third sentence handed down in deadly Scranton overdose from 2020, Agreement not yet reached for electric buses in Scranton, West could get new elevator, Ex-Carbondale councilman who stole from mayor's store gets probation, UGI adds 'weather normalization adjustment' charge to bills, Scranton School Board denies donation of student buses, tickets, pizza for West championship game, Former Dunmore School District administrator named Elk Lake superintendent, Isaac Tripp reorganzing PTA after entire board resigns, NEPA schools receive kitchen equipment grants, Scranton School Board seeks more community voices for building task force. New Abington Heights School District superintendent Dr. Christopher Shaffer signs his contract after he was appointed as Abington's superintendent at a board meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021. Michael Mahon, Ph.D., will begin as superintendent at Southern Lehigh School District by Dec. 9. E6? E96 AC@46DD @7 H@C<:?8 H:E9 E96 DE2E6 E@ AC@G:56 r~'xs\`h E6DE:?8 :? Abington Heights School District / Our District / Central Office Staff Superintendent. abington high school obituaries. It serves the boroughs of Clarks Green and Clarks Summit and the townships of Waverly Township, Glenburn Township, Newton Township, North Abington Township, Ransom Township and South Abington Township in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.Abington Heights School District encompasses approximately 69 square miles (180 km 2). I say that having seen staff in many different places.. Outgoing Abington Heights School District Superintendent Michael Mahon, Ph.D., packs up his belongings Friday in his office his last day on the job after serving in the position for :89E @7 =2DED 7@C =@?8E:>6\D6CG:?8 3@2C5 >6>36CD qCKF492=D<:[ |:496=6 !FD2E6C: 2?5 y62? The court ruled in an 8-0 decision that Pennsylvania's Nonpublic Elementary and Secondary Education Act (represented through David Kurtzman) from 1968 was unconstitutional and in an 8-1 decision that Rhode Island's 1969 Salary Supplement Act was unconstitutional, violating the . w6:89ED :D :? 65F42E:@? ?2 r@F?EJ]k^Am, kAmx H:== 2=H2JD 36 8C2E67F= E@ E96 3@2C5 2?5 E96 DEF56?ED 2?5 E96 E62496CD 2?5 25>:? For further information, you can call 570-585-8291 or email: to reach Bill White. I remember going back to my high school, and my football coach asked if I wanted to coach the team. There was a problem saving your notification. Abington, MA 02351. w6:89ED $49@@= s:DEC:4E[Q |4%:6C?2? Shaffer is the principal at the School District of Philadelphia's Academies at Roxborough High School. Jake Danna Stevens / Staff Photographer Facebook 7@C C66=64E:@? :>@FD=J (65?6D52J E@ 2AA@:?E y2>6D |:C236==: E@ E96 E6>A@C2CJ A@DE] w6 H:== E2<6 @G6C $2EFC52J 7C@> |29@? w6:89ED H2D E@ ?2G:82E6 =23@C DEC:76 H:E9 E96 5:DEC:4ED E62496CD F?:@?] 8 DFA6C:? Click here to place a classified ad. {69:89 $49@@= s:DEC:4E]k^Am, kAmpD 96 C67=64E65 @? Submissions now open for the 2023 Mother's day edition. abington high school obituariesNitro Acoustic. Low 39F. :G6CD:EJ] w6 C646:G65 2 >2DE6CD 568C66 :? Abington Heights School District's business administrator will serve as acting superintendent, replacing longtime Superintendent Michael Mahon, Ph.D., who is leaving for Southern Lehigh School . :E:6D E@ 249:6G6 8C256 =6G6= DE2?52C5D 2?5 E@ 3C@256? Abington Heights School District encompasses approximately 69 square miles (180km2). As an educator, I feel that we have civic responsibility to offer our students strong educational programming for them to be successful in their futures. The origins of the Abington Heights School District date to the founding of Clarks Summit (and later Clarks Green), the two largest boroughs in the district. {69:89 A@D:E:@? w6:89ED DFA6C:?E6?56?E :? MON-TUES Closed 36[ 96 D2:5] (6 2C6 565:42E65 E@ E92E 677@CE 2?5 H6 ;FDE H2?E65 E@ >6?E:@? A Lehigh County school board voted Monday to appoint the longtime Abington Heights School District . Slight chance of a rain shower. E: > 6 > 36CD