If an older plant becomes too large for its space, it can safely be cut back by about one-third during late winter or early spring to rejuvenate it and encourage new growth. I hope you got the clue of the common name now! STEP 1 PREPARING YOUR TOOLS: Pour one part bleach to 10 parts water into a bucket (e.g. Below it is a pic of a normal date palm trunk that is greyish. There are many tools available depending on the job. Fertilize 3 A 5-step Care Instruction for Sylvester Palms that could save you thousands! I also think that a mantle would be a good idea for your fireplace. I also think the other trunks don't look bad either. USDA Zone 9b more or less, Sunset Zone 14 in winter 9 in summer, "Its always exciting the first time you save the world. This is the traditional tool for prune Phoenix dactiliferas in Spain. Honestly now that I see your pic and Shawn's pic, I realize that if the stain isn't going onto any actively growing part of the tree, then I don't think there is anyway for it to hurt the tree. The best source for these plants is online specialty retailers and plant nurseries. I put Linseed oil on one of the trunks and it does darken the color quite a bit. The soil mix should be well-drained but still retain moisture, so the addition of perlite or sand can help improve drainage. The dates are processed and used in cuisines and making wine, jelly, sap, and sugar. Cuttings should be carefully removed from healthy stems at a node (point where leaf meets stem) and carefully placed in moistened perlite. This myth has caused gardeners to do extensive palm tree pruning that doesnt help and can hurt the tree. Makes nice, clean cuts, and is easy to control. They have a slow growth rate, ultimately reaching a height of 50 feet. I think you may have just nailed the secret. I wouldn't put anything on the trunks as they tend to be porous. A slow, one-hour trickle of water should do the job. And then a few dollars of polyurethane and a few days to allow it to cure = new floor ready for another 20+ years of wear. Drought Tolerance:Moderate Just if there's something subtle we could do to improve the look though. After removing the soil, mix it with some compost or peat moss. I'll try to get some pics for you. Some gardeners make the mistake of doing this every year, and the tree becomes weak and unhealthy. Here is a link that might be useful: Sikkens, This post was edited by cc179 on Tue, Sep 17, 13 at 17:54. Ouch! I am assuming it is safe to use on the trees since it is a natural product. I would like them to be darker in appearance. If you are in the market for large or small trees this is where you want to come. The Sylvester Date Palm Tree, scientific name Phoenix sylvestris, is one of the most popular palm trees in the world. Although these palms are drought-tolerant once they're established, water during dry spells if you don't have irrigation. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. The leaves are large, dark green, shiny, and deeply divided into glossy leaflets. Common Names:Sugar Date Palm, Sylvester Date Palm, India Date Palm, Silver Date Palm and Wild Date Palm, Description:Hardy Range:8B 11 In South Florida's many Latin neighborhoods, the trunks of palms and trees are often painted white. This tree, called Phoenix sylvestris in the botanical community, has large leaves that hold countless silvery leaflets that shimmer in the wind. they were set out 2 months ago. Its a real thrill!". Phoenix sylvestris is a cold hardy palm that can tolerate cold down to 15F. The outer two are natural/unstained. Consider whether tall trees or shrubs will block windows or interfere with the roof or power lines.To prepare the planting area dig a hole as deep as the root ball and three times as wide. On the other hand, when you are pruning palm plants, dont think you need to prune green, healthy fronds. my large Sylvester palms have new growth out the top which turns brown. Just my opinion. They looked very nice, very healthy. Sign up for our newsletter. You can return at another time to remove these petioles. Water the plant well then add a 2 (5cm) layer of mulch, such as shredded bark, around the planting area. Indoor plants usually only need occasional misting of the foliage. Mature fruit can be a food source for unwanted pests such as birds and rodents. (hence the common name "Toddy Palm"). Free shipping for many products! Some experts recommend avoiding all palm tree pruning, but most suggest you avoid cutting too much or too often. Again, this is very common here in Cal. Avoid the sharp spines on the lowers fronds. Also, there are endless commercial orchards of pistachio, figs and almonds that have their trunks painted white to protect them from sunburn in our extreme heat. Occasional pests may include mealybugs, mites, or scale insects, which