cases won against cps

i found him lifeless 8 attempts at CPR and he started breathing 10 more seconds and he would of been gone forever. Friday, I received my service plan that I must complete, and I had already completed everything before I even got it except for the psychological evaluation. I didnt receive your message and am just seeing this today. For the reasons that follow, the instant action will be dismissed. ?CPS said they assessed current risk SO they placxe her with the REAL abuser?? I informed her I was about 400 miles away. I guess im just frantically trying to find a way to get them back and out of the system. We have asked for an exemption but it has been two months and still have not heard back. Ky. Apr. Then, I sued them and won! Benjamin Because as of today we are still on monitored visits couple hours a week and it has been a yr and half .. Lots of push and pull a give and take its been horribly damaging to all of our lives and my daughter is the one who needs a mom .. Please Help, MY CHILDREN WERE TAKEN THANKS TO A CASE MANAGER WHO WAS REPORTED TO THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA. Judy, why dont you publish your journals? Now I am being blamed for all their troubles. contact prepaid legal they are great at what they do. I showed up expecting to bring my kids home with me only to have the courts and CPS destroy my kids lives for almost three years now. They have not entered the communication logs and the took jurisdiction and now my son is being used as leverage to hold over me to prevent me from filing. You must 1st be someone whos beyond blame/reproach, someone I could sell to a jury. yes the county of what ever state it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She avers that she has had several encounters with false claims and this was a form of harassment and intimidation. Entering or searching your house without Hello, Santa Claira County CPS .removed my daughters 4 children ages 11,9,4& 3 due to her in laws making false reports and digging up any and everything they could find on her past and yet said nothing about how their son had threw the 3 year old in the pool just days after being born and brought home, had not the 11 and 9 year old walked outside to get in the pool and freaking out seeing their baby brother gasping for air The bottom of the pool he said he wouldve just left the baby there.WTFafter he confessed this to me, I didnt know how to address that without seriously hurting him as the day proceeded I felt that my son in law was really acting weird, depressed and talking craziness, the next morning we couldnt find him anywhere then the police department notified my daughter that they had found about to jump off an overpass so obviously what they had done was eating at him but instead of telling mental health and his family what he had been telling us that weekend he told them that he needed to get out of Ca because everyone here is on drugs.. theres so much more but it would take too much time to type it all out. my mom sees her and knows what is going on. Like many others I have been unable to get anyone to listen to the fact that I have done NOTHING wrong yet have been targeted by the court and have been doomed to lose my children for apparently the rest of their childhood. we are parents of four children that were taken from us the child who the original medical abuse was suspected on was taken because a doctor said she is a normal healthy child and that she is no need of continuing medical care. My son isnt doing so well without me and Im trying to stay strong. I actually called CPS on them for what they did to my daughter one night! Caseworkers failed to inform the court that the children were emotionally distressed by being separated from their parents, and refused to place them with relatives, whose Kinship Care rights should have been honored, and intentionally misinformed the court. Their Mother died of cancer and never told the children she was dying, not even after our urging. Children seized w/o warrant. Please help, and thanks for all your valuable information. Your email address will not be published. Hi Linda my name is Rennetta and I am in Sacramento California is actually a Plasterville California so El Dorado County Im actually currently dealing with CPS case Im allegations made by someone that I am using drugs and theres drug abuse in the home I had recently just left my youngest childs father and he does have my two sons but I do have my oldest daughter my 16-year-old the CPS worker showed up at my home on these allegations and is telling all my family that they can take my boys if they allowed me to see them so now I am currently not allowed to see my children the CPS worker is demanding a drug test which I did use my rights as she needs a court order to do so which is fine I dont mind taking it I just dont believe that I should have to take it or I should even be doing with this by somebodys allegation of drug abuse what can I do. Hi I would like to know more please email me info .I am in California. Conclusion Please avail yourself of these resources before seeking a consultation. Copyright 2013 - 2023. Can anyone offer us advise we need to expose CPS and the people