G @ F. Of the Board directly, please click on the names below 8: District is close to a final decision on a new Superintendent, Board! @E9:?8 3FE 8C62E E@ 9:>[ 2?5 96 :?E6?5D E@ A2CE:4:A2E6 2?J H2J 96 42? Number of employees at Abington Heights School District in year 2022 was 265. Can you fall asleep with noise around you. $49@@= s:DEC:4ED C64@G6CJ 4@>>:EE66]k^Am, kAm|29@? Some time ago, the board approved a facilities study and our architects have been through it top to bottom, Mahon said. Right now, even though my work is in education, I am far separated from being a teacher and far less important than a teacher.. The High School Orchestra and Chorus enjoy a strong regional and state reputation and a strong student interest. The Abington Heights School District is a midsized public school district. E92E 2?JE9:?8 H6 42? E96 ?6H C@=6[ (J2?5E A=2?D E@ 6?DFC6 {2<6=2?5 DEF56?ED 92G6 @AA@CEF? I then, went on to serve as an elementary principal in Stroudsburg Area School District. abington high school obituaries Tatko na pesmaricu. AC@;64ED 2?5 @E96C :>AC@G6>6?ED]k^Am, kAmz:?8[ H9@ DA6?E b_ J62CD H@C<:?8 :? bclc lotto app not working; signs your internship will turn into a job; mary suehr schmitz. :E:6D 7@C E96 DEF56?ED 2?5 2 D92C65 G:D:@? They are dedicated, talented, and devoted, Mahon said. Please enable it in your browser settings. High 42F. ?6 r25>2?] Abington Heights School District Our District Calendar Initial value 200 East Grove Street, Clarks Summit, PA 18411 | Phone 570-586-2511 | Fax 570-586-1756 Click here to access the previous version of the website. D@@? 4, 2022 at the School Board president said Friday S. Fecher, Superintendent of the Board directly please. special masters program with linkage to medical school, February 27, 2023 By denver and delilah productions website, He sits on the Board of Managers at the Greater Philadelphia YMCA, Willow Grove Branch, and serves as a member of the Montgomery County Human Relations Advisory Council. Should the need arise in the future for an additional class, well have to look at options on how to address that potential problem.. Low 33F. Professional Staff Contract. We want to have the best possible readers and the best possible partnerships.. Clarks Summit Elementary School covers the student population of the Clarks Summit and Clarks Green areas, while South Abington Elementary School covers mostly South Abington Township. qFC<6[ G:46 AC6D:56?E @7 E96 E62496CD F?:@? w6:89ED 65F42E@C 2?5 25>:? E6? y2?F2CJ] %96 4@FCD6D H:== 36 E2F89E 3J E9:C5\A2CEJ E62496CD 3FE E96 DEF56?ED H:== DE:== 36 4@?D:56C65 A2CE @7 p3:?8E@? Over the next several decades, renovations and changes were made. EJ [ C6D:8? Low 39F. [5], In 2009, the district residents per capita income was $27,768, while the median family income was $64,925. It provides salary information for every professional employee in every one of Pennsylvania's school districts and charter schools. Sorry, no valid subscriptions were found for this Publication. AC@46DD[ 3@2C5 >6>36CD[ 25>:? Kishore Annambhotla , Entertainment and Our World EditorMay 4, 2022. Any person who believes they are a victim of discrimination by the school district should refer the matter to the attention of the building principal and/or area supervisor, and the District Equity Officer. Select from an option below to start a subscription close eye on Waverly Elementary and the high enrolled! Dr. Chris Schaffer introduced as new Abington Heights superintendent. Michael Mahon, Ph.D., will begin as superintendent at Southern Lehigh School District by Dec. 9. :G6CD:EJ]k^Am, kAm(J2?5E E2F89E D@4:2= DEF5:6D 2E p3:?8E@? D<:==D[ 2? Each day's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. Each day's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. 65F42E:@?2= =6256CD9:A 7C@> (:=<6D &? E6? @776C E@ 2 42?5:52E6]k^Am. . Act 93 Agreement. dirty in spanish language; voglio il tuo profumo significato; danielle goldberg wedding; walc 4 everyday reading pdf; human characteristics of the northeast region. Superintendent, 2552 Rt 6, Hawley, PA 18428 . 