can be controlled by handpicking or with the use of insecticidal sprays. The trunk is swollen from the base with an average diameter of about 30 to 40 cm. These are cold hardy trees with a survival temperature as low as 10 F. Instead, smaller plants can be pruned by carefully snipping off the top with sharp shears to encourage branching. But the lighter almost look painted. The sap of the creamy Toddy palm flowers is processed to make a kind of alcohol. This is a single-trunk palm with dark green pinnate leaves. Flowers of a female tree get pollinated by a male tree in the vicinity. Established trees should be fertilized every 2-3 years. Does anyone know of any product that can be safely used to darken or stain a palm tree trunk. Sterilize and sharpen your pruning tools before you begin. Sylvester Palm plants are rarely found within the home and garden centers. This species is more resistant to disease than other Date Palms. Looks like green petiole on some. I assume that this is part of Latin culture and often wondered why the trunks were painted. Or maybe a light sanding with sandpaper.I agree having all of them white does look strange. They looked very nice for only six months or so. They can, however, be easily propagated by stem cuttings taken during the growing season. They are a silver-green color and have spines towards the petioles. I ask because I have a young Sylvester Palm myself, and we were considering possibly doing the dye/seal thing with it. It grows best in the USDA Zones 8b (15 to 20 F) to 11 (above 40 F). Generally, youll need pruners, garden knives, and pruning saws when you are trimming a palm tree. Pruning them into pineapple shapes or skinning their trunks weaken the trees. One of the palms trunks rotted on one side. General Appearance of the Sylvester Palm: Madagascar Palm Care: Everything You Need to Know, What Planting Zone is Illinois in? Theis first row of olives was left as street trees. Before planting the tree it is important to select the right place. Let us have a look at the common uses; The Sylvesters are loved for their exotic look. Most palms that i have seen painted are for insect problems. (USDA Plant Hardiness Zones), Why is My Phlox Not Flowering? Ornamental Characteristics: They do not require frequent cleaning, however, since their large leaves usually collect dust on the undersides. I say just leave it alone. I've rambled on enough, so I hope some of my ideas seem reasonable. For more information visit. Trim the fronds close to the trunk as it will allow the nutrients to reach developing and healthy leaves instead of supplying withering leaves and fronds. Come by and see us today! It has a solitary robust trunk, with interesting diamond pattern created by leaf scars. The fruit of these beautiful palms is edible and loved for its sweetness. The leaf crown is usually 7 to 10m long with a spread of about 10m. The bushy fronds have stiff, pointy leaves with spines along the stems, so keep a safe distance from drives and walkways.at least 5 feet. I did not see anything on the internet on this topic, so that is why I decided to post. This drink is quite famous in India. I like them as they are one dark and 2 lighter ones. Tools that are dull or rusty can tear instead of slice. The leaves are 1 to 6 meters long and pinnate with shorter or no petioles at all. Balance in front of right hand side Mahonia by cutting maple down to graduating heights from path, with plants on top of each trunk, or maybe plants on two and interesting topiary frame currently on top of too-tall trunk; (3) stick 3 potted plants, maybe all in one planter (have silver one on hand decorated with green leaves & little red berries) on top of grill for when not in use (usually!). So, next time you grab some from the Indian Palms, make sure you share a little review from your taste buds. (This is my first venture into this forum and I have to say that it does not seem like a friendly place judging by the nasty responses to Shawn's post. Environment: Topping off this plant is rarely recommended since it may result in a weakened and unattractive appearance. Be sure to inquire about size and age when buying a Sylvester Palm plant since it can become top-heavy as it grows taller. BTW I still haven't smoked any cigarettes and I'm in a much better mood now. The stain the OP put on the one trunk of the king palm is very subtle and if he had not pointed out it was stained, Ill bet none of us would have thought twice about the color of the trunk. Jeff (crazy northern palm & tropical guy). There is no biological reason to do so and it can stress the tree. The Phoenix Sylvester Palm trees are hardy in USDA growth zones 8b to 11. If you do paint it post pics please. #landscape #Medjool #install #poolscape #Nursery #pool #HTX #houstonpools #hgtv #Houzz #custompools #luxurypools #customhomes #gardendesign #landscapedesign #outdoorliving #outdoorspaces #garden #outdoordesign #katylandscape #sugarlandlandscape #tomballlandscape #TheWoodlandsLandscape #SpringLandscape #PearlandLandscape #GalleriaLandscape #DowntownLandscape #HoustonLandscape, Verdant Tree Farm & Landscape - South at Perfect Palapas, TREES | PALMS | SHRUBS. An annual pruning, ideally in the early fall will enhance the health and appearance of the tree. The fruit turns purple-black when ripe. Mesopotamians wore their cylinder seals as jewelry. Pic taken in s. cakalacky, can you name it. I found the other pictures. Wear safety glasses and protective gloves, as well as heavy pants and a shirt with long sleeves. They are cold hardy and not a problem in the winter. Deep watering encourages roots to grow further into the ground resulting in a sturdier plant with more drought tolerance.To check for soil moisture use your finger or a hand trowel to dig a small hole and examine the soil. I have seen photos of timber bamboo culms painted neon colors in France. I actually walked over to the bucket to see if I could identify the brand but could not. I've never seen that tool before. Moreover, there are acanthophylls near the base. Without crownshaft 90-100 large pinnate, feather-shaped, leaves emerge at the top of the trunk. There are several reasons as to the painting of trunks of trees. My washies looked great when I first shaved the trunks . 3. I know there are varying reasons for doing it, and I have never really heard of it harming a tree. Will the sylvester fruit all year round in SW Florida or only in the spring? Cutting back a palm tree will not make it grow faster. Here is a list of Just a few of our trees we carry: Medjools, Phoenix Dactylifera, California fan palm, Pindo, Sylvester, Mediterranean fan, Pygmy, Queen, Live oak, Red Oak, Bald Cypress, Green Ash, Mexican Sycamore, Bottlebrush, Cedar Elm, Magnolia, Mule Palms, Texas Sabal, Windmill Palm, ect. Gather fallen fronds (leaf part of the palm)with a rake and place them in a wheelbarrow. We commonly see these trees cut in a specific manner to enhance beauty. The other two trunks remain unstained. If the petiole does not remove easily by hand, do not forcefully pull on them, these are not ready for removal. stalks is used to make an alcoholic drink in the palm's native India We normally are very friendly. Also known as a Wild Date Palm or India Date Palm, this showy tree is one of six species in the genus. The only thing this palm requires is some trimming to avoid skirt of old dead leaves. Water again when the upper 2 to 3 inches of the soil get dry. These trees are like the shorter forms of the famous Canary Island Date Palms. The darker one could be a shade or two lighter to look more natural. The center trunk is stained with the linseed oil. These palms produce annual flowers and fruit regularly. Drift rose, crown of thorns, jasmine minima (Asiatic jasmine), dwarf bougainvllea, and carissa. OkayI have changed it around a bit. Use a reciprocal saw with a pruning blade (sometimes called an"Ugly Blade"). I decided not to stain the other two trunks until I determine if the stain on the single trunk has a detrimental effect. Where does it ship from? What fertilizer do recommend and how often. If not, I expect I'll be stuck paying at least $5K for a pergola. The large wide arching leaves look majestic as the focal point of any subtropical ornamental garden. Here is the only real pic I could find of palm trees painted: novaplantguy, i couldn't see your picture. Place pruning shears in the solution so the liquid covers them. Therefore, it is best to properly prune and repot them before they become top-heavy or place them inside if outdoor placement will not be possible. The orchard was ripped out and made into a suburban housing area. As the cone matures, it turns brown and woody in texture. These leaves grow on about 1-meter tall petioles having spines at the base. When finishing the seal, the seal cutter drilled a hole through the stone so it could be wore as a pendant or pin. The plant can be carefully lifted from its container and placed into a larger one with fresh potting soil around the roots. Looking back I never realized you could safely stain a trunk and I learned something after seeing the pics. Apply it by hand, brushing onto the wood. Do your homework as the most expensive part of home improvements is when something is done incorrectly and needs to be fixed.Join Home Show's Adam Kayce as he meets up with Jason West of JW Landscaping \u0026 Design as we learn everything that we should know about selecting the right plants, Sylvester Palm Trees, Artificial Turf and How To Hire the Right Landscape Contractor. I'd be afraid to try anything, but if I were to try anything, maybe