that lie to take kids wrongfully from their parents and destroy families. Reply to this post if you are interested in talking. We both beat the corrupt system as pro se parents, long before we knew what we teach you now. The big sweep after covid to round up children and overwhelm the system is absurd, disgusting and a blatant abuse of power. Court order visits I have so much recordings of email text audio of all the lies please help me please my children do not deserve this at 1 2v3 and 11 they are givibg up hope and are deteriorating constantly sick and dirty they were potty trained now they wear diapers they talked and are very advanced in all programs I had them participate in before cos got involved in my famlies life now the social workers says my 1 yr old is developmentally delayed because she refuses to talk to them and only cries my kids are very close to each other very close bonds and relationship they are always together but they have their own time and interest also they intentionally separated them saying they just wanted to always be with one another and that it shows they were not supervised and that in mentally unstable that my kids are to advanced and too smart and independent please help they say Im not taking psychiatric medication but havent been prescribed psychiatric medication they served me with a neglect warrant ssying I have no food shelter or clothing but we stayed in a family shelter Ive filed complaints a gov tort talked to ombudsmen person supervisors division mgs directors and no one is doing anything but telling me to be quiet and just wait these people are breaking the law fabricating reports and false allegations discrimination false imprisonment violating our civil rights commuting pujury conspiracy and so much more you have to help us please please. In Orange County a mother has been awarded 4.9 million dollars in a case against CPS caseworkers and the Department of Social Services. When he came home his six year old boy had gone missing. I was hospitalized for four days and an hour before I was released cps took my then 14 year old daughter. DEFENDANTS, Court:United States District Court, W.D. But you really need to register starting here. . He needs me and I need him. Everyone who has been affected by this Nazi-like corrupt greed-driven system needs to coalesce as a huge force and storm Washington until they shut down the slush-fund that enables this evil!!! And no one will. One addtl thought: Contact Dr. Lillian or Doctor Richard Dunsmore in Coatesville, addtl help re: medical diagnosis of OI. . If you have an open CPS case take notes on every regulation thats being violated by your caseworker. The new school was worse. McMillan says this is a problem across the board in all agencies of government due to not enough oversight. I see my daughter a lot and i have my own 2 yr old son now. Please dont waste it. If they do not take enough children there is not enough funding for the overhead they have right now. We have documented the deep, imbedded corruption in the social services agencies in California. I am not sure if I can offer any help but am open to sharing with you what I did to combat their illegal techniques. To make the story short, a year ago one of my nephews who at the time was 2 years old was beaten to death by the mothers boyfriend. They advised us to have a lawyer read the papers. It may be a regulation your state has that isnt in others. Theres more to life this is a beautiful place for learning and growing and finding out about new things. The new CPS worker seems normal however this first one told numerous lies about me My attorney is just sitting there not explaining things why would she grant my husband Im not even divorced from yet custody when she saw and video him beating up my son whats wrong with these people Im not saying theyre all bad but for god sakes weve got to do something about this please theyre too many people out there in pain theyve got to stop hurting people please help. Ronald, same thing happened to me with my two oldest daughters. I can only talk to her on the phone twice a week on speaker phone so they can hear and i cant see her in person except for in court where im not allowed touch her. Thomas v. Shipka, 818 F.2d 496, 500 (6th Cir. While we cannot act as your attorney, we can speak and write freely regarding our understanding of the law and how it applies to you in the context of your case because those are core rights protected by the First Amendment. In most cases, CPS would not want to do this unless it is the only option available. The funding ends after the 18 months. Great advise I will check into an administrative hearing on Monday. My question is, should I even attempt to sue CPS? Start your own movement. No eye contact,I keep getting run around. Yet the cps worker said the children were fine living in a abandoned house with no food power or water I have the confidential report. Someone please help me, they want to give my sister legal guardianship in Montana and my son and I didnt even know that this was going on and we dont approve. That is not how it was my parents secretly set up with Cps a fostering permit and planned their attack on me then carried out just that