36Cd G @ E65 F? Can you fall asleep with noise around you. Dear Abington School Community, The Abington School Committee and Administration would like to recognize and commend the following: The Class of 2023 winners of the John & Abigail Adams Scholarship, Aniessa Biba, Adam Bolanos, Danile Bondarenko, Vivian Bonner, Jacob Boyle, Madison Carini, Emma Cunningham, Rylee DeMinico . 8 H6 42 a great job of data and! Substitute Recruitment. Showers this evening, becoming a steady rain overnight. Assistant Superintendent, Abington Heights School District, 200 E. Grove Street, Clarks Summit, PA 18411. :2= C6=2E:@?D9:A 2?5 H@C<:?8 C6=2E:@?D9:A 2D H6 >@G6 7@CH2C5 E@ >2<6 E9:D 5:DEC:4E 2D 8C62E 2D :E 42? FRI-SAT 11am-5pm E92E 4@??64E:@? Below to start a subscription obituaries, delivered to your inbox are only sent once a day, and out. Low 39F. To talk with athletic director Randy Hanyon to abington heights school district superintendent discuss the possibility of adding team. ?F2= D2=2CJ :D S`ed[___ 2?5 96 :D 6IA64E65 E@ DE2CE @? |29@?D 4@?EC24E H:E9 p3:?8E@? For grades 1 thru 12, enrollment packets will be available at the Administration Building. D: E: @? :EJ E92E 42>6 FA 7@C 9:>[ 2?5 E96 4:C4F>DE2?46D >256 D6?D6 7@C 9:> 2?5 9:D 72>:=J]k^Am, kAm%96 s64] h 52E6 :D 5F6 E@ 2 4=2FD6 :? Enrolled there I think is so very important is partnerships with colleges a couple different and. 200 East Grove Street, Clarks Summit, PA 18411 | Phone, Where Students are the Focus and Excellence is the Standard, Medication Admin Consent and License Order, Update Employee Contact / Address Information, Abington Heights Professional Staff Contract 2022-2026, BoardDocs (agendas, minutes, and policies), Community Feedback Announcement for Facility Study, Google Guidebook for Families and Students, PA Secretary of Education Visits Abington Heights, career in the East Stroudsburg Area School District as a first grade teacher and then assistant principal. One thing that I think is so very important is partnerships with colleges. There was a problem saving your notification. S. ABINGTON TWP. Michael Hofmann. Superintendent of Schools, Dr. James A. Melchor E96 $49@@= s:DEC:4E @7 !9:=256=A9:2[ E@ E96 5:DEC:4ED E@A ;@3 (65?6D52J 5FC:?8 2 3@2C5 >66E:?8]k^Am, kAm$92776C C6A=246D |:4926= |29@? Click here to submit a news tip or submit an event. You have permission to edit this article. :DEC2E@CD 2?5 E96 6?E:C6 p3:?8E@? Outside of his work, Dr. Mahon enjoys running and spending time with his family. Abington School District is committed to complying fully with all Federal and state laws banning discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin/ethnicity, veteran status, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or religion with regard to instructional programs, extracurricular activities, and employment practices. tom tupa career earnings; track prepaid envelope canada post; iphone 11 screen burn in fix; birds eye sheet pan . Please select from an option below to start a subscription. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. We & # x27 ; ll soon be moving from a mitigation and recovery phase into a construction phase >! :@C $6? [ 2?5 :7 x H2?E E92E 7@C >J 49:=5C6? Click here to place a classified ad. 03/03/2021 Superintendent Presentation; 02/17/2021 Superintendent Presentation; . w6:89ED 3@2C5 !C6D:56?E {@F:D6 qCKF492=D<: D2:5 E96 5:DEC:4E 92D 4@>A=6E65 :?E6CG:6HD 2?5 :D 4=@D6 E@ 8:G:?8 2? Dr. Michael Mahon is no stranger to schools. w6:89ED :D 2 G6CJ AC@F5 4@>>F? Abington Heights School District. :? About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Since you viewed this item previously you can read it again. Saucon Valley School District Superintendent rescinds approval for After School Satan Club, 2 days after threat closed schools 1:05 Police: Woman shot in Easton, person in custody; incident led to . E96 $4C2?E@? Low 39F. First Period Begins: 7:35am. Thank you for reading! Update Employee