food coloring would be safe.You sure would need alot and it probably wouldn't be practical. So be careful and handle these eye candies carefully! We hope this helps to understand the Slyvestris palm better. Without crownshaft 90-100 large pinnate, feather-shaped, leaves emerge at the top of the trunk. These plants do not require high humidity during their active growth phase, but the soil should be kept slightly moist at all times. The bumpy trunk of a Phoenixis created by pulling away old leaf bases. A.K.A. Clear editor. HI -- I Love the porch - beautiful job . If you did a fairly substantial one, then it could really detract-in a good way-from all that stone. The soil should be moist down to the root of the palm tree. The best way to care for these plants is by providing them with plenty of direct sunlight, watering them well during the growing season, and pruning back if needed. They would prefer a slow-release fertilizer. It's common to paint/stain palm tree trunks in Florida!!! Keep the mulch at least 4 (10cm) away from the trunk of the plant as this can keep the bark too moist and cause it to decay. If you're planting several in a row, place them 4 to 5 feet or more apart. Just do what you think is best. The seeds are often dried, juiced or made into jams and jellies. South Florida's most recognized palm tree, the Sylvester, has been known to be a difficult tree to plant and successfully transition to its new location. One of the common and most prominent features is their foliage. Each leaf may be up to two feet long by one foot wide, but only about half of this length is actually occupied by the leaflets. They are in well drained sandy soil in central Florida. I live and work in Florida where I have a house with a big tropical garden full of palm trees. I assume that I need to buy a more delicate saw of some type. I think he wants to do the work and charge me.I think if it was done right the first time it would last alot longer than 5 months. December 22, 2015 in DISCUSSING PALM TREES WORLDWIDE. This is a genus of about 14 palm species. Wow, your house seems to be in search of an identity, for sure. http://www.palmtalk.org/forum/index.php?/topic/41707-a-case-study-in-north-park-san-diego/. Although it is not necessary to feed a Sylvester Palm plant during its dormant period (late autumn and winter), regular feeding with an all-purpose fertilizer during the growing season will help keep it healthy and full. These palms are too wide and spiky for containers. Nature Scapes Landscape & Garden Center 522 subscribers Subscribe 225 78K views 8 years ago Nature Scapes demonstrates how to clean the trunk of a Sylvester palm. Growing up to around 40 feet tall, these palms can withstand a temperature as low as about 10 F.Moreover, the foliage forms an umbrella-like appearance with a spread of about 12 feet. The ultimate guide to low-maintenance plants, on each side of the entrance to a gate or drive (with enough clearance). Either way this is not a good idea for palms or any plants. Clean cuts prevent damage to the palm. Sylvester Palm, Cycas revoluta , is a cycad native to Japan and South Korea. Will I massacre my phoenix sylvestris if I use my chainsaw? We are Veteran owned! It is fast and it is cleaner than the saw. I'd also put some nice potted plants in the entryway-not a bunch, but just some to give it some "life." We are Houston's largest nursery (20 acres). We wont hesitate to apologize if someone is offended. Sylvester palms can grow to 25 to 30 feet of height over time with an average spread of 15-20 feet. I would not stain my palm. Following the flowers is oval fruit that is 3/4 of an inch in diameter. This row is the last remaining trees of an olive orchard. It works great as an accent palm that blends well into many landscape themes. For your door, I would try to replace it with a more Craftsman type-they often had the side window. More information can be found onEDISsite. The row goes on for miles. The Phoenix palms show a range of heights including tallies, mediums, and even some dwarf varieties. I hope I never need to ask a question here!). Palms have evolved over the eons to be efficient in their native environment. Disinfect yourpruning shears in the solution for 3-5 minutes by allowing them to soak. I use an 18v Dewalt Reciprocating Saw. How to Give Your Driveway and Front Walk More Curb Appeal. Here is a link that might be useful: Carnauba palm tree (wax). I guess its just a personal preference issue. Scorpion Control In Gardens: Learn What To Do About Garden Scorpions, Palm Tree Dropping Fronds: Can You Save A Palm Tree Without Fronds, Fire Pit Garden Ideas: Types Of Backyard Fire Pits, How To Create A Secret Garden In Your Own Backyard, Reasons For No Brussels Sprouts On Plants, Tomato Companions: Learn About Plants That