the plan to take my child away .. That was a year a half ago and now after taking the classes and doing the counseling and kissing tons of case social workers whom never stopped changing each with their own idea of how it should be and making changes to our plan accordingly .I have never met so many bi est , judgmental and rude people in the government organizations . They had to chase my son across a field because he was so upset and distraught. It was hell for me and they have never fully recovered even though the younger of the two is now 29. Ive seen the babies once in the past 14 months. This matter is before the The social worker preferred herself in court documents we have video proof going against what she said. I think you will find a couple of active California groups and sites. Sign NOTHING!!!!! Folks, ever since the verdict, Ive been contacted by people all over the country about taking on another case like this. CPS does physical and emotion abuses to our kids and to our family. I get a call one day from a CPS worker asking if I could pick my kids up within 15-20 minutes because the mother got arrested and her sister said she couldnt take care of them. Idiot!!!! We will craft custom strategies for any new resistance you may experience. Who was the lawyer That sat by and did nothing? Approval of the settlement by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is pending. Cps wrongfully removed my 4 children 6 months ago and has separated them 1 has been kidnapped and 2 I have not been able to see for over 3 months the county social worker refuses to give me my court orders visitations and now I have over 35ht of missed visits my kids havent seen either ive completed the possible case plan 2 y already have doc and everything the worker lies in her reports and tell me if she can help it she will make sure i never see or get my kids and that they will be adopted please help for many I turn in my certificates of completion she lies to the judge she wont give me my referrals for court orders she wont give me buss passes services so ies she sub blows ne s passes for help I spend over 1500 Every week traveling for visits and I work 5 jobs please please tell every day its something now am more lies and add on because the last accusations is wasnt strong enough to keep my kids.. Dear friends we all can sue CPS the questions is: Do you have your paper work ready? Its so difficult. WebMcMillan has been suing Since CPS since 2005, and his associates Bob Powell since 2002, and Donnie Cox since 1995. Except in exigent circumstances, a court order is required before CPS can legally remove a child from your home without your consent. I think we should all put a HUGE sign on our rooftops saying MY CHILD/CHILDREN WERE KIDNAPPED AND I WAS RAPED BY CPS.. See how much attention we get THEN.. Im sure the News Medias would see it, and everyone flying high in their planes.. Im sure it would get some attention! My advice is to live close to your daughters so they can seek you out, and keep asking for visitation. And I hope someone can Investigate at the way DCFS in Los Angeles is really doing to Destroy Families. Please review our free pro se help resources. They repeatedly perjure themselves before the court and openly brag about their ability to frame their reports to manipulate the courts into doing whatever they wish. TWITTER: @EthicsRouser, Heres The White House Corruption Petition:, Hello can someone tell me what the WhiteHouse corruption Petition is about? I am mother of 2 cps put a hospital hold on my newborn and kept her from me being watched in the nicu. She has an office in California. Please help! I refused to do this test .. the school then notified my parents who were the emergency contacts and the next option for communication if in the event i was unavailable . When they showed up at my house..I let them in and access to all 4 of my kids as she told me it was mandatory. Please help me! see: WebFight CPS Hand Book Very Rough Draft:07/09/14 . Christy v. Randlett, 932 F.2d 502, 504 (6th Cir. and if so can you point me in the right direction please I miss my grand babies so so very much. I havent done anything here hes he has Special Needs has a disability he is nonverbal hes rebellious sometimes this vicious woman who has nothing going for her other than a very mean spirit and soul I dont know what would drive somebody to hurt a child the way shes hurt my son. THEIR PHONES WERE TAKEN AWAY.PRIOR TO THAT THE FOSTER CAREGIVER, PROVIDED NO HEAT, DID NOT COMB THEIR HAIR, PERMITTED THEM TO WALK TO SCHOOL ALTHOUGH, THEY OWNED SIX CARS COMPLIMENTS OF FOSTER CHILDREN, PULLED ON MY BABYS ARM TO DO THINGS HER WAY, THE FEMALE, MADE THEM ATTEND A CHURCH, WHERE THE CHILDREN DIDNT UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE, DCFS COULD NOT REACH THEM, BUT THAT WAS O.K. I am a mother whos daughter is being held in CA against her will and has also been sexually assualted with her fathers knowledge his stepson was doing it and physically and mentally abused by her father. Just a thought Contact the atty in Orange County who recently obtained a record settlement 4 the *Beauty Queen Mom* whose rights were terminated by CPS. But need an outline of what to do, start to finish. I did nothing to get them taken away. Find others in your state with the exact same issues in recent years. I did nothing wrong except trust in the system. 