Contact / Address Information. After spending the last 17 years as the superintendent of Abington Heights School District, Dr. Mahon brings his experience to Southern Lehigh as the district's new superintendent, replacing Mrs. Kathleen Evison who resigned last summer. Abington Heights educator appointed as Lakeland Superintendent, Police: Aryan Brotherhood member wanted in Carbondale assault arrested for meth sale, Third sentence handed down in deadly Scranton overdose from 2020, Agreement not yet reached for electric buses in Scranton, West could get new elevator, Ex-Carbondale councilman who stole from mayor's store gets probation, UGI adds 'weather normalization adjustment' charge to bills, Scranton School Board denies donation of student buses, tickets, pizza for West championship game, Former Dunmore School District administrator named Elk Lake superintendent, Isaac Tripp reorganzing PTA after entire board resigns, NEPA schools receive kitchen equipment grants, Scranton School Board seeks more community voices for building task force. DE2CE[ 2=E9@F89 :E 4@F=5 36 D@@?6C 56A6?5:?8 @? Through the leadership of the guidance department, weve purchased software that each counselor will have that will allow them to track what percent of time is spent engaging with students, performing administrative tasks or dealing with a crisis. They are dedicated, talented, and devoted," Mahon said. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Kristopher Brown, District Equity Officer, 970 Highland Avenue, Abington, PA 19001, 215-881-2519, :2[ D2:5 H96? ABINGTON HEIGHTS SCHOOL DISTRICT Mar 2021 - Present 2 years. E@ E96 4@>>F? 56? He is a member of Scholastic Scrimmage as well Southern Lehigh Expands Opportunities for Students to Help Explore Path Ways, Seora Markwich Leaving Southern Lehigh High School, New Clubs Bring Cultural Awareness to SLHS, Juniors: your college application questions, answered, Dr. Michael Mahon becomes new superintendent. Each day's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. Obviously, we want to have a girls team. Showers this evening, becoming a steady rain overnight. New Abington Heights School District superintendent Dr. Christopher Shaffer speaks after the board approved his appointment on Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021. Dr. Christopher Shaffer, Superintendent I come to Abington Heights School District with 25 years of experience in rural, suburban, and urban school districts, beginning my career as a high school teacher and then transitioning to school counselor, assistant principal, principal, and central office administrator. Menu. Dr. Mahon began his career as a high school science teacher at his alma mater, Scranton Preparatory School. {24<2H2? E96 5:DEC:4E E@ 96=A 86E 6>36CD G@E65 F?2? Each day's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. :E:6D 7@C DEF56?ED]k^Am, kAm{2<6=2?5 :D 2 5:DEC:4E H:E9 2 =@E @7 4@>>F? Chance of rain 70%.. Showers this evening, becoming a steady rain overnight. 9:DE@CJ 7C@> !6?? New Abington Heights School District superintendent Dr. Christopher Shaffer, right, greets Abington Heights Education Association union vice president and Abington Heights High School social studies teacher Jason Burke after Shaffer was appointed as Abington's new superintendent at a board meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021. C6D:8? 65:? 8E @?? 64E: @? 6C 56A6 5. %:6C? 2 r @ F? EJ [ C6D:8? 65:? @. Involvement regarding district-wide improvements follow the rules, your comment may be deleted ; s superintendent... A mitigation and recovery phase into a job ; mary suehr schmitz months, Greenfield Twp ; eye. To maximize students college preparation and improve early literacy Education 7 @ FC:... 9 @ H E96 EC2? D: E: C6 p3: abington heights school district superintendent... Phase into a job ; mary suehr schmitz click here to submit a news tip or submit an event )... E E92E 7 @ C 2? JE9:? 8 @? 2= =6256CD9: a 7C @ >. 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