Grow With Tomatoes, Bee Friendly Plants For Shaded Areas: Shade Loving Plants For Pollinators, Chinese Fringe Plant Feeding: Tips On Fertilizing Chinese Fringe Flowers, Plant Nursery Information Tips For Selecting The Best Plant Nurseries, Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. These trees have medium nutritional requirements. We recommend some high-quality balanced products preferably with a good amount of microelements like iron and magnesium. Here is a link that might be useful: painting tree trunks. I have seen large citrus trees with their trunks painted white as well. Actually, I did take some pictures of it. I guess Ineed to try a reciprocating saw and see if I get better results. Spraying doesn't penetrate as well or coat as evenly. It could be once, twice, or even thrice a year. It is quite easy with the right saw. Cut green parts may weep a scent that attract borers. This may be the main reason, why rpw has proven so devastating in southern Europe!! the pineapple cut is like pics posted above. The book you recommend is on the way to him and me. The Sylvester Date Palm requires some maintenance trimming old dead leaves that tend to make "skirts". strut right here it might just be featured in an upcoming ideabook, Prevent injuries and tire damage while making a great first impression by replacing or repairing front paths, Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists, Great Design Plant: Sabal Palm Enchants in Balmy Sites, Rare Modernist Home Uncovered in Palm Springs, Cool Tip: Mimic Stain With a DIY Color Wash, Pretty Trees for Patios, Paths and Other Tight Spots, Go Cuckoo for Coconut Furniture and Surfaces. In fact, it can seriously damage the palm tree. Anyway, neat discussion. Therefore, I selected the Teak color. You can post now and register later. Want to learn more about South Florida planting, watering, fertilizing and dealing with weeds and pests? I am a mother, a wife and a gardener. This palm is very hardy. They tree he was working on looked "super"! Would you like to know about a beautiful, winter-hardy, and drought-tolerant palm? Maybe the top window could use some shaped shutters the color of the beams . Features. Copyright 2022 - International Palm Society. These trees can get about 40 feet tall with spiny canopies spreading around 20 feet wide. The fronds are cut near the base giving a diamond-like woody pattern on the trunk. Each crown or canopy contains more than 100 leaves. What size is your medium Sylvester Date Palm? The bark and parts of the fronds can be rough and spiky so best to wear gloves when pruning. Philodendron Congo Apple The Best Growing Tips, Alocasia Silver Giant The Best Care Guide. Sylvester Palms have a hefty central trunk that is noticeably swollen at the base. Disinfect your pruning shears before and after each use so as not to spread any types of tree diseases to healthy plants.Do not use a machete in place of pruning shears. If there is another Sylvester Palm nearby that is male, then the small white flowers will develop into 1 (3cm) fruits. When pruning to control a plants size or shape, cuts should be made just above a leaf bud and at a slight angle. The average price of a Sylvester palm tree is between $100 and $500. Even if it wont hurt the palm. Palms need many green fronds to produce a steady food supply so that the plant can grow. Remove dead fronds to keep plant looking tidy. Just to keep this going a bit more, here is a pic of olive trees with their trunks painted white. See our Gardening How-To section for answers! As for your garage, perhaps you could find some reasonably priced carriage-type lamps to put on either side of the door, and have a matching one to light up the entryway. This spectacular palm is often used throughout luxury homes, renowned golf courses or for avenue planting. Species: P.sylvestris Apart from getting the limelight as exotic beauties, their fruit and flowers are used in foods and alcohol making. I prefer the straight smooth trunk vs a pineapple. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Seals Pagodas, Gazebos, Trellises, Fence, Fascia, all wood projects except deck walking surfaces. Landscape uses for sylvester palm All dry, wilted, or diseased fronds should be removed. The Sylvester fruit all year round in SW Florida or only in the wind ; something! Covers them top window could use some shaped shutters the color of the trunk is from... Of alcohol post with your account humidity during their active growth phase, but some. Identity, for sure with it it grow faster 7 to 10m with... Their foliage taste buds in this browser for the next time i comment Island Date palms these eye candies!... Inquire about size and age when buying a Sylvester palm myself, and website this... 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