1999). Please reach out to me at or call me at (40eight) 210-1zero12 to talk! Ask them if its true they said that and if you can use them to testify as a witness. My son is distant, insecure in himself and everyone. My wife wants her children. Contact us at [emailprotected]. As a constitutional family rights expert researcher and writer, Sherry helps parents and their attorneys see the possibilities in making constitutional arguments for parental rights as being in the childs best interests. Things that CPS cannot do include. FEDERAL LAWSUIT AGAINST CPS.. | MoveOn To: President Donald Trump, MARGARET CHRISAWN, Risk Management Program Specialist Department of Financial When I contacted the police, they informed me that they would assign it the classification of child annoyance and assign it a report asap, well, during sex ed class (my daughter is in junior high now) my daughter mentioned this incident from her much distant past and voila DCFS was contacted! My name is Tara. The attorneys were Shawn A. McMillan and Sondra S. Sutherland. Sherry attributes successfully developing the most powerful tools and a five-stage formula to assist attorneys and pro se parents get better results and fight legal abuses that occur in the family court settings. Please connect with me. McMillan makes his living by exclusively suing county and state agencies that are involved in child abuse investigations. He is definitely one of the good guys. I know they didnt handle the first case well but Im very confused why they are involving lawyers. 11(a) ("Every pleading, written motion, and other paper . Exigent means that an emergency is actively taking place and action must be taken immediately. Yes please. I just discovered that her message was misteriously erased somehow, so I guess it will be all hear say. court. WebParents rights. Please who is the attorney in California fight against cps and win?? Its no small feat! Ive lost my three children nigh completely (and for most of 2009, completely) despite no charges of anything against me just character assassination in court. She enables parents and attorneys to assert rights and convert the constitutional principles into everyday practice and natural language. My Daughter was KIDNAPPED by CPS in CALIFORNIA. The middle child reported physical abuse again, CPS, totally different people because everyone from last time was fired, told father that the previous case was unfounded and was sorry because it was not handled well. Maliciously fabricating false reports Cps wrongfully removed my 4 children 6 months ago and has separated them 1 has been kidnapped and 2 I have not been able to see for over 3 months the county social worker refuses to give me my court orders visitations and now I have over 35 hours of missed visits my kids havent seen either ive completed the possible case plan 2 timew already have doc and everything the worker lies in her reports and tell me if she can help it she will make sure i never see or get my kids and that they will be adopted please help for many I turn in my certificates of completion she lies to the judge she wont give me my referrals for court orders she wont give me buss passes services so ies she sub blows ne s passes for help I spend over 1500 Every week traveling for visits and I work 5 jobs please please tell every day its something now am more lies and add on because the last accusations is wasnt strong enough to keep my kids.. I had made over 250 attempts to change custody. 2001). Therefore, the only proper Plaintiff in this action is Peterson. I am going through the same situation. I was falsely accused on an altercation with my 17 year old daughter she and my sister that a rebirth child set it all up and stringed and used my 14 yr old ..I went to jail 7 days got 2 different cases that affected a state job I had Madera county has defaults starting from when I was arrested I have every type of form and dates times of who I spoke I proved my innocence my 14 told them the truth there put me threw so much to even prevent my 1 hr visits ..they talk foul to me I have there texts ..they want to expire my case and give them for adoption ..if I only need which way to go about to get the media my referrals were being incomplete for more than a yr the judge new his words were call the cops office to get it fix never did they do till 18 months later Madera county stayed there take full responsibility and still want take my 14 yr old sister a rebirth child Madera has made it possible for us to be separated and know my 14 yr old is built in her mind its me when cps is doing this Ive done everything ok be to do when I could if had done 18 months ago ..they never gave me a team meeting form of the outcome of the meeting they dont do home visits they add the opposite of statement provide report cards from 9 months ago as recent I dont see how the judge dont see it ween I comment my word means nothing, My name is Maria and I have a dependency case in Los Angeles that has lasted for the